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XBOX 360 E User Guide

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Page 41

The Xbox Live™Blade
Xbox Live Gold and Silver
members using auto
always arrive at the
Xbox Live blade first. This
orange blade contains
everything needed to
take advantage of Xbox
Live’s features.Click on your gamer card
to edit your profile, view
your games or rep, or
adjust any of your profile
settings, like auto sign-in
and account management.
The Xbox Live blade is every
gamer’s first destination
before a game session.
Now Paging LordKillsALOT...—Messages
Ask anyone, the key to any strong...

Page 42

You can reply to a message someone sent you, or
create a new message. To reach out and touch some-
one, select Create New and then Message. After select-
ing Message, you can either enter a new gamertag or
select a person from your friends list. After selecting a recipient:
1. Choose Voice, Text, or Add Picture.
2. Create your message, using the chosen method.
3. Edit the recipients list if you need to (you can also
do this before creating a message).
4. Hit Send.
People Who Frag Together,

Page 43

Shopping Sprees, not Fragging
Sprees—Xbox Live Marketplace
Aside from chatting and keeping in touch with friends,
you can also take advantage of the Xbox Live
Marketplace. By choosing either Xbox Live Marketplace
or the Xbox Live banner on the Xbox Live blade, you
can instantly jump into the marketplace.There you can download all matter of Xbox 360
goodies from themes to entirely new games. Check
out chapter 6, “This Little Gamer Went to Market,” for
more on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
The Games Blade...

Page 44

This is your trophy area. By clicking on Achievements,
you can see a list of every single achievement you’ve
unlocked. Not bad, eh? Not only that, but the number
at the top right of the screen indicates your maximum
possible achievement score.The closer your actual gamerscore is to the possible
gamerscore, the more dedication to playing you show.
For everything you need to know about achievements,
flip to chapter 5, “Making Your Mark.” To navigate through your achievements, remember

Page 45

Your Personal Arcade Machine—
Xbox Live Arcade
Perhaps the most innovative feature of the Xbox 360
is its Xbox Live Arcade. A virtual arcade with a never-
ending supply of games? Who can complain?Select Xbox Live Arcade from the Games blade to
access your downloaded arcade games. From there
you can select any of your downloaded arcade games,
download more games, or jump right back into the most
recently played arcade title. For more information on
the Xbox Live Arcade, skip to chapter 7, “Arcade...

Page 46

The Media Blade
The Media blade is a great
place to start when you
want to expand your Xbox
360 experience beyond
gaming. After successfully
linking your Xbox 360 to
a Windows Media Center-
or Windows XP-enabled
PC, go to the Media blade
to take advantage of its
functionality.This topic is covered in
depth in chapter 9, “Lean,
Mean, Multimedia
Machine.” For now, here
is a quick overview.
Music lovers, rejoice! The Xbox 360 music options are robust enough to create a homemade jukebox, but simple...

Page 47

First, there’s the music player. After you select your music, this is your default control panel. Use the
onscreen controls to:
> Play, pause, or stop music.
> Skip songs.
> Adjust the volume.
> Edit or save the playlist.
> Shuffle songs.
> Cycle through the current playlist.
> Scroll through the available visualizations.
You can also select music by clicking on Hard Drive to access music ripped on to the Xbox 360 hard
drive. Select Computer to access music on a Windows Media Center- or Windows...

Page 48

Four Blades, Infinite Possibilities

Once you’ve set up a playlist, you can continue to navigate the XboxDashboard without interrupting the music. You don’t have to stay at the music player screen to listen to music.

If you pop in a CD, the
music player options
change a bit. The Edit
and Save Playlist option
is replaced by Rip CD.
Press the Rip CD button
to select which songs to
rip onto your hard drive.
Either rip the entire
CD by pressing Rip CD,
or press  4to deselect
every song and then...

Page 49

Xbox 360™Han dbook

Just as the Music option of the Media blade lets you
hear tunes, the Pictures option enables you to view
pictures on your TV. Import them from a digital camera,
stream them from your computer, or even read them
from a disc.If you have a Zune or image-capable iPod, you can
also view pictures from those devices. Simply select a
picture source, highlight the photo, and voila! Select
Play Slideshow to use the slideshow feature.
To view stored videos on your Xbox 360 hard...

Page 50

The System Blade
This may not be the blade
used most often, but it is
probably one of the most
important. You need the
System blade to properly
set up your console, pro-
tect your family, and
manage your memory.The number of choices
in the System blade is
enormous, but all are
necessary. The System
blade comes into play from
initial setup to network
settings, and for every-
thing in between.
Console Settings
At first, the Console Setting menu, with its huge number
of options, might seem a bit...
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