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Canon printer PIXMA MG6620 User Manual

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their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You institute patentlitigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory patent
infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.4.
Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the...

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goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damagesor losses), even if such Contributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages.9.
Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof,You may choose to offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations,
You may act...

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Enter keywords in the search window and click  (Search).
You can search for target pages in this guide.
Search Tips
You can search for target pages by entering keywords in the search window.
The displayed screen may vary.
When searching from this page or the "Home" page without entering your product's model name or your application's name, all products supported by this guide will be considered for the search.
If you want to narrow down the search results, add your product's...

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The displayed screen varies depending on your product.
Searching for Application Functions
Enter your application's name and a keyword for the function you want to learn about
Example: When you want to learn how to print collages with My Image Garden
Enter "My Image Garden collage" in the search window and perform a search
Searching for Reference Pages
Enter your model name and a reference page title*
* You can find reference pages more easily by entering the function name as...

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Notes on Operation ExplanationsIn this guide, most of the operations are described based on the windows displayed when Windows 8.1operating system (called Windows 8.1 below) or Windows 8 operating system (called Windows 8 below) is

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Useful Functions Available on the Machine
Connect Wirelessly with Ease in "Access Point Mode"
Print Photos Easily Using My Image Garden
Download a Variety of Content Materials
Print Items with Easy-PhotoPrint+ (Web Application)
Print/Scan by Placing a Smartphone over the Machine
Connection Methods Available on the Machine
Notice for Web Service Printing
Use PIXMA Cloud Link
Printing with Google Cloud Print
Printing from AirPrint Compliant Device
Android Print
Checking Printer Information

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Connect Wirelessly with Ease in "Access Point Mode"The machine supports "access point mode" in which you can connect to the machine wirelessly from a
computer or smartphone even in an environment without an access point or wireless LAN router.
Switch to "access point mode" with simple steps to enjoy scanning and printing wirelessly.
When you use the machine with the access point mode, be sure to specify the access point name of the
machine and the security setting in advance....

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Print Photos Easily Using My Image GardenOrganize Images EasilyIn My Image Garden, you can register the names of people and events to photos.
You can organize photos easily as you can display them not only by folder but also by calendar, event,
and person. This also allows you to find the target photos easily when you search for them later on.

Display Recommended Items in Slide Shows
Based on the information registered to photos, Quick Menu automatically selects the photos on your
computer and creates...

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Place Photos Automatically
Delightful items are created easily as the selected photos are placed automatically according to the theme.
Other Various Functions
My Image Garden has many other useful functions.
Refer to "What You Can Do with My Image Garden" for details.

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Download a Variety of Content MaterialsCREATIVE PARKA "printing materials site" where you can download all the printing materials for free.
Various types of content such as seasonal cards and paper crafts that can be made by assembling paper
parts are provided.
It is easily accessible from Quick Menu.
CREATIVE PARK PREMIUMA service where customers using models that support PREMIUM Contents can download exclusive
printing materials.
PREMIUM Contents can be downloaded easily via My Image Garden....
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