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Honeywell thermostat DT92E Wireless Digital Thermostat User Manual

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Page 1

Operating indicators / Indicadores de funcionamiento / Indicateurs de fonctionnement / 
Bedrijfsmodussymbolen / Betriebsanzeige / Indicatore di funzionamento / Kezelési 
útmutató / Stavové symboly / Wskaźniki pracy regulatora / Stavové symboly
2 x LR6 AA Alkaline
Heating demand indicator
Indicador de demanda de calefacción
Indicateur de demande de chauffage
Anzeige Heizlastanforderung 
Indicatore di richiesta riscaldamento
Hőigény jelzés
Symbol požadavku na sepnutí kotle

Page 2

Operating indicators / Indicadores de funcionamiento / Indicateurs de fonctionnement / 
Bedrijfsmodussymbolen / Betriebsanzeige / Indicatore di funzionamento / Kezelési 
útmutató / Stavové symboly / Wskaźniki pracy regulatora / Stavové symboly
2 x LR6 AA Alkaline
Heating demand indicator
Indicador de demanda de calefacción
Indicateur de demande de chauffage
Anzeige Heizlastanforderung 
Indicatore di richiesta riscaldamento
Hőigény jelzés
Symbol požadavku na sepnutí kotle

Page 3

Operating indicators / Indicadores de funcionamiento / Indicateurs de fonctionnement / 
Bedrijfsmodussymbolen / Betriebsanzeige / Indicatore di funzionamento / Kezelési 
útmutató / Stavové symboly / Wskaźniki pracy regulatora / Stavové symboly
2 x LR6 AA Alkaline
Heating demand indicator
Indicador de demanda de calefacción
Indicateur de demande de chauffage
Anzeige Heizlastanforderung 
Indicatore di richiesta riscaldamento
Hőigény jelzés
Symbol požadavku na sepnutí kotle

Page 4

A  room  thermostat  simply  switches  the  heating  system  on  and  off  as  necessary. It  works  by  sensing  the  air  temperature,  switching  on  the  heating  when  the  air temperature  falls  below  the  thermostat  setting,  and  switching  it  off  once  this  set temperature has been reached. Turning a room thermostat to a higher setting will not make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on the design of the heating system, for example, the size of boiler and...

Page 5

A  room  thermostat  simply  switches  the  heating  system  on  and  off  as  necessary. It  works  by  sensing  the  air  temperature,  switching  on  the  heating  when  the  air temperature  falls  below  the  thermostat  setting,  and  switching  it  off  once  this  set temperature has been reached. Turning a room thermostat to a higher setting will not make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on the design of the heating system, for example, the size of boiler and...

Page 6

A  room  thermostat  simply  switches  the  heating  system  on  and  off  as  necessary. It  works  by  sensing  the  air  temperature,  switching  on  the  heating  when  the  air temperature  falls  below  the  thermostat  setting,  and  switching  it  off  once  this  set temperature has been reached. Turning a room thermostat to a higher setting will not make the room heat up any faster. How quickly the room heats up depends on the design of the heating system, for example, the size of boiler and...
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