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Voigtlander Vito C Instructions For Use

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    Shoof ingFrqme by Frqme
    The Voigtltinder crystol-frqme viewfinder. The unique brilliont reflected-frome
    finder system shows you the subiect in nqturql size. When sighting, you con
    therefore keep both eyes open ond hove o cleor view over the surroundings
    of the subiect os well.
    Pleose note: with subiects ot obout 31/z feet the limits of the field of view or.e disp.locedOownwoidr or sidewirys (occording to whether _you h.qld the comero horizontolly orupright) os shown by tlie two short i-ines on the reflected imoge frome.
    Releosing. Alwoys press the releose genf ly; never ierk it, os thot wou ld
    produce blurred pictures.
    The ropid winding lever. After every shot pull out the lever os for os it will go
    (with one full stroke or severql short ones). This tensions the shutler, odvqnces
    the film counter qnd tronsports the film. An outomotic lock prevents o second
    operotion of the !ever before you hove mode qn exposure. Similorly, you -cononly releose the shutter ofter working the ropid winding lever. This thereforeprevents double exposures ond blonk fromes.
    -7 -
    The Seff-fimer
    Once you hove set exposure (shutter speed ond operture) ond the distqnce,qnd tensioned the shutter, pull down ihe smoll red lever (10) qs fqr qs if willgo. On pressing the releose, the exposure now tokes ploce outomoticolly oftero deloy of obout 10 seconds. You therefore hove time to toke your plocequickly in front of the comero. Do not however use the self-timer with theshutter set lo B.
    Synchronized Flash Shofs
    Smoll light-weight flosh guns con be mounted in the occessory shoe on top oflhe comero. Lorger guns or the lomp holders of eledtronic flosh guns oregenerolly mounted to one side of the cqmero with o speciol brocket. The floshcoble completes the electnic circuit between the flosh unit ond the shutter; itplugs into the flosh socket (9) on ihe shutter.
    The Pronto shutter is only X-synchronised. For flosh shots (with or without theself-timer) you must therefore use only the shutter speeds shown in the tobleopposite.
    The lens operlure required for correctexposure con be obtoined from so-colled guide numbers, usuolly quoied
    on the flosh bulb pocking or in theleoflets issued with the bulb or elec-tronic flosh unit. To find the correctoperture divide the oppropriote guide
    number by the distonce in feet betweenthe subiect ond f losh gun on theco merq.
    Aperlure = guide number * dislsnce
    guide number 75 = 5Distqnce 15 feet
    So set the operture holf-woy betweenf/4 ond f/5.6.
    Flosh bulbsShutter speed
    Philips PF IPF5PF 14PF 25Osrom XM IXM5I /30 second
    M2M5No. 0No. 5No. 25
    Electronic floshShutter speed
    lnstonto neousreleose1/ao to 1/2so second
    Voigtliinder Focar Lenses
    extend your scope to cover highlyinteresting lorge-scole close-ups ofsmoll obiects ond onimols.
    Blossoms or the inhobitonts ofoquoriums ond terroriums con iustos well be photogrophed os coinsor stomps ond oll this con be tokenos you see it - with VoigtlcinderFocor lenses ond Proxirect ottoch-ment.
    You con now opproqch the subiect withthe comero considerobly closer thonthe usuol focusing limit of 3t lz feet,ond thus increqse the scqle of repro-duction.
    Focqr Focusing Tqble
    ComeroIens set toDistonce from Subiect to Front of LensFocorl I Focor2 | ft+ZIIVilttl
    2 71122 6rlr,,2 Stln2 A2 3u2 207 1rlz2 tlz11131e,l11
    110l 831nl80\7l 7rlz1 6
    l 51/z.1, 5,1 431a,1 4rlz,,l Al 3r/21 3rla,,,131 231nl 7lzl 2ul 1rlz1 1rlr1 11 11 rlz
    Inslructions for use of Focor lenses:
    o Focusing - Approoch the subject with the comero unfil you see it in the vievvfinderin the size desired. Then - occording to the distonce (toble, columns ll to lV)fit the oppropriote Focor lens or both lenses over the comero lens mount (F 2 onthe comero lens ond F I on top of the F 2 lens).Meosure the exoct distonce from the summii of the lens to the centre of the subiectqnd set the lens to the oppropriqle distonce os per column I of the toble correspondingto whqt is given by columns ll to lV.
    o Aperture qnd depth of field - To moke sure of odequote depth of field, stop downto of leost f15.6 or fl8. For copying of text motter flll or fl16 is recommended.
    o Viewfinder lmoge Fit the Proxirect ottochment into the occessory shoe of thecomero so thot it is in front of the viewfinder. Then rotote the front ond reor scolerings to set the distonce corresponding to the subiect distonce. You now see thefinder imoge free from porollox. The slight vignetting of the corners, due to therounded shope of the Proxirect, will, of course, not oppeor in the picture.
    o Exposure - The Focor lenses do not offect the exposure volue determined in thenormol woy. When using o colour filter, mount it in front of the Focor lens ond tokeinto occount its foctor.
    - ll -
    Voigtldnde r Filters
    ore hord cooted ond corry q 32 mm. dio. push-on mount. Every filter (except
    for the ultro-violet filter) needs some extro exposure. The exposure increose
    in the form of q fitter foctor, is morked on the filter, e. g.4 x (exposure withoutfilter 1/rzs second - with filter 1/ro second).
    Yetrow firrer G r.5 x l[y,!1tllj;i::?,:tl:.ff,:-tg:,1,iff,*it;,I: ror sports ond
    Filter foctor: 1.5 x, or open the lens operture by llz stop.
    Yellow filter G 3 x i,ti6:flfllllllfi::Lm other outdoor subiects;
    Filtei foctor: 3x, or open the operture by ll/: stops.
    Green firrer Gr 4 x iti:ii[fJ?T,H?,;J:,T*r;;,1;.:,!:l3jolilTli:Filter foctor: 4x, or open theoperture by 2 stops.
    Oronse filter Or 5 x ilgtld::nrllYilr: dromotic effects Reduces otmospheric
    Filter foctor: 5 x, or open the lens operture by 2tlz stops.Cuts out ultro-violet rodiotion in high mountoins or neorth ro. Eliminotes unpleosont blue costs in colour shots.Requires no exposure increose.
    Ultrq-violet filter UV
    lllustrotion lV
    f*rr:** --
    l3 Rewind knob fully extended
    l4 Viewfinder eyepiece
    t5 Film reversing lever
    16 Cqssette chqmber
    17 Film lrqck
    l8 Ropid winding leverfor tensioning the shutterqnd qdvoncing the film
    19 Film tronsport shoft
    Toke-up spool with hook forottoching the film leqder
    Film rewind knobpushed into the comero body
    Shofi of rewind knobto engoge cossette spoof
    Sprocket of trqnsport shqftengoged in the film perforotions
    Film leqderfixed io the toke-up spool
    4ll bronds of films in the morker con be used in the vlro c.The doylight coss_enes wirh rhe pJrfotorea 35;;lii; ;ft 36 or z0fromes, resp., 24 x 36 mm io mqfter wherhei bi;A;-;;d-;hiteor colour negotive or colour reversol film.
    Successful results ond long life of your VITO Cdepend lorgely on proper core ond correctoperotion.
    Therefore olwoys hondle the comero gently; neveruse force. ln porticulor protect the comero ogoinsthord knocks ond do not drop it.
    Cleon the lens only with o soft, flufftess, cloth. However, first dust offcoorse porticles of grit (or sond of *he:seqsjdel cqrefutly wilh o soft soblebrush. Finger morks ond other troces of greose on the lens surfqce conbe removed with o piece of cotton wool moistened with pure olcoholor elher.
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