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Loewe Individual 32 Lcd Operating Instructions

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    21	-
    Status display
    ➠	In	normal	TV	mode,	without	other	displays:
    END: Show	/	hide	status	display.
    In	the 	top 	two 	lines 	you 	will 	see 	the 	number 	and 	name 	of	the 	station, 	the 	title 	of 	the 	programme 	currently 	running	(if 	available) 	and 	the 	sound 	identification.
    The	 time	 and,	 if	activated,	 the	alarm	time	and	switch-off	time	are	displayed	at	the	bottom.
    Explanations of the symbols for sound identification:
    Transmitted	audio	signal:
      Mono	 Mono	audio	transmission	analogue
     2-sound	 Two-sound	transmission	(Sound1/Sound2)	analogue
     Stereo	 Stereo	sound	transmission	analogue	or	digital	(PCM)
    	  Digital	 Dolby	Digital	sound	transmission	(DD)
    	dts	 dts	sound	transmission
    	MPEG	 MPEG	sound	transmission
    		ProLogicII	 Dolby	Pro	Logic	II
    Transmitted	audio	channels:
    		 DD	/	dts	1.0	/	mono
    		 DD	/	dts	/	MPEG	2.0
    	 	 DD	/	dts
    		 DD	/	dts
    		 DD	/	dts
    	 	 DD	/	dts
    	 	 DD	/	dts
    	 	 DD	/	dts
    	 	 DD	/	dts
    Selected	listening	mode:
    	 1	 Play	centre	sound	or	mono	(left/right).
    	 2	 Play	front	sound	(L/R	stereo).
    	 3	 Play	front	and	centre	sound.
    	 4	 Play	front	and	surround	sound.
    	 5	 Play	front,	surround	and	centre	sound.
    ➠  If	the	 number	 of	speakers	 appears	in	brackets,	 the	sound	of 	missing 	speakers 	is 	transmitted 	by 	the 	existing	speakers	(virtual).
       14:42    Alarm time 20:00                  Sleep timer 23:00
    1    Das Erste                                         Digital  (5)                         14:30 - 15:15    Toskana       Language-/sound selection
    Daily operation
    Additional selection possibilities for DVB stations
    In	 the	 status	 display	 additional	 selection	possibilities	 can	be	offered	 for	specific	programmes	depending	on	the	DVB	programme	provider.
    ➠		If 	during 	the 	status 	display	you 	press 	one 	of 	the 	coloured buttons or	the 	TEXT button	then 	the 	associated 	selection	menu 	will 	be 	displayed.
    The	following	options	are	possible:
    Red button: Channel 	selection 	for 	multi-channel 	providers
    Green button:	Language/audio	selection
    Yellow button:  Time	selection
    Blue button:	Protection	of	minors
    TEXT:	 	DVB	subtitles
    The	selection	 menus	are	only	 available	 as	long	 as	the	status 	display	is 	shown. 	However 	you 	can 	call 	them 	again	by	pressing	the	END button.
    Explanations of the selection possibilities
    The	 subtitle	 selection	 refers	exclusively	 to	DVB	 subtitles	and	is 	not 	offered 	by 	all 	stations. 	Many 	stations 	only	transmit	subtitles	by	teletext.
    You 	can 	make 	general 	settings 	for 	DVB 	subtitles 	under 	TV menu → Settings → Miscellaneous → DVB subtitles.	
    The	selection	 line	is	automatically	 displayed	briefly,	if	a	new	 programme	 begins	with	options	 that	are	different	from	 those	 of	the	 previous	 programme,	 or	if	you	 switch	to	a	different	station.
    DVB	subtitles
    New		programme
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
    -	22
    Managing stations
    TV stations
    Various	options 	for 	managing 	stations 	are 	available 	via 	the 	TV 	menu. 	For	example 	the 	description 	for 	TV 	stations. 	For 	radio 	stations 	the 	same 	applies,	except 	that 	the 	radio 	menu 	is 	called 	in 	radio 	mode 	(see 	also 	page 	34).
    ➠		Station 	management 	is 	not 	possible 	if 	a 	programmed 	timer 	recording	is 	still 	pending.
    Search/update stations  – Search wizardIn	 the	 search/update	 with	the	search	 wizard,	 new	stations	 are	searched	for	which	are	not	yet	stored.	
    ➠  You 	have 	to 	repeat 	the 	initial 	installation 	(see 	page 	11)	and	 automatically	 search	for	new	 ones	 if	you	 want	 to	delete 	all 	the 	existing 	stations 	and 	automatically 	search	for	new	ones.
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Stations,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Search wizard,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    In 	the 	upper 	info 	text 	the 	current 	search 	settings 	will 	now	be	displayed:
    If	you	want	to	change	these	search	settings:
    	34	Select	Change search settings,		OK	wizard	prompts	search	settings.
    If	you	agree	with	these	settings:
    	34	Select	Start search/update,		OK	start	search.
    Red button:	Abort	current	search/update.
    Explanations of some search settings:
    Select 	the 	country 	for 	country-specific 	defaults 	and	station	sorting.
    Select	 antenna,	 cable,	or	satellite	 here,	depending	 on	where	you	want	to	search	for	new	stations.At	this 	point 	you 	can 	also 	call 	a 	configuration 	of 	the	DVB-T	 and	DVB-S	 antennae	 via	the	 yellow	 button	 (see	page	12).
    With	selection 	of 	set 	location 	the 	conventional 	TV	standard/colour	 standard	is	the	 default.	 This	should	 only	be	changed	 if	stations	 with	other	 standards	 are	to	be	searched.
    If	you	 want	 to	run	 the	station	 search	independently	 of	the	channel	 grid,	select	frequency search for	the	 search	method.
    With	 the	selection	 of	set	 location	 the	conventional	 set-tings	will	be	preset.	 Only	change	 this	if	you	 know	 other	symbol 	rates 	and 	modulation 	types 	or 	if 	you 	have 	to	specify	 the	network	 ID	for	 your	 cable	 network	 (informa-tion	available	from	your	cable	network	provider).If	you	 want	 to	run	 the	station	 search	independently	 of	the	channel	 grid,	select	frequency search for	the	 search	method.
    The	 symbol	 rate	is	specified	 by	the	 satellite	 provider	 and	
    normally	does	not	need	to	be	changed.
    Search/update stations – Search ended
    After	the	station	 search	has	ended,	 the	number	 of	new	found	stations	is	displayed.
    	OK	 to	continue.
    If	new	 stations	 are	found,	 these	are	displayed	 with	the	appropriate	station	number.
     OK	 to	continue.
    END: to	exit	search	wizard.
    Set 	location
    Signal 	source
    Antenna/cable:TV/colour	standard
    DVB-TSearch 	method
    DVB-SSymbol 	rate
    Start search/updateChange search settingsSearch wizard
    TV menuSettingsStations
    Search wizardYour TV carries out the update of the station range (search for new sta\
    tions;delete stations no longer broadcast) with the following settings:Location of TV set                 GermanySignal source                     Antenna/cable (analogue)TV/colour standard                PAL-BG
    Search wizardAutomatic TV station search and sorting finished.         
    Search for/update stationNew found stations30  TELE 531  N 2432  QVC33  E26
    23	-
    Search/update station – manual search
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Stations,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select Manual adjustment,		OK	call	input	box.
    You	can	enter	 or	edit	 the	station	 data	in	the	 following	lines:
    Blue button:	Starts 	Search and	searches 	for 	next 	station.
    Red button: Stores	station.
    ➠  Only 	stations 	for 	the 	selected 	signal 	source 	can 	be	
    saved	which	do	not	yet	exist	in	the	station	list.
    ➠  Stations 	which 	already 	exist 	in 	the 	station 	list 	for 	the	selected 	signal 	source 	are 	displayed 	with 	their 	station	numbers 	and 	names 	on 	a 	grey 	background. 	These	stations 	can 	only 	be 	overwritten 	with 	the 	red	button.
    Explanations of some search settings:
    Various	 settings	 are	possible	 depending	 on	the	 selected	 signal	source.	Some	settings	 have	already	 been	explained	 in	the	 initial	 installation	 (see	page	12	onwards).	
    Selection	of 	range 	in 	which 	you 	want 	to 	search 	for 	the	station.
    Direct	input	of	channel.
    Direct	input	of	station	frequency.
    Input	of	station	TV	standard.(B/G,	I,	L,	D/K,	M,	N)	Ask	your	dealer	in	this	regard.
    Input	of	the	station	colour	standard.(PAL,	SECAM,	NTSC-V,	PAL60,	Autom.)Ask	your	dealer	in	this	regard.
    Change, delete, move, rename, restore stations
    ➠		Change stations can	also	be	called	via	the	station	list	
    (page	16).
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Stations,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Change stations,	
    	OK	call	list	of	stations.
    In	 this	 menu	 you	can	delete,	move,	rename	or	restore	
    346or	numeric buttons:	to	select	the	appropriate	station.Scroll	with	P+/P–	if	necessary.
    Delete station
     Red button: Activates	Delete station.
    	6	mark	several	stations	if	needed,
     OK	 to	execute	the	delete.
    Move station / Change order
    ➠  Stations 	can 	only 	be 	resorted 	within 	their 	signal 	source	block.
    Yellow button:	Activates	Move	station.
    	6	mark	several	stations	if	needed,
      OK	 to	end	marking.
    	6	 	Selection	insert	position	from	which	the	marked	stations	 are	to 	be 	inserted,
     OK	 to	execute	the	move.
    Managing stations
    Manual adjustmentSignal source          Antenna/cable (analogue)          DVB-T    DVB-C     DChannel              S21Frequency            303.25 MHzName                KIKATV stand.             B/GCol. standard          Autom.StoreSearch
    Signal sourceSelect the area in which you want the broadcaster to search here. You ca\
    n use the          button to automatically select station by station.
    Change stations
    Restore stationsMoveRename
        1  ARD    2  ZDF    3  SAT.1    4  D Vierte    5  RTL    6  VOX    7  S-RTL    8  N-TV    9  DSF   10  EinsPlus           11  9Live  12  RTL2Select station
      13  WDR 3  14  BR  15  HR  16  MDR 3  17  KIKA  18  PHOENIX    19  BR-ALPHA    20  3SAT  21  KABEL 1100  Das Erste          101  ZDF               102  WDR Köln        Page ↑↓
    Change stationsHere you can move station, delete stations, restore stations you have deleted and enter and change station names of analogue stations.
    Signal 	source
    TV 	stand.
    Col. 	standard
    Downloaded	From	TV-Manual.com	Manuals 
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    Rename station
    ➠  DVB	stations 	for 	which 	the 	station 	name 	is 	also 	broadcast	cannot 	be 	renamed. 	In 	this 	case, 	the 	Rename	function	is 	hidden.
    Blue button:	Activates	Rename station.
    Under	 the	1st	letter	 of	the	 name	 you	will	see	a	line	 indi-cating	the	current	input	position.
    	4	Input	position	right	(also	for	spaces).	3	Input	position	left	deletes	the	preceding	character.
    Enter 	the 	letters 	one 	after 	another 	with 	the 	numeric	buttons 	on 	the 	remote 	control. 	Like 	using 	a 	mobile 	phone	keypad, 	press 	a 	numeric 	button 	until 	the 	desired 	character	appears. 	The 	available 	letters 	are 	printed 	respectively 	on	the 	buttons. 	Different 	special 	characters 	can 	be 	selected	with 	button 	1.
    Green button:	Switch	upper/lower	case	letters.
      OK to	save	new	name.
    Restore stations
    Stations	which	have	been	deleted	from	the	station	list	can	be	restored.
    ➠  The 	restore 	list 	is 	empty 	if 	no 	stations 	have 	been 	deleted	yet.
    Green button:	Activates	Restore stations.
    634Select	station,
    	OK	station 	is 	restored.
    The 	restored 	station 	is 	sorted 	in 	according 	to 	its 	signal	source 	at 	the 	end 	of 	the 	respective 	signal 	block.
    Managing stations
    Put together – change favourites lists
    Each	favourites	 list	can	 contain	 up	to	99	 stations.	 You	can	put	together	the	favourites 	lists	to 	suit 	your 	requirements 	(e.g. 	topic 	lists). 	Other 	persons	using	this	TV	set	can	create	their	own	favourites	lists.	The	favourites	 lists	also	 have	 the	advantage	 that	the	stations	 of	different	signal	sources	can	be	stored	in	the	order	you	wish.
    ➠  Change favourites lists	can	also	be	called	via	the		favourites	list	(page	17).
    Call	TV menu.
    	34	Select	Settings,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Stations,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Mark	Select/change favourites,	
    	OK	calls 	list 	of 	all 	stations 	and 	last 	active 	favourites 	list.
    Green button:	Select	the	next	favourites	list.
    Rename favourites list
    ➠  Favourites	list	(right	column)	must	be	selected.		If	not,	change	the	list	with	4.
    Blue button:	Activates	Rename favourites list.
    Numeric  buttons: Enter	 new	name	 (same	 procedure	 as	for	rename	station,	see	left	column).
     OK to	save	new	name.
    All stationsSelect/change favourites
      1  Das Erste          2  ZDF              3  WDR Köln         4  Bayrisches FS      5  hr-fernsehen       6  Phoenix           7  BR-alpha          8  3sat              9  EinsExtra        10  EinsFestival      11  SAT.1           12  RTL            
    Stations of Favourites 1  1  Das Erste           2  ZDF              3  WDR Köln         4  Bayrisches FS      5  hr-fernsehen       6  Phoenix           7  BR-alpha          8  3sat              9  EinsExtra        10  EinsFestival      11  SAT.1           12  RTL                     Select station                   Next favourite listClear favourite list               Change sortingPage ↑↓
    Change stationsRestore stations3sat        KIKA               ZDF                 ZDFinfokanal      ZDFdokukanal    ZDFinfokanal    Eurosport        NONAME         RTL           Phoenix            BRalpha            NDR FS HH     
    Das Erste       Das Vierte      RTL Television  9LiveWDR Köln      VOXProSieben      Super RTL      n-tvDSFRTL2KABEL1
    Page ↑↓
    RestoreCancel restore
    25	-
    Managing stations
    Add station to favourites list 
    	3	Go	to	the	left	column	(all	stations).
    P+/P–	Scroll 	in 	the 	pages 	of 	the 	station 	list 	if 	necessary.
    	6	 	Mark	station	or	select	station	with	the	numeric 
    buttons (for	alphabetical	station	sorting	enter	the	
    initial	letter)	which	is	to	be	transferred	as	a	
    favourite	to	the	favourites	list.	
    transfers	the	station	to	the	favourites	list.	The	new	station	is	inserted	at	the	end	of	the	favourites	list.
    Proceed	in	the	same	manner	with	additional	stations.	
    Delete station from favourites list 
    ➠  Favourites	list	(right	column)	must	be	selected.	If	not,	change	the	list	with	4.
    	6	mark	station	to	be	deleted.
      OK	 removes 	the 	marked 	station 	from 	the 	favourites 	list.
    Red button:	Activates	Clear favourite list.
      OK	 confirms	clear	list.
    Move / change order of stations in the favourites list
    ➠  Favourites	list	(right	column)	must	be	selected.	If	not,	change	the	list	with	4.
    	6	mark	station	to	be	moved.	
    Yellow button:	Activates	Move station.
    	6	 	Select	insertion	position	at	which	the	marked	station	is	to	be	inserted.	
    The	insertion	position	can	also	be	selected	with	the	numeric	buttons.
     OK	 to	execute	the	move.
    All stationsSelect/change favourites
    21  EinsPlus        22  ZDFinfokanal    23  ZDFdokukanal    24  ZDFtheaterkan   25  MDR FERNSEH    26  rbb Berlin        27  rbb Brandenburg 28  arte              29  KiKa              30  NDR FS HH      31  NDR FS MV      32  NDR FS NDS     
    Stations of Favourites 113  BR-alpha        14  3sat            15  EinsExtra        16  EinsFestival      17  SAT.1           18  RTL            19  arte            
    Adopt to favourite list         Select station                   Next favourite listClear favourite lsit               Change sortingPage ↑↓
    All stationsSelect/change favourites
    21  EinsPlus        22  ZDFinfokanal    23  ZDFdokukanal    24  ZDFtheaterkan   25  MDR FERNSEH    26  rbb Berlin        27  rbb Brandenburg 28  arte              29  KiKa              30  NDR FS HH      31  NDR FS MV      32  NDR FS NDS     
    Stations of Favourites 1  1  Das Erste           2  ZDF              3  WDR Köln         4  Bayrisches FS      5  arte              6  Phoenix         7  BR-alpha          8  3sat              9  EinsExtra        10  EinsFestival      11  SAT.1           12  RTL            Select insert position            Select station        Execute move                  Cancel move             Page ↑↓
    -	26
    Picture in Picture (PIP)
    The	concurrent	 display	of	two	 different	 images	is	referred	 to	as	Picture	in	Picture.
    ➠	A	concurrent 	representation 	of 	two 	HDTV 	signals 	is 	not 	possible.
    ➠	A 	concurrent 	representation 	of 	two 	coded 	stations 	is 	not 	possible.
    ➠	Picture 	change 	and 	station 	selection 	is 	restricted 	during 	recording.
    Your TV set differentiates two PIP types:
    	Split	Screen	In	 this	 case	 the	screen	 is	divided	 in	the	 middle	 and	the	additonal	 PIP	image	 is	shown	 on	the	 right	 side	of	the	screen. 	Both 	images 	are 	compressed 	horizontally 	and	each	gets	half	of	the	screen.
    	Small	PIP	In 	this 	case 	a 	small 	PIP 	image 	is 	inserted 	in 	the 	TV 	picture.
    Start and end Picture in Picture mode
    Show/hide	PIP.
    A	 green	 frame	 indicates	 that	the	station	 selection	 affects	the	PIP,	 A	white	 frame	 means	 that	the	operation	 affects	the	main	picture.
    PIP as freeze picture
    ➠  The	frame	is	green,	if	not,	press	the	green button.
    Red button:	Freeze	picture	in	PIP	on	/	off.
    Swap contents of PIP and main picture
    ➠  The	frame	is	green,	if	not,	press	the	green button.
    Yellow button: Swaps	contents.
    Select the PIP picture
    ➠  The	frame	is	green,	if	not,	press	the	green button.
    Select	the	station	as	usual.
    Select the station for the main picture
    ➠  The	frame	is	white,	if	not,	press	the	green button.
    Select	the	station	as	usual.
    Scan station in the PIP
    ➠  The	frame	is	green,	if	not,	press	the	green button.
    Blue button:	Start 	/ 	stop 	Scan station.
    The	frame	turns	blue,	the	stations	now	change	automatically.
    Picture in Picture
    2  ZDF                                                           17.00 - 18.30  Flora & Fauna 
    1  ARD17.30 - 20.00  Toskana
    27	-
    Change position of the PIP
    ➠		Other 	than 	the 	status 	line, 	which 	may 	possibly 	be	displayed, 	no 	other 	display 	is 	shown 	on 	the 	screen:
    634Move	the	PIP	into	a	corner	of	the	screen.
    Moving	the	small	picture	is	possible	if	there	is	a	green,	white	and	blue	frame.
    The	 position	 of	the	 small	 picture	 can	also	 be	selected	under	Position	in	the	PIP	menu.
    Switch to Split Screen
    ➠ PIP	menu	open.
    	34	Select	Type,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Split Screen.
    Configure Picture in Picture (PIP) mode
    In	the	 PIP	menu,	 you	can	set	the	 PIP	type	 (split	screen	or	small	 PIP)	and	the	position	of	the	small	picture.
    Start PIP menu
    ➠  PIP	mode	started,	if	not,	press PIP button.
    ➠  The	frame	is	green,	if	not,	press	the	green button.
    Call	the	PIP	menu.
    Switch over to small picture
    ➠ PIP	menu	open.
    	34	Select	Type,		6	go	to	the	menu	line	below.
    	34	Select	Small PIP.
    Picture in Picture
    Split screenType
    TV menuSettingsPIP
    Small PIP
    Split screenType
    TV menuSettingsPIP
    Small PIPSmall PIP
    Split screenType
    TV menuSettingsPIP
    Small PIPSmall PIP
    -	28
    Adjusting the programme list
    ➠  Selection	is	at	the	top	in	the	defaults,	if	not,	press	the	blue button.
    	6	Select	Date,	Time,	Station	or	Topics.
    	34	Select	defaults 	within 	the 	respective 	line.
    	 Example	 If	 you	are	looking	 for	the	 next	 news	 broadcast,	 select	today's	date,	for	time,	 select	soon,	for	 station	 select	all,	and	for 	topics, 	select 	News.	Then 	you 	get 	a 	list 	of 	all 	news	programmes	in	the	programme	list	below.
    	 Time	entry	 If	 the	line	Time	is	 selected,	 then	you	can	enter	 the	time	after	 which	 the	programmes	 will	be	displayed	 via	the	numeric 	buttons 	of 	the 	remote 	control. 	Always 	enter	four	digits,	e.g.	0900	for	9.00	in	the	morning.
    	Favourites	 If	 a	favourites	 list	has	 been	 selected	 in	the	Station	line,	only	 the	programmes	 of	stations	 in	the	favourites	 list	are	displayed	in	the	programme	list.
    	 Tip	Before	 pressing	 the	blue button to	leave	 the	upper	 selec-tion	lines,	 select	 one	of	the	 preceding	 lines.	If	you	 then	switch	 back	to	the	 programme	 list,	you	 can	change	 this	menu	line	with	34,	without	 having	to	leave	 the	pro-gramme 	list. 	If 	you 	have 	marked 	Time,	then 	you 	can 	enter	the	 time,	 after	which	 the	programmes	 will	be	displayed,	with	the	numeric	buttons	of	the	remote	control.
    Paging through the programme list
    P+/P–	paging	backwards	/	forwards.
    In	the	 entries	 for	Date	and	Time,	 you	 will	see	changes	 in	time	as	well	as	in	date	when	paging.
    Electronic Programme Guide – EPG
    EPG	stands 	for 	Electronic 	Programme 	Guide 	and 	provides 	you 	with	on-screen	 programme	 details.	With	the	system,	 as	with	 a	printed	 pro-gramme	 guide,	you	can	learn	 about	 the	current	 programme.	 In	addition	programmes	 can	be	sorted	 according	 to	certain	 topics,	memorised,	 and	
    also	recordings	can	be	programmed.
    Starting and ending EPG
    Switching	EPG	on	/	off
    The	first 	time 	you 	start 	EPG 	a 	wizard 	becomes 	active	(not	 for	DVB),	 and	it	guides	 you	through	 the	setup.	 Then	execute	the	data	capture	(see	next	page).
    The	display	 of	the	 programme	 guide	is	divided	 into	two	branches.	 The	lower	 programme	 list	is	influenced	 by	the	upper	default	lines.
    Blue  button: Switches	 between	 the	upper	 default	 lines	date,	...,	topics	and	the	lower	programme	list.
    Switching and memorizing with the programme list
    ➠		In 	the 	program 	list 	first 	all 	currently 	running 	programmes	are	listed.
    ➠  You	are	in	the	lower	programme	list,	if	not,	press	the	blue button.
    	6	Select	station,
    	OK	 view	/	memorise.
    	View	 The	 programme	 is	in	 progress	 the	TV	set	 switches	 to	the	marked	programme.
    	Memorise	 The 	programme 	has 	not 	started 	yet 	and 	is 	memorised. 	A	 appears 	in 	front 	of 	the 	programme. 	The 	TV 	set 	switch-es 	over 	automatically 	to 	the 	beginning 	of 	the 	programme	or, 	if 	set 	in 	the 	menu 	(page 	29) 	on 	from 	standby 	mode.
    Electronic Programme Guide
    OK15:57-16:59 arte          Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen16:00-16:15 MDR FERN...    Hier ab vier16:00-16:10 EinsExtra      EinsExtra Aktuell16:00-17:15 SAT.1         Richter Hold16:00-16:30 ProSieben      M. Asam - Mode16:00-16:55 ZDFtheater...   Waschtag16:05-17:00 Bayrische...    Wir in Bayern16:05-16:45 KiKa          Skippy, der Buschpilot16:05-17:00 KABEL1        Star Trek - Das nächste Jah...
    2 ZDF
    EPG (Electronic Programme Guide)              Mon 31.07./16:05
    Detail              View                         RecordPage ↑↓            Select time                 Select date, ... , topics
    Mon 31.07nowallall
    Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen 
    15:57-16:59 arte          Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen16:00-16:15 MDR FERN...    Hier ab vier16:00-16:10 EinsExtra      EinsExtra Aktuell16:00-17:15 SAT.1         Richter Hold16:00-16:30 ProSieben      M. Asam - Mode16:00-16:55 ZDFtheater...   Waschtag16:05-17:00 Bayrische...    Wir in Bayern16:05-16:45 KiKa          Skippy, der Buschpilot16:05-17:00 KABEL1        Star Trek - Das nächste Jah...
    2 ZDF
    EPG (Electronic Programme Guide)              Mon 31.07./16.05
    Change to programme list
    Mon 31.07nowallall
    Tue 01.08.Wed 02.08.Thu 03.08.Fri
    Charmed - Zauberhafte Hexen 
    29	-
    You	can	remove	 certain	stations	 from	the	programme	guide.	 These	stations	 must	be	deactivated	 in	the	Station selection.	First,	 all	stations	 for	which	 programme	 infor-mation	can	be	provided	 are	marked	 with	a	.	Stations	without	 a		are	not	 included	 in	the	 programme	 guide.
    Marking	the	stations	according	to	reception	ranges:
    	 analogue	stations	via	antenna/cable,	for	which	the			 current	provider	supplies	data.	
    		 digital	terrestrial	stations	DVB-T,
    		 digital	cable	stations	DVB-C,
    		 digitale	satellite	stations	DVB-S	(1.
    If	you	 want	 to	use	 EPG	 for	analogue	 and	digital	 stations,	select	on (for DVB + analogue).	If	 you	 want	 to	use	 EPG	and	 only	 have	 DVB	reception,	 select	on  (only  for  DVB).	If	you	 are	not	 using	 EPG	and	therefore	 do	not	 want	 to	receive	any	EPG	data,	select	off.	
    After	making	 changes	 in	the	 EPG	 menu,	 or	each	 time	the	mains	 switch	 has	been	 switched	 off,	the	EPG	 data	 must	first	be	captured.	 To	do	 this,	 switch	 on	the	 device	 and	select	(for	analogue	 stations)	the	station	 that	you	have	defined	 as	provider,	 and	let	the	 TV	set	 run	 for	about	 1	hour	with	the	selected	 station.	Or	switch	 the	TV	set	 to	standby	 mode.	After	2	minutes	 the	display	 on	the	 TV	lights	 orange	 and	the	EPG	 data	 capture	 begins.	When	the	data	 capture	 process	has	concluded	 the	display	 will	return	to	red.	 The	data	 capture	 process	is	usually	 per-formed	 between	 2:00	am	and	 5:00	 am,	when	 the	TV	set	is	in	standby	mode.	
    If	the	 TV	set	 is	switched	 on,	the	TV	set	 will	 switch	 over	to	these	 stations,	 if	there	 are	any	 memorised	 programmes.	If	the	 TV	set	 is	in	 standby	 mode	when	a	memorised	 pro-gramme	begins,	then	you	can	specify	 here	whether	 the	set	should	 be	turned	 on	in	this	 case.	 If	you	 have	 set	"yes"	in	the	 menu,	 the	TV	set	 will	 be	switched	 on.	If	you	 are	not	in	at	 the	 time,	 a	safety	 prompt	 makes	sure	that	the	TV	switches	 off	automatically	 after	5	minutes	 without	your	acknowledgement.
    (1		Digital 	twin 	satellite 	tune 	optionally 	available 	as 	an 	upgrade 	kit		(see 	accessories, 	page 	55).
    Calling additional information about the programmes
    ➠		 Brief 	information 	about 	many 	programmes 	is 	displayed	below	the	programme	list	of	the	broadcasts.
    You	 can	call	detailed	 information	 with	the	TEXT button if	this	function	 is	offered	 by	the	 TEXT	 icon	in	the	 lower	left.
    Programming a recording for a recorder
    ➠  Selection	is	in	the	lower	programme	list,	if	not,	press	the	blue button.
    	6	Mark	the	desired	programme.
    Red button: Starts	recording	wizard.
    Change	 or	confirm	timer	 data	if	 necessary	 (see	page	 46,	the	direct	recording	path).
    Then	a 	red dot will 	be 	displayed 	in 	front 	of 	this 	programme	as	an	identification.
    Red button: Deletes	the	already	programmed	recording	of	the	red	marked	programme	from	the	timer.If	the	timer	data	have	been	transferred	to	an	external	recorder,	then	the	timer	must	also	be	deleted	there.
    Configuring EPG
    Start the EPG menu
    ➠  EPG	mode	is	started,	if	not,	press	the	EPG button.
    Call	the	EPG menu.
    Settings	in	the	EPG	menu:
    Select provider, Station selection, Data capture, Switch on 
    TV when marked.
    Explanations of setting possibilities in the EPG menu:
    In 	analogue  TV  reception,	 there 	are 	possibly 	different	providers	 who	broadcast	 the	EPG	 data	 for	certain	 sta-tion	packages.	 To	get	 another	 range	of	stations,	 you	can	change	 the	provider	 with	the	Provider  selection.	If	 the	provider	 you	are	looking	 for	is	not	 in	the	 list,	 then	 use	the	yellow button to	perform	a	Provider search.The	stations 	offered 	by 	the 	provider 	will 	be 	displayed	in	a	list.
    Data 	capture
    Switch 	on 	TV	when 	marked
    Electronic Programme Guide
    Select	Provider
    ENDINFOOKSelect providerSelect providerStation selectionEPG menuData captureSwitch on TV when marked
    -	30
    Additional page selection possibilities
    1st possibility:
    Call	overview page 100.
    2nd possibility:
    Directly	enter	the	page	number.
    3rd possibility:
    ➠ The	page	includes	3-digit	page	numbers.
    	6	mark	desired	page	number.
    OK	to	call	the	page.
    4th possibility:
    ➠  The	page	 consists	 of	several	 pages.	This	is	shown	 by	the	selection	possibility	in	the	last	line.
    	34	Page	through	sub-pages.
    Call TOP table
    ➠		The	 table	 can	only	 be	called	 for	stations	 with	the	TOP	operating	system.
    	OK	 Call	TOP table.
    	6	mark	topic	area,		34	select	topic	column,		6	select	topic,
    	OK	 to	call	the	page.
    Your	TV	set	supports	the	two	operating	systems	TOP	Text	and	FLOF.Up	to	2,000	pages	are	stored	so	that	you	have	quick	access.
    Starting and ending Teletext
    Switching	Teletext	on	/	off.
    Page selection with the coloured buttons
    Red button: back 	to 	the 	previously 	viewed 	page.
    Green button:	on	to	next	page.
    Yellow button:  to	next	topic.
    Blue button: to	next 	range 	of 	topics.
    The 	coloured 	bars 	(for 	TOP) 	or 	the 	coloured 	text 	(for 	FLOF)	in	the 	second 	to 	last 	line 	indicate 	which 	coloured 	buttons	you 	can 	use 	to 	page 	through 	topic 	areas 	and 	topics.	
    Teletext page displays
    0 AV:	 Stop	self	changing	pages.
    9:	 Enlarge	page	(press	several	times).
    PIP button:	 Show	/	hide	TV	picture.
    T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      1 1 0 / 1 1 2    K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     5 0 0W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               1 7 0    G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    5 3 0S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  2 0 0 / 6 0 0    L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      6 6 6T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  3 0 0 / 4 0 0    W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    7 0 0
    Page selection
    P o l i t i k :   D i e   n e u e n   G e s e t z e s e n t w ü r f e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 0W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 1A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 2T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   5 3 2T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 0 4F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 1 3F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     2 0 4
        1 0 0       1 0 0        A R D t e x t                    D o       0 7 .   0 9 .   0 6                 1 4   :   1 4   :   4 2
    –            +I n h a l t                                          t a g e s s c h a u
    1 3 : 0 0   A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 21 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u   
    T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      1 1 0 / 1 1 2    K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     5 0 0W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               1 7 0  G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    5 3 0S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  2 0 0 / 6 0 0    L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      6 6 6T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  3 0 0 / 4 0 0    W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    7 0 0
    Page selection                       View
    P o l i t i k :   D i e   n e u e n   G e s e t z e s e n t w ü r f e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 0W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 1A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 2T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   5 3 2T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 0 4F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 1 3F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     2 0 4
        1 0 0       1 0 0        A R D t e x t                    D o       0 7 .   0 9 .   0 6                 1 4   :   1 4   :   4 2
    –            +I n h a l t                                          t a g e s s c h a u
    1 3 : 0 0   A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 21 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u   
    Tagesschau . . .  110/112  Kultur . . . . . . . . . . 500Wetter. . . . . . . . . . .   170 Gesellschaft . . . . . 530Sport. . . . . . . . .  200/600  Lotto/Toto. . . . . . .   666TV Guide. . . . . .  300/400  Wirtschaft. . . . . . . 700
    Page selection
    Politik: Die neuen Gesetzesentwürfe. . . . . . . . . .  120Wird auch der Nahverkehr teurer?. . . . . . . . . . . .  121Australien: Keine Zugeständnisse . . . . . . . . . . .   122Tote bei Zugunglück in Schweden . . . . . . . . . . .  532Tennis: Auftaktmatch wurde abgebrochen  . . .   204Formel 1: Neues Reglement für Motoren. . . . . . .  213Fussball: Heimsieg für den Meister . . . . . . . . . . . 204
        1 0 0       1 0 0        A R D t e x t            D o     0 7 . 0 9 . 0 6           1 4 : 1 4 : 4 2
    –            +Inhalt             tagesschau
    13:00   ARD-Mittagsmagazin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31214:00   Tagesschau  
    T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      1 1 0 / 1 1 2    K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     5 0 0W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               1 7 0  G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    5 3 0S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  2 0 0 / 6 0 0    L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      6 6 6T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  3 0 0 / 4 0 0    W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    7 0 0
    P o l i t i k :   D i e   n e u e n   G e s e t z e s e n t w ü r f e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 0W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 1A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 2T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   5 3 2T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 0 4F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 1 3F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     2 0 4
        1 0 0       1 0 0        A R D t e x t                    D o       0 7 .   0 9 .   0 6                 1 4   :   1 4   :   4 2
    –            +I n h a l t                                          t a g e s s c h a u
    1 3 : 0 0   A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 21 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u   
    TOP tableARD TexttagesschauWetterSport 1FußballTV GuideARD heuteARD morgenKulturweitere ...View
    T a g e s s c h a u   .   .   .   .      1 1 0 / 1 1 2    K u l t u r .   .   .   .   .     .   .   .   .   .     5 0 0W e t t e r .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .               1 7 0  G e s e l l s c h a f t    .   .   .   .   .    5 3 0S p o r t .   .   .   .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .  2 0 0 / 6 0 0    L o t t o / T o t o .   .    .   .   .   .   .      6 6 6T V   G u i d e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .  3 0 0 / 4 0 0    W i r t s c h a f t .   .     .   .   .   .   .    7 0 0
    P o l i t i k :   D i e   n e u e n   G e s e t z e s e n t w ü r f e   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 0W i r d   a u c h   d e r   N a h v e r k e h r   t e u r e r ?  .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 1A u s t r a l i e n :   K e i n e   Z u g e s t ä n d n i s s e   .    .  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   1 2 2T o t e   b e i   Z u g u n g l ü c k   i n   S c h w e d e n    .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   5 3 2T e n n i s :   A u f t a k t m a t c h   w u r d e   a b g e b r o c h e n    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 0 4F o r m e l   1 :   N e u e s   R e g l e m e n t   f ü r   M o t o r e n .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .    2 1 3F u s s b a l l :   H e i m s i e g   f ü r   d e n   M e i s t e r   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   .   .   .   .   .     2 0 4
        1 0 0       1 0 0        A R D t e x t                    D o       0 7 .   0 9 .   0 6                 1 4   :   1 4   :   4 2
    –            +I n h a l t                                          t a g e s s c h a u
    1 3 : 0 0   A R D - M i t t a g s m a g a z i n   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .     3 1 21 4 : 0 0   T a g e s s c h a u   
    1  2  3  4  5
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