Amptron iFinity Wireless Audio Receiver LRX1 user manual
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R User and Installation Guide Digital Wireless Audio Receiver iFini y t TM 05257595100

ContentsUnpacking Selecting the audio channels Connecting the receiver Placing the receiver Troubleshooting Technical specifications Safety information Limited Warranty................................................................................. 3 ................................................... 3 ........................................................... 4 .................................................................. 6 ........................................................................ 7 ............................................................ 9 ................................................................... 10 ..................................................................... 12 LEGAL LIMITATIONSREPLACEMENT AS PROVIDED UNDER THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. WE SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTY ON THIS EQUIPMENT, NOR FOR ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THIS EQUIPMENT. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL OUR LIABILITY, IF ANY, EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THIS EQUIPMENT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO HONOR THIS WARRANTY IF WE DETERMINE ANY OF THE ABOVE EXCEPTIONS TO HAVE CAUSED THIS EQUIPMENT NOT TO HAVE PERFORMED PROPERLY. THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE VOID IF ANY FACTORY-APPLIED IDENTIFICATION MARK, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SERIAL NUMBERS AND WARRANTY LABELS, HAS BEEN ALTERED OR REMOVED. THIS WARRANTY SHALL ALSO BE VOID IF THE TRANSMITTER OR AMPLIFIER HAVE BEEN OPENED BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON. This warranty gives you specific legal rights which may vary from state to state. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, or allow limitations on the duration of an implied warranty, so those limitations may not apply to you. No responsibility is assumed for the presence of interference outside of Amphony’s control, such as other transmitters or cordless phones, which may hamper proper signal reception. Note:User and Installation Guide R 05257595100

Connecting the receiver Connect the DC power input of the receiver with the supplied 9 V AC adapter (wallwart). Connect the receiver to active loudspeakers, active subwoofers or an audio amplifier via the supplied RCA audio cable.Note: Unpacking:This product requires an iFinity Audio Transmitter for operation (not included). Check that this package contains: One iFinity Wireless Audio receiver, one 9 V AC adapter (wallwart), one dual RCA cable. Limited warrantyWHAT YOUR WARRANTY COVERSThis warranty extends only to the original user of the equipment (“you”, ”your”) and is limited to the purchase price of each part. Amphony and its affiliated companies (”we”, ”our”, ”us”) warrant this Wireless Audio Receiver against defects in materials or workmanship as follows. For a period of ninety (90) days from the original date of purchase, if we determine that the equipment is defective subject to the limitations of this warranty, we will replace it at no charge for labor. We warrant any such work done against defects in materials or workmanship for the remaining portion of the original warranty period. For a period of one (1) year from the original date of purchase, we will supply, at no charge, new or rebuilt replacement parts in exchange for parts we determine are defective subject to the limitations of this warranty. We warrant any such replacement parts against defects in materials or workmanship for the remaining portion of the original warranty period. ”Parts” means items included in this package. It does include other parts purchased separately. LABOR: PARTS: Note:notWHAT YOUR WARRANTY DOES NOT COVERThis warranty consumer instruction, physical setup or adjustment of any consumer electronic equipment, or signal transmission problems. This warranty cosmetic damage, damage due to the affixing of any attachment not provided with the product, loss of parts, connecting the product to any but the specified receptacles, lightning, electrical surges, fire, flood, or other acts of God, accident, misuse, abuse, repair or alteration by other than authorized service personnel, negligence, commercial or institutional use, or improper or neglected maintenance. This warranty equipment sold AS IS or WITH ALL FAULTS, equipment removal or reinstallation, shipping damage if the equipment was not packed and shipped in the manner we prescribe, nor equipment purchased, serviced, or operated outside the contiguous United States of America.does not cover does not cover does not cover User and Installation Guide R Page 3Page 12 LRAUDIO LINE IN Audio Input (Active speaker)Receiver DC 9 V Power outlet AC adapter LR 05257595100

NON-USE PERIODS When the product is not being used for a long period of time, unplug the product. CLEANING Unplug the product before cleaning. When the system gets dirty, wipe it with a clean, soft cloth. If necessary, wipe it with a soft cloth, slightly dampened with soapy water. Wipe dry immediately with a dry cloth. Never use benzene, aerosol cleaners, thinner, alcohol or any volatile cleaning agent. Do not use abrasive cleaners, as they may damage the finish. SERVICE Do not open the cabinet of any components. Opening the cabinets may present a shock hazard, and any modification to this product will void your warranty. Do not attempt to service the unit yourself.User and Installation Guide R User and Installation Guide R Pairing the receiver with the transmitter In order to receive audio, the receiver must first be paired with your iFinity audio transmitter. Press the pairing button of your iFinity transmitter (please refer to your iFinity transmitter user manual for further details). The transmitter network status light will start flashing quickly. Press the pairing button of your iFinity wireless audio receiver within 5 minutes. This button is located at the bottom of the receiver (please see picture on next page). Once the receiver locks to the transmitter signal, the receiver network status light will light continuously. You now should be able to hear the audio. You can pair up to 4 wireless receivers with one transmitter. Pair each wireless receiver as shown above. Not paired to any transmitter signal Pairing Mode Audio is being received Description of the receiver network status light Flashing Slowly: Flashing Quickly: Always On: Page 11 ATTENTION! Do not connect the receiver to passive speakers! Use the Model 480 Wireless Audio amplifier to connect to passive speakers. Page 4 05257595100

READ THESE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND HEED ALL WARNINGS IN THIS MANUAL.POWER SOURCE To product malfunction, and to protect against electric shock, fire or personal injury, please observe the following: This product has been designed to work with 120-volt AC current using the supplied AC adapters. Connection to a line voltage other than that or use of non-compatible AC adapters may create a safety and fire hazard and may damage the product. Do not run power cords under rugs or carpets or place heavy objects on them. Damaged or deformed power cords are hazardous and should be replaced immediately by a qualified service technician. LOCATION Do not place this product in direct sunlight, or near heat sources. Keep this product away from strong magnetic objects. CARE Do not place any object containing water or other liquids on this product. Do not remove the cabinet. Touching parts inside the cabinet could result in electric shock and damage to the product. Do not use this product outdoors or in cars. VOLUME CONTROL Do not turn up the transmitter volume while listening to a portion with very low level input or no audio signal to avoid damage to your speakers during a peak level audio portion. Turn the transmitter volume control to minimum prior to connecting or disconnecting the transmitter or receiver and prior to switching audio sources as this may cause loud clicks which can damage your speakers.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION ATTENTION! User and Installation Guide R User and Installation Guide R Page 10 Page 5 Receiver bottom view Network Status LightReceiver Pairing Button 05257595100

Troubleshooting User and Installation Guide R User and Installation Guide R Page 6 Page 9 Problem Pos sible C ause Sol utionNo audio at receiv er No wireless signal Check that your iFinity trans mitter is plugged in. R ec ei v er not pa i r ed Pa ir t he re c ei v e r wi t h y ou r i F in i ty tr ans m itt er .F aul ty AC a d apter or faulty power outletCh e c k th e r ec e i v er po w er s u ppl y .St ro ng i n ter f er enc e Se e u nd er “ Str on g Int erf er e nc e“ o n n ext p age.Au di o v ol um e t oo l ow Se e b el o w u n der “ A udi o v ol u m e too l ow” . Aud i o i s dis tor t ed St ro ng i n ter f er enc e Se e u nd er “ Str on g Int erf er e nc e“ o n n ext p age.R ec e iv e r au di o l ev el is too lowAu di o v ol um e t oo l ow C on n ec t tr a ns mi tter to an adj us t abl e au di o ou tpu t T r ans m i tter v ol um e c ont ro l s et to o l o wAd j ust th e tr ans mi tte r vol u m e co ntr o l to ac h i ev e de s ir ed aud io lev e l . Audio drops out inter mitt ently or cracklesSt ro ng i n ter f er enc e Se e u nd er “ Str on g Int erf er e nc e“ o n n ext p age. Un s ta bl e pow er s upp l ySe e u nd er “ U ns t abl e p owe r s upp l y“ below. Audio drops out inter mitt ently or cracklesStrong interferenc e See under “Strong In ter fer e nc e“ on n ext p ag e. Un s ta bl e pow er s upp l yEnsure that the power outlet deli vers a stabl e vol tage. Very s tr ong su r ges or v ol tag e f luc tu at io n s ma y c au s e au di o dr opou ts . T r y u s i ng a s urg e pr ot ec t or . Copyright (C) 2012 Amphony. All rights reserved. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Revisions may be issued to advise of such changes and/or additions. All product names, trade names, or corporate names mentioned in this document are acknowledged to be the proprietary property of the registered owners. PMJRX1 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subjected to the following two conditions: 1) This device may not cause harmful interference and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. FCC ID:Caution:Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the users authority to operate the equipment. 05257595100

User and Installation Guide R User and Installation Guide R For up-to-date troubleshooting advice, visitwww.amphony.comProbl em Pos sibl e Ca use S olut ionT ran s m itt er r an ge is e x tr em el y s h or tStrong interference In s ome c as es, there may be strong i n ter f er enc e pr e ve n tin g pr o per r ec e pt ion o f t he aud i o s i gn al wh i c h c a n be c au s ed b y w i r el es s n etw or k s or c or d l es s phon es . E ith e r el im in ate th e i nt er f er enc e , l oc ate th e bas e uni t o f the c or d les s ph on e i n another r oom, set the wireles s network to u s e t he 5 .8 GH z f re q uenc y ba n d r at her th a n 2 .4 G Hz , r el oc ate th e tr ans m i tter , r el o c ate o r re or i ent t he r ec e i v er to i m pr o ve r ec e pti on. Als o , tr y t o l ow er t he p ow er o u tpu t of y ou r w ir el e s s L AN r oute r . T oo m an y ob s ta c le s A udi o wi l l d r op out i f ther e ar e to o m an y o bs t ac l es b e twe e n th e t ra ns m i tt er and t he rec eiver, try relocat ing the transmit ter or r ec ei v er t o i mp r ov e r ec e pti on . T ran sm itt er a ffects wireless LAN speedi F i nit y T r a ns m itt er or R ece ive r to o clo se t o wireless LAN deviceIn c r eas e the di s t anc e b et w ee n th e iF i n it y tr an sm it te r or iF in i ty r ec eive r a nd your wireless LAN router.Page 7 Technical Specifications: Frequency response:2 Hz ... 20 kHz Output level:1 Vrms Number of wireless audio channels:4 Signal-to-noise ratio:typ. 91 dB (A weighted) Total harmonic distortion:typ. -90 dB Channel separation:typ. 90 dB Page 8 05257595100