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Sekonic Apex L-218 Manual

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. POSTED 6-27-04
This manual is for reference and historical purposes, all rights reserved.This page is copyright @ by M. Butkus. NJ.This page may not be sold or distributed without the expressed permission of the producerI have no connection with any camera company
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Page 3

Lishr scote h?Jh 1;t, 
tii -!.|
ASA/DIN Diol Knob
Arrow Poinler
ASA/DlN Scole
Shutter Speed Scole
f/stop Scole
CdS Cell
High/Low Sliding Switch
EV Scqle
Incident Light Filter
On/oe swirch 

Page 4

Boltery Check Button
Zero Adjusting Screw
Boltery Chqmber
Neck-cord Holder
Meosuring sysiem: Reflected light type(with built-in provision for incidentlight type)Accurocy  +l/3 f/stopMeosuring ronge:High brightness: EV8-18(ASA100)Low brightness: EV-2-8(ASA l00lLight receiving ongle, Approx. 30o(re0ecfed light type)EV Scole : -6-23ASA Scole: 6-12,000DIN Scole: 9-42Aperture scole: Il1-64Shutter scole: 30 min.-l/4000 sec.Cine scole: 8-64 fpsColibrotion Constont : K: I .3C:25.5Size: 92 x 58 X...

Page 5

|. Zero Selting r
The needle should indicote zero when the light is
completely shut oft ihe meter held upright. To
set the needle to the zero, remove the bottery ond
slowly turn the zero odiusting screw on the bock
of the meter while pressing the ON/OFF switch.
The meter requires o ,l.3 voli mercury bottery suchos Mollory PX-1 3, RM-625 or the equivolent,which norrnolly losts for obout o yeor ond o holf.Keep the bottery out of the meter when the meteris not in use in order...

Page 6

tt:::Po lll
u) ,.,:
l. Setting the Speed of Your Film:
With thumbs of both honds, turn the knobs on thediol to show correct ASA (or DIN) number oligned
with the block line by the ASA (DlN) Index
4,0005,00 0
8,00 0i0,000 

Page 7

2.High or Low Brightness Ronge:3. Reoding lhe Scole:
for High Ronge
for Low Ronge
Sliding Switch chonges meosuring ronge of brigt-
ness. In dim condition, slide the switch fully to
the right showing L mork on the frome for the
low ronge. Oiherwise, keep the switch to the left
with  H  mork to oppeor on the frome. lt is
odvisoble olwoys to try the high ronge first unless
it is very dork, ond switch to the low ronge only
when ihe needle foils io defleci.
Aim ihe meter ot the subject ond press the ON/

Page 8

4. Colculotion of Exposure:
Rotote ihe lorge knurled outer diol to show the
reoding of the needle on the light scole iust under
the Arrow Pointer on the diol.
For exomple, if the needle indicoies I3 on the
high ronge, with the ASA Index set ot I00, then,
show this reoding (i3) right under the Arrow
Pointer so ihot you con get ony combinotion of
Shutter Speed ond {/Stop indicoted on the diols,
for exomple, 11250 second ot f12. Any com-
binotion of shutter speed ond f/stops opposite
eoch other on...

Page 9

5. The 2 ond I12 Position:6.Motion Pictures:
The  2  ond  112 positions which represent obrightness rotio of 4 to I con be of greol voluein exposing for color ghots. Attempt to hove theprimory colors of interest foll between the  2 
ond 1/2 positions for most foithful renderingof those colors. While most color films now hoveo lotitude thot exceeds this rotio, if the primorycolors foll within the 2 ond  112 positionsyou con then be ossured thot the bolonce of thescene will be properly exposed within...

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7. Reflected Light or Incident Light:
Reflected light is light reflected from the subject to the comero. Incident light is the light which octuollyfolls on the subiect before it is reflected. Meosurement of either reflected or incident light con be usedto determine correct exposure.Sekonic Apex is bosicolly designed for reflected light, but con olso be converted to reod incident lightsimply by sliding the lncident Light Filter.
To toke incident light reoding, move the opoque,semi-circulor filter...
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