Epson Home Cinema 3000 Users Guide
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You seethemenu screen displaying theImage menusettings. 2. Press theupordown arrow button tomove through themenus listedonthe left. The settings for each menu aredisplayed onthe right. Note: Theavailable settingsdependonthe current inputsource. 3. Tochange settings inthe displayed menu,pressEnter. 4. Press theupordown arrow button tomove through thesettings. 5. Change thesettings usingthebuttons listedonthe bottom ofthe menu screens. 6. Toreturn allthe menu settings totheir default values, selectReset. 7. When youfinish changing settingsonamenu, pressEsc. 8. Press Menu orEsc toexit themenus. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings 91

Image Quality Settings -Image Menu Settings onthe Image menuletyou adjust thequality ofyour image forthe input source youarecurrently using. Theavailable settingsdependonthe currently selectedinputsource. To change settings foraninput source, makesurethesource isconnected andselect thatsource. Setting Options Description Color Mode See thelistofavailable Color Adjusts thevividness ofimage Modes colors forvarious imagetypes and environments Brightness Varying levelsavailable Lightens ordarkens theoverall image Contrast Varying levelsavailable Adjusts thedifference between light anddark areas ofthe image Color Saturation Varying levelsavailable Adjusts theintensity ofthe image colors Tint Varying levelsavailable Adjusts thebalance ofgreen to magenta tonesinthe image Skin Tone Varying levelsavailable Makes fineadjustments tothe color tone; higher values tintthe image greenandlower values tint the image red 92

Setting Options Description Sharpness Varying levelsavailable Adjusts thesharpness or softness ofimage details Color Temp. (colortemperature) Varying levelsavailable Sets theoverall colortone; higher values tintthe image blueand lower values tintthe image red Advanced Gamma Selects thevarious detailed color settings RGB Gamma :adjusts thegamma RGBCMY levels ofthe image Epson SuperWhite* RGB :adjusts theoffset andgain for each color RGBCMY :adjusts thehue, saturation, andbrightness for each color Epson SuperWhite:reduces over-exposure ofwhites inyour image Power Consumption High Adjusts thebrightness level, power usage, andfannoise; Medium select ECOforthe lowest level ECO Auto Iris Off Adjusts theprojected luminance based onthe image brightness Normal when certain ColorModes are High Speed selected * Can onlybeset when ColorMode isset toNatural ,Cinema ,or 3D Cinema andreceiving aninput signal fromtheHDMI 1or HDMI 2ports, orfrom theWirelessHD transmitter. Note: TheBrightness settingdoesnotaffect lampbrightness. Tochange thelamp brightness mode, use thePower Consumption setting. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings 93

Related concepts Color Mode Input Signal Settings -Signal Menu Normally theprojector detectsandoptimizes theinput signal settings automatically. Ifyou need to customize thesettings, youcanusetheSignal menu.Theavailable settingsdependonthe currently selected inputsource. To change settings foraninput source, makesurethesource isconnected andselect thatsource. 94

Setting Options Description 3D Setup 3D Display Selects various3Doptions 2D-to-3D Conversion 3D Display :enables 3Dmode (PowerLite HomeCinema 2D-to-3D Conversion :converts 3500/3510/3600e) 2D images to3D 3D Format 3D Format :selects the3D format 3D Depth 3D Depth :sets thedepth forthe Diagonal ScreenSize 3D image 3D Brightness Diagonal ScreenSize:sets the Inverse 3DGlasses actual sizeofthe screen to maximize the3Deffect 3D Viewing Notice 3D Brightness :adjusts the brightness ofthe 3Dimage Inverse 3DGlasses :reverses the images projected forthe left and right eyes (enable onlyif3D images arenotdisplaying correctly) 3D Viewing Notice:enables the viewing noticedisplayed when 3D mode isactivated Aspect See thelistofavailable aspect Sets theaspect ratio(width-to- ratios height ratio)forthe selected input source; notavailable forHDMI sources Tracking Varying levelsavailable Adjusts signaltoeliminate vertical stripesincomputer images Sync. Varying levelsavailable Adjusts signaltoeliminate fuzziness orflickering in computer images Position Up, down, left,right Adjusts theimage location onthe screen 95

Setting Options Description Deinterlacing * Off Sets whether toconvert interlaced toprogressive signals Video for certain videoimage types Film/Auto Off :for fast-moving videoimages Video :for most video images Film/Auto :for movies, computer graphics, andanimation Motion Detection 1 to 5 Selects howtheimage is converted toaprogressive signal (Adjust thissetting ifyou experience problemswithstill image quality orflickering video. Select alower setting forstill images orahigher setting for fast-moving videocontent.) Super-resolution 0 to 5 Adjusts theresolution and contrast ofimages (PowerLite HomeCinema Detail Enhancement 3500/3510/3600e) 0 to 5:sharpens blurredimages Detail Enhancement :adjusts image contrast Auto Setup On Automatically optimizes computer imagequality whenset Off to On 96

Setting Options Description Advanced Noise Reduction Noise Reduction :reduces flickering inanalog images in Setup Level three levels Overscan Setup Level:adjusts thelevel at HDMI Video Range which darkareas ofthe image are rendered black;leavethis Image Processing setting at0% formost video equipment; checkyourvideo equipment specifications toverify the correct setting Overscan :changes the projected imageratiotomake the edges visible byaselectable percentage orautomatically HDMI Video Range :sets the video range tomatch thesetting of the device connected tothe HDMI inputport Image Processing :adjusts how images areprocessed; select Fast todisplay images quickeror Fine todisplay images inhigher quality * You cansetDeinterlacing onlywhen receiving aninput signal fromtheVideo portorwhen receiving 480i, 576ior1080i signals fromtheComponent ,HDMI 1,or HDMI 2ports, orfrom theWirelessHD transmitter (PowerLite HomeCinema 3600e). Note: TheReset setting doesnotreset theDiagonal ScreenSize,3D Viewing Notice,Aspect ,and Image Processing settings. Parent topic:Adjusting theMenu Settings Related references Available ImageAspect Ratios 97

Related tasks Viewing 3DImages Projector FeatureSettings -Settings Menu Options onthe Settings menuletyou customize variousprojector features. Setting Options Description H/V-Keystone V-Keystone Adjusts theangle ofthe horizontal and vertical sidesinthe projected image H-Keystone Audio Volume Adjusts theprojectors audiooutput (PowerLite HomeCinema Inverse Audio Volume :adjusts thevolume 3500/3510/3600e) Inverse Audio:inverts theleftand right audio output channels; selectOnwhen projecting fromaceiling andplaying sound fromtheprojectors speakers 98

Setting Options Description HDMI Link Device Connections Adjusts theHDMI Linkoptions soyou can usetheprojector remotetocontrol HDMI Link HDMI-connected devicesthatsupport Audio OutDevice the CEC standard Power OnLink Device Connections :lists thedevices connected tothe HDMI 1and HDMI 2 Power OffLink ports, ortothe WirelessHD transmitter (PowerLite HomeCinema 3600e) HDMI Link:enables ordisables the HDMI Linkfunction Audio OutDevice :selects whether to output audiofromtheinternal speakers or aconnected audio/video system Power OnLink :controls whathappens when youturn onthe projector orlinked device • PJ -> Device orBidirectional :turns the linked device onwhen theprojector is turned on • Device -> PJ orBidirectional :turns the projector onwhen thelinked device is turned on Power OffLink :controls whether linked devices areturned offwhen theprojector is turned off 99

Setting Options Description WirelessHD Device Connections Adjusts settings foruse with the WirelessHD transmitter (PowerLite HomeCinema WirelessHD 3600e) Device Connections :displays alist of Reception available WirelessHD devices WiHD Mode WirelessHD :controls whether the Reset projector receivesWirelessHD signals Reception :displays thestrength ofthe WirelessHD signal WiHD Mode:adjusts theWirelessHD signal strength andrange • Full :uses themaximum video bandwidth atall times • Dynamic :provides extended signal range whileadjusting thevideo bandwidth inreal time; ifyour WirelessHD signalisweak, try selecting thissetting Reset :resets theWirelessHD settingsto the default settings (projector only)* Lock Setting Child Lock Controls projector buttonlocking to secure theprojector Control PanelLock Child Lock:locks thepower button Control PanelLock:locks allbuttons except thepower button Projection Front Selects theway theprojector facesthe screen sothe image isoriented correctly Front/Ceiling Rear Rear/Ceiling User Button 2D-to-3D Conversion Assigns amenu option tothe User button on the remote controlforone-touch Power Consumption access Info 100