Home > Castelgarden > Snow Blower > Castelgarden Snow Blower SN 5022 RS SN 5022 ES SN 421 8218-2229-85 Estonian Version Manual

Castelgarden Snow Blower SN 5022 RS SN 5022 ES SN 421 8218-2229-85 Estonian Version Manual

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    Have a look at the manual Castelgarden Snow Blower SN 5022 RS SN 5022 ES SN 421 8218-2229-85 Estonian Version Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 56 Castelgarden manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    8. Kad dzinējs sāk vienmērīgi darboties, atiestatiet gaisa 
    vārstu (3:N).
    9. Elektriskais starteris: Vispirms atvienojiet elektrisko 
    kabeli no sniega metēja, pēc tam- no barošanas tīkla 
    PIEZĪME: Ja gaisa temperatūra ir zemāka par -15°C, pirms 
    sākt strādāt, ļaujiet dzinējam dažas minūtes darboties ar 
    tukšgaitas apgriezieniem, lai tas uzsiltu.
    UZMANĪBU: Nekad nedarbiniet dzinēju telpās 
    vai slikti vēdināmās vietās. Dzinēja izplūdes gāzes 
    satur tvana gāzi – indīgu gāzi bez smaržas. 
    Netuviniet ķermeni un apģērbu kustīgām daļām. 
    Trokšņa slāpētājs ir ļoti karsts – uzmanieties no 
    5.4.3 Silta dzinēja iedarbināšana
    Lai iedarbinātu siltu dzinēju, izpildiet tās pašas procedūras, 
    kā iedarbinot aukstu dzinēju, ar šādiem izņēmumiem:
    •Nav jāizmanto gaisa vārsts (3, 7:N).
    •Nav jāizmanto degvielas padeve sūknis (3, 7:N).
    5.5 Apturēšana
    Pirms apturēt dzinēju, ļaujiet tam dažas minūtes darboties 
    tukšgaitā, lai izkustu viss sniegs.
    Apturiet dzinēju, pārslēdzot vadības kloķi (3, 7:P) 
    IZSLĒGTĀ stāvoklī.
    5.6 Iedarbināšana 
    Nekad nevērsiet sniega strūklu uz apkārt 
    esošajiem cilvēkiem.
    Pirms tīrīt nosprostojumu, vienmēr izslēdziet 
    Strādājot ar sniega metēju, vienmēr valkājiet 
    1. Iedarbiniet dzinēju, kā aprakstīts iepriekš.
    2. Noregulējiet novirzītāja (1, 6:J) augstumu. Paceļot to 
    augstāk, iegūst lielāku sviediena attālumu, nolaižot 
    zemāk, iegūst mazāku sviediena attālumu.
    3. Izmantojot sviru (1, 6:C), noregulējiet izlādes tekni tā, lai 
    sniegs tiktu sviests pa vējam.
    4. Palaidiet gliemežskrūvi un virzīšanos uz priekšu, 
    aktivējot gliemežskrūves sviru (1, 6:D).
    5. Pārtrauciet darbu, atlaižot 
    gliemežskrūves sviru (1, 6:D).
    6. Visus nosprostojumus var vienkārši iztīrīt ar koka gabalu 
    vai līdzīgu priekšmetu, pēc tam, kad ir apturēts dzinējs. 
    Sniega metējs sāk virzīties uz priekšu, kad gliemežskrūve 
    saskaras ar zemi. Lai atvieglotu virzīšanos uz priekšu, 
    nedaudz paceliet rokturi. Nespiediet sniega metēju.
    Uzmanīgi! Ja gliemežskrūve turpina griezties arī tad, kad ir 
    atlaista gliemežskrūves piedziņas svira (1, 6:D), noregulējiet 
    trosi. Skatīt nodaļu „Apkope”.
    Uzmanīgi! Ja gliemežskrūve nesāk griezties arī tad, kad ir 
    aktivēta gliemežskrūves piedziņas svira (1, 6:D), 
    noregulējiet trosi. Skatīt nodaļu „Apkope”.
    5.7 Padomi ekspluatācijai
    1. Sniegu tīriet tūlīt pēc snigšanas.
    2. Lai snigu notīrītu pilnīgi, tīrīšanas joslām ir nedaudz 
    3. Ja iespējams, sniegs jāaizsviež pa vējam.4.  Ja vējš ir stiprs, nolaidiet novirzītāju zemāk, lai sniega 
    strūkla lidotu tuvāk zemei, kur to nevarētu aizpūst 
    nevēlamā virzienā..
    5.  Drošības apsvērumu dēļ un, lai izvairītos no sniega 
    metēja sabojāšanas, nodrošiniet, lai tīrāmajā zonā nebūtu 
    akmeņu, rotaļlietu un citu svešķermeņu.
    6. Sniega metēja jauda ir atkarīga no sniega biezuma un 
    blīvuma. Noskaidrojiet, kā sniega metējs darbojas 
    dažādos sniega apstākļos.
    5.7.1 Kurpes (SN 5022)
    Kurpes (1:G) ir regulējamas, un tās nosaka gliemežskrūves 
    augstumu no zemes. Tīrot grants celiņus, kurpes jānolaiž tā, 
    lai gliemežskrūve būtu augstāk par grunti. Kurpes regulē 
    A. Atskrūvējiet abas skrūves.
    B. Kurpes aizmugures daļu nostatiet vajadzīgajā stāvoklī.
    A. Pievelciet abas skrūves.
    5.7.2 Sauss un normāls sniegs
    Līdz 20 cm biezu sniega kārtu var notīrīt ātri un viegli, 
    strādājot ar vienmērīgu ātrumu.  Ja ir lielāka dziļuma sniegs 
    vai kupenas, samaziniet ātrumu un ļaujiet mašīnai darboties 
    Sniega izlādes strūklu centieties virzīt pa vējam.
    5.7.3 Slapjš un sablīvējies sniegs
    Brauciet uz priekšu lēnām. Sablīvēta sniega un ledus 
    notīrīšanai neizmantojiet skrāpējošo asmeni. Irdināšana 
    izraisīs gliemežskrūves nolietošanos.
    5.8 Pēc darba
    1. Pēc katras sniega tīrīšanas operācijas ļaujiet dzinējam 
    dažas minūtes darboties tukšgaitā, lai izkustu viss ledus 
    un sniegs.
    2. Pārbaudiet, vai kāda daļa nav bojāta vai kļuvusi vaļīga. Ja 
    nepieciešams, salabojiet to vai nomainiet.
    3. Pievelciet vaļīgos skrūvju savienojumus.
    4.  Izslēdziet gaisa vārstu.
    5. Noņemiet aizdedzes sveces vadu.
    6.  Pēc katras lietošanas notīriet sniega metēju. Nomazgājiet 
    ar ūdeni, lai noskalotu sāli un citas ķimikālijas. 
    Noslaukiet sniega metēju sausu.
    6 APKOPE
    Pirms veikt apkopes darbus, atvienojiet aizdedzes 
    sveces vadu.
    6.1 Eļļas mainīšana
    Pirmo reizi nomainiet eļļu pēc 2 darba stundām, pēc tam ik 
    pēc 25 darba stundām vai reizi sezonā. Eļļu mainiet, kad 
    dzinējs ir silts.
    Eļļa tūlīt pēc dzinēja izslēgšanas ir ļoti karsta. 
    Pirms izlaist eļļu, ļaujiet dzinējam atdzist. 
    Apdegumu risks.
    1. Izskrūvējiet eļļas uzpildes aizbāzni un izņemiet taustu. 
    SN 5022: Eļļu izlaiž, izskrūvējot aizbāzni (4:S).
    SN 421: Skatīt 8. attēlu.
    2. Novietojiet zem motora eļļas savākšanas tvertni.
    Pārbaudiet, vai aizbāznis ir cieši pievilkts. Ja tas 
    darba laikā kļūs vaļīgs, dzinējs tiks iznīcināts. 
    3. SN 5022: Ieskrūvējiet aizbāzni (4:S).
    4. Novietojiet sniega tīrītāju taisni un iepildiet svaigu eļļu. 
    Skatīt “Pirms iedarbināšanas”.
    6.2 Aizdedzes svece
    Pirms atvienot aizdedzes sveci, notīriet vietu ap to.
    Aizdedzes sveci nomaina reizi gadā vai ik pēc 100 darba 
    Aizdedzes svece: Champion RV 19 LM vai līdzvērtīga.
    Pievilkšanas griezes moments: 24-27 Nm.
    Elektroda atstarpe: 0,7-0,8 mm 
    6.3 Karburators 
    Karburators tiek regulēts rūpnīcā. Ja nepieciešams to regulēt, 
    sazinieties ar autorizētu servisa darbnīcu. 
    Pirms veikt apkopes darbus, atvienojiet aizdedzes 
    sveces vadu.
    Pirms sniega metēju novietot uzglabāšanā uz vasaras 
    periodu, saeļļojiet regulēšanas sviras pārnesumu un izlādes 
    tekni. Izmantojiet pielīpošu ziedes tipu, piemēram, 
    8.1 Troses regulēšana (SN 5022)
    Gliemežvārpstas piedziņas sviras trose ir noregulēta rūpnīcā. 
    Regulēšana tiek veikta šādi:
    1. Noāķējiet trosi no gliemežskrūves piedziņas sviras (1:D).
    2. Noņemiet apvalku un atvienojiet trosi no attiecīgās 
    atveres platē. Skatīt 10. attēlu.
    3. Pēc vajadzības iestipriniet trosi citā atverē. Nomainiet 
    apvalku, uzkabiniet trosi uz gliemežskrūves piedziņas 
    4. Palaidiet sniega metēju un pārbaudiet tā darbību. 
    Aktivējot gliemežskrūves piedziņas sviru, 
    gliemežskrūvei ir jāgriežas, atlaižot gliemežskrūves 
    piedziņas sviru, gliemežskrūvei ir jākļūst nekustīgai. Ja 
    tas tā nav, atkārtojiet iepriekš aprakstīto procedūru.
    8.2 Siksnas pārsegs (SN 5022)
    1. Izskrūvējiet 7 skrūves (11:U) un noņemiet siksnas 
    pārsegu (11:T). Ārpusē ir 6 skrūves, viena skrūve atrodas 
    Divas ārējās skrūvēm satur arī kreiso kurpi.
    2. Montāžu veiciet pretējā secībā.
    8.3 Piedziņas siksnas mainīšana (SN 5022)
    Piedziņas siksnu nomainiet šādi
    1. Noņemiet siksnas pārsegu. Skatīt iepriekš.
    2. Noņemiet piedziņas siksnu (12:Z) no skriemeļiem 
    (12:W) un (14:X). Uzmanieties, lai nesabojātu siksnas 
    vadotni (12:Y).
    3. Jauno siksnu uzstādiet pretējā secībā.
    4. Pārbaudiet, vai piedziņas siksna (12:Z) ir pareizi uzlikta 
    uz skriemeļiem.
    Uzmanīgi! Kad gliemežskrūves svira ir aktivēta, atstarpei 
    starp siksnas vadotni (12:Y) un piedziņas siksnu (12:Z) jābūt 
    2 mm.
    5. Nostipriniet siksnas pārsegu. Skatīt iepriekš.8.4 Gliemežskrūves skrēpera gumijas (SN 5022) 
    1. Ar koka gabalu nobloķējiet gliemežskrūvi (23:R).
    2. Izurbiet 24 kniedes, kas satur ārējās skrēpera gumijas 
    (24:T). Izmantojiet 13 mm urbi (23:S).
    3. Noņemiet kniežu un gumijas pārpalikumus, izmantojot 
    knaibles vai līdzīgu priekšmetu. 
    4. Izskrūvējiet trīs skrūves (24:W) ar uzgriežņiem un 
    diskiem, kas vidū satur skrēpera gumijas (24:X), un 
    noņemiet skrēpera gumijas.
    5. Jaunās skrēpera gumijas samontē pretējā secībā. Kniežu 
    vietā izmantojiet 24 skrūves.
    8.5 Gliemežskrūves mainīšana (SN 5022) 
    1. Noņemiet siksnas pārsegu un piedziņas siksnu. Skatīt 
    2. Ar koka gabalu nobloķējiet gliemežskrūvi (13:A).
    3. Nomontējiet no ass skriemeli (13:C). 
    Uzmanīgi! Kreisā vītne
    4. Sniega metējam kreisajā pusē izjauciet gultni (13:B) un 
    izvelciet laukā gliemežskrūvi.
    5. Montāžu veiciet pretējā secībā.
    8.6 Troses regulēšana (SN 421)
    Gliemežvārpstas piedziņas sviras trose ir noregulēta rūpnīcā. 
    Visas regulēšanas procedūras tiek veiktas šādi:
    1. Atskrūvējiet vaļīgāk skrūvi (14:D) un pārvietojiet atsperi 
    (14:E) atpakaļ, lai nospriegotu trosi.
    2. Pievelciet skrūvi (14:D) līdz vēlamajam stāvoklim. 
    8.7 Piedziņas siksnas mainīšana (SN 421)
    Piedziņas siksnu nomainiet šādi
    1. Izskrūvējiet 7 skrūves (15:F) un noņemiet kreiso siksnas 
    2. Palaidiet vaļīgā divus skriemeļus (16:G).
    3. Palaidiet vaļīgāk apakšā siksnas vadotni (17:H).
    4. Noņemiet siksnu un tādā pat veidā uzstādiet jaunu siksnu.
    5. Samontējiet pārējās daļas pretējā secībā.
    8.8 Gliemežskrūves un gultņa mainīšana 
    (SN 421) 
    1. Izskrūvējiet 7 skrūves (15:F) un noņemiet kreiso siksnas 
    2. Novelciet siksnu no gliemežskrūves skriemeļa (18:J).
    3. Turiet gliemežskrūvi droši ar koka gabalu vai līdzīgu 
    priekšmetu un atskrūvējiet skriemeli ar 26 mm 
    galatslēgu. Ņemiet vērā, ka skriemeli ir kreisā vītne.
    4. Izskrūvējiet skrūves (19:K) gliemežskrūves korpusa 
    kreisajā pusē.
    5. Izskrūvējiet 6 skrūves (20:N) un noņemiet labo pārsegu.
    6. izskrūvējot divas skrūves (20:M) un demontējiet izlādes 
    tekni (20:H).
    7. Paceliet gliemežpārvadu (21:Q)
    8. Izskrūvējiet gliemežskrūves skrūves no korpusa centra 
    9. Izmantojot vilkšanas ierīci, novelciet no gliemežskrūves 
    kreisās puses gultni. Skatīt 22. attēlu.
    10. Noņemiet gliemežskrūvi.
    11. Nomainiet bojātās detaļas, uzstādot tās atpakaļ pretējā 
    secībā. Uzmanīgi! Uz visām plastmasas daļām vienmēr 
    uzlieciet paplāksni vai atloka uzgriezni.
    Uzmanīgi! Skrūvju savienojumus nepievelciet pārāk 
    cieši. Tas var sabojāt plastmasas detaļas. 
    8.9 Kurpju nomainīšana (SN 5022) 
    1. Izskrūvējiet kurpju skrūves un noņemiet kurpes (1:G) 
    labajā un kreisajā pusē.
    2. Jaunās kurpes uzstādiet pretējā secībā.
    Nekad neuzglabājiet sniega metēju ar uzpildītu 
    benzīna tvertni šaurās telpās ar sliktu ventilāciju. 
    Benzīna izgarojumi ļoti viegli uzliesmo.
    Ja sniega metējs tiks uzglabāts ilgāk par 30 dienām, jāveic 
    šādi pasākumi: 
    1. Iztukšojiet benzīna tvertni.
    2. Iedarbiniet dzinēju un ļaujiet tam darboties, līdz tas 
    noslāpst benzīna trūkuma dēļ.
    Benzīna tvertni iztukšojiet ārpus telpām, kad 
    dzinējs ir auksts. Nesmēķējiet! Degvielu izlaidiet 
    benzīnam paredzētā  tvertnē.
    4. Nomainiet dzinējā eļļu, ja tas nav darīts pēdējos trīs 
    5. Izskrūvējiet aizdedzes sveci un ielejiet atverē 30 ml 
    motoreļļas. Pagrieziet dzinēju vairākas reizes. 
    Ieskrūvējiet atpakaļ aizdedzes sveci.
    6. Rūpīgi notīriet visu sniega metēju.
    7. Saeļļojiet. Skatīt Eļļošana.
    8. Pārbaudiet vai sniega metējam nav bojājumu. Ja 
    vajadzīgs, salabojiet.
    9.  Salabojiet visus krāsojuma bojājumus.
    10. Nodrošiniet pret rūsēšanu nekrāsotās metāla virsmas.
    11. Ja iespējams, uzglabājiet sniega metēju telpās. 
    Attiecībā uz ražošanas un materiālu defektiem tiek sniegta 
    pilna garantija . Lietotājam precīzi jāievēro pievienotajā 
    dokumentācijā sniegtie norādījumi.
    Akumulatoram: sešus mēnešus no iegādes datuma.
    Garantijas nosacījumi netiek attiecināti uz bojājumiem, kas 
    radušies kāda no turpmāk minēto iemeslu dēļ:
    - Lietotāju nevērība vai dokumentācijā sniegto instrukciju 
    - Nepareiza un neatļauta lietošana vai montāža
    -Neoriģinālu rezerves daļu lietošana
    - GGP nepiegādātu vai nesertificētu piederumu lietošana
    Garantijas nosacījumi netiek attiecināti arī uz:
    - Izlietojamie materiāli, piemēram, piedziņas siksnas, 
    gliemežskrūves, priekšējie lukturi, riteņi, skrūves un 
    -Normāls nodilums
    -Dzinēji. Uz dzinējiem tiek attiecinātas dzinēja 
    izgatavotāja garantijas ar atsevišķiem nosacījumiem.
    Uz pircēju attiecas katras valsts vietējie likumi. Šī garantija 
    neierobežo pircēja tiesības saskaņā ar minētajiem likumiem. 
    The following symbols appear on the machine. They are 
    there to remind you of the care and attention required in use. 
    This is what the symbols mean:
    Read and understand the owner’s manual before 
    using this machine.
    Danger - rotating auger.
    Danger - rotating fan.
    Keep hands out of discharge chute.
    Keep hands and feet away from rotating parts.
    Keep bystanders at a safe distance from the machine.
    Never point the discharge chute towards bystanders.
    Remove the key, disconnect the spark plug wire, and 
    consult technical literature before performing repairs 
    or maintenance.
    Risk of burns.
    Use hearing protection.
    2.1 GENERAL
    • Please read through these instructions carefully. Learn all 
    the controls and the correct use of the machine.
    • Never allow children or anyone who is not familiar with 
    these instructions to use the snow thrower. Local 
    regulations may impose restrictions as regards the age of 
    the driver.
    • Never use the machine if others, particularly children or 
    animals, are in the vicinity. 
    • Remember that the driver is responsible for accidents that 
    happen to other people or their property.
    • Be careful not to trip or fall, especially when reversing 
    the machine.
    • Never use the snow thrower under the influence of 
    alcohol or medication and if you are tired or ill.
    • Check the area to be cleared and remove any loose or 
    foreign objects.
    • Disengage all controls before starting the engine.
    • Never use the snow thrower unless properly dressed. 
    Wear footwear that improves your grip on a slippery 
    surface.• Warning – Petrol is highly inflammable. 
    a. Always store petrol in containers that are made 
    especially for this purpose.
    b. Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors, and never 
    smoke when filling or topping up.
    c. Fill with petrol before starting the engine. Never 
    remove the filler cap or fill with petrol while the engine 
    is running or still warm.
    d. Screw the filler cap on tightly and wipe up any spilt 
    • Adjust the height of the auger housing to ensure it stays 
    above gravel paths.
    • Never, under any circumstances, make adjustments while 
    the engine is running (unless otherwise specified in the 
    • Allow the snow thrower to adjust to the outdoor 
    temperature before using it.
    • Always use protective goggles or a visor during use, 
    maintenance and service. 
    • Keep hands and feet away from rotating parts. Always 
    avoid the discharge chute opening.
    • Be careful when driving on or crossing gravel paths, 
    pavements and roads. Be aware of hidden dangers and 
    • Never direct the discharge chute towards a public road or 
    • If the snow thrower hits a foreign object, stop the engine, 
    disconnect the spark plug cable and carefully inspect the 
    machine for damage. Repair the damage before using the 
    machine again.
    • If the machine starts vibrating abnormally, stop the 
    engine and look for the cause. Vibration is normally a 
    sign of something wrong.
    • Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug cable: 
    a. If the machine steers away from the driving position. 
    b. If the auger housing or discharge chute is blocked and 
    must be cleaned. 
    c. Before beginning repairs or adjustments.
    • Always make sure the rotating parts have stopped and all 
    the controls are disengaged before cleaning, repairing or 
    • Before leaving the machine unattended, disengage all the 
    controls, put it into neutral gear, stop the engine and 
    remove the ignition key. 
    • Never run the engine indoors except when taking it in and 
    out of its place of storage. In this case ensure the door to 
    the storage place is open. Exhaust fumes are toxic. 
    • Never drive across a slope. Move from the top down, and 
    from the bottom to the top. Be careful when changing 
    direction on a slope. Avoid steep slopes.
    • Never operate the machine with insufficient protection or 
    without the safety devices in place.
    • Existing safety devices must not be disconnected or 
    • Do not alter the engine’s regulator setting and do not race 
    the engine. The possibility of personal injury increases 
    when the engine is run at high revs.
    • Never use the snow thrower near enclosures, cars, 
    windowpanes, slopes etc. without properly setting the 
    discharge chute deflector. 
    • Always keep children away from areas to be cleared. Get 
    another adult to keep the children under supervision. 
    • Do not overload the machine by driving it too fast.
    • Take care when reversing. Look behind you before and 
    during reversing to check for any obstacles.
    • Never point the discharge chute towards bystanders. Do 
    not allow anyone to stand in front of the machine. 
    • Disengage the auger when the snow thrower is to be 
    transported or is not in use Do not drive too fast on 
    slippery surfaces when transporting.
    • Only use accessories that are approved by the machine’s 
    • Never drive the snow thrower in bad visibility or without 
    satisfactory lighting.
    • Always ensure you have a good balance and a tight grip 
    on the handle. 
    • Never use the snow thrower on a roof.
    • Do not touch engine components because they are warm 
    during use. Risk of burn injuries.
    • Tighten all nuts and screws so that the machine is in safe 
    working condition. Check the shear bolts regularly.
    • Always use genuine spare parts. Non-genuine spare parts 
    can entail a risk of injury, even if they fit the machine.
    • Never store the machine with petrol in the tank in 
    buildings where the fumes can come into contact with 
    open flames or sparks.
    • Allow the engine to cool before putting the machine in 
    • Before a long storage, check the instructions for 
    • Replace damaged warning and instruction stickers.
    • Let the engine run a couple of minutes with the auger 
    connected after use. This prevents the auger from 
    freezing solid.
    Note: References to left and right sides are based on the 
    driver’s position behind the snow thrower.
    WARNING: The spark plug cable must always be 
    disconnected be carrying out assembly or 
    maintenance work.
    3.1 Unpacking
    1.  Locate and unpack all parts that are packed separately in 
    the carton.
    2. Remove the packaging around the snow thrower.
    3.  Cut down all four corners of the carton and lay the side 
    panels flat.
    4.  Grasp the lower handle and pull the snow thrower off the 
    5. Remove the packaging around the handles.
    3.2 Handle
    1.  Remove the packaging from the upper and lower 
    2. Loosen the knobs (1, 6:B) on each side of the handle (1, 
    3. Raise the upper handle  to the operating position. Hold 
    the upper handle apart to prevent scratching the lower 
    Attention! Make sure that the cables are not trapped between 
    the upper and lower handles.
    4. Tighten the knobs (1, 6:B).3.3 Discharge chute (1, 6:H)
    Install the discharge chute (1, 6:H) as follows:
    1. Position the chute above the opening.
    2. Install the screws and nuts.
    3. Tighten all three screw joints on the discharge chute.
    3.4 Adjustment lever (1, 6:C)
    Install the adjustment lever as follows: 
    1. Disconnect the cotter pin (2:L). Save the parts.
    2. Install the end of the adjustment lever through the hole in 
    the mount (2:K).
    3. Attach the adjustment lever to the mount with the cotter 
    pin (2:L).
    4. Rotate the adjustment lever between its end positions. 
    Check that the discharge chute (1, 6:H) rotates freely.
    SN 5022, see fig. 1-5.
    SN 421, see fig. 5-8.
    Adjustment lever (1, 6:C)– Changes the direction of the 
    discharge chute.
    Deflector (1, 6:J) – Determines the distance the snow is 
    Discharge chute (1, 6:H) – Determines the direction the 
    snow is thrown.
    Auger drive lever (1, 6:D) – Starts and stops the auger/
    impeller which propels the snow thrower.
    Stop control (3, 7:P) – Must be switched to the ON position 
    to start the engine.
    Primer (3, 7:O) – Injects fuel directly into the carburettor for 
    starting in cold weather.
    Starter button (3:R) – Used to start the engine on models 
    with electric starter.
    Plug, (SN 5022 ES) (not shown)– Used on models with 
    electric starter for 230 volt connection.
    Shoes (1:G) (SN 5022)– Make a sliding surface against the 
    ground. The shoes can be adjusted and replaced.
    Starting handle (3, 6:Q) – Used to start the engine manually.
    Choke (3, 7:N) – Used when starting a cold engine.
    Refuelling (1, 6:A) – Remove to fill with fuel.
    Oil filling (1, 2, 5:F) – Remove to top up with oil.
    Oil drainage (4, 5, 8:S) – Remove to access the dipstick.
    Dipstick (fig. 5)– Remove to read the oil level and top up 
    with oil in the engine’s crankcase.
    5.1 General
    Never start the engine until all the above measures under 
    ‘ASSEMBLY’ have been carried out. 
    Never use the snow thrower without first reading 
    and understanding the enclosed instructions and 
    all the warning and instruction stickers on the 
    snow thrower. 
    Always wear protective goggles or a visor during 
    use, maintenance and service.
    5.2 Before starting
    Some snow throwers are delivered without oil in the engine’s 
    crankcase. Oil is supplied in a separate bottle for these.
    Fill the engine with oil before using. 
    Do not start the engine until filled with oil. The 
    engine can be seriously damaged without oil.
    1. Place the machine on a level floor.
    2.  Undo the oil filler cap and pull up the dipstick. Read off 
    the oil level from the dipstick. Fill up the oil up to the 
    “FULL” mark. See fig. 5.
    3.  Use oil according to the table below:
    Do not use SAE 10W40.
    4.  Always check the oil level in the engine before use. The 
    snow thrower must stand on level ground when checking.
    The oil level should be between “ADD” and “FULL”. See 
    figure 5. If necessary, top up with more oil. 
    5.3 Fuel
    5.3.1 General
    NOTE! Ordinary lead-free petrol is a perishable. Do not buy 
    more petrol than can be used within 30 days.
    Acrylate petrol can be used. This type of petrol has a 
    composition that is less harmful to people and animals.
    Petrol is highly inflammable. Always store fuel in 
    containers that are made especially for this 
    Store the petrol in a cool, well-ventilated place – 
    not in the house. Store the petrol well out of the 
    reach of children.
    5.3.2 Fuel
    The snow thrower is fitted with a four-stroke engine. Always 
    use lead-free petrol. Oil-mixed 2-stroke petrol must not be 
    Oil-mixed 2-stroke petrol must not be used.
    5.3.3 Filling
    Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors, and never 
    smoke when filling or topping up. Fill up with fuel 
    before starting the engine. Never remove the filler 
    cap or fill with petrol while the engine is running 
    or still warm.
    Do not fill the petrol tank right to the top. After filling, screw 
    the filler cap on tightly and wipe up any spilt petrol. 
    5.4 Starting the engine
    The engine can be started manually or, on some snow 
    throwers, with an electric starter. Both alternatives are 
    described below:
    The electric starter is fitted with a 230 V earthed 
    cable. Connections may only be made to earthed 
    sockets, as otherwise there is a risk of serious 
    personal injury or death.
    When connecting, first connect to the snow 
    When disconnecting, first disconnect the cable from the 
    property’s power socket.5.4.1 Starting the engine from cold,
    SN 421, SN 5022 RS
    1. Fill the fuel tank with petrol. See previous section.
    2. Check that the auger drive lever (1, 6:D) is disconnected.
    3. Activate the choke (3, 7:N).
    4. Set the stop control (3, 7:P) in the ON position.
    5. Press in the primer (3, 7:O) as follows:
    Above 10°C: Do not press.
    Between -10 and +10°C: Press twice.
    Below -10°C: Press 4 times.
    Lift your finger from the primer between each press.
    6. Manual starter: Pull sharply on the recoil starter cord’s 
    handle. Do not allow the recoil starter cord’s handle to 
    snap back. Ease it back gently.
    7. Reset the choke when the engine is running smoothly.
    NOTE: At temperatures below -15°C, allow the engine to 
    warm up on idle for a few minutes before starting work.
    WARNING: Never run the engine indoors or in 
    enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust 
    contains carbon monoxide, an odourless and 
    deadly gas. Keep parts of your body and clothing 
    away from moving parts. The silencer is very hot, 
    beware of burn injuries.
    5.4.2 Starting the engine from cold, SN 5022 ES
    1. Fill the fuel tank with petrol. See previous section.
    2. Check that the auger drive lever (1:D) is disconnected.
    3. Activate the choke (3:N).
    4. Set the stop control (3:P) in the ON position.
    5. Electric starter: Connect the electric cable to the switch 
    box on the engine and to the earthed power socket, 230 V.
    6. Press in the primer (3:O) as follows:
    Above 10°C: Do not press.
    Between -10 and +10°C: Press twice.
    Below -10°C: Press 4 times.
    Lift your finger from the primer between each press.
    7. Electric starter: Press the electric starter button (3:R) until 
    the engine starts. Release the button as soon as the engine 
    starts. Do not run for more than 10 seconds. The electric 
    starter has a thermal cut-out, which triggers on 
    overheating. Restarting after overheating can take place 
    after 5-10 minutes.
    8. Reset the choke (3:N) when the engine is running 
    9. Electric starter: First disconnect the electric cable from 
    the property’s power socket and then from the snow 
    NOTE: At temperatures below -15°C, allow the engine to 
    warm up on idle for a few minutes before starting work.
    WARNING: Never run the engine indoors or in 
    enclosed, poorly ventilated areas. Engine exhaust 
    contains carbon monoxide, an odourless and 
    deadly gas. Keep parts of your body and clothing 
    away from moving parts. The silencer is very hot, 
    beware of burn injuries.
    5.4.3 Starting a warm engine
    To start a warm engine, follow the same procedure as for a 
    cold engine with the following exceptions:
    • The choke (3, 7:N) must not be used.
    • The primer (3, 7:O) must not be used. Use Oil Grade
    Above -18° C SAE 5W-30 At least SH
    Under -18° C SAE 0W-30 At least SH 
    5.5 Stop
    Before the engine is stopped, allow it to idle for a few 
    minutes so that any snow melts away.
    Stop the engine by setting the stop control (3, 7:P) in the OFF 
    5.6 Starting
    Never aim the snow at bystanders.
    Always stop the engine before unclogging.
    Always wear eye protection when operating the 
    snow thrower. 
    1. Start the engine as above.
    2. Set the height of the deflector (1, 6:J). Upwards gives a 
    longer throwing distance and downwards gives a shorter 
    throwing distance.
    3. Set the discharge chute with the lever (1, 6:C) so that the 
    snow is thrown downwind.
    4. Start the auger and propulsion by activating the auger 
    drive lever (1, 6:D).
    5. Stop working by releasing the 
    auger drive lever (1, 6:D).
    6. Any unclogging can easily be carried out with a piece of 
    wood or similar after the engine has stopped.
    The propulsion of the snow thrower starts when the auger 
    touchs the ground. To facilitate propulsion, raise the 
    handlebar a little. Do not push the snow thrower.
    Attention! If the auger continues to rotate even though the 
    auger drive lever (1, 6:D) has been released, adjust the wire. 
    See ‘Maintenance’.
    Attention! If the auger does not start even though the auger 
    drive lever (1, 6:D) has been activated, adjust the wire. See 
    5.7 Operating tips
    1. Clear away the snow immediately after snowfall.
    2. For complete snow clearance, slightly overlap each 
    clearance pass.
    3. If possible, discharge the snow downwind.
    4.6. In strong wind, lower the deflector to direct the 
    discharged snow close to the ground, where it is less 
    likely to blow into unwanted areas.
    5.  For safety and to prevent damage to the snow thrower, 
    keep the area to be cleared free of stones, toys and other 
    foreign objects.
    6. The snow thrower’s capacity depends on the depth and 
    density of the snow. Learn how the snow thrower works 
    in different snow conditions.
    5.7.1 Shoes (SN 5022)
    The shoes (1:G) are adjustable and determine the auger’s 
    height above the ground. When clearing gravel paths of 
    snow, the shoes must be lowered so that the auger is higher 
    above the ground. Adjust the shoes as follows:
    A.  Undo both the screws.
    B. Angle the rear part of the shoe to the desired position.
    C. Tighten both the screws.5.7.2 Dry and normal snow
    Snow up to 20 cm deep can be removed quickly and easily 
    by clearing at an even speed. For snow or drifts of a greater 
    depth, lower your speed and let the machine work at its own 
    Plan for downwind discharge of the snow.
    5.7.3 Wet, packed snow
    Drive slowly forward. Avoid to use the scraping blade to 
    remove remaining packen snow and ice. Hoeing will lead to 
    fatigue failure in the auger housing.
    5.8 After use
    1. Allow the engine to run for a few minutes after each snow 
    clearing operation to allow ice and snow on the snow 
    thrower to melt away.
    2. Check that there are no damaged or loose parts. Repair/
    replace parts if necessary.
    3. Tighten loose screw joints.
    4.  Shut off the choke.
    5. Remove the spark plug cable from the spark plug.
    6.  Clean the snow thrower after each use. Wash off with 
    water to remove salt or other chemicals. Wipe the snow 
    thrower dry
    Before carrying out maintenance work, 
    disconnect the cable from the spark plug.
    6.1 Oil change
    Change the oil the first time after 2 hours of operation, and 
    subsequently every 25 hours of operation or at least once a 
    season. Change oil when the engine is warm.
    The engine oil is very hot immediately after the 
    engine is shut off. Allow the engine to cool before 
    draining the oil. Risk of burns.
    1.  Remove the oil filler cap and dipstick. 
    SN 5022: The oil is drained by dismantling the plug (4:S).
    SN 421: SEe fig 8.
    2. Place a container on the floor for the oil to run into.
    Check that the plug is correctly tightened. If it 
    comes loose during operation, the engine will be 
    3. SN 5022: Install the plug (4:S).
    4.  Stand the snow thrower up and fill with new oil. See 
    “Before starting”.
    6.2 Spark plug
    Before disconnecting the spark plug, clean around its 
    Replace the spark plug once a year or every hundred hours of 
    Spark plug: Champion RV 19 LM or equivalent.
    Tightening torque: 24-27 Nm.
    Electrode distance: 0.7-0.8 mm 
    6.3 Carburettor
    The carburettor is factory set. If adjustment is required, 
    contact an authorised service station.  
    Before carrying out maintenance work, disconnect 
    the cable from the spark plug.
    Lubricate the adjustment lever’s gear and the discharge chute 
    before storing the snow thrower for the summer. Use a 
    clinging type of grease, e.g. Lubriplate.
    8.1 Adjusting cable (SN 5022)
    The auger drive lever’s cable is adjusted at the factory. Any 
    adjustment is carried out as follows:
    1. Unhook the cable at the auger drive lever (1:D).
    2. Remove the casing and disconnect the cable from the 
    appropriate hole in the plate. See figure 10.
    3. Reinstall the cable in the new hole as required. Replace 
    the casing, hook the cable onto the auger drive lever.
    4. Start the snow thrower and check operation. The auger 
    should rotate when the auger drive lever is activated and 
    remain stationary when the auger drive lever is released. 
    If this is not the case, repeat the above procedure.
    8.2 Belt cover (SN 5022)
    1. Dismantle the belt cover (11:T) by removing the 7 screws 
    (11:U). 6 screws on the outside, one screw on the under-
    Two of the screws on the outside also hold the left shoe.
    2. Reassemble in reverse order.
    8.3 Replacing the drive belt (SN 5022)
    Replace the drive belt as follows:
    1. Remove the belt cover. See above.
    2. Remove the drive belt (12:Z) from the pulleys (12:W) 
    and (14:X). Take care not to damage the belt guide 
    3. Install the new drive belt in reverse order.
    4. Check that the drive belt (12:Z) is seated properly on the 
    Attention! When the auger drive lever is activated, the play 
    between belt guide (12:Y) and drive belt (12:Z) must be 2 
    5. Fit the belt cover. See above.
    8.4 Replacing the auger’s scraper rubber (SN 
    1. Lock the auger with a piece of wood (23:R).
    2. Drill out the 24 rivets holding the outer scraper rubbers 
    (24:T). Use a 13 mm drill bit (23:S).
    3. Remove the remains of the rivets and the scraper rubbers 
    using pliers or similar. 
    4. Remove the three screws (24:W) with nuts and washers 
    that hold the scraper rubbers (24:X) in the middle and re-
    move the scraper rubbers.
    5. Assemble new scraper rubbers in the reverse order. Use 
    24 screws with nuts instead of rivets.8.5 Replacing the auger (SN 5022) 
    1. Remove belt cover and drive belt. See above.
    2. Lock the auger with a piece of wood (13:A).
    3. Dismantle the pulley (13:C) from the axle. 
    Attention! Left-handed thread
    4. Undo the bearing assembly (13:B) from the left side of 
    the snow thrower and pull out the auger.
    5. Reassemble in reverse order.
    8.6 Adjusting cable (SN 421)
    The auger drive lever’s cable is adjusted at the factory. Any 
    adjustments are carried out as follows:
    1.  Loosen the screw (14:D) and move the spring (14:E) 
    backwards to tension the cable.
    2.  Tighten the screw (14:D) in the desired position. 
    8.7 Replacing the drive belt (SN 421)
    Replace the drive belt as follows:
    1.  Dismantle the left belt cover by removing the 7 screws 
    2. Loosen the two pulleys (16:G).
    3. Loosen the belt guide (17:H) on the underside.
    4. Pry off the belt and install the new one in the same way.
    5. Assemble the other parts in the reverse order.
    8.8 Replacing auger and bearing (SN 421) 
    1.  Dismantle the left belt cover by removing the 7 screws 
    2. Force the belt off the auger’s pulley (18:J).
    3. Hold the auger securely with a piece of wood or similar 
    and unscrew the pulley with a 26 mm socket. Note that 
    the thread on the pulley is left-handed.
    4. Remove the screws (19:K) on the left-hand side of the 
    auger housing.
    5. Dismantle the right cover by removing the 6 screws 
    6. Dismantle the discharge chute (20:H) by removing the 
    two screws (20:M).
    7. Lift up the worm screw (21:Q)
    8. Unscrew the auger housing’s centre screws (20:P).
    9. Pull the bearing off the left side of the auger using a 
    puller. See fig. 22.
    10. Take out the auger.
    11. Replace defect components and reinstall in reverse order. 
    Attention! Always install a washer or flange nut against 
    all plastic components.
    Attention! Do not tighten the screw joints too hard. This 
    can damage the plastic components.
    8.9 Replacing shoes (SN 5022) 
    1. Remove the shoe screws and shoes (1:G) on the right and 
    left-hand sides.
    2. Install the new shoes in reverse order. 
    Never store the snow thrower with petrol in the 
    tank in a confined area with poor ventilation. 
    Highly inflammable petrol fumes are formed.
    If the snow thrower is to be stored for a period longer than 30 
    days, the following measures must be taken:
    1.  Empty the petrol tank.
    2.  Start the engine and let it run until it stops due to lack of 
    Empty the petrol tank outdoors when the engine is 
    cold. Do not smoke. Empty into a container 
    designed for petrol.
    4.  Change the engine oil if this has not been done for 3 
    5.  Unscrew the spark plug and pour 30 ml of engine oil into 
    the hole. Crank the engine a couple of times. Screw back 
    the spark plug.
    6.  Clean the whole snow thrower thoroughly.
    7.  Lubricate. See “Lubrication”.
    8.  Inspect the snow thrower for damage. Repair if 
    9.  Touch up any paint damage.
    10. Rust-proof unpainted metal surfaces.
    11. Store the snow thrower indoors if possible. 
    A full warranty is issued against manufacturing and material 
    defects. The user must carefully follow the instructions given 
    in the enclosed documentation.
    For batteries: six months from the purchase date.
    The warranty does not cover damage due to:
    - Neglect by users to acquaint themselves with 
    accompanying documentation
    - Carelessness
    - Incorrect and non-permitted use or assembly
    - The use of non-genuine spare parts
    - The use of accessories not supplied or approved by GGP
    Neither does the warranty cover:
    - Wear parts such as drive belts, augers, headlights, wheels, 
    shear bolts and wires
    - Normal wear
    - Engines. These are covered by the engine manufacturer’s 
    warranties, with separate terms and conditions.
    The purchaser is covered by the national laws of each 
    country. The rights to which the purchaser is entitled with the 
    support of these laws are not restricted by this warranty. 
    							GGP Sweden AB · Box 1006 · SE-573 28 TRANÅS 
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