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Asus C300SA-DS02-RD User Manual

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Using Google Cloud Print to create printouts
After successfully connecting your printer with Google Cloud Print, you can start printing files from your Notebook PC using the following procedures:
1. Open the file you want to print then press .
2. Under the Destination option, click Change...
3. From the list of registered printers, click the printer you want to use.
4. Configure any addition print options you may want to use then click Print.
Notebook PC E-Manual   

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Managing your files
Manage and store files on your Notebook PC using the Files app and Google Drive app on the Chrome™ OS.
Using these apps, you can store and edit various files such as documents, images, audios, and videos while working on your Notebook PC. You may also save and access these files via Google Drive’s cloud storage system.
Files app
The Files app allows you to see all the files that have been downloaded to your Notebook PC and those that are stored on your Google Drive. It also shows...

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File locations
This column shows you the currently available file locations. This also shows all the external storage devices that are currently connected to your Notebook PC.
Click on the search button to enable the search box. To use the search box, type the file name you want to locate then press 
Click this button to customize the settings of your currently active file location.
Click this to maximize or minimize your Chrome browser.
Click this to close...

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Accessing files stored on your Notebook PC
The Downloads folder inside the Files app is where your Notebook PC stores all types of files downloaded online or saved on your Notebook PC.
To access these files, simply launch the Files app then select the Downloads folder and click the file you want to open.
Moving files to another folder
If you want to move files from one location to another inside the Files app, refer to the following procedures:
1. Open the file location where the file is currently...

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Unmounting devices
To ensure that your devices are safely disconnected from your Notebook PC, unmount them first via Files app using the following steps:
1. Click  > .
2. Select the device you want to unmount then click .
Creating a new folder
If you want to create a new folder inside any of the current file locations of your Notebook PC, refer to the following steps:
1. In the Files app screen, select the file location where you want to create a new folder.
2. Press  to create a new folder.
3. Once...

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Google Drive
Google Drive is a 15GB cloud storage system you can access on your Notebook PC via your Google account. It allows you to sync and access your files across other devices such as mobile phones, tablet PCs, and other Notebook PCs.
There are two ways in which you can access Google Drive on your Notebook PC: via the Files app or by launching the Google Drive app.
Launching Google Drive via the Files app
Google Drive under the Files app allows you to see all the files that are currently stored...

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IMPORTANT! Ensure that you are connected to the Internet when launching the Google Drive app.
Moving your downloads to Google Drive
By default, all the files downloaded on your Notebook PC are stored inside the Files app. You can move these files to your Google Drive using the following procedures:
1. Click  > .
2. Click Downloads then select the Google docs, files, or folders that you want to move then drag and drop these selected items into Google Drive.
Launching the Google Drive app
By accessing...

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Inside the Google Drive app
Click this option to create a new file that is automatically saved in your Google Drive.
Click this option to upload files or folders from another location into your Google Drive.
File locations
This column shows you the currently available file locations inside your Google Drive.
Notebook PC E-Manual  

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Search box
Type the name of the file, folder, or Google document that you 
want to find inside Google Drive then press  or click 
Click this button to start searching for the indicated file name.
Details and activity
Click this option to show the activity log of your Google Drive account and the details of your My Drive file location.
Switch to list
Click this option to rearrange your files to a list view.
Switch to grid
Click this option to rearrange your files to a grid view.

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Resetting your Notebook PC
In case you need to reset your Chrome™ OS to its default settings, you may do so using Powerwash.
Using Powerwash
•	 Backup	all	your	data	before	performing	this	option.
•	 All	data	stored	locally	in	your	Notebook	PC	are	deleted	when	using	Powerwash. However, your Google Drive accounts and other data synchronized with these accounts are not going to be affected.
1. Launch the status area then select Settings.
2. Scroll down then click on the Show advanced...
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