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Asus ZenFone 4 User Manual

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    							CE (SAR) 
    This device meets the EU requirements 
    (1999/519/EC) on the limitation of 
    exposure of the general public to 
    electromagnetic elds by way of health 
    The limits are part of extensive 
    recommendations for the protection 
    of the general public. These 
    recommendations have been developed 
    and checked by independent scientic 
    organizations through regular and 
    thorough evaluations of scientic 
    studies.  The unit of measurement for 
    the European Council s recommended 
    limit for mobile devices is the “Specic 
    Absorption Rate” (SAR), and the SAR 
    limit is 2.0 W/ kg averaged over 10 gram 
    of body tissue. It meets the requirements 
    of the International Commission on Non-
    Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). 
    For body worn operation, this device 
    has been tested and meets the ICNIRP  
    exposure guidelines and the European 
    Standard EN 50566 and EN 62209-2, for 
    use with dedicated accessories. Use of 
    other accessories which contain metals 
    may not ensure compliance with ICNIRP  
    exposure guidelines.
    SAR is measured with the device at a 
    separation of 0 cm and 1.5 cm to the 
    body , while transmitting at the highest 
    certied output power level in all 
    frequency bands of the mobile device.
    The maximum SAR value of ZenFone 4 
    for each frequency band is listed below: 
    							This device have been tested to 
    comply with the Sound Pressure Level 
    requirement laid down in the applicable 
    EN 50332-1and/or EN 50332-2 
    standards. Permanent hearing loss 
    may occur if earphones or headphones 
    are used at high volume for prolonged 
    periods of time.
    Head SAR10g  
    (W/kg) Highest
    Body SAR10g   
    (1.5 cm Gap)  (W/kg)
    GSM900 0.606 1.02
    GSM1800 0.5760.0044
    WCDMA  I 1.04 0.585
    VIII 0.641
    2.4 G 
    WLAN 0.141
    Bluetooth N/AN/A 
    NOTE: For France, headphones/
    earphones for this device are 
    compliant with the sound pressure 
    level requirment laid down in the 
    applicable EN 50332-1: 2000 and/or 
    EN50332-2: 2003 standard as required 
    by French Article L.5232-1.
    Prevention of Hearing Loss 
    Warning statement requirement under 
    EN 60950-1:A12.
    W ARNING:  T o prevent 
    possible hearing damage, 
    do not listen at high volume 
    levels for long periods.  
    							EC  D ecl ara tion  of C onfo rm it y  W e, t h e unde rs ig ned , M anufa ctu rer:  
    ASUSTeK CO MPU TER INC.  Addr ess,  Cit y : 
    4F, No. 150,  L I-T E R d.,  PEI TO U, T AIPEI 112,  TAI W AN  Count ry : 
    TAI W AN   A uthoriz ed repr esent ative in Eur ope: 
    ASUS COMPU TER G mbH  Addr ess,  Cit y : 
    HAR KO RT ST R. 21-23,  40880 RAT INGENCount ry : 
    GER MAN Ydecl are  t he  follo win g a pp ara tu s: P roduc t n am e : Zen Fone  4 M odel  nam e : A SUS _T 00I  conf orm  w ith  the essen tial  re qui re m en ts  of the  follow ing  dir ect iv es: 2004 /108/E C-E M C D ir ect iv e  EN 550 22: 20 10+ AC:2 011  C la ss  B  EN 610 00-3-2 :2 00 6+  A2:  2009 +A 2: 2 009  Cla ss  A  EN 550 13 :20 01+ A1 : 20 03+ A 2: 200 6 EN 5 5024:  2 0 10  EN 6 1000-3 -3 : 2 00 8  EN 5 5020:  2 0 07+ A11:  2 0111999 /5/EC -R  & TTE  D ir ect iv e  EN 300  328  V1.7 .1 (2 006-10)   EN 300  440-1 V1 .6 .1 (2 010-0 8 )  EN 300  440-2 V1 .4 .1 (2 010-0 8 )  EN 301  511 V9.0 .2 (2 003- 03)   EN 301  908-1 V6 .2 .1 (2 013-0 4)  EN 301  908-2 V5 .2 .1 (2 011-0 7)  EN 301  893 V1.6 .1 (2 011- 11)   EN 302  544-2 V1 .1 .1 (2 009-0 1 )  EN 302  623 V1.1 .1 (2 009- 01)   EN 622 09-1:  2 006  EN 622 09-2:  2 010  EN 624 79:20 10  EN 505 66: 20 13 
     EN 3 01 4 89-1  V 1.9 .2 (2 0 11-0 9 )  EN 3 01 4 89-3  V 1.6 .1 (2 0 13-0 8 )  EN 3 01 4 89-4  V 1.4 .1 (2 0 09-0 5 )  EN 301  489- 7 V 1.3 .1 (2 0 05-1 1 )  EN 3 01 4 89-9  V 1.4 .1 (2 0 07-1 1 )  EN 3 01 4 89-1 7 V 2.2 .1 (2 012- 09)   EN 3 01 4 89-2 4 V 1.5 .1 (2 010- 10)   EN 3 02 3 26-2  V 1.2 .2 (2 0 07-0 6 )  EN 5 0332-1  ( 200 0-03)   EN 5 0332-2  ( 200 3-12)   EN 5 0360:  2 0 01  EN 5 0360/ A1 : 2 012 2006 /95/EC -L V D  D ir ect iv e EN 609 50-1 /  A 12:2 011   EN 6 0065: 20 02  / A 12: 2011 2009 /125/E C-E rP  D ir ect iv e  R egu la tion  (EC ) N o. 1 275 /2 00 8  R egu la tion  (EC ) N o. 6 42/200 9  R egu la tion  (EC ) N o. 278 /2 009   R egu la tion  (EC ) N o. 617 /2 013  201 1/65/E U-R oH S D ir e ctiv e                                                                                        V er.  1 30816C E m ark in g  220 0
    Decl ara tion  Date : 2 1/03/ 20 14 
    Y ear  to  b eg in  a ffix ing C E m ark ing:  2 01 4 
    Posit ion :    C EO  N am e :    Jer ry   S hen
    Sig nat ure  :____ ___ __ _
    (E C  c o nfo rm it y  m ark in g) 
    Address: 15 Li-T e Road, Peitou, 
    T aipei, T aiwan
    T el: 886228943447
    Fax: 886228907698
    We dec lare t hat the I MEI codes for t his 
    product,  ASU S Ze nFone  4 ,  are  unique 
    t o  each  unit and  only  assigned t o t his 
    model.  T he I MEI  of  eac h unit  is factory 
    s e t  and c annot  be altered  by the  use r 
    and t hat it complies  with t he  relevant 
    I M EI  integrit y relat ed requirement s 
    express ed in the GSM  standards .
    S hould  you have  any questions  or 
    c omments  regarding t his matte r,  pleas e 
    c ont act  us.
    Sincerely yours,
    T el: 886228943447
    Fax: 886228907698
    h ttp ://vip. asus. com/ eservice/techserv .aspx 
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