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Steinberg Cubase 4 Midi Devices Manual

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MIDI devices
Defining SysEx messages
Some devices can be edited by MIDI channel messages 
like Control Change, RPNs or NRPNs. In that case you’d 
only have to select the desired message by clicking in the 
MIDI message field next to the Create SysEx button and 
browse for it. But that is not true for the JV-1080. You 
need to define the MIDI sysex message that allows you to 
access these parameters, therefore:
1.Click the Create Sysex button.
The Create Sysex dialog.
In the MIDI definition part of the...

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MIDI devices
7.Reduce the number of bits to “4” and enter “10” in the 
Hex row at position 2, because the device ID ranges from 
10H to 1FH.
8.Next, remove Value 3 and Value 4 and enter the right 
Values (6A and 12) in the Hex row.
9.Finally, rename Values 5 to 9 according to the Sysex 
definition table. For this, double-click on each value name 
and enter the new name.
The dialog should now be set up like this:
10.Click OK.
All the values that have been defined now appear in the 
Add Parameters...

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MIDI devices
As you may have noticed, the variable “x” is automatically 
assigned to the “Data” value. “x” stands for the value that is 
represented by this parameter and is always defined indi-
vidually by each parameter. If you later assign a control like 
a fader to this parameter, this fader will control and modify 
“x”. “x” is automatically assigned to the last value of the 
message, but can be freely assigned to any other value.
4.Click OK to close the dialog.
In the Device window, small plus...

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MIDI devices
4.Activate the Create Multiple checkbox and enter a 
range of 0–81, because the System Common table in the 
manual of the JV-1080 contains 82 parameters, starting 
with an index of “0”.
Address1MSB, Address2 and Address 3 are all 0 for all System Com-
mon parameters, so leave them as they are. Enter “index” in the Formula 
column for Address4LSB to address each of the 82 parameters sepa-
rately. The dialog should now look like this:
When you click OK, you will notice that 82 new parame-...

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MIDI devices
Excerpt from a Device XML file
Yamaha XG Drum FX.xml
The code has to end with , otherwise it is 
incomplete and cannot be imported. 
The value of the variable “DeviceNode Name” is the name 
of the device given in the Installed Devices List. 
Object classes have unique IDs, which are important in 
case you want to merge XML files (see below). 
Editing the device setup XML files directly
It is possible to “merge” XML files, e. g. in these cases:
You have created a panel for a device and now...

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MIDI devices
Bitmaps are included with the tag , in this ex-
ample the Bitmap “virus LOGO.bmp”.
Controls have their own tags . Templates 
are encoded in sections that are tagged with .
Snapshot XML files
Snapshots are saved as separate XML files under the 
specified name, e.g. “Blues.xml”.
You can arrange the snapshot files in subfolders. 
Example for Windows
This way it is possible to e.g. rebuild the preset structure 
of your device, which results in a corresponding folder 
structure in the snapshot...

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MIDI devices
About Studio Connections 
(Cubase only)
Studio Connections is the name of an initiative led by 
Steinberg and Yamaha. The initiative intends to create in-
dustry standards for totally integrated system environ-
ments using software and hardware products.
First implementation stage of the Studio Connections 
open standard is the integration and support of Yamaha’s 
Studio Manager 2 (SM2) and Total Recall for compatible 
hardware devices. 
For further information about Studio Connections,...

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MIDI devices
Total Recall
Total Recall means that you can save and recall all set-
tings of your hardware and software products by opening 
one integrated file in a DAW such as Cubase or Nuendo. 
Also you will have instant and organized access to hard-
ware editors.
When you load a project or switch to another active project 
that contains SM2 data, the Total Recall Synchronization 
dialog appears:
This dialog can also be opened any time from the Studio 
Manager’s Synchronize menu. Click OK for the...

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Bank Assignments 8
Bank Select 6
Control Parameter Assignment 21
Panel elements 29
Create Multiple option 13
Create new MIDI channel 13
Definable values 36
Device panels
About 14
Edit windows 17
Editing 20
Device Setup XML File 44
Device structure 17
Device window 17
Double value Sysex message 37
Formula 36
Identifying nodes in panels 31
Import bitmap 22
Mathematical operations in formulas
MIDI Device Manager 6
Device window 17
MIDI devices
Defining new for patch selection...
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