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U.S. Marine Corps Antenna Mcrp 6 22D Operating Instructions

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    MCRP 6-22D
    x Chapter 8.  Antenna Farms
    Command Post8-1
    Location Selection Considerations8-2
    Doctrinal Considerations8-2
    Tactical Considerations8-3
    Technical Considerations8-5
    Siting VHF Antennas8-6
    Transmitting Antenna Site8-9
    Receiving Antenna Sites8-11
    Antenna Farm Internal Arrangement8-12
    Frequency Band8-12
    Antenna Selection and Placement8-12
    Power and Signal Lines8-16
    Antenna Farm Layout Principles8-16
    A  GlossaryA-1
    B  References and Related PublicationsB-1 
    							Chapter 1
    Radio Principles
    Electromagnetic radiation includes radio waves, microwaves, infra-
    red radiation, visible light, ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma
    rays. Together they make up the electromagnetic spectrum. They all
    move at the speed of light (186,000 miles/300 million meters per
    second). The only difference between them is their wavelength (the
    distance a wave travels during one complete cycle [vibration]),
    which is directly related to the amount of energy the waves carry.
    The shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy. Figure 1-1 lists
    the electromagnetic spectrum components according to wavelength
    and frequency (the number of complete cycles [vibrations] per sec-
    ond). A portion of the spectrum which is used for HF, VHF, and
    UHF radio communication has been expanded to show more detail.
    Figure 1-1. Electromagnetic Spectrum.VISIBLE
    							1-2 _____________________________________ 
    MCRP 6-22D
    Radio waves propagate (travel) much like surface water waves.
    They travel near the Earth’s surface and also radiate skyward at var-
    ious angles to the Earth’s surface. As the radio waves travel, their
    energy spreads over an ever-increasing surface area. A typical radio
    wave has two components, a crest (top portion) and a trough (bottom
    portion). These components travel outward from the transmitter, one
    after the other, at a consistent velocity (speed). The distance between
    successive wave crests is called a wavelength and is commonly rep-
    resented by the Greek lowercase lambda (l) (see fig. 1-2).
    Figure 1-2. Radio Wave.
    Radio waves transmit radio and television (TV) signals. They have
    wavelengths that range from less than a centimeter to tens or even
    hundreds of meters. Frequency modulated (FM) radio waves are
    shorter than amplitude modulated (AM) radio waves. A radio
    wave’s frequency equals the number of complete cycles that occur
    in 1 second. The longer the cycle time, the longer the wavelengthSTRENGTHTIME OR DISTANCEONE CYCLE
    PEAK 0 
    							Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 
    and the lower the frequency. The shorter the cycle time, the shorter
    the wavelength and the higher the frequency.
    Frequency is measured and stated in hertz (Hz). A radio wave fre-
    quency is very high. It is generally measured and stated in thousands
    of hertz (kilohertz [kHz]), in millions of hertz (megahertz [MHz]),
    or sometimes in billions of hertz (gigahertz [GHz]).  
    Frequency Calculation
    For practical purposes, the velocity of a radio wave is considered to
    be constant, regardless of the frequency or the amplitude of the
    transmitted wave. To find the frequency when the wavelength is
    known, divide the velocity by the wavelength.
    To find the wavelength when the frequency is known, divide the
    velocity by the frequency. 
    Frequency Bands
    Frequency spectrum designations are—1 Hz=1 cycle per second
    1 kHz=1 thousand cycles per second
    1 MHz=1 million cycles per seconds
    1 GHz=1 billion cycles per second
    Frequency (hertz)=300,000,000 (meters per  second)
    Wavelength (meters)
    Wavelength (meters)=300,000,000 (meters   per   second)
    Frequency (hertz)
    3 to 30 MHz30 to 300 MHz300 to 3,000 MHz/3GHz 
    							1-4 _____________________________________ 
    MCRP 6-22D
    HF is used primarily for long-range communications. An HF signal
    is reflected by the outermost portion of the atmosphere, the iono-
    sphere. VHF is used for short-range communications. To use VHF,
    it is necessary to be able to visualize a direct line of sight (LOS)
    between the transmitter and receiver. This limits UHF to distances
    that are not much greater than the distance to the horizon, assuming
    that there are no massive obstructions in the LOS. When the LOS
    path exists and VHF transmission is possible, VHF is always pre-
    ferred to HF because a VHF signal can be made to follow a much
    narrower and more direct path to the receiver. UHF is a third type of
    transmission. UHF transmission is like VHF in that both follow the
    direct or LOS path. But with the proper antenna, UHF transmission
    can be made to follow an even narrower path to the receiver than
    Each frequency band has unique characteristics. The ranges and
    power requirements shown in table 1-1 are for normal operating
    conditions (i.e., proper siting and antenna orientation and correct
    operating procedures). Ranges will change according to the condi-
    tion of the propagation medium and the transmitter output power.
    Tactical SCRs operate in the three military radio frequency bands
    shown in table 1-2.  Table 1-1. Frequency Range Characteristics.
    BandGround Wave
    RangeSky Wave
    HF0–50 miles100–8000 miles.5–5 kW
    VHF0–30 miles50–150 miles.5 or less kW
    UHF0–50 milesN/A.5 or less kW 
    							Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 
    The radio equipment for communicating between two stations,
    including the path the radio signal follows through the air, is a radio
    link. A radio link consists of seven components:  transmitter, power
    supply, transmission lines, transmitting antenna, propagation path,
    receiving antenna, and receiver.
     Table 1-2. Ground SCRs.
    BandMAGTF SCR 
    Equipment UsedOperating 
    MHzRadio LOS and 
    beyond/long range
    AN/VRC-88 (A, D)
    AN/VRC-89 (A, D)
    AN/VRC-90 (A, D)
    AN/VRC-91 (A, D)
    AN/VRC-92 (A, D)
    AN/MRC-14530–88 MHzRadio LOS and 
    AN/VRC-83116–150 MHzCritical LOS 
    (ground to air)
    AN/GRC-171225–400 MHzCritical LOS 
    (ground to air)
    AN/PSC-5SATCOM footprint 
    							1-6 _____________________________________ 
    MCRP 6-22D
    The transmitter generates a radio signal. The power supply provides
    power for the operating voltage of the radio (battery or generator).
    The transmission line delivers the signal from the transmitter to the
    transmitting antenna. The transmitting antenna sends the radio
    signal into space toward the receiving antenna. The path in space
    that the radio signal follows as it goes to the receiving antenna is the
    propagation path. The receiving antenna intercepts or receives the
    signal and sends it through a transmission line to the receiver. The
    receiver processes the radio signal so it can be heard (fig 1-3). 
    The radio operator’s objective is to provide the strongest possible
    signal to the receiving station. The best possible signal is one that
    provides the greatest signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio at the receiving
    To implement a radio communications circuit it is necessary to—
    •Generate and radiate an electromagnetic wave modulated with
    information (e.g., voice, Morse code).
    •Make the wave propagate efficiently from the transmitting
    antenna to the receiving antenna.
    •Intercept the wave by using a receiving antenna.
    •Demodulate the energy so that the information originally trans-
    mitted becomes available in a useful form.
    Choosing the right antenna and matching its characteristics to the
    best propagation path are the two most important factors in setting
    up a communications circuit. The weakest link in the communica-
    tions circuit is the wrong propagation path. The best transmitter,
    antenna, and receiver are of little use if the frequency is wrong or
    the propagation path is improper. 
    							Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 
    							1-8 _____________________________________ 
    MCRP 6-22D
    Earth’s Atmosphere
    Propagation usually takes place within the Earth’s atmosphere. The
    atmosphere surrounding the Earth is divided into several layers,
    each possessing unique characteristics. The first layer, starting at
    the Earth’s surface and extending to a height of about 10 kilometers
    (km), is the troposphere. In this layer, the air temperature decreases
    with altitude at the rate of about 2.5°C every 300 meters. 
    The second layer of the atmosphere is the stratosphere, which occu-
    pies an altitude range extending from about 10 km to 50 km. This
    layer of air remains at a nearly constant temperature of about -65°C. 
    Beginning at about 50 km and extending upward to more than 500
    km is the ionosphere. The ionosphere gets its name because the
    molecules of its atmosphere are ionized, i.e., electrons have been
    stripped away from atoms by the constant bombardment of the
    Sun’s rays and other high energy particles released by the Sun.
    Because of the large quantities of free electrons, the ionosphere is
    capable of interacting strongly on radio waves traveling through it.
    Radio Wave Propagation 
    There are two principal ways radio waves travel from the transmit-
    ter to the receiver. One is by ground wave, directly from the trans-
    mitter to the receiver. The other is by sky wave, up to the
    ionosphere and refracted (bent downward) back to the Earth. Short-
    distance, all UHF, and upper VHF transmissions are by ground
    waves. Long-distance transmissions are principally by sky waves.
    SCR sets can use either ground wave or sky wave propagation for
    							Antenna Handbook ______________________________ 
    Ground Wave Propagation. Radio communications using ground
    wave propagation do not use or depend on waves refracted from the
    ionosphere (sky waves). Ground wave propagation is affected by
    the Earth’s electrical characteristics and by the amount of diffrac-
    tion (bending) of the waves along the Earth’s curvature. The ground
    wave’s strength at the receiver depends on the transmitter’s power
    output and frequency, the Earth’s shape and conductivity along the
    transmission path, and the local weather conditions. The ground
    wave includes three components: the direct wave, the ground
    reflected wave, and the surface wave (fig. 1-4).
    Figure 1-4. Ground Wave.
    Direct Wave. The direct wave travels directly from the transmitting
    antenna to the receiving antenna. The direct wave is limited to the
    LOS distance between the transmitting antenna and the receiving
    antenna plus the short distance added by atmospheric refraction and
    diffraction of the wave around the Earth’s curvature. This distance
    can be extended by increasing the transmitting or the receiving
    antenna height, or both. GROUND REFLECTEDDIRECT WAVESURFACE   WAVE             WAVE 
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