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Haier Yl H24 Manual

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    1.11 Detector YCJ-A001
    Safety Precautions                                                         
    Below are four kinds of safety precautions and suggestions: 
     WARNING: Improper use may result in severe consequences of death or serious injures. 
    CAUTION: Improper use may result in injures or machine damages; in some cases may 
    cause serious consequences 
     :  It must be strictly prohibite d where marked with “Proh ibited”, otherwise may 
    result in machine damages or endanger the user’ personal safety. 
    : It must be strictly followed where marked with “To be followed”, otherwise 
    may result in machine damages or endanger the user’ personal safety.
    Instructions:    This information can ensure correct operation of the machine.
    Be sure to follow the following important safety precautions. 
    These precautions should be at hand to be checked at any time when needed. 
    If air conditioner is transferred to a new user, this manual should be as well transferred 
    to the new user.
    zNot be allowed to spray flammable spraying agent directly to controller. 
    Otherwise may result in fire. 
    zNot be allowed to operate switch wi th damp hands, and not to spray 
    controller with water. 
    Otherwise may result in electric shock. 
    zNot be allowed to press switch with matter having sharp tip. 
    Otherwise may result in malfunction or electric shock. 
    zEntrusting Installation 
    Installation should be entrusted to after  service staff; self-installation may result 
    in electric shock, fire and the similar 
    because of improper installation. 
    If any abnormal phenomena are found  (e.g. smell of burning), please stop 
    running and cut off power supply, and 
    contact after service staff to find out 
    treatment method. 
    If keep using under this  situation, may result in 
    accident of electric and 
    fire.zWhen intend to move and reset controller,
    ask after service staff for responsibility. 
    Improper installation may result in electric
    shock and fire. 
    zAbsolutely not to alter without
    Improper alteration may result  in accident o
    electric shock, fire and the similar. 
    zWhen repair needed, ask after service staff
    to handle it. 
    Improper maintenance and repair may resul t
    in electric shock and fire. 
    zWhen maintenance or abnormity appeared, be sure to cut off manual operation power. 
    zIt will cause color change or pa int-fading if wipe appearance of operation 
    portion with gasoline, thinner or chemical wiping cloth; be careful.  If operation portion is heavily  soiled, shall immerse cloth in diluted neutral 
    detergent, and wipe that portion after wring  the cloth, and wipe cleanly with 
    dry cloth. 
     \b \f
    - 46 - 
    Abstract of Function                                                        
    Remote control detector (heveunder as: detector) is th e necessary part and user’s optional part of Haier 
    commercial air conditioner remote monitor and contr ol system. Net air conditioner (heveunder as: air 
    conditioner or remote) means a air conditioner with  remote control interface on indoor computer board, 
    onlu which could combine with p arts such as detector and central control ler to form remote or detector 
    interface monitor and control system. 
    Detector is a key part of Haier commercial air conditi oner remote monitor and control system, used for 
    transferring standard digital interface to realize communication between bus code and sub-address. It is 
    connected directly to air conditio ner to realize local operation and co llection of control information and 
    working information of air condition er. Together with air conditioner central controller (hereunder as: 
    central controller) and air conditioner, form the Ha ier commercial air conditioner remote monitor and 
    control system — group control fu nction network to realize data exchange and monitoring. Abstract 
    description as follows: 
    A. Communication Function 
    1.  Communication with air conditioner  Perform wire communication with at most two air condit ioners through 4-poles screw-fixing terminal, 
    and can realize two-unit sw itchover function when connected to two air conditioners, which control 
    operation status of air cond itioner by different ways ac cording to inner control or inquiry demand of 
    detector, and check working  information and malfunction information  of air conditioner at the same 
    2.  Communication with central co ntroller (another optional accessory, a control component of Haier 
    commercial air conditioner remote monitor and control system)  Realize communication with ce ntral controller through RS-485 interface bus. According to the 
    components number set by internal diali ng switch, receive commands from central controller, form 
    internal control or enquiry request of detector and  answer reception status and working information 
    and malfunction information of air conditioner. 
    B.  Power Failure Resume  To reduce the impaction to power network when  air conditioners simultaneously start, detector have 
    power blackout compensation functio n to replace the power blackout compensation function of local 
    air conditioner when use group  control net; When power restored after  blackout, air conditioner can 
    automatically restart with different delay according to basic running status before power blackout. 
    C.  Two-unit Switchover Function    To increase operation reliability of air conditione r, detector is equipped with two-unit switchover 
    function, and the internal dialing switch of  detector set single-unit operation mode or two-unit 
    switchover mode. When select single unit mode, detector controls unit A according to commands 
    from previous unit. When select two-unit mode, unit A  and unit B have absolutely equal position in 
    realizing two-unit switchover function. 
     \b \f
    - 47 - 
    Abstract of Function                                                        
    Realization of two-unit switchover function: in normal operation status, one air conditioner is started 
    to operate under the control of detect or and another one stops to wait, when it’s time for switchover 
    the detector wakens the waiting air conditioner and recalculates time, and the previous running one 
    will continue to operate and automatically stops to  wait half hour later. If any of air conditioner fails 
    to function, switchover timing is temporally stopped, the detector is automatically controlled to waken 
    another air conditioner and after that stop the malfuncti on one to wait status. The detector will 
    forward transfer the malfunction information when inquiring and automatically restore two-unit 
    switchover function after malfunction is removed. If  air conditioner cannot reach the setting 
    temperature after a period of running, th at is over-load, switchover timing will be temporally stopped, 
    the detector is automatically co ntrolled to waken another air conditioner and two units operate 
    together until the setting te mperature is obtained, now automatically  stop the latter started conditioner 
    and restore two-unit switchover function automatically. 
    D.  Unit Number Setting Function  There is a 8-bit dialing swit ch inside the detector, the highest order is D8  used for setting single unit 
    operation mode or two-unit  switchover operation mode;  lower seven bits (D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2 
    and D1) are used for setting unit  number (group control network) or  two-unit switchover time 
    (two-unit switchover). 
    E.  Working Status Display Function  Detector indicators are divi ded into power indicator (red LED) and operation in dicator (green LED): 
    the operation indicator has the function of displaying operation status, and the power indicator lights if 
    power is normal after power on; lit operation  indicator means that detector works normally, and 
    flashed operation indicator shows operation status  of detector and distinguishes the meaning of 
    different status by flashing times. 
    F.  Time Delay Control Function  When forming central control ne twork through RS-485 bus, detector sets start delay function to 
    reduce impaction to power network bec ause of simultaneous control and operation of air conditioners, 
    and delay time is created by detector randomly and automatically. 
    G.      Detector can only be used for some of Haier  Commercail indoor type , for example: Free Multi Wall 
    mounted type, Console type etc. Detector  is necessary for Weekly timer or central controller 
    installation for this types. But Duct  type, Cassette type, Convertible type couldn’t use detector., they 
    can directly be connected with weekly timer or central controller. 
     \b \f
    - 48 - 
    Introduction of System                                                    
    1.  Only use two-unit switchover function Detector is connected to two air  conditioners with same type thro ugh a 4-poles screw-fixing terminal 
    at the interface of air conditioner,  and correspondingly set dialing switch of the detector as two-unit 
    switchover operation mode. When only  use two-unit switchover function, system do not need to 
    connect other parts. Two-unit switc hover time can be set within the range of 1-127 hours by the low 7 
    bits of dialing switch, see dialing switch setting table for detail sett\
    ings and corresponding times. 
    2.  Use central controller to realize group control function  Please reference “Central controller YCZ-A001 manual” and  “Weekly timer YCS-A001 manual”. 
    3.  Use central controller to realize two-unit switchover group control func\
    tion  Please reference “Central controller YCZ-A001 manual” and  “Weekly timer YCS-A001 manual”. 
     \b \f
    -49 - 
    Maintenance                                                             \
    Status Inspection 
    zControl unit A when select single unit, and when unit A fails to function, detector will forward transfer 
    malfunction information during inquiry.  Control unit A and B when select two units, as long as one air 
    conditioner fails to function, detector will forward transfer malfunction information during inquiry. 
    zDisplay of detector running  status and operation indicator: 0.5 second ON and 0.5 second OFF of 
    operation indicator is a cycle, and indicate inform ation using times of the cycle, which form status 
    indication, and an interval of 2 seco nds between status indication and st atus indication. Detector puts 
    all detected status toge ther to form a status indication cycle, an d an interval of 4 seconds between 
    status indication and status indicat ion. For example: under two-unit status, there is an air conditioner 
    interface communication error, then indication 2 +  2 seconds waiting + indication 3 + 4 seconds 
    waiting and recycles like this. 
    SerialNo.  Flashing
    times  Meaning
    1  1  Communication error with previous unit interface RS-485 
    2  2  Communication error with previous unit interface RS-232C 
    3  3  Communication error with interface of air conditioner A 
    4 4 
    Communication error with interface of air conditioner B (do not check this 
    interface under single unit status 
    5  5  Data error of detector’s EEPROM 
    6  6  Data collection of air conditioner cannot inquiry and confirms error. 
    7  7  Control commands from previous unit cannot be performed. 
    Be sure to cut off manually controlled power supply switch when maintenance. 
    zWipe with a soft dry cloth. If too dirty, immerse cloth 
    in diluted neutral detergent and wipe after wring 
    the cloth, and clean with dry cloth. 
    zForbid to wipe with gasoline, th inner, household cleanser or chem ical wiping cloth, otherwise may 
    result in color change, paint-fading, deformation or break. 
     \b \f
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