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Rexoette Camera Manual

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learnecl through experience or bI using a scientific ex-posure meter such as the Watkins Bee.CAUTION. Ner.er attempt to make a time exoosure whileholrling the camera in tlre hand as a blurred picture is suleto result.Time Exposures IndoorsThe following table is for the largest stop. In case themeclium stop is used tnice as much time must be given.With the smallest stop, four times as much.White Walls and One WindowBright sun outside, six seconils,I{azy sun, fifteen seconds.0loudy-bright, thirty...

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The foregoing figures are for rooms whose windows getlight clirect_from the sky anil for any time cluring the dayfrom three hours after sunrise to three hours befoie sunsei,Removing the FilmNo rlark room is requiretl for removing the fiIm from thecamera. Ilowever it is best to perforrn this operation insubduetl light, observing the follonirrg rules:
Figure 6.
First: When the last section of the film has been exDosetlturn the niniling key until all of the paper has been wounclon the spool in the key...

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Thircl: Draw the loose end of the black paper tight.lya1o.u1tl the- spooi and fasten it lvith the gummeci stickei,which will be founcl inthe ernpty reel.Fourth: To remove the cartritlge from the camera, graspthe spool as shorvn in figure 6.Fifth: Tra,nsfer the emptl flm spool to the r.r.intling keyside, so that the camera will be in reatliness for loaclini.
Dark Room Development
- trilms may be taken to the nearest Photo Supplv Dealerfor _.development. Dealers liandling our produtis- can bereadily...

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which the developing is to be done; fill one of the trays withvater, open the box of tablcts and take trvo tablets from thelarge bottle and trvo tablets from one of the small vials; fillthe graduate to thc six-ounce mark and drop all four tablets
Developing the Film in a Strip-Figure 8into the water, immediately crushing them rrith a stirring roduntil leduced to a fine porvtlcr; thcn stir the solution untilthe tablcts are thoroughly dissolr,ed. Pour the contents ofthe graduate into the second...

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left hand and take hold of the free enrl with the risht. Passthe film through the tray of clean cold water, holdiqg one enclin each hand as shorvn in the cut. Pass it in this mannerthrough the water several times so that there will be nobubbles remaining on the surface of the fllm. When it isthoroughly wet the developmenf, may be commenced. HoId-ing the film in the same manner, pass the film through thedeveloping solution as described for wetting it, keeping itconstantly in motion. In about one minutc...

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be used, keeping the fllms constantly in motion all the Ihile.The thorough lvashing of the films is very important in orderto remove all traces of the Hypo or else stains lvill appearafter drying and the negatives rvill be ruined,After washing, the films should be hung up to dry in sucha manner that it does not touch the surrounding objects. Theplace selected for drying should be free from dust. If a mildcurrent of air is present the process of drying rvill be greatlyquickenecl.The temperature of the...

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the bottom of the tray, thus keeping the film entirely sub-nierged in less than one-half inch of solution. It is for usein trays 4x5 or larger and rvill accommodate any film 4lax61/2or smaller and can be obtained from all photo supply dealers.
Separate Development of Each ExposureIhe above directions apply to the developmerrt of the filmin the strip. It is sornetirnes advisable to develop each sectionseparately, especially lshere there has been a great variationin the exposures given. In this case the...

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taken that none of the Hypo has adhereil to the fingers, thusallowing rt to come rn contact with the undeveloped sectionof the tilm or with the developer.Three or more negatrr-es may be developed at one timeby placing the films in the dcveloper face dorvn and alter-nating each section so as to prer-ent air bubbles; however, r,verecommend that the beginner devclop only one section at atime until the neccssary experience has been gained. As eachsuccessive section is developed and lixed it shoulcl be...

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eled for inspection during printing, without disturbing itsregister with the negative. The loading of the paper into theframe should be done in a subdued light, that is, in an ordi-nary room, but as far as possible from the window. Theunuged paper should be returned to its package for protectionfrom the light.
The loadecl printing frame should be placed glass side upin the strongest possible light, direct sunlight being preferred.It is allowed to remain until the image from the negative hasbeen...

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allowed to remain in this solution about 5 minutes, afterwhich they shouid be rvashed for one hour in running wateror in twelve changes of water. They are then ready foidrying,books and for this purpose \.\.e recommend Ingento BlatterSeveral prints can be toned simultaueouslr..Developing on Gaslight PapersDeveloping Papers, such as Rexo. \-elox, -{rgo, etc., arevery popular with arnateurs because of the simplicity in theiroperation, the excellent rcsults obtained and the added advan-tage of being able to...
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