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Sony Camera Cyber Shot Dsc Rx1 Specifications

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    							24.3 MP 35 mm Full\o Frame Sensor
    A whole new world of high-quality \yi\fages are realized through the 2\b.3 MP eff\yective 35 \f\f 
    full-fra\fe sensor, a nor\fal sensor range of ISO 100 – \y25600, and a sophist\yicated balance of \yhigh 
    resolving power, gradation and low no\yise. The BIONZ
    ® i\fage processor enables up\y to 5 fps high-
    speed continuous s\yhooting and 1\b-bit \yRAW i\fage data recording.
    \frigh\b F2.0 Carl Zei\oss® Sonnar T* lens
    Newly developed lar\yge-dia\feter F2.0 Ca\yrl Zeiss® Sonnar T* lens delivers refined background 
    defocusing – bokeh, and \facro capabilities. A \ypre\fiu\f \fulti-layered T* coating also 
    dra\fatically reduces ghost and fl\yare caused by light r\yeflection
    World’s firs\b fixed lens\o 35mm camera
    The DSC-RX1 is the\y world’s first fixed len\ys 35 \f\f full-fra\fe digital ca\fera which offers an 
    unco\fpro\fising design that\y focuses on an int\yuitive, user-frien\ydly operation. The ca\fera fits 
    in the pal\f of a ha\ynd and allows user\ys to carry it nearly everywhere to capture any shooting 
    opportunity that ar\yises.
    Full HD 24p video
    Full HD 2\bp video w\yith \fanual control and audio input\y.¹ For creative flexibility w\yhile shooting 
    \fovies and stills, \yusers can enter  P\yrogra\f Auto (P), Apertu\yre Priority (A), Shu\ytter Speed Priorit\yy 
    (S) or Manual Expo\ysure (M) \fode for \fanu\yal shooting and ex\yposure control. Enjoy clear sou\ynd 
    recording and playback v\yia built-in stereo \ficrophone and \fono spe\yaker. Additionally, an \y
    optional \ficrophone can be plug\yged into the ca\fera.
    Amazing Low-ligh\b per\oformance
    Experience incredible low-light s\yhooting without a \yflash.  The ca\fera captures six i\fages in a \y
    fraction of a second\y.  Co\fbining the da\yta fro\f all six, it creates a single i\fag\ye with a reduction 
    in noise equivalen\yt to two additiona\yl steps of ISO sen\ysitivity. Sensitivity selectab\yle up to ISO 25600. \y
    (Reco\f\fended for st\yill subjects.)
    High speed Au\bo Focus
    Focus as fast as 0\y.13 seconds with h\yigh speed AF.  To i\fprove focusing speed\y and sensitivity, 
    the  Ex\for® CMOS sensor uses \yits rapid throughput to deliver\y high-quality i\fage\y signals to the 
    ca\fera’s BIONZ® processor, which provides intelligent\y response data to a \ynew high speed 
    actuator \fotor in t\yhe lens. The result is fast, DSL\yR-like focusing speeds \yeven in low light.
    Full frame burs\b shoo\bing
    High speed continu\yous shooting at up\y to 5 fra\fes per second  (f\yps) is \fade possibl\ye by the 
    BIONZ® processor and 2\b \fegap\yixel sensor.
    Three con\brol lens rings
    Full \fanual operation is intuitive\y on the RX1. Users\y can keep their eyes on t\yhe subject and 
    concentrate on the co\fposit\yion while co\ffortab\yly adjusting the de\ydicated aperture, focusing, 
    and \facro switching rings.\y
    Convenien\bly placed \odials
    Quick access to co\ynveniently placed e\yxposure co\fpensation and \yfocus \fode dials.
    Quick Navi – se\b\bin\ogs a\b a glance
    DSC-RX1/BThe professional’s co\fpac\yt ca\fera. 
    							Quick Navi enhance\ys direct control of your favorite\y functions.  Pressing the Fn butt\yon activates 
    Quick Navi, which \yallows the user to\y check ca\fera settings at a gl\yance and pro\fptly change 
    settings without h\yaving to search for dedicated \fe\ynus.
    Memory recall 
    MR (\fe\fory recall) \fode can \fe\fo\yrize up to three groups of the user's preferred settings. 
    Settings include zoo\y\f \fagnification, whi\yte balance, exposu\yre co\fpensation, shu\ytter speed, 
    drive \fode and \fete\yring \fodes. This en\yables quick switch\ying of settings at\y the right \fo\fent.
    Nine aper\bure blades
    Nine aperture blades for\f a nearly perfect circle throughout the nor\fally used aperture range 
    of F2 to F22, resulting in background defocusing th\yat is s\footh and ge\ynuinely beautiful.
    Expandable wi\bh mul\bi\o in\berface shoe
    The \fulti interface shoe allows e\yasy connection with\y wide-ranging accessories\y expanding the 
    range of photographic expression. Available accessori\yes include a power\yful external flash unit, 
    electronic viewfinder,
    3” X\bra Fine LCD™ Displa\oy
    The 3” (1,229k dots\y) Xtra Fine LCD™ Displa\yy \fakes it easy to scroll through \fenus and preview 
    live Picture Effects. WhiteMag\yic™ technology incr\yeases visibility in\y bright daylight. The large 
    display delivers br\yilliant-quality sti\yll i\fages and \fovie\ys while enabling e\yasy focusing operation.
    Au\bo HDR mode
    Captures \fore scene dyna\fic range than a single\y exposure can handle—and \fo\yre range than 
    photo fil\f. Co\fbines\y the best highligh\yt detail fro\f one shot, the be\yst \fid-tones fro\f a second 
    and the best shado\yw detail fro\f a third for one incredible shot (up to\y 6 EV stops), all \yin a split 
    second. (Reco\f\fende\yd for still subjec\yts.)
    Dual-aspec\b ra\bio recording for s\bill images\o
    Capture still i\fages in e\yither 3:2 or 16:9 a\yspect ratio. This provides the freedo\f to choose a r\yatio 
    that \fatches the sc\yene or the specific\y shooting purpose.\y
    \fuil\b in pop up flash\o
    Enjoy the convenien\yce of flash photogr\yaphy everywhere you go.  Guide nu\y\fber is 
    approxi\fately 6*.  Choo\yse fro\f Auto, Slow Sync,\y Rear Sync, Fill-fla\ysh and Flash Off \fod\yes.
    Cap\bure JPEG files, RAW files, or bo\bh
    The DSC-RX1 saves \ypictures as co\fpact JPEG \yfiles and/or ultra-high quality RAW files. RAW files 
    save i\fages prior t\yo de-\fosaicing, whi\yte balance, sharpn\yess and color enha\ynce\fent. This 
    retains \faxi\fu\f latit\yude for enhancing \ythe i\fage on your P\yC.
    Four focusing modes 
    This ca\fera has two Autofocu\ys \fodes: Single-sho\yt AF (AF-S) or Con\ytinuous AF (AF-C),\y which 
    tracks \foving objects\y. It also has Manu\yal Focus for \fanual\y focusing freedo\f, and Direct Manual 
    Focus (DMF), that \yfirst uses autofocu\ysing to focus on t\yhe subject, and then all\yows fast and easy 
    switching to \fanual\y focusing for even\y \fore precise adjust\fent.  
    Digi\bal level gauge
    Digital level gaug\ye to allow easier \yleveling of the ca\y\fera
    MF assis\b and peakin\og 
    Manual focus beco\fe\ys \fuch easier becau\yse peaking highlig\yhts the edges that\y are in focus 
    in your choice of t\yhree colors (white, \yred, or yellow). Thi\ys is especially hel\ypful during \facro or 
    portrait photography where your focus settin\yg can \fake or break your shot.
    Crea\bive S\byle se\b\bings\o
    Control how the ca\fera processes your i\fages\y with 15 finishing s\ytyles: Standard, Vivid, Neutral, 
    Clear, Deep, Light, Twilight, Night View, Autu\fn Leaves,\y B&W, Sepia, Sunset, Port\yrait and 
    Landscape. You can even fine-tu\yne contrast, saturation3 , and sharp\yness to your person\yal taste. 
    Pic\bure Effec\b mode 
    							Realize your creative potential w\yith Picture Effect, a fun and\y si\fple way to conv\yert ordinary 
    landscapes and por\ytraits co\fe to life b\yy heightening \food \yand e\fphasizing cer\ytain attributes. 
    Effects are Soft Focus, Posteriza\ytion, Retro Photo, High Cont\yrast Monochro\fe, Rich-tone 
    Monochro\fe, Miniature, Soft High-key, Toy Ca\fera, Pop Color, Partial Color, Watercolor Painting, 
    HDR Painting, and \yIllustration. 
    Sweep Panorama™ Mode
    Capture expansive landsc\yapes auto\fatically. Press the shutter, sweep vertically \yor horizontally. 
    The ca\fera does the rest, continuously s\yhooting i\fages and \ystitching the\f toge\yther.
    Face De\bec\bion/ Regi\os\bra\bion \bechnology
    The ca\fera can auto\fatically\y detect and register up to eigh\yt individual faces\y and adjust focus,\y 
    exposure, white balance a\ynd flash to help de\yliver crisp, properly lit i\fages of fa\y\fily and friends. 
    Can prioritize chil\ydren or adults
    Au\bo por\brai\b framing 
    Si\fply photograph a person and A\yuto Portrait Fra\fing will save an \yadditional, opti\fal\yly fra\fed 
    i\fage in portrait or landscape o\yrientation. Co\fbini\yng Face Detection \yand By Pixel Super \y
    Resolution technol\yogies with rule of\y thirds, Auto Portrait Fra\fing provides beautifully \yco\fposed 
    and appealingly bal\yanced full resolution portraits.
    Ca\fera TypeProfessional co\fpact \ydigital ca\fera.
    Imaging Sensor
    I\faging Sensor35\f\f full-fra\fe (35.8\f\f × 23.9\f\f) \yEx\forTM CMOS Sensor, aspect ratio 3:2
    Pixel Gross2\b.7MP (approx.)
    Effective Picture Resolution2\b.3MP (approx.)
    Media TypeMe\fory Stick Duo, M\ye\fory Stick PRO Duo\y, Me\fory Stick PRO \yDuo (High Speed), 
    Me\fory Stick PRO-HG\y Duo, SD Me\fory Car\yd, SDHC Me\fory Card, SDXC Me\fory 
    Still I\fage ModeJPEG, RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 for\fat)
    Still I\fage Size 16\y:9[16:9] L: 20M (6000\y x 3376) / M: 8.7M\y (3936 x 2216) / S:\y 3.9M (26\b0 x 1\b88)
    Still I\fage Size 3:\y2[3:2] L: 2\bM (6000 x\y \b000) / M: 10M (39\y36 x 262\b) / S: \b.6M\y (26\b0 x1760)
    Panora\fa Still I\fage Size\yStandard (3872 x 2160/8192 \yx 1856) / Wide (5536 x 2160/12\b1\y6 x 1856)
    Video For\fatAVCHD Ver2.0, MP\b
    Video ModeAVCHD: 28M PS (1920×\y1080, 60p), 2\bM FX \y(1920×1080, 60i), 1\y7M FH (1920×1080, 60i), 
    2\bM FX (1920×1080, 2\y\bp), 17M FH (1920×1\y080, 2\bp)
    MP\b: 12M (1\b\b0×1080,\y 30fps), 3M VGA (6\y\b0×\b80, 30fps)
    Lens TypeCarl Zeiss® Sonnar T*
    Digital Zoo\f2\bM approx. \bx / 10M approx. 6.1x / \b.6M app\yrox. 9.1x
    Focal Length (35\f\f e\yquivalent)[Still i\fage 3:2] f\y=35\f\f
    [Still i\fage 16:9] \yf=37\f\f
    [Movie 16:9] f=\b\b\f\f \y(SteadyShot On),  f\y=37\f\f (SteadyShot off\y)
    Lens Construction8 ele\fents in 7 groups (3 aspherical\y ele\fents  includin\yg AA lens)
    Aperture BladeIris diaphrag\f (9 blades)
    Clear I\fage Zoo\f2x
    Focal DistanceAF approx. 2\bc\f to infinity \y(Nor\fal \fode), approx. 1\bc\f to 29c\f (Ma\ycro \fode)
    LCD Displa\b
    LCD Type3.0" (7.5c\f) (\b:3) /\y 1,229k dots / Xtra Fine /  TFT LCD 
    							Brightness ControlAuto / Manual (5 st\yeps) / Sunny Weather \fode 
    Focus Control
    Focus Syste\fSingle-shot AF (AF\y-S) / Continuous A\yF (AF-C) / Direct Manual Focus (\yDMF) / Manual 
    Focus (MF)
    AF ModesMulti point AF (25 p\yoints) / Center we\yighted AF / Flexib\yle spot AF / Flexi\yble spot AF 
    (tracking focus) / Fl\yexible spot AF (fa\yce tracking) 
    Exposure S\bstem
    Metering ModesMulti seg\fent / Cen\yter weighted / Spo\yt
    Exposure Co\fpensation +/- 3.0EV, 1/3EV step
    Scene Mode(s)Portrait, Sports Action\y,  Landscape, Suns\yet, Night Scene, Handheld Twilight, Night 
    D-Range Opti\fizerOff, Dyna\fic Range O\ypti\fizer (Auto/Leve\yl), Auto High Dyna\f\yic Range: Auto 
    exposure difference, Exposure difference level (1.0-6.\y0EV, 1.0-EV step)
    Creative StyleStandard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear, Deep, Light, Por\ytrait, Landscape, Su\ynset, Night 
    Scene, Autu\f Leaves,\y Black, White, Sepia
    White Balance Mode\yAuto/Daylight/Shade\y/Cloudy/Incandescen\yt/Fluor (War\f White)/Fluor (Coo\yl 
    White)/Fluor (Day W\yhite)/Fluor (Daylig\yht)/Flash/C. Te\fp./Filter/Custo\f \y
    ISO Sensitivity (Movie)Auto (ISO100-25600 e\yquiv (1/3 EV step)\y, Expandable to 50/\y6\b/80 auto ISO100-
    25600 selectable upp\yer/lower li\fit, Mul\yti fra\fe NR ISO 100-102\b0\y0 (1 EV step), Aut\yo 
    ISO100-25600 selecta\yble upper/lower li\y\fit
    Picture Effect(s)Toy Ca\fera, Pop Color, Posterization, Re\ytro Photo, Soft High-key, Partial Color, 
    High Contrast Monochro\fe, Soft Focus, HDR Pain\yting, Rich-tone Mo\ynochro\fe, 
    Miniature, Watercolor, Illustration 
    Drive S\bstem
    Shutter TypeProgra\f Auto (30-1/2000)\y / Manual (Bulb, 3\y0-1/2000) / Apertur\ye Priority (30-1/20\y00) 
    / Shutter Priority \y(30-1/2000) / iAuto\y 1-1/2000
    Continuous Shootin\yg Speed5 fps at 2\b.3MP, continuous 2.5 fps\y when focus is AFS\y
    Self-ti\fer10sec. / 2sec.
    Flash ModesAuto/Fill-flash/Slo\yw Sync/Rear Sync/Off\y/Wireless with optiona\yl co\fpatible flash
    Flash CoverageISO Auto 0.75\f to 21\y.7\f / ISO 25600 up t\yo \b3.\bm 
    Convenience Features
    Still I\fage Playbac\yk OptionsControl for HDMI, Slide\yshow, Picture Effect (Watercolor, Illustration),  Single (w\yith 
    or without shootin\yg infor\fation, RGB histogr\ya\f & highlight/shad\yow warning), 
    \b/9-fra\fe index view
    Advanced Features
    Sweep Panora\faSweep Panora\fa
    Face Detection8 Faces (Off / On(R\yegistered Faces) / On)
    I\fage Stabilization\ySteadyShot™ I\fage S\ytabilization
    Intelligent AutoYes
    Picture EffectsYes, 13 effects
    Me\fory Card SlotMS Duo and SD/SDHC\y/SDXC Co\fpatible
    HD OutputMicro HDMI
    USB Port(s)Micro USB, Hi-Speed US\yB (USB2.0)
    Microphone InputMicrophone jack
    Accessory ShoeMulti Interface Shoe
    Weights and Measurements
    Di\fensions (Approx.)\b 1/2" x 2 5/8" x 2 3\y/\b" (113.3 x 65.\b x \y69.6\f\f)
    Weight (Approx.)17 oz (\b82g) 
    Weight(Approx) (Main unit onl\yy)16 oz (\b53g ) 
    Battery TypeLITHIUM ION NP-BX1 (supplied)
    Power Consu\fption (\yin Operation)Approx. 2.0W
    Supplied Accessori\yes
    Battery NP-BX1
    AC Adaptor AC-UD11\y
    Micro USB cable
    Shoulder Strap
    Lens Cap
    Shoe Cap
    Cleaning Cloth
    Instruction Manual\y
    1. Records in 29 \finute seg\y\fents
    2. Requires HDTV and HDMI c\yable sold separately
    © 2012 Sony Electronics Inc. All rig\yhts reserved. Reproduction in whole \yor in part without\y written per\fission is prohibited. Sony, Cyber-shot, St\yeadyShot, S\file Shu\ytter, Sweep Panora\fa, Ex\for and the \ySony \fake.believe  logo ar\ye trade\farks of Sony.  Microsoft, Windows, and 
    Windows Vista are trade\farks of Microsoft Corporation.  Mac is a t\yrade\fark of Apple, Inc. A\yll other trade\farks are trade\farks of their respective owners. \yFeatures and specificatio\yns subject to chan\yge without notice.\y
    UPC:027242863507 / Upd\mated: Septem\fer 13, 2012 
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