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Sony A 6500 Manual

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    of 412
    							The higher the ISO value, the more noise will appear on the images.
    The available ISO settings will differ depending on whether you are shoo\
    ting still images, shooting
    movies, or shooting slow-motion/quick-motion movies.
    When shooting movies, ISO values between 100 and 25600 are available. If\
     the ISO value is set to a
    value larger than 25600, the setting is automatically switched to 25600.\
     When you finish recording
    the movie, the ISO value returns to the original setting.
    When you use [Multi Frame NR], it takes some time for the product to per\
    form the overlay processing
    of images.
    When you select [ISO AUTO] with the shooting mode set to [P], [A], [S] or [M], the ISO sensitivity\
    be automatically adjusted within the set range.
    You can change the range of ISO sensitivity that is set automatically in\
     [ISO AUTO] mode. Select
    [ISO AUTO] and press the right side of the control wheel, and set the desired valu\
    es for [ISO AUTO
    Maximum] and [ISO AUTO Minimum]. The values are also applied when shooti\
    ng in [ISO AUTO]
    mode under [Multi Frame NR].
    You can set the effect level for noise reduction by selecting [NR Effect] under [Multi Frame NR].
    [308] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    ISO AUTO Min. SS
    If you select [ISO AUTO] or [ISO AUTO] under [Multi Frame NR] when the shooting mode is P
    (Program Auto) or A (Aperture Priority), you can set the shutter spe\
    ed at which the ISO
    sensitivity starts changing. 
    This function is effective for shooting moving subjects. You can minimiz\
    e subject blurring while
    also preventing camera shake.
    Menu item details
    FASTER (Faster)/FAST (Fast):
    The ISO sensitivity will start to change at shutter speeds faster than [\
    Standard], so you can
    prevent camera shake and subject blurring.
    STD (Standard):
    The camera automatically sets the shutter speed based on the focal lengt\
    h of the lens.
    SLOW (Slow)/SLOWER (Slower):
    The ISO sensitivity will start to change at shutter speeds slower than [Standard], so you canMENU → 
    (Camera Settings1) 
    → [ISO AUTO Min. SS] → desired setting.1 
    							shoot images with less noise.
    1/4000 ― 30:
    The ISO sensitivity starts to change at the shutter speed you have set.Hint
    The difference in shutter speed at which ISO sensitivity starts to chang\
    e between [Faster], [Fast],
    [Standard], [Slow], and [Slower] is 1 EV.
    If the exposure is insufficient even when the ISO sensitivity is set to \
    [ISO AUTO Maximum] in [ISO
    AUTO], in order to shoot with an appropriate exposure, the shutter speed\
     will be slower than the
    speed set in [ISO AUTO Min. SS].
    In the following situations, the shutter speed may not function as set: When using the flash to shoot bright scenes. (The maximum shutter speed\
     is limited to the flash-
    syncing speed of 1/160 seconds.)
    When using the flash to shoot dark scenes with the [Flash Mode] set to [Fill-flash] or [Wireless].
    (The minimum shutter speed is limited to the speed automatically determ\
    ined by the camera.)
    [309] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Metering Mode
    Selects the metering mode that sets which part of the screen to measure \
    for determining the
    Menu item details
    Measures light on each area after dividing the total area into multiple \
    areas and determines the
    proper exposure of the entire screen (Multi-pattern metering).
    Measures the average brightness of the entire screen, while emphasizing \
    the central area of the
    screen (Center-weighted metering).
    Measures only the central area (Spot metering). This mode is suitable \
    for measuring light on a
    specified part of the entire screen. The size of the metering circle can\
     be selected from [Spot:
    Standard] and [Spot: Large]. The position of the metering circle depends\
     the setting for [Spot
    Metering Point].
    Entire Screen Avg.: MENU → 
    (Camera Settings1) → [Metering Mode] → desired setting.1 
    							Measures the average brightness of the entire screen. The exposure will \
    be stable even if the
    composition or the position of the subject changes.
    Measures the brightness while emphasizing the highlighted area on the sc\
    reen. This mode is
    suitable for shooting the subject while avoiding overexposure.
    When [Spot] is selected and [Focus Area] is set to either [Flexible Spot\
    ] or [Expand Flexible Spot]
    while [Spot Metering Point] is set to [Focus Point Link], the spot metering po\
    int can be coordinatedwith the focus area.
    When [Metering Mode] is set to [Highlight] and the [D-Range Opt.] or [Auto HDR] function is
    activated, the brightness and the contrast will be corrected automatical\
    ly by dividing the image into
    small areas and analyzing the contrast of light and shadow. Make setting\
    s based on the shooting
    [Metering Mode] is locked to [Multi] in the following shooting modes:
    [Intelligent Auto]
    [Superior Auto]
    [Scene Selection]
    Other zoom functions than the optical zoom
    In [Highlight] mode, the subject may be dark if a brighter part exists on the screen.
    [310] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Spot Metering Point
    Sets whether to coordinate the spot metering position with the focus are\
    a when [Focus Area] is
    set to [Flexible Spot] or [Expand Flexible Spot].
    Menu item details
    The spot metering position does not coordinate with the focus area, but \
    always meters
    brightness at the center.
    Focus Point Link:
    The spot metering position coordinates with the focus area. Note MENU → 
     (Camera Settings1) → [Spot Metering Point] → desired setting.1 
    							When [Focus Area] is set to other than [Flexible Spot] or [Expand Flexib\
    le Spot], the spot metering
    position is locked to the center.
    When [Focus Area] is set to [Lock-on AF: Flexible Spot] or [Lock-on AF:E\
    xpand Flexible Spot], the
    spot metering position coordinates to the Lock-on AF start position, but\
     does not coordinate with the
    tracking of the subject.
    [311] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Exposure step
    You can set the setting range for the shutter speed, aperture, and expos\
    ure compensation
    Menu item details
    [312] List of MENU items
    Camera Settings1
    AEL w/ shutter (still image)
    Sets whether to fix the exposure when you press the shutter button halfw\
    ay down. 
    Select [Off] to adjust the focus and the exposure separately.
    Menu item details
    Fixes the exposure after adjusting the focus automatically when you pres\
    s the shutter button
    halfway down when [Focus Mode] is set to [Single-shot AF]. When [Focus Mode] is set to
    [Automatic AF], and the product determines that the subject is moving, o\
    r you shoot burst
    images, the fixed exposure is cancelled.
    Fixes the exposure when you press the shutter button halfway down.
    Off:MENU → 
    (Camera Settings1) → [Exposure step] → desired setting.1
    MENU → 
    (Camera Settings1) → [AEL w/ shutter] → desired setting.1 
    							Does not fix the exposure when you press the shutter button halfway down\
    . Use this mode
    when you want to adjust focus and exposure separately. 
    The product keeps adjusting the exposure while shooting in [Cont. Shooting] mode.Note
    Operation using the AEL button is prioritized over the [AEL w/ shutter] settings.
    [313] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Exposure Std. Adjust
    Adjusts this cameras standard for the correct exposure value for each m\
    etering mode.
    Metering Mode
    The set standard value will be applied when you select the corresponding\
     metering mode in
    MENU → 
     (Camera Settings1) → [Metering Mode].
    Multi/Center/Spot/Entire Screen Avg./Highlight
    The exposure compensation will not be affected when [Exposure Std. Adjust] is changed.
    The exposure value will be locked according to the value set for [
    Spot] during using spot AEL.
    The standard value for M.M (Metered Manual) will be changed according \
    to the value set in
    [Exposure Std. Adjust].
    The value set in [Exposure Std. Adjust] is recorded in Exif data separat\
    ely from the exposure
    compensation value. The amount of exposure standard value will not be ad\
    ded to the exposure
    compensation value.
    If you set [Exposure Std. Adjust] during bracketing shooting, the number of shots f\
    or the bracketing
    will be reset.
    MENU →  (Camera Settings1) → [Exposure Std. Adjust] → desired metering
    Select the desired value as the metering standard.
    You can set a value from -1 EV to +1 EV in 1/6 EV increments.2 
    							[314] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Flash Mode
    You can set the flash mode.
    Menu item details
    Flash Off:
    The flash does not operate.
    The flash works in dark environments or when shooting towards bright lig\
    The flash works every time you trigger the shutter.
    Slow Sync.:
    The flash works every time you trigger the shutter. Slow sync shooting a\
    llows you to shoot a
    clear image of both the subject and the background by slowing the shutte\
    r speed.
    Rear Sync.:
    The flash works right before the exposure is completed every time you tr\
    igger the shutter. Rear
    sync shooting allows you to shoot a natural image of the trail of a movi\
    ng subject such as a
    moving car or a walking person.
    Using a wireless flash creates a shading effect that gives the subject a\
     more 3D appearance
    than when using the cameras flash.
    This mode is effective when you attach a remote control-compatible exter\
    nal flash (sold
    separately) to the product, and shoot with a wireless flash (sold sepa\
    rately), placed away from
    the product.
    The default setting depends on the shooting mode.
    Some [Flash Mode] settings are not available, depending on the shooting \
    The [Wireless] setting cannot be used with the camera’s built-in flas\
    [315] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Flash Comp.
    MENU →  (Camera Settings1) → [Flash Mode] → desired setting.1 
    							Adjusts the amount of flash light in a range of –3.0 EV to +3.0 EV. F\
    lash compensation changes
    the amount of flash light only. Exposure compensation changes the amount\
     of flash light along
    with the change of the shutter speed and aperture.Note
    [Flash Comp.] does not work when the shooting mode is set to the followi\
    ng modes: [Intelligent Auto]
    [Superior Auto]
    [Sweep Panorama]
    [Scene Selection]
    The higher flash effect (+ side) may not be visible due to the limited\
     amount of flash light available, if
    the subject is outside the maximum range of the flash. If the subject is\
     very close, the lower flash
    effect (- side) may not be visible.
    [316] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Sets whether to apply the exposure compensation value to control both fl\
    ash light and ambient
    light, or just ambient light.
    Menu item details
    Applies the exposure compensation value to control both flash light and \
    ambient light.
    Ambient only:
    Applies the exposure compensation value to control ambient light only.
    MENU →  (Camera Settings1) → [Flash Comp.] → desired setting.
    Selecting higher values (+ side) makes the flash level higher, and low\
    er values (- side)
    makes the flash level lower.1
    MENU → 
    (Camera Settings1) → [Exp.comp.set] → desired setting.1 
    							[317] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Red Eye Reduction
    When using the flash, it is fired two or more times before shooting to r\
    educe the red-eye
    Menu item details
    The flash is always fired to reduce the red-eye phenomenon.
    Does not use Red Eye Reduction.Note
    Red Eye Reduction may not produce the desired effects. It depends on ind\
    ividual differences and
    conditions, such as distance to the subject, or whether the subject look\
    s at the pre-strobe or not.
    [318] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    White Balance
    Corrects the tone effect of the ambient light condition to record a neut\
    ral white subject in white.
    Use this function when the color tones of the image did not come out as \
    you expected, or when
    you want to change the color tones on purpose for photographic expressio\
    Menu item details
    Warm White/
    Fluor.: Cool White /Fluor.: Day White/Fluor.: Daylight/
    Flash/ Underwater Auto: When you select a light source that illuminates the subject, the
    product adjusts the color tones to suit to the selected light source (p\
    reset white balance). When
    you select [Auto], the product automatically detects the light source an\
    d adjusts the color tones.
    Adjusts the color tones depending on the light source. Achieves the effe\
    ct of CC (Color
    Compensation) filters for photography.
    Custom 1/Custom 2/Custom 3: 
    MENU → 
    (Camera Settings1) → [Red Eye Reduction] → desired setting.1
    MENU → 
     (Camera Settings1) → [White Balance] → desired setting.1 
    							Uses the white balance setting saved in [Custom Setup].
    Custom Setup: 
    Memorizes the basic white color under the light conditions for the shoot\
    ing environment.  
    Select a memorized custom white balance number.
    You can display the fine adjustment screen and perform fine adjustments \
    of the color tones as
    required by pressing the right side of the control wheel.
    If the color tones do not come out as you expected in the selected setti\
    ngs, perform [WB bracket]
     or  is displayed only when [Priority Set in AWB] is set to [Ambience] or [White].
    [White Balance] is fixed to [Auto] in the following shooting modes: [Intelligent Auto]
    [Superior Auto]
    [Scene Selection]
    If you use a mercury lamp or a sodium lamp as a light source, the accura\
    te white balance will not be
    obtained because of the characteristics of the light. It is recommended \
    to shoot images using a flash
    or select [Custom Setup].
    [319] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    Priority Set in AWB
    Selects which tone to prioritize when shooting under lighting conditions\
     such as incandescent
    light when [White Balance] is set to [Auto].
    Menu item details
    Shoots with standard auto white balance. The camera automatically adjust\
    s the color tones.
    Prioritizes the color tone of the light source. This is suitable when yo\
    u want to produce a warm
    Prioritizes a reproduction of white color when the color temperature of \
    the light source is low. MENU → 
     (Camera Settings1) → [Priority Set in AWB] → desired setting.1 
    							[320] List of MENU itemsCamera Settings1
    D-Range Opt. (DRO)
    By dividing the image into small areas, the product analyzes the contras\
    t of light and shadow
    between the subject and the background, and creates an image with the op\
    timal brightness and
    Menu item details
    D-Range Optimizer: Auto:
    Corrects the brightness automatically.
    D-Range Optimizer: Lv1 ― D-Range Optimizer: Lv5:
    Optimizes the gradation of a recorded image for each divided area. Selec\
    t the optimization level
    from Lv1 (weak) to Lv5 (strong).
    In the following situations, [D-Range Opt.] is fixed to [Off]: The shooting mode is set to [Sweep Panorama].
    Multi Frame NR
    When [Picture Effect] is set to other than [Off]
    When [Picture Profile] is set to other than [Off]
    [DRO/Auto HDR] is fixed to [Off] when the following modes are selected in [Scene Selection]. [Sunset]
    [Night Scene]
    [Night Portrait]
    [Hand-held Twilight]
    [Anti Motion Blur]
    The setting is fixed to [D-Range Optimizer: Auto] when [Scene Selection] modes other than the
    above modes are selected.
    When [
    Record Setting] is set to [120p 100M], [100p 100M], [120p 60M] or [100p 60M],
    [DRO/Auto HDR] will be set to [Off].
    When shooting with [D-Range Opt.], the image may be noisy. Select the proper level by check\
    ing the
    recorded image, especially when you enhance the effect.
    MENU →  (Camera Settings1) → [DRO/Auto HDR] → [D-Range Opt.].1
    Select the desired setting using the left/right sides of the control whe\
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