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American Audio CDMp3 PLAYER MP3 Velocity User Manual

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Page 21

©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Velocity Mp3™ Instruction Manual Page 21
EXITING A LOOP - To exit a SEAMLESS LOOP, press the OUT 
.  The  IN  BUTTON  (33) and  OUT  BUTTON  (2) LEDs 
will remain on, but will stop flashing. Music playback will resume 
normal play (Figure 18). The  IN BUTTON (33) 
(2) LEDs  will  remain  on  to  remind  you  that  a  loop  is  stored  in 
Figure 20
REPLAY  LOOP  -  The  RELOOP  (1)   function...

Page 22

Figure 24
Figure 23
Figure 25
Your  sample  can  now  be  recalled  at  any  time  even  when 
the  unit  is  in  PAUSE  MODE.  To  recall  a  sample
 be  sure the 
sample function is on, by  pressing  the  SAMPLE  BUTTON 
(32)  until  the  red  sample  button  LED  turns  on.  To  play  your 
sample  in  a  continuos  loop  leave  the  sample  function  on. 
To  play  your  sample  just  once,  turn  the  sample  function  off 
immediately  after  initiating  your  sample....

Page 23

Changing the Sample Parameters: 
Changing the sample parameters allows you to change the sample's volume (SV) and pitch (SP). The 
parameter values for the pitch range from -9:99 to +10:00 (-9:99 being the lowest) and volume values 
range from 00:00 to 10:00 (00:00 being the lowest). A higher value will increase the pitch percentage 
or volume. It's important to understand that the pitch value is basically a speed adjustment and has 
nothing  to  do  with  tonal  quality.  The  values  can  be...

Page 24

2) Press the IN BUTTON (33)  (Figure 31) at 
   the point you want your BOP to take place.
Figure 31
©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Velocity Mp3™ Instruction Manual Page 24
The Bop Effect is a stutter effect that is similar to turntable scratching. You can use this effect to create tricks 
in your mixing. Creating a BOP effect is a simple process:
Figure 30
1)  Press the  PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON 
  so music is playing (Figure 30)....

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Velocity Mp3™ Instruction Manual Page 25
TIME  BAR  INDICATOR - Details  the  time  defined in  the  TIME  METER  (65) as  a  visual  bar  icon.  As  with  the 
65)  this bar is also dependent on  the selected time function [REMAIN (64) OR ELAPSED]. This 
bar  will  begin  to  flash  when  a  track  is  ending  regardless 
of  which  time  function  you  are  in.  Use  the  flashing 
bar as a visual reminder that a...

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Velocity Mp3™ Instruction Manual Page 26
The  Velocity  Mp3  can  store  all  your  user  programmed  cue 
points and effect parameters in to memory. These settings may 
be  recalled  at  any  time,  even  when  a  disc  has  been  removed 
and reinserted at a later time. To recall the memory on a specific 
disk; 1) Be sure a CD is not inserted in to the drive. 2) Press the 
MEMORY  BUTTON  (12) down...

Page 27

You may display the units firmware version. Firmware is the units 
internal  programming  code.  To  view  the  firmware  version;  Press 
and  hold  the TIME  BUTTON  (10)  for  2  seconds 
until "PRESET 
MODE" is displayed. Now turn the PARAMETER TIME KNOB (13) 
until "V" and the version number is displayed in the  VFD (17). 
Turning  and  pressing  the  PARAMETER  TIME  KNOB  (13)  can 
also  select  and  adjust  the  Close  Time  Mode,  Sleep  Mode,...

Page 28

Figure 43
Using  the  Pitch  slider  (36): Be  sure  the  pitch  function  has 
been  engaged  as  described  above.  To  use  the  PITCH  SLIDER
slide the slider up and down. Down will increase the pitch and 
up  will  decrease  the  pitch.  When  the  slider  is  in  the  center 
position, a green LED just left of the slider will glow. When this 
slider  is  glowing  there  is  zero  pitch  being  applied  to  the  track, 
regardless if the pitch function is on or off. 

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Velocity Mp3™ Instruction Manual Page 29
Unlike  the PITCH  SLIDER  (
36)  adjustment  this  function  will momentarily  increase  or  decrease  a  tracks 
speed  during  playback.  There  are  two  ways  to  operate  this  function  with  the  (-)  &  (+)  PITCH  BUTTONS  (26  & 
27)  or  with  the  JOG  WHEEL  (24).  The  maximum  pitch  bend  percentage  allowed  is  +/-  100%.  The  pitch  bend 
function will...

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©American Audio®   -   www.AmericanAudio.us   -   Velocity Mp3™ Instruction Manual Page 30
Figure 48
4. JOG WHEEL (24):
The JOG WHEEL  will temporarily bend the pitch if a track is in 
playback mode. Rotating the wheel in a clockwise direction will 
increase  your  track  pitch  and  rotating  the  wheel  in  a  counter-
clockwise  direction  will  slow  your  track  pitch.  The  speed  you 
rotate  the  JOG  WHEEL  will  determine  pitch  bend  percentage 
(%). For example, if the...
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