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HP 15c Manual

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    Section 9 
    When  the same set  of  instructions  needs  to  be  used  at  more  than  one  point 
    in a  program,  memory  space  can be  conserved by storing those  instructions 
    as a single subroutine. 
    The Mechanics 
    Go To Subroutine and Return 
    The G (go to subroutine) instruction is executed in the same way as the 
    t branch,  with  one  major  difference:  it  establishes  a pending  return 
    condition. G label, like t label,* transfers program execution to the 
    line with the corresponding label (A to E, 0 to 9 or .0 to .9). However, 
    execution  then  continues until  the  first  subsequent n instruction  is 
    encountered – at which  point execution transfers  back to  the  instruction 
    immediately  following  the  last G instruction,  and  continues  on  from 
     Subroutine Execution  
     ´bA  ´b.1  
     |n  |n  
     END  RETURN  
    Execution transfers to line 000  
    and halts. 
    Execution transfers back to 
    original routine after 
                                                               * A G or t instruction  followed  by  a letter label  is  an  abbreviated  key  sequence  (no ´ necessary). Abbreviated key sequences are explained on page 78.  
    							102 Section 9: Subroutines 
    Subroutine Limits 
    A subroutine can call up another subroutine, and that subroutine can call up 
    yet  another  subroutine.  This  ―subroutine  nesting‖—the  execution  of  a 
    subroutine  within  a  subroutine—is  limited  to  stack  of  subroutines  seven 
    levels  deep  (this  does  not  count  the  main  program  level).  The  operation  of 
    nested subroutines is as shown below: 
    Main Program 
    bA  b1  b2  b3  b4 
    G1    G3     
      G2    G4   
    n  n  n  n  n 
    Example: Write  a  program  to 
    calculate  the  slope  of  the  secant  line 
    joining  points  (x1, y1)  and  (x2,  y2)  on 
    the  graph  shown,  where y = x2 - sin x 
    (given x in radians). 
    The secant slope is: 
    The solution requires that the equation for y be evaluated twice—once for y1 
    and  once  for y2,  given  the  data  input  for x1 and x2.  Since  the  same 
    calculation must be  made  for different values, it will save program space to 
    call a subroutine to calculate y. 
    The following program assumes that x1 has been entered into the Y-register 
    and x2 into the X-register. 12
    12)sin ()sin (or ,xx
    							 Section 9: Subroutines 103 
    ´ CLEAR M (Not programmable.) 
    001- ´ b 9 Start main program. 
    002- | R    Radians mode. 
    003- O 0 Stores x2 in R0. 
    004- ®  Brings x1 into X; x2 into Y. 
    005- O - 0 (x2 - x1) in R0. 
    006- G .3 Transfer to subroutine ―.3‖ with x1. 
       Return from subroutine ―.3‖. 
      007- “  - y1. 
    008- ® Brings x2 into X-register. 
    009- G .3 Transfer to subroutine with x2. 
       Return from subroutine ―.3‖. 
      010- +  y2 - y1. 
    011- l ÷ 0 Recalls (x2 – x1) from R0 and 
    calculates (y2 - y1)/(x2 - x1). 
    012- | n Program end (return to line 000). 
    013- ´ b .3 Start subroutine .3. 
    014- | x x2. 
    015- |  K Recall x. 
    016- [ sin x. 
    017- -   x 2 – sin x, which equals y. 
    018- | n Return to origin in main program. 
    Calculate  the  slope  for  the  following  values  of x1 and x2:  0.52,  1.25; -1,  1; 
    0.81, 0.98. Remember to use G 9 (rather than ´ 9) when addressing a 
    routine with a digit label. 
    Answers: 1.1507; -0.8415; 1.1652.  
    							104 Section 9: Subroutines 
    Example:  Nesting. The  following  subroutine,  labeled  ―.4‖,  calculates  the 
    value of the expression  as part of a larger calculation in a 
    larger  program.  The  subroutine  calls  upon another subroutine (a  nested 
    subroutine), labeled ―.5‖, to do the repetitive squaring. 
    The program is executed after placing the variables t, z, y, and x into the T-, 
    Z-, Y-, and X-registers. 
    ´ b.4 Start of main 
    | x  x2. 
    G.5 Calculates y2 and  
     x2 + y2. 
    G.5               Calculates z2 and  
     X2 + y2 + z2. 
    G.5               Calculates t2 and 
     x2 + y2 + z2 + t2. 
    ¤                    
    | n End of main subroutine; 
     returns to main program. 
    ´ b.5 Start of nested 
    | x Calculates a square and 
    + adds it to current sum of squares. 
    | n End  of  nested  sub-routine;  returns 
    to main subroutine. 
    If  you  run  the  subroutine  (with  its  nested  subroutine)  alone  using x =  4.3, 
    y =  7.9, z =  1.3,  and t =  8.0,  the  answer  you  get  upon  pressing G.4  is 
    12.1074. 2222tzyx 2 2  2  2t zyx  
    							 Section 9: Subroutines 105 
    Further Information 
    The Subroutine Return 
    The pending return condition means that the n instruction  occurring 
    subsequent  to  a G instruction  causes  a  return  to  the  line  following  the 
    G rather  than a  return  to  line  000.  This  is  what  makes  a  subroutine 
    useful  and  reuseable  in  different  parts  of  a  program:  it  will  always  return 
    execution to  where  it  branched  from,  even  as  that  point  changes.  The  only 
    difference between using a G branch and a t branch is the transfer 
    of execution after a n. 
    Nested Subroutines 
    If  you  attempt  to  call  a  subroutine  that  is  nested  more  than  seven  levels 
    deep,  the  calculator  will  halt  and  display Error 5 when  it  encounters  the 
    G instruction at the eighth level. 
    Note  that  there  is  no  limitation  (other  than  memory  size)  on  the  number  of 
    nonnested subroutines or sets of nested subroutines that you may use.  
    Section 10 
    The Index Register  
    and Loop Control 
    The  Index  register  (RI)  is  a  powerful  tool  in  advanced  programming  of  the 
    HP-15C. In addition to storage  and recall of data  the  Index  register can use 
    an index number to: 
     Count and control loops. 
     Indirectly  address  storage  registers,  including  those  beyond R.9 
     Indirectly branch to program line numbers, as well as to labels. 
     Indirectly control the display format. 
     Indirectly control flag operations. 
    The V and % Keys 
    Direct Versus Indirect Data Storage With the Index Register 
    The  Index  register  is  a  data  storage  register  that  can  be  used  directly,  with 
    V, or indirectly, with %.* The difference is important to note: 
     V  % 
    The V function  uses  the 
    number  itself in  the  Index 
    The % function uses the absolute 
    value  of  the  integer  portion  of  the 
    number  in  the  Index  register  to 
    address  another  data  storage 
    register.  This  is  called indirect 
                                                               * Note  that  the  matrix  functions  and  complex  functions  use  the V and % keys  also,  but  for  different purposes. Refer to sections 11 and 12 for their usage.  
    							 Section 10: The Index Register and Loop Control 107 
    Indirect Program Control With the Index Register 
    The V key  is  used  for  all  forms  of  indirect  program  control other  than 
    indirect  register  addressing.  Hence, V (not %)  is  used  for  indirect 
    program  branching,  indirect  display  format  control,  and  indirect  flag 
    Program Loop Control 
    Program loop counting and control can be carried out in the HP-15C by any 
    storage register: R0 through R9, R.0 through R.9, or the Index register (V). 
    Loop control can also be carried out indirectly with %. 
    The Mechanics 
    Both V and % can  be  used  in  abbreviated  key  sequences,  omitting  the 
    preceding ´ prefix (as explained on page 78). 
    Index Register Storage and Recall 
    Direct. O V and l V.  Storage  and  recall  between  the  X-
    register and the Index register operate in the same manner as with other data 
    storage registers (page 42). 
    Indirect. O (or l) % stores into (or recalls from) the data storage 
    register whose number is addressed by the integer portion of the value (0 to 
    65) in the Index register. See the table below and on the next page. 
    Indirect Addressing 
    If RI contains: % will address: t V or G V will transfer to:* 
    ±  0 R0 ´ b 0 
    ⋮  ⋮ ⋮ 
    9 R9 ´ b 9 
    10 R.0               .0 
    11 R.1               .1 
    ⋮  ⋮ ⋮ 
    19 R.9 ´ b .9 
    20 R20             A 
    *For RI  0 only. 
    (Continued on next page.)  
    							108 Section 10: The Index Register and Loop Control 
    Indirect Addressing 
    If RI contains: % will address: t V or GV will transfer to:* 
    21 R21 ´ b B 
    22 R22              C 
    23 R23              Á 
    24 R24              E 
    ⋮ ⋮ — 
    65 R65 — 
    *For RI  0 only. 
    Index Register Arithmetic 
    Direct. O or l { + , -, *, ÷ } V.  Storage  or  recall 
    arithmetic  operates  with  the  Index  register  in  the  same  manner  as  upon 
    other data storage registers (page 43). 
    Indirect. O or l { + , -, *, ÷ } % carries out storage 
    or  recall  arithmetic  with  the  contents  of  the  data  storage  register  addressed 
    by the  integer portion of the  number (0 to 65) in the  Index register. See  the 
    above table. 
    Exchanging the X-Register 
    Direct. ´ X V exchanges  contents  between  the  X-register  and the 
    Index register. (Works the same as X n does with registers 0 through .9.) 
    Indirect. ´ X % exchanges contents between the X-register and the 
    data storage register addressed by the number (0 to 65) in the Index register. 
    See the above table. 
    Indirect Branching With V  
    The V key—but not the % key—can  be  used  for indirect branching 
    (tV)  and  subroutine  calls  (GV).  (Only  the  integer  portion  of 
    the  number  in  RI is  used.)  (% is only used  for  indirect addressing of 
    storage registers).  
    							 Section 10: The Index Register and Loop Control 109 
    To  Labels. If  the  RI value  is positive, t V and G V will 
    transfer execution to the label which corresponds to the number in the Index 
    register (see the above table). 
    For  instance,  if  the  Index  register  contains  20.00500,  then  a tV 
    instruction  will  transfer  program  execution  to ´b A.  See  the  chart 
    on page 107. 
    To  Line  numbers. If  the  RI value  is negative, tV causes  branching 
    to  that line  number (using  the  absolute  value  of  the  integer  portion  of  the 
    value in RI). 
    For  instance,  if  RI contains –20.00500,  then  a tV instruction  will 
    transfer program execution to program line 020. 
    Indirect Flag Control With V 
    F V,  V,  or ? V will  set,  clear,  or  test  the  flag  (0  to  9) 
    specified in RI (by the magnitude of the integer portion). 
    Indirect Display Format Control With V 
    ´ • V, ´ i V,  and ´ ^ V will  format  the 
    display in their customary manner (refer to pages 58–59), using the number 
    in RI (integer part only) for n, which must be from 0 to 9.* 
    Loop Control With Counters: I and e 
    The I (increment  and  skip  if  greater  than)  and e (decrement  and 
    skip if less than or equal to) functions control loop execution by referencing 
    and  altering  a  loop control  number in  a  given  register.  Program  execution 
    (skipping a line or not) then depends on that number. 
    The key sequence is ´ { I, e } register number. This number is 
    0 to 9, .0 to .9, V ,or %. 
    The Loop Control Number. The format of the loop control number is: 
    nnnnn.xxxyy, where 
    ±nnnnn is the current counter value, 
    xxx is the test (goal) value, and 
    yy Is the increment of decrement value 
                                                               * Except when using f (section 14)  
    							110 Section 10: The Index Register and Loop Control 
    For example, the number 0.05002 in a storage register represents: 
    nnnnn x x x y y 
        0.0 5 0 0 2 
    Start count at zero. Count by twos. 
    Count up to 50. 
    I and e Operation. Each  time  a  program  encounters I or 
    e it  increments  or  decrements nnnnn (the  integer  portion  of  the  loop 
    control  number),  thereby  keeping  count  of  the  loop  iterations.  It  compares 
    nnnnn to xxx, the  prescribed  test  value,  and  exits the  loop  by  skipping the 
    next  line  if  the  loop  counter  (nnnnn)  is  either greater  than  (I) or  less 
    than  or  equal  to  (e)  the  test  value  (xxx).  The  amount  that nnnnn is 
    incremented or decremented is specified by yy. 
    With  these  functions  (as  opposed  to  the  other  conditional  tests),  the  rule  is 
    ―Skip if True‖. 
    False (nnnnn  xxx)  True (nnnnn > xxx) 
    loop t. 1  
     instruction exit loop 
    For I: given nnnnn.xxxyy, increment nnnnn to nnnnn + yy, compare 
    it to xxx, and skip the  next program line if the  new value satisfies nnnnn > 
    xxx.  This  allows  you  to  exit  a  loop  at  this  point  when nnnnn becomes 
    greater than xxx. 
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