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Starplus Triad S Product Manual

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Page 51

2-22 Ba ck grou nd Music
Ba c kgr ou nd Mu si c
Each digital telephone user may receive music over their speaker when
an o ptional mu sic source is connected to the system. The Background
Music featu re can be allowed or denied on a sys tem-wide bas is by
pr ogra mmi ng.
Ba t te r y Ba c k-Up ( Memo r y)
A lithium battery is located on the Master Processor Board (MPB) of the
Tri ad- SS ystem to protect sys tem memory in cas e of commercial p ower
outa ge or the s ystem power being turned off for a time...

Page 52

Ca ll C o v e r a g e 2 - 2 3
The cost information is p rogramm able b y s electing one of the 16 route
li st t abl es an d one of the four t i me per io ds. Thi s a ll ows the us er t o
progra m four s epa ra te costs bas ed on the time of d ay f or each of the 16
route s. The costs entered in the tab le s is a cos t for one minu te , how eve r,
costs a re calcula te d us ing a 1/10th of a m inute value . T hes e cos ts are
exten ds into a...

Page 53

2-24 Ca ll Fo rwa rd - Pres et
Call Forw ard - Preset
The Call Forward Preset feature allows the system database to be
configure d s o that incomin g CO Line s, which are p rogramm ed to ring a t
a p ar ti c u la r s ta ti o n, c an b e f o rwa rde d e l sewh er e in the sy st em
prede te rmine d b y programming. This fea ture is activ e if the s tation
ringing is not answered in a specified time, and is particularly useful in
ove rfl ow a ppl ic a ti ons in whic h a Voi c e M ail or A ut o A tt e ndant...

Page 54

Ca ll F o r wa rd : St a ti o n 2 - 2 5
Preset Call Forward - Per CO Line
The Preset Call Forward feature allows each CO line to be preset call
for war ded on a pe r CO li ne bas is . T his al l ows a CO l ine t o i ni ti al ly ri ng a t
multiple stations and forward to a predetermined destination. The
des tination can be a s ta tion or Hu nt Group . E ach C O line has a Pres et
Forward Timer. Each CO line also has a VMID field to allow specific VM
di gits to be sen t when a C O li ne forw ard s to a VM...

Page 55

2-26 Ca ll Fo rwa rd: St atio n
Call Forward - All Calls
Call Forward All Calls allows a station to have all their calls (internal or
external) forwarded immediately to a designated station, an ACD or UCD
gro up pilot numbe r, Voice Mail group num ber, or Hunt group.
Call Forward - Busy
Call Forward Busy allows a station the ability to have their calls forwarded
to a d esi gna te d s tat i o n, a n A CD o r UCD gr o u p p il o t nu mbe r, Vo i c e Ma il
gro up numb er, or H unt group whe n their station...

Page 56

Ca ll P a r k2-27
Ca l l P ar k
An outs id e l in e c an be pla c ed int o one of e ig ht p ar king loc a ti ons a nd c an
be retrieved by any station that has a direct line appearance or an
ava il abl e L oop but ton. Park ed cal l s hav e t hei r ow n re call t ime r t hat r ecal ls
the origina ting s ta tion, and if still unans wered, the Attenda nt( s). An
outside line may also be placed into a station park location. The station
user then dials a code followed by their station number to retrieve the...

Page 57

2-28 Cal l Tran sfer
Ca l l Tra n s fe r
An outside CO line can be transferred from one keyset to another. By
using the TRANS button, s cre ene d (a nnounced ) or uns cre ene d tra nsfe rs
c an b e ma de. The l ine be in g t ran sfe rr ed ri ngs on t he k eys et and pr ovid es
Exclusive Hold flashing indication to the receiving partys keyset. Any
key sets without losing the call.
The Direct Transfer Mode allows transferring of an outside CO line...

Page 58

Ca mp-On Recall 2 -29
Ca m p -On Re ca l l
Whe n a station does not an swer a Ca mp-On, tha t call re ca lls the pe rs on
placing the C amp -On, a nd if una nswe re d b y them , recalls the
Centrex Compatibility
TheTr iad-SSys te m p ro vi de fe at ure s t ha t a re C ent re x c o mp at ibl e so tha t
Centrex users can utilize theTr iad-SSys te m to e nhance their Ce ntre x
capa bil it i es . T he syst e m act ual ly si mpl if ie s a nd pr ovi de s e as ie r access t o
many Ce ntr e x fe at...

Page 59

2-30 Cen trex/PB X Tran sfer
Programmable Flash Timer
CO line flas h is a mome nta ry ope ning on a CO line us ed for signalin g.
Whe n usi ng theTr iad-SSystem in a Centrex environment, the CO line
flash is to signal the inte ntion to transf er a ca ller us ing Ce ntre x tra nsfe r.
facilitate a mixture of C entrex and C O lines with in the sa me sys te m.
Many C entrex codes utilize a h ook-flas h follow ed...

Page 60

CO Line - Access 2 -31
Six uniquely defined Classes of Service are available for assignment to
st at ions on a pe r st at ion bas is and al l si x ar e ava il abl e for day and nigh t
assignment. Station Class of Service works in conjunction with CO line
Class of Service to provid e the mos t flexib le means for offering custom
to l l re st r ic t io n.
As a par t of t he Di al ing pr ivi l ege as si gnmen t t hr ough C la ss of S er vi ce t he
sys te m off ers two prog ram mable Allow and De ny tab le s...
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