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Asus Ms208n User Guide

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    M Series  
    LCD Monitor
    User Guide
    Notices ........................................................................\
    Safety information ........................................................................\
    Care & Cleaning ........................................................................\
    Chapter 1:     Product introduction
    1.1 Welcome!   ........................................................................\
    1.2 Package contents ........................................................................\
    1.3 Monitor introduction ....................................................................1-2
    1.3.1 Front view .......................................................................1-2
    1.3.2 Back view ........................................................................\
    Chapter 2:     Setup
    2.1 Assembling the monitor base .....................................................2-1
    2.2 Adjusting the monitor ..................................................................2-2
    2.3 Connecting the cables .................................................................2-3
    2.4 Turning on the monitor ................................................................2-3
    Chapter 3:     General instructions
    3.1 OSD (On-Screen Display) menu  ................................................3-1
    3.1.1 How to reconfigure ..........................................................3-1
    3.1.2 OSD function introduction ...............................................3-1
    3.2	Specifications	summary	() .............................................3-4
    3.3 Troubleshooting (FAQ) ................................................................3-5
    3.4 Supported operating modes .......................................................3-6
    M	Series
    Federal Communications Commission Statement
    This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject\
     to the 
    following two conditions:
    •	 This	 device 	 may 	 not 	 cause 	 harmful 	 interference, 	 and
    •	 This
    	 device 	 must 	 accept 	 any 	 interference 	 received 	 including 	 interference 	 that 	
    may 	 cause 	 undesired 	 operation.
    	 equipment 	 has 	 been 	 tested 	 and 	 found 	 to 	 comply 	 with 	 the 	 limits 	 for 	 a 	
    	 B 	 digital 	 device, 	 pursuant 	 to 	 Part 	 15 	 of 	 the 	 FCC 	 Rules. 	 These 	 limits 	 are 	
    designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference i\
    n a 
    	 installation. 	 This 	 equipment 	 generates, 	 uses 	 and 	 can 	 radiate 	 radio 	
    	 energy 	 and, 	 if 	 not 	 installed 	 and 	 used 	 in 	 accordance 	 with 	 manufacturer’s 	
    	 may 	 cause 	 harmful 	 interference 	 to 	 radio 	 communications. 	 However, 	
    there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular i\
    nstallation. If 
    	 equipment 	 does 	 cause 	 harmful 	 interference 	 to 	 radio 	 or 	 television 	 reception, 	
    	 can 	 be 	 determined 	 by 	 turning 	 the 	 equipment 	 off 	 and 	 on, 	 the 	 user 	 is 	
    	 to 	 try 	 to 	 correct 	 the 	 interference 	 by 	 one 	 or 	 more 	 of 	 the 	 following 	
    •	 Reorient
    	 or 	 relocate 	 the 	 receiving 	 antenna.
    •	 Increase
    	 the 	 separation 	 between 	 the 	 equipment 	 and 	 receiver.
    •	 Connect
    	 the 	 equipment 	 to 	 an 	 outlet 	 on 	 a 	 circuit 	 different 	 from 	 that 	 to 	 which 	 the 	
    receiver is connected.
    •	 Consult
    	 the 	 dealer 	 or 	 an 	 experienced 	 radio/TV 	 technician 	 for 	 help.
    The use of shielded cables for connection of the monitor to the graphics\
     card is 
    required to assure compliance with FCC regulations. Changes or modificat\
    to	 this 	 unit 	 not 	 expressly 	 approved 	 by 	 the 	 party 	 responsible 	 for 	 compliance 	
    	 void 	 the 	 user’s 	 authority 	 to 	 operate 	 this 	 equipment.
    As	 an 	 Energy 	 Star® Partner,	 our 	 company 	 has 	 determined 	 that 	 this 	 product 	 meets 	
    Star® guidelines 	 for 	 energy 	 efficiency.
    Canadian Department of Communications Statement
    This	 digital 	 apparatus 	 does 	 not 	 exceed 	 the 	 Class 	 B 	 limits 	 for 	 radio 	 noise 	 emissions 	
    from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of \
    Canadian Department of Communications.
    This class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
    Safety information
    •	 Before	 setting 	 up 	 the 	 monitor, 	 carefully 	 read 	 all 	 the 	 documentation 	 that 	 came 	
    with the package.   
    •	 To
    	 prevent 	 fire 	 or 	 shock 	 hazard, 	 never 	 expose 	 the 	 monitor 	 to 	 rain 	 or 	 moisture. 		
    •	 Never
    	 try 	 to 	 open 	 the 	 monitor 	 cabinet. 	 The 	 dangerous 	 high 	 voltages 	 inside 	 the 	
    monitor 	 may 	 result 	 in 	 serious 	 physical 	 injury. 	
    •	 If
    	 the 	 power 	 supply 	 is 	 broken, 	 do 	 not 	 try 	 to 	 fix 	 it 	 by 	 yourself. 	 Contact 	 a 	 qualified 	
    service 	 technician 	 or 	 your 	 retailer. 		
    •	 Before
    	 using 	 the 	 product, 	 make 	 sure 	 all 	 cables 	 are 	 correctly 	 connected 	 and 	 the 	
    power 	 cables 	 are 	 not 	 damaged. 	 If 	 you 	 detect 	 any 	 damage, 	 contact 	 your 	 dealer 	
    •	 Slots
    	 and 	 openings 	 on 	 the 	 back 	 or 	 top 	 of 	 the 	 cabinet 	 are 	 provided 	 for 	
    ventilation. 	 Do 	 not 	 block 	 these 	 slots. 	 Never 	 place 	 this 	 product 	 near 	 or 	 over 	 a 	
    radiator or heat source unless proper ventilation is provided.  
    •	 The
    	 monitor 	 should 	 be 	 operated 	 only 	 from 	 the 	 type 	 of 	 power 	 source 	 indicated 	
    on 	 the 	 label. 	 If 	 you 	 are 	 not 	 sure 	 of 	 the 	 type 	 of 	 power 	 supply 	 to 	 your 	 home, 	
    consult 	 your 	 dealer 	 or 	 local 	 power 	 company. 	
    •	 Use
    	 the 	 appropriate 	 power 	 plug 	 which 	 complies 	 with 	 your 	 local 	 power 	
    •	 Do
    	 not 	 overload 	 power 	 strips 	 and 	 extention 	 cords. 	 Overloading 	 can 	 result 	 in 	
    fire or electric shock.   
    •	 Avoid
    	 dust, 	 humidity, 	 and 	 temperature 	 extremes. 	 Do 	 not 	 place 	 the 	 monitor 	 in 	
    any 	 area 	 where 	 it 	 may 	 become 	 wet. 	 Place 	 the 	 monitor 	 on 	 a 	 stable 	 surface.	 	
    •	 Unplug
    	 the 	 unit 	 during 	 a 	 lightning 	 storm 	 or 	 if 	 it 	 will 	 not 	 be 	 used 	 for 	 a 	 long 	 period 	
    of time. This will protect the monitor from damage due to power surges. 
    •	 Never
    	 push 	 objects 	 or 	 spill 	 liquid 	 of 	 any 	 kind 	 into 	 the 	 slots 	 on 	 the 	 monitor 	
    •	 To
    	 ensure 	 satisfactory 	 operation, 	 use 	 the 	 monitor 	 only 	 with 	 UL 	 listed 		
    computers which have appropriate configured receptacles marked between 
    •	 If 	 you 	 encounter 	 technical 	 problems 	 with 	 the 	 monitor, 	 contact 	 a 	 qualified 	
    service 	 technician 	 or 	 your 	 retailer. 		
    This	 symbol 	 of 	 the 	 crossed 	 out 	 wheeled 	 bin 	 indicates 	 that 	 the 	 product 	 (electrical, 	
    	 equipment, 	 and 	 mercury-containing 	 button 	 cell 	 battery) 	 should 	 not 	
    be placed in municipal waste. Please check local regulations for disposa\
    l of 
    electronic products.
    Care & Cleaning
    •	 Before	 you 	 lift 	 or 	 reposition 	 your 	 monitor, 	 it 	 is 	 better 	 to 	 disconnect 	 the 	 cables 	
    and power cord. Follow the correct lifting techniques when positioning t\
    	 When 	 lifting 	 or 	 carrying 	 the 	 monitor, 	 grasp 	 the 	 edges 	 of 	 the 	 monitor. 	
    Do 	 not 	 lift 	 the 	 display 	 by 	 the 	 stand 	 or 	 the 	 cord. 	
    •	 Cleaning.
    	 Turn 	 your 	 monitor 	 off 	 and 	 unplug 	 the 	 power 	 cord. 	 Clean 	 the 	 monitor 	
    surface 	 with 	 a 	 lint-free, 	 non-abrasive 	 cloth. 	 Stubborn 	 stains 	 may 	 be 	 removed 	
    with a cloth dampened with mild cleaner. 
    •	 Avoid
    	 using 	 a 	 cleaner 	 containing 	 alcohol 	 or 	 acetone. 	 Use 	 a 	 cleaner 	 intended 	 for 	
    use 	 with 	 the 	 monitor. 	 Never 	 spray 	 cleaner 	 directly 	 on 	 the 	 screen, 	 as 	 it 	 may 	 drip 	
    inside the monitor and cause an electric shock. 
    The following symptoms are normal with the monitor:
    •	 The 	 screen 	 may 	 flicker 	 during 	 the 	 initial 	 use 	 due 	 to 	 the 	 nature 	 of 	 the 	 fluorescent 	
    light. Turn off the Power Switch and turn it on again to make sure that the 
    flicker disappears.   
    •	 You
    	 may 	 find 	 slightly 	 uneven 	 brightness 	 on 	 the 	 screen 	 depending 	 on 	 the 	
    desktop 	 pattern 	 you 	 use. 	
    •	 When 	 the 	 same 	 image 	 is 	 displayed 	 for 	 hours, 	 an 	 afterimage 	 of 	 the 	 previous 	
    screen 	 may 	 remain 	 after 	 switching 	 the 	 image. 	 The 	 screen 	 will 	 recover 	 slowly 	 or 	
    you 	 can 	 turn 	 off 	 the 	 Power 	 Switch 	 for 	 hours. 	
    •	 When 	 the 	 screen 	 becomes 	 black 	 or 	 flashes, 	 or 	 cannot 	 work 	 anymore, 		 contact 	
    your 	 dealer 	 or 	 service 	 center 	 to 	 fix 	 it. 	 Do 	 not 	 repair 	 the 	 screen 	 by 	 yourself! 		
    Conventions used in this guide
    WARNING:	 Information 	 to 	 prevent 	 injury 	 to 	 yourself 	 when 	 trying 	 to 	
    complete a task. 
    CAUTION:	 Information 	 to 	 prevent 	 damage 	 to 	 the 	 components 	 when 	
    	 to 	 complete 	 a 	 task. 	
    IMPORTANT:	 Information 	 that 	 you 	 MUST 	 follow 	 to 	 complete 	 a 	 task.
    NOTE:	 Tips 	 and 	 additional 	 information 	 to 	 aid 	 in 	 completing 	 a 	 task.
    Where	 to 	 find 	 more 	 information
    Refer to the following sources for additional information and for produc\
    t and 
    software updates.
      ASUS websites
    	 ASUS 	 websites 	 worldwide 	 provide 	 updated 	 information 	 on 	 ASUS 	
    hardware 	 and 	 software 	 products. 	 Refer 	 to 	 http://www.asus.com
      Optional documentation
    	 product 	 package 	 may 	 include 	 optional 	 documentation 	 that 	 may 	 have 	
    been 	 added 	 by 	 your 	 dealer. 	 These 	 documents 	 are 	 not 	 part 	 of 	 the 	 standard 	
    							1-1ASUS	M	Series	LCD	Monitor	
    1.1 Welcome!  
    Thank	you	for	purchasing	the	ASUS®	LCD	monitor!
    The	latest	widescreen	LCD	monitor	from	ASUS	provides	a	crisper,	broader,	and	
    brighter	display,	plus	a	host	of	features	that	enhance	your	viewing	experience.	
    W i t h	t h e s e	f e a t u r e s ,	y o u	c a n	e n j o y	t h e	c o n v e n i e n c e	a n d	d e l i g h t f u l	v i s u a l	
    experience	that	the	monitor	brings	to	you!
    1.2 Package contents
    Check	your	package	for	the	following	items:
    			LCD	monitor
       Quick start guide
    			Warranty	card
       Power cord + power adapter
    			VGA	cable
    			HDMI-DVI	cable
    If	any	of	the	above	items	is	damaged	or	missing,	contact	your	retailer	immediately.
    			DVI	cable(MS202N/MS208N)
    only for H SKU  
    1-2Chapter 1: Product introduction
    1.3  Monitor introduction
    1.3.1  Front view
    1.  button:
    •	 Selects a desired preset mode.
    •	 Exits
    	 the 	 OSD 	 menu 	 or 	 goes 	 back 	 to 	 the 	 previous 	 menu 	 when 	 the 	 OSD 	
    menu is active.
    •	 Automatically
    	 adjusts 	 the 	 image 	 to 	 its 	 optimized 	 position, 	 clock, 	 and 	 phase 	
    touching 	 this 	 button 	 for 	 2-4 	 seconds 	 (for 	 VGA 	 mode 	 only).
    •	 Decreases 	 values 	 or 	 moves 	 your 	 selection 	 left/down. 	
    •	Contrast
    3.	 MENU
    •	Turns on the OSD menu. Enacts the selected OSD menu item. 
    1-3ASUS	M	Series	LCD	Monitor	
    •	Increases	values	or	moves	your	selection	right/up.	
    •	Brightness	hotkey
    5.  button:
    •	Selects an available input source. 
    6. 	Power	button/power	indicator
    •	Turns	the	monitor	on/off.
    •	The color definition of the power indicator is as the below table.
    White	(fitful)Standby	mode
    1.3.2 Back view
    ML Series(ML238/ML239) only for H SKU
    MS Series(MS236/MS238/MS246/MS248)  only for H SKU
    1-4Chapter 1: Product introduction
    Rear connectors
    1. DC-IN port. This port connects the power cord.
    2. VGA port.	This	15-pin	port	is	for	PC	VGA	connection.	
    3. HDMI	port. This port is for connection with an HDMI compatible device.
    4. E a r p h o n e   j a c k.	T h i s	p o r t	i s	o n l y	a v a i l a b l e	w h e n	a n	H D M I	c a b l e	i s	
    5. Kensington lock slot.
    M Series (20 only of D SKU)
    M Series (20 only of N SKU)	
    6.      DVI port. This port is	for	PC	DVI	connection.	
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