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3M CablePipe Locator 2250M CablePipe and Marker Locator 2250MiD User Manual

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Page 1

Cable/Pipe Locator 2250M   
Cable/Pipe and Marker Locator 2250M-iD   
GPS Interface Allows Real-Time Mapping 

Page 2

innovative teChnoLogY for  
LoCating underground utiLities 
without anY douBt 
3M™ Dynatel™ Cable/Pipe Locator 2250M  
and Cable/Pipe and Marker Locator 2250M-iD  
incorporate advanced electronics to quickly and 
efficiently trace the path of underground cables and 
pipes (with metallic tracer wire). 
They provide accurate cable/pipe, or Sonde  
depth measurements, giving a digital readout  
in inches, feet and inches, or centimeters  
(user-selectable). Lightweight, compact  
and well-balanced, these...

Page 3

3m ™  dYnate L™ CaBL e/P iP e L oCator  2250 m 
and  CaBL e/P iP e and  marKer  LoCator 
2250 m-
advan Ced features dete Ct more information a Bout 
underground uti Lities  
A feature exclusive to the 3M™ Dynatel™ Cable/Pipe and Marker Locator 
2250M-iD is the ability  to  write,  read  and  lock  programmed  information 
into  the  3M™ Electronic Marker System iD Ball Markers 1400 Series. 
Information such as a  pre-programmed  unique identification  number, 
facility  data,  owner information,...

Page 4

A unique “expander” function makes peaks and nulls more pronounced. 
Directional Peak mode combines the response from four peak antennas  
to indicate direction to the cable/pipe while a bar graph and numeric display 
indicate the sharp and accurate dual-peak response. 
Semi-automatic gain set with manual override provides maximum flexibility 
and control. Multi-directional null mode shows null signal response with auto-
matic gain and shows cable/pipe location and direction on a unique com-

Page 5

standard 3 m™ dY nate L™ aCC essories
		Product	 Number	 descriPtioN
	8006		 Ground	Rod,	Stainless	 steel
	3019		 Dyna-Coupler	Kit,	Consists	 of	3	in.	 Dyna-Coupler,	 Coupler	Cable	and	Pouch
	2876 	 Direct-Connect	Transmitter	Cable,	3	m	 (10	 ft.)	in	length;	 for	Utility	 (U)	models
	9012	 Direct-Connect	Transmitter 	Cable, 	1,5 	m 	(5 	ft.) 	in 	length; 	for 	Communications	 (C)	 models
oPtiona L 3 m™ dY nate L™ aCC essories
		Product	 Number	 descriPtioN	
	2892	 Small	Clip	Direct-Connect	 Transmitter...

Page 6

eLeCtriCaL sPeCifiCations
	 	 Trace	 and	tone	 modes	 Active:	577Hz,	 8kHz,	33kHz,	 and	200kHz	 (577Hz,	 8kHz,	33kHz,	 133kHz	 CE	Approved	 Models)	
	 	 	 Passive	power:	50L,	50H,	 100,	60L,	60H,	 120	
	 	 	 Passive	(other):	CATV	31.5kHz	 (LF	9-30	 kHz)	 	 	 	 	 	 	 	
	 	 	 Auxiliary:	560,	512,	460,	400,	393,	340,	333,	273Hz	
	 	 	 User	defined:	 up	to	four	 frequencies	 (50~999Hz)	
	 Display	 resolution	 0.1	dB
	 Depth	 display	range	 9	m 	( 0	 to	 30	 ft.)	

Page 7

	 receiver	 225om	225om-id	
	 Directional	peak,	directional	 null,	single	 peak	locate	 modes	 x	x	
	 Large	 backlit,	high-resolution	 graphic	display	 x	x	
	 Push-button	 cable/pipe	depth	readout	 with	continuous	 depth	measurement	 mode	 x	 x	
	 Active	 duct	probe	 (Sonde)	 depth	measurement	 x	x	
	 Signal	 current	measurement	 x	x	
	 Toning	 amplifier	 function	 x	x	
	 Cable	 identification	 x	x	
	 Marker	 alert	mode	 while	path	tracing	 	x	 	
	 Expander	 amplifier	 x	x	
	 Pre-set	 auxiliary...

Page 8

	 Product	Number	 descriPtioN
	 2250M-iD/UR	 Cable/pipe	locator	US	Receiver	 only,	with	EMS-iD	 capabilities
	 2250M-iD/UC5W-RT 	 Cable/pipe	locator	US	Communications	 5-watt	with	EMS-iD	 capabilities
	 2250M-iD/UU5W-RT 	 Cable/pipe	locator	US	Utility	 5-watt	 with	EMS-iD	 capabilities
	 2250M-iD/UC3W-RT 	 Cable/pipe	locator	US	Communications	 3-watt	with	EMS-iD	 capabilities
	 2250M-iD/UU3W-RT 	 Cable/pipe	locator	US	Utility	 3-watt	 with	EMS-iD	 capabilities
	 2250M-UR 	 Cable/pipe	locator	US	Receiver...
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