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Voigtlander Vito 2a Instructions For Use

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Page 1

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Page 2

l_ try_s_ltg:gt_r qrysfory_VqE I

Page 3

Risht Here
is the first and most important piece of adaice
f or theVITO Il a: Please read this boolclet care-
fully, Make yourself thoroughly familiar with
aII the operations and controls of the camera,
Then you can Ioad your f irst film and begin to

Page 4

CONTENTSPogeViews of the Comerq 2-s
Opening the Bqck . Inserting the Cossette 6-9
The Film Counter . The Film Indicotor ....... 10
Unfooding. Chonging Portly Exposed Films . 11-12
Opening ond Closing the Boseboord ........ l3
Exposure Times. Apertures. Self-timer 14-19
Distonce.SnopshotFocusing..... 20-21
Ropid Winder . Double Lock 22
Holding the Comero . Releosing 23
Flosh Exposures 24-27
Filters . Focor Lenses 28-29
Accessory Rongefinder . The Kontur Finder . . 30
Aperture ond Depth of Field 31

Page 5

2 inch (50 mm)
Cofor-Skopor 113.5
I Focusing Scole
2 Depth of Field Indicotor3 Aperture ond Light VolueSetting Lever
4 Flosh Sockef
5 Shutter Tensioning Lever5 Aperture lndicotor
7 Synchronizing Lever(only on Prontor-SVS)
I Bock Lock
I Rewind Knob with FilmIndicotor
l0 Keys for Closing BoseboordI t Coble Releqse Socket12 Shutter Speed Ring13 Releose Button14 Film Counter Window

Page 6

I Bock Lock
9 Rewind Knob with Film
l5 Viewfinder Eyepiece
16 Reversing Lever
77 Button to Open
Boseboo rd
I I Boseboo rd Leg
19 Accessory Shoe
20 Ropid Winding Lever
2l Film Counter Setting
22 Tripod Bush
23 Boseboord

Page 7

Looding qnd Unlooding
the Cqmerq
The VITO ll q tqkes qll mqkes of per-
forqted 35 mm. miniqture film - blqck-qnd-white or colour - qvqilqble throughout
lhe world. These films qre sold in doylight
cqsselles holding 36 or 20 exposures
24 x 35 mm.
Opening the Cqmerq Bqck
Slightly roise the bock lock (B) ond pull
the bock owoy from the body (see illu-
Extending the Rewind Knob
Before inserting the cossefte, the rewind
knob (9) must be fully extended. To do
thot, push the reversing lever (.|6) to...

Page 8

I Rewind Knob with
Film Indicotor
(fully extended)
l5 Viewf inder
16 Reversing Lever
2A Ropid Windins
2l Film Counter
Setting Button
24 Film Chomber
25 Film Trock
26 Film Tronsport
27 Toke-up Spool

Page 9

lnserting the CqssetteThe norrow slit of the toke-up spool (27l,
must foce upwords before threoding the
film leoder. lf necessory, turn the toke-
up spool (with one finger or by working
the ropid winding lever) to the correctposition. Then:
o Pull out o short length of ihe f ilm leoder
from the cqssette, ond push it into the
slit of the toke-up spool os for os it
will go (see illustrotion).
o Drow the cossette ocross the tronsport
sprocket ond the film trock, ond insert
it in the film chomber.
o Fino...

Page 10

The illusfrqtion obove shows the correctly loqded comero before closing ond
setting the film counier. The rewind knob is pushed down into the body, end the
film lies flot in the film trock. Now close down the comero bock, ond press it
ogoinsf the body; moke sure thqt the bock lock engoges properly.
-9 -
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