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Keurig B31 Manual

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    2 Min
    Lo\fer the Bre\fer Handle completely 
    and firmly to close. The BREW Button \fill flash blue. 
    Press the BREW Button. It \fill then 
    flash red \fhile the \fater is heating, 
    and turn solid red \fhen bre\fing 
    begins.  The \fater \fill reach the correct 
    temperature in approximately  
    2 minutes. The BREW Button \fill 
    turn solid red and your beverage   
    \fill start to dispense. If you are performing an initial 
    cleansing bre\f, discard the \fater 
    from the mug and begin at Step 4 to 
    bre\f your first beverage. 
        i f you have p\beviously completed an 
    initial cleansin\f b\bew, enjoy you\b 
    Your Brewer is now rea\fy for 
    the next beverage\b Begin the 
    process again, a\f\fing fresh 
    water an\f a new K-Cup\bEnsure all of the water has left 
    the Col\f Water Reser voir an\f 
    \fraine\f into the Brewer before 
    lowering the Brewer Han\fle\b 
    CAUTION: The\be is ext\bemely hot wate\b in the K-Cup Holde\b du\bin\f the b\bew p\bocess. To avoid \bisk of 
    inju\b y, do not lift the B\bewe\b Handle o\b open the K-Cup A ssembly Housin\f du\bin\f the b\bewin\f p\bocess.   
    cleaning External Parts
    IMPORTANT: Make su\be the B\bewe\b is unplu\f\fed befo\be cleanin\f.
    Regular cleaning of the Bre\fer’s external components is recommended.
    Never immerse the Bre\fer in \fater or other liquids. The Bre\fer 
    housing and other external components should be cleaned \fith a damp, 
    non-abrasive, lint-free cloth.
    2 .  
    The Drip Tray and Drip Tray Plate should be periodically inspected and 
    cleaned \fith a damp, non-abrasive, lint-free cloth. The Drip Tray and Drip 
    Tray Plate should not be put into the dish\fasher. To remove the Drip Tray,  simply slide it to\fard you. Remember, \fhen the red  Drip Tray Overfill 
    Indicator appears, the Drip Tray is almost full. Carefully remove the Drip 
    Tray and discard its contents .
                    The Drip Tray has a snug fit to ensure it stays put in transit\b 
    Se C tIon 5   Cleaning & \baintenance
    fig\f 1
    cleaning t\be K- cup® Portion Pack 
    Holder  assembly
    Cleanin\f the Pa\bts  — The K-Cup Holder Assembly can be placed onto the 
    top shelf of a dish\fasher. 
    NOTE:  Use low tempe\batu\be cycles in the 
    To remove the K-Cup Holder Assembly from the Bre\fer, lift 
    the Bre\fer Handle to open. Grasp the top of the K-Cup Holder \fith one 
    hand. With the other hand, push up on the bottom of the K-Cup Holder 
    until it releases (fig. 1). After cleaning, align the K-Cup Holder \fith the 
    opening using the t\fo front ribs as a guide, and snap into place from the  top (fig. 2).
    fig \f 2   
    Cleanin\f the Funnel    — The Funnel can be removed from the 
    K-Cup Holder by pulling on it until it snaps off (fig. 3). The Funnel   
    can be placed on the top shelf of a dish\fasher. 
    NOTE:  Use low 
    tempe\batu\be cycles in the dishwashe\b. 
    To replace the Funnel, just snap it 
    back onto the K-Cup Holder Assembly.
    Cleanin\f the Exit Needle   — The Exit Needle is located on the inside 
    bottom of the K-Cup Holder Assembly. Should a clog arise due to coffee 
    grinds, it can be cleaned using a paper clip or similar tool. Remove  K-Cup Holder Assembly and detach Funnel. Insert the paper clip (fig. 4) into the Exit Needle to loosen the clog and push it out. The K-Cup Holder 
    can be placed on the top shelf of a dish\fasher.  
    NOTE:  Use low 
    tempe\batu\be cycles in the dishwashe\b.  The Ent\bance Needle does not 
    \bequi\be cleanin\f.
    fig \f 3fig\f 4
    CAUTION : The\be a\be sha\bp needles that punctu\be the K-Cup above the 
    K-Cup Holde\b  and in the bottom of the K-Cup Holde\b. To avoid \bisk of 
    inju\b y, do not put you\b fin\fe\bs in the K-Cup A ssembly Housin\f.
    NOTE: Ove\b time, discolo\bation, spottin\f o\b stainin\f may appea\b in the 
    Cold Wate\b Rese\bvoi\b . This is no\bmal and will va\by dependin\f on the 
    mine\bal content of the bottled o\b filte\bed wate\b used. This will not affect 
    the ope\bation of the B\bewe\b. Howeve\b, be su\be to clean the Cold Wate\b 
    Rese\bvoi\b \be\fula\bly to minimize build-up (see pa\fe 14).      
    cleaning t\be  cold Water Reservoir
    To access the Cold Water Reservoir, lift the Cold Water Reservoir Lid. 
    Remove the Water Level Guide (fig. 5), then clean the inside of the reservoir \fith a damp, lint-free cloth as necessary (fig. 6). Replace the Water Level 
    Guide and close the Cold Water Reservoir Lid \fhen finished. 
    NOTE: The Wate\b 
    Level Guide is not dishwashe\b safe.
    Emptying t\be Internal Hot Water Tank
      1.  Bre\fer must be po\fered off and plugged in.
    2.  Ensure that the  Cold Water Reservoir Lid  is closed.
    3. Place a mug on the Drip Tray, then press and hold the BREW Button 
    until all the \fater has been dispensed. 
    NOTE:   The\be will be a delay of 
    3–  4 seconds befo\be wate\b be\fins to dispense.
    Empty the Internal Hot Water Tank and Cold Water Reservoir before   
    storing.  Ensure that you store your Bre\fer in a safe and frost-free   
    environment, and in an upright position. Storing the Bre\fer in cold   
    temperatures may cause condensation to freeze inside the Bre\fer   
    and cause damage. 
    Before using your Bre\fer after storage, \fipe the  Cold Water Reservoir 
    \fith a damp, lint-free cloth and run three cleansing bre\fs \fithout a 
    ® portion pack.  See page 8 for more information.
    If your Bre\fer has been in an environment belo\f freezing, allo\f the   
    Bre\fer to rest at room temperature for at least 2 hours before   
    po\fering on.
    Storing t\be Power  cord
    Behind the Bre\fer is a convenient compartment that \fill hold the   
    Po\fer Cord (fig. 7). This makes the Bre\fer both easier to store and easier   
    to take on the go.
    fig \f 5
    fig\f 7
    fig\f 6
    SeCtIon 5   Cleaning & \baintenance  (continued)  
    De-Scaling Your Brewer
    Depending on the mineral content of the \fater, calcium deposits or scale 
    may build up in your Bre\fer. Scale is non-toxic but left unattended, it can  hinder Bre\fer performance. De-scaling your Bre\fer helps maintain the 
    heating element and other internal parts of the Bre\fer.
    The Bre\fer should be de-scaled every 3-6 months to ensure optimal  performance or \fhen there are \fhite deposits in the  Cold Water Reservoir. 
    It is possible for calcium deposits to build up faster, making it necessary to   
    de-scale more often.
    You \fill need 20 oz. of undiluted \fhite vinegar, a 12 oz. ceramic mug (do not 
    use a paper cup) and access to a sink.
    Step 1:
        Fill the  Cold Water Reservoir  \fith 10 oz. of undiluted \fhite vinegar to 
    the 10 oz. mark on the Water Level Guide. 
    Step 2:   
    Place the ceramic mug on the Drip Tray Plate. Lift and lo\fer the 
    Bre\fer Handle completely and perform a bre\f \fithout adding a 
    K-Cup. Empty the contents of the ceramic mug into the sink. 
    CAUTION : Be ca\beful as contents will be hot.
    Step 3: 
      Place the ceramic mug back on the Drip Tray Plate. Pour the  remaining 10 oz. of vinegar into the Cold Water Reservoir. Start a bre\f, but po\fer off the Bre\fer just after it starts to dispense. Allo\f it to sit 
    for at least 30 minutes.
    C. Ri NSE
    Step 1:
    After the prescribed period of time (at least 30 minutes), turn your 
    Bre\fer on and place the ceramic mug on the Drip Tray Plate. Lift and lo\fer the Bre\fer Handle completely and perform a bre\f \fithout 
    adding a K-Cup. Empty the contents of the ceramic mug into the sink. 
    CAUTION : Be ca\beful as contents will be hot.
    Step 2:   
    Fill the Cold Water Reservoir \fith 10 ounces of fresh \fater, place 
    the ceramic mug on the Drip Tray Plate and perform a bre\f \fithout 
    adding a K-Cup.
    Step 3:   
    Repeat Step 2 three times to cleanse the Bre\fer plumbing and get rid 
    of any residual taste from the vinegar. The Bre\fer is no\f ready for  normal use again.
    Beyond these recommended cleaning and maintenance procedures, this 
    Bre\fer is not user serviceable. For service, please refer to the Warranty 
    section in this guide. 
    Se C tIon  \b  Troubleshooting
    B\bewe\b does not have powe\b
    B\bewe\b will not b\bew when used fo\b the fi\bst time B\bewe\b will not b\bew
      SiTUAT iON   SOLUT iON
    \bake sure the Po\fer Button is pressed. The  Add Water Indicator 
    should flash blue after pushing the Po\fer Button.
    • Plug Bre\fer into an independent outlet. 
    • Check to be sure that it is plugged in securely.   
    • Plug into a different outlet.   
    • Reset your home’s circuit breaker if necessary.
    •    Bre\fer may be cold or frozen. Let Bre\fer rest at room temperature for at 
    least 2 hours before po\fering on.
    \bake sure the Bre\fer has po\fer (see above). 
    Press the Po\fer Button. If the  Add Water Indicator flashes blue, add \fater 
    and attempt to bre\f. If the Add Water Indicator does not flash blue, make 
    sure the Bre\fer has po\fer (see above). If the Bre\fer still does not operate, 
    contact Customer Service.
    If the BREW Button flashes red longer than 3 minutes, contact Customer 
    B\bewe\b only b\bews a pa\btial b\bew
    B\bewe\b shuts off automaticallyThe\be is wate\b in the D\bip T\bay
    Red  indicato\b appea\bs in D\bip T\bay
      SiTUAT iON   SOLUT iON
    • The Exit Needle may be clogged (see page 13).
    •    Clean the K-Cup® Portion Pack Holder Assembly if necessary (see page 12).
    • De-scale the Bre\fer (see page 15).
    •    If you have repeated the de-scale procedure t\fo times, and the Bre\fer   
    still does not function properly, contact Customer Service.
    In normal operation, the Bre\fer \fill shut off \fhen it is idle for longer   
    than 90 seconds. Just press the Po\fer Button to restart. 
    If the Bre\fer shuts off in the middle of a bre\f, contact Customer Service. 
    Remember that  any liquid overflo\f (from your cup or the Cold Water 
    Reservoir) \fill be caught in the Drip Tray.
    When the Drip Tray is almost full, the red Drip Tray Overflo\f Indicator \fill 
    appear. Carefully remove the Drip Tray and empty its contents into the sink. 
    This means the Drip Tray is almost full. Carefully remove the Drip Tray 
    and empty its contents into the sink.
    Should othe\b issues a\bise with you\b B\bewe\b, please call   
    Keu\bi\f Custome\b Se\bvice at 1.866.901.BREW  (2739). 
    Se C tIon  7  Warranty
    Limited One Year Warranty 
    Keurig® \farrants that your Bre\fer \fill be free of defects in materials or 
    \forkmanship under normal  use for one year from the date of purchase. It is 
    recommended that you fill out and return the \farranty card enclosed \fith  your Bre\fer so that your purchase information \fill be stored in our system. 
    Keurig \fill, at its option, repair or replace the Bre\fer \fithout charge upon its 
    receipt of proof of the date of purchase. If a replacement Bre\fer is necessary  to service this \farranty, the replacement Bre\fer may be ne\f or 
    reconditioned. If a replacement Bre\fer is sent, a ne\f limited one year  \farranty \fill be applied to the replacement Bre\fer.
    This \farranty only applies to Bre\fers operated in the United States and  Canada. This \farranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have 
    other rights that vary from state to state and, in the case of Canada, from  province to province.
    What is not cove\bed by the limited wa\b\banty?
    OF THIS WARR ANT Y, E VEN IF FORESEE ABLE. Some states or provinces 
    do not allo\f the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential 
    damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you   
    depending on the state or province of purchase. 
    Nor does this \farranty cover damages caused by services performed by 
    anyone other than Keurig or its authorized service providers, use of parts 
    other than genuine Keurig parts, or external causes such as abuse, misuse,  inappropriate po\fer supply or acts of God.
    Othe\b limitations
    YOUR B31 BREWER, INCLUDING ANY I\bPLIED WARRANT Y OF \bERCHANT  ABILIT Y OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICUL AR PURPOSE. Some states or  provinces do not allo\f disclaimers of such implied \farranties or limitations 
    on ho\f long an implied \farranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply  to you depending on the state or the province of purchase. 
    How do you obtain wa\b\banty se\bvice?
    Keurig Bre\fers are high-quality appliances and, \fith proper care, are   
    intended to provide years of satisfying performance. Ho\fever, should the 
    need arise for \farranty servicing, simply call Keurig Customer Service at 
    our toll free phone number 1.866.901.BREW (2739). Please do not return your  Bre\fer for servicing \fithout first speaking to Keurig Customer Service to 
    obtain an Authorization to Return number (ATR). Keurig Bre\fers returned   
    \fithout an ATR number \fill be returned to the sender \fithout servicing.
    Keurig, Incorporated  55 Walkers Brook Drive 
    Reading, \bA 01867 
    1.866.901.BREW (2739)
    							cLI cK,  ca LL OR SHOP   I  \f \f \f.keurig.com  I  1.866.901.BRE W  I  At over 17,000 stores in the U.S. and Canada 
    Keurig, Incorporated 
    55 Walkers Brook Drive 
    Reading, \bA 01867
    Keurig, Incorporated is a  \fholly-o\fned subsidiar y of 
      Green \bountain Coffee Roasters, Inc.
    Covered by U.S. Patent Number 7,165,48\u8 and  
    other U.S. and foreign patents pending.
    \bade and printed in China © 2009 Keurig, Incorporated
    All rights reser ved. P/N 60-201172-000 RevB 
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