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XBOX One Halo 5 Manual

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    Have a look at the manual XBOX One Halo 5 Manual online for free. It’s possible to download the document as PDF or print. UserManuals.tech offer 11 XBOX manuals and user’s guides for free. Share the user manual or guide on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

    							Right trigger:
    Fire/Charge  Weapon Left trigger:
    Throw Grenade
    Zoom Move/
    Menu Go Back
    Swit SwitSwit Swit
    ch W ch Wch W ch W
    ch W
    eapon eaponeapon eapon
    eaponPick Up/ Pick Up/Pick Up/ Pick Up/
    Pick Up/
    Swap/ Swap/Swap/ Swap/
    Reload W Reload WReload W Reload W
    Reload W
    eapon eaponeapon eapon
    Perform Act Perform ActPerform Act Perform Act
    Perform Act
    ion ionion ion
    Melee At Melee AtMelee At Melee At
    Melee At
    t tt t
    ack ackack ack
    ackJump JumpJump Jump
     Flashlight On/ Flashlight On/Flashlight On/ Flashlight On/
    Flashlight On/
    Off OffOff Off
    Swit SwitSwit Swit
    ch Gr ch Grch Gr ch Gr
    ch Gr
    enade enadeenade enade
    Move MoveMove Move
    Lef LefLef Lef
    t T t Tt T t T
    t T
    humbst humbsthumbst humbst
    ick ickick ick
    , D , D, D , D
    , D
    -pad -pad-pad -pad
    Turn/ Turn/Turn/ Turn/
    Aim AimAim Aim
    Right T Right TRight T Right T
    Right T
    humbst humbsthumbst humbst
    ick ickick ick
    Cr CrCr Cr
    ouch ouchouch ouch
    Lef LefLef Lef
    t T t Tt T t T
    t T
    humbst humbsthumbst humbst
    ick But ick Butick But ick But
    ick But
    t tt t
    on onon on
    , pr , pr, pr , pr
    , pr
    ess in ess iness in ess in
    ess in
    Fir FirFir Fir
    e W e We W e W
    e W
    eapon eaponeapon eapon
    Right T Right TRight T Right T
    Right T
    rigger riggerrigger rigger
    Char CharChar Char
    ge W ge Wge W ge W
    ge W
    eapon eaponeapon eapon
    Right T Right TRight T Right T
    Right T
    rigger hold rigger holdrigger hold rigger hold
    rigger hold
    , t , t, t , t
    , t
    hen henhen hen
    r rr r
    elease t elease telease t elease t
    elease t
    o fir o firo fir o fir
    o fir
    e ee e
    T TT T
    hr hrhr hr
    o w   Gr o w   Gro w   Gr o w   Gr
    o w   Gr
    enade enadeenade enade
    Lef LefLef Lef
    t T t Tt T t T
    t T
    rigger riggerrigger rigger
    Scope Zoom Scope ZoomScope Zoom Scope Zoom
    Scope Zoom
    Right T Right TRight T Right T
    Right T
    humbst humbsthumbst humbst
    ick But ick Butick But ick But
    ick But
    t tt t
    on onon on
    , pr , pr, pr , pr
    , pr
    ess in ess iness in ess in
    ess in
    P PP P
    ause Menu ause Menuause Menu ause Menu
    ause Menu
    S SS S
    T TT T
    A AA A
    R RR R
    T But T ButT But T But
    T But
    t tt t
    on onon on
    Go Back Go BackGo Back Go Back
    Go Back
    B BB B
    A AA A
    C CC C
    K But K ButK But K But
    K But
    t tt t
    on onon on
    0901 Part No. X08-54602 
    							Safet SafetSafet Safet
    y Informat y Informaty Informat y Informat
    y Informat
    ion ionion ion
    ionAbout  Photosensitive  SeizuresA very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when
    exposed  to  certain  visual  images,  including  flashing  lights  or
    patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have
    no  history  of  seizures  or  epilepsy  may  have  an  undiagnosed
    condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures”
    while watching video games.
    These  seizures  may  have  a  variety  of  symptoms,  including
    lightheadedness,  altered  vision,  eye  or  face  twitching,  jerking  or
    shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary
    loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness
    or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking
    nearby objects.
    Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience
    any  of  these  symptoms.  Parents  should  watch  for  or  ask  their
    children  about  the  above  symptoms—children  and  teenagers  are
    more likely than adults to experience these seizures.
    The  risk  of  photosensitive  epileptic  seizures  may  be  reduced  by
    sitting farther from the television screen, using a smaller television
    screen,  playing  in  a  well-lit  room,  and  not  playing  when  you  are
    drowsy or fatigued.
    If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy,
    consult a doctor before playing.
    Ot OtOt Ot
    her Impor her Imporher Impor her Impor
    her Impor
    t tt t
    ant Healt ant Healtant Healt ant Healt
    ant Healt
    h and Safet h and Safeth and Safet h and Safet
    h and Safet
    y Informat y Informaty Informat y Informat
    y Informat
    ion  ion ion  ion 
      The Xbox Instruction
    Manual contains important health and safety information that you
    should read and understand before using this software.Avoid Damage to Your TelevisionDo not use wit Do not use witDo not use wit Do not use wit
    Do not use wit
    h cer h cerh cer h cer
    h cer
    t tt t
    ain t ain tain t ain t
    ain t
    elevisions elevisionselevisions elevisions
    . .. .
    . Some televisions, especially
    front- or rear-projection types, can be damaged if any video games,
    including Xbox games, are played on them. Static images presented
    during the normal course of game play may “burn in” to the screen,
    causing a permanent shadow of the static image to appear at all
    times, even when video games are not being played. Similar damage
    may occur from static images created when placing a video game
    on  hold  or  pause.  Consult  your  television  owner’s  manual  to
    determine if video games can be played safely on your set. If you
    are unable to find this information in the owner’s manual, contact
    your  television  dealer  or  the  manufacturer  to  determine  if  video
    games can be played safely on your set.
    Unauthorized  copying,  reverse  engineering,  transmission,  public
    performance,  rental,  pay  for  play,  or  circumvention  of  copy
    protection is strictly prohibited.
    C CC C
    O OO O
    E EE E
    Using t Using tUsing t Using t
    Using t
    he Xbo he Xbohe Xbo he Xbo
    he Xbo
    x Video Game Syst x Video Game Systx Video Game Syst x Video Game Syst
    x Video Game Syst
    em emem em
     2  2 2  2
    Using t Using tUsing t Using t
    Using t
    he Xbo he Xbohe Xbo he Xbo
    he Xbo
    x Cont x Contx Cont x Cont
    x Cont
    r rr r
    oller olleroller oller
     3  3 3  3
    T TT T
    he St he Sthe St he St
    he St
    ory So Far ory So Farory So Far ory So Far
    ory So Far
     4  4 4  4
    T TT T
    he Main Scr he Main Scrhe Main Scr he Main Scr
    he Main Scr
    een eeneen een
    6 66 6
    Loading and Saving Games Loading and Saving GamesLoading and Saving Games Loading and Saving Games
    Loading and Saving Games
    7 77 7
    T TT T
    he Pillar of Aut he Pillar of Authe Pillar of Aut he Pillar of Aut
    he Pillar of Aut
    umn and It umn and Itumn and It umn and It
    umn and It
    s Cr s Crs Cr s Cr
    s Cr
    ew ewew ew
    8 88 8
    T TT T
    he Covenant he Covenanthe Covenant he Covenant
    he Covenant
    1 11 1
    0 00 0
    Fight FightFight Fight
    ing t ing ting t ing t
    ing t
    he Enemy he Enemyhe Enemy he Enemy
    he Enemy
    Y YY Y
    our Armor our Armorour Armor our Armor
    our Armor
    1 11 1
    2 22 2
    Y YY Y
    our H our Hour H our H
    our H
    U UU U
    D DD D
    1 11 1
    3 33 3
    Melee Fight Melee FightMelee Fight Melee Fight
    Melee Fight
    ing inging ing
    1 11 1
    6 66 6
    Human W Human WHuman W Human W
    Human W
    eapons eaponseapons eapons
    1 11 1
    6 66 6
    Covenant W Covenant WCovenant W Covenant W
    Covenant W
    eapons eaponseapons eapons
    20 2020 20
    Get GetGet Get
    t tt t
    ing Ar ing Aring Ar ing Ar
    ing Ar
    ound on Halo ound on Haloound on Halo ound on Halo
    ound on Halo
    Human V Human VHuman V Human V
    Human V
    ehicles ehiclesehicles ehicles
    22 2222 22
    Covenant V Covenant VCovenant V Covenant V
    Covenant V
    ehicles ehiclesehicles ehicles
    23 2323 23
    St StSt St
    ar arar ar
    t tt t
    ing Mult ing Multing Mult ing Mult
    ing Mult
    iplayer iplayeriplayer iplayer
    24 2424 24
    About Bungie About BungieAbout Bungie About Bungie
    About Bungie
    26 2626 26
    Cr CrCr Cr
    edit editedit edit
    s ss s
    2 22 2
    7 77 7
    W WW W
    arr arrarr arr
    ant antant ant
    y yy y
    28 2828 28
    Cust CustCust Cust
    omer Suppor omer Supporomer Suppor omer Suppor
    omer Suppor
    t tt t
    29 2929 29
    							Disc tray
    Controller port 1
    Controller port 2Controller port 4
    Controller port 3 Eject button
    Power button
    Using t Using tUsing t Using t
    Using t
    he Xbo he Xbohe Xbo he Xbo
    he Xbo
    x Cont x Contx Cont x Cont
    x Cont
    r rr r
    oller olleroller oller
    oller1.Insert the Xbox Controller into any controller port on the
    front of the Xbox console. For multiple players, insert
    additional  controllers.
    2.Insert any peripherals (for example, Xbox Memory Units)
    into controller expansion slots as appropriate.
    3.Follow the on-screen instructions and refer to this manual
    for more information about using the Xbox Controller to
    play Halo.
    Expansion slot A
    Right trigger Left trigger
    thumbstick Left
    buttonExpansion slot B
    A buttonX button B buttonY button White button
    Black button
    1.Set up your Xbox™ video game system by following the
    instructions in the Xbox Instruction Manual.
    2.Press the 
    Power but Power butPower but Power but
    Power but
    t tt t
    on onon on
    o n and the status indicator light will
    light up.
    3.Press the 
    Eject but Eject butEject but Eject but
    Eject but
    t tt t
    on onon on
    o n and the disc tray will open.
    4.Place the Halo™ disc on the disc tray with the label facing
    up and close the disc tray.
    5.Follow the on-screen instructions and refer to this manual
    for more information about playing Halo.
    To avoid damage to discs or the disc drive
    • Insert only Xbox-compatible discs into the disc drive.
    • Never use oddly shaped discs, such as star-shaped or
    heart-shaped  discs.
    • Do not leave a disc in the Xbox console for extended
    periods when not in use.
    • Do not move the Xbox console while the power is on and
    a disc is inserted.
    • Do  not  apply  labels,  stickers,  or  other  foreign  objects
    to discs.Avoiding Damage to Discs or the Disc DriveUsing t Using tUsing t Using t
    Using t
    he Xbo he Xbohe Xbo he Xbo
    he Xbo
    x Video Game Syst x Video Game Systx Video Game Syst x Video Game Syst
    x Video Game Syst
    em emem em
     [3] [2] 
    							On Reach, a secret military project to create cyborg
    super-soldiers takes on newfound importance. The
    soldiers  of  the  SPARTAN-II  project  rack  up  an
    impressive  record  against  the  Covenant  in  test
    deployments, but there are too few of them to turn
    the tide of the war.
    Existing SPARTAN-II soldiers are recalled to Reach
    for further augmentation. The plan: board a Covenant
    vessel with the improved SPARTAN-IIs and learn the
    location  of  the  Covenant  home  world.  Two  days
    before  the  mission  begins,  Covenant  forces  strike
    Reach and annihilate the colony. The Covenant are
    now  on  Earth’s  doorstep.  One  ship,  the 
    Pillar  of
    ,  escapes  with  the  last  SPARTAN-II  and
    makes a blind jump into deep space, hoping to lead
    the Covenant away from Earth. The  year  is  2552.  Planet  Earth  still  exists,  but
    overpopulation  has  forced  many  of  her  former
    residents to colonize other worlds. Faster-than-light
    travel  is  now  a  reality,  and  Earth’s  unified
    government,  through  the  United  Nations  Space
    Command,  has  put  its  full  weight  behind  the
    colonization effort; millions of humans now live on
    habitable planets in other solar systems. A keystone
    of  humanity’s  colonization  efforts  is  the  planet
    Reach, an interstellar naval yard that builds colony
    ships  for  civilians  and  warships  for  the  UNSC’s
    armed  forces.  Conveniently  close  to  Earth,  Reach
    is also a hub of scientific and military activity.
    Thirty-two years ago, contact with the outer colony
    Harvest was lost. A battlegroup sent to investigate
    was almost completely destroyed; only one badly
    damaged ship returned to Reach. Its crew told of a
    seemingly  unstoppable  alien  warship  that  had
    effortlessly annihilated their forces.
    This was humankind’s first encounter with a group
    of  aliens  they  eventually  came  to  know  as  the
    Covenant, a collective of alien races united in their
    fanatical  religious  devotion.  Covenant  religious
    elders  declared  humanity  an  affront  to  the  gods,
    and the Covenant warrior caste waged a holy war
    upon humanity with gruesome diligence.
    After  a  series  of  crushing  defeats  and  obliterated
    colonies,  UNSC  Admiral  Preston  Cole  established
    the Cole Protocol: no vessel may inadvertently lead
    the  Covenant  to  Earth.  When  forced  to  withdraw,
    ships must avoid Earth-bound vectors—even if that
    means  jumping  without  proper  navigational
    calculations.  Vessels  in  danger  of  capture  must
    [5] [4] 
    							Loading and Saving Games Loading and Saving GamesLoading and Saving Games Loading and Saving Games
    Loading and Saving GamesWhile  playing  through  Halo’s  single-player  campaign,  the
    game  automatically  saves  your  progress  to  the  Xbox  hard
    disk at various “auto-save” points in a level. These auto-saves
    occur  transparently  so  that  when  you  die,  the  game
    automatically reloads at the most recent auto-save point. Use
    the  following  instructions  to  start  a  new  game,  or  load
    a saved game.Note: When you save a profile to an Xbox Memory Unit using the Xbox
    Dashboard, you can only return to the start of the level you were playing
    when you quit the game. For more information about saving games to
    Xbox Memory Units, see the Xbox Instruction Manual that comes with
    your Xbox video game system.To start a new game1.Select 
    Campaign CampaignCampaign Campaign
    Campaign from the Main screen.
    2.Name your new profile using the virtual keyboard.
    Done DoneDone Done
    Done to save the profile for the new campaign with
    the name you’ve provided.
    4.Select a difficulty level for your new campaign.To load a saved game1.Select 
    Campaign CampaignCampaign Campaign
    Campaign from the Main screen.
    2.Select the profile you were using when the game was saved.
    3.Select one of the completed levels from the game. The last
    level you played on will be selected by default.
    4.Choose a difficulty level from the Choose Difficulty screen.
    T TT T
    he Main Scr he Main Scrhe Main Scr he Main Scr
    he Main Scr
    een eeneen een
    Now that you’ve powered up
    the Xbox video game system
    and  properly  inserted  your
    Halo  disc,  the  Main  screen
    appears  with  the  choices
    described below.CampaignChoose this option to begin
    a  new  campaign  or  to
    resume where you left off in
    an existing campaign. If you
    have not yet created a player profile, a new one will be created
    for you automatically. You’ll be asked to name it. Your progress
    in the single player game will then be saved to this profile. If
    you’ve  already  created  a  player  profile  (from  the  Settings
    menu), you’ll be given the option to use this profile or to create
    a new one.
    Mult MultMult Mult
    iplayer iplayeriplayer iplayer
    iplayer to take  on your friends in head-to-head
    combat, or to play through the campaign cooperatively with
    another  person.  The  Multiplayer    games  are    described  in
    detail on page 26.SettingsOn  the  Settings  menu  you  can  modify  player  profiles,
    customize  controls,  and  define  custom  multiplayer
    game types.Game  DemosUse this option to learn more about other Xbox games.
    [7] [6] 
    							The MarinesA rugged and diverse assortment of soldiers, the Marines
    on the 
    Pillar of Autumn
     are fighting a losing battle against
    the Covenant’s superior weaponry and numbers. Under
    the leadership of Captain Keyes they continue to wage
    a  furious  struggle  against  the  Covenant,  even  as  their
    numbers  dwindle.  They’re  the  best  of  the  best—but
    they’re only human.
    CortanaCortana is the highly advanced AI at
    the heart of the 
    Pillar of Autumn
    . Her
    design  allows  her  to  be  uploaded
    into  an  appropriately  configured
    battle  suit  for  safekeeping.  She  is
    capable  of  hacking  into  alien
    computer  systems,  and  has  used
    this  skill  to  intercept  Covenant
    communications during combat. She
    interprets  this  data  to  provide  her
    caretakers  with  directional
    waypoints  and  the  best  available
    information  about  troop  movement
    and strategy.
    Captain Jacob KeyesTwenty-six  years  into  his  military
    career,  Captain  Keyes  commands
    respect  as  a  keen  strategist  and
    inspirational  leader  of  his  men.  He
    became  a  minor  hero  early  in  his
    career, when he led a small group of
    security  troops  against  a  Covenant
    ambush  of  the  colony  shipMeriwether Lewis
     and held them off
    long enough for the ship to escape.
    His many decorations and years of
    combat  experience  against  the
    Covenant made him a natural choice
    to command the Pillar of Autumn
    its secret cargo. The 
    Pillar of Autumn
      is  a  Halcyon-class  warship  that  has
    seen decades of service. An aging but sturdy vessel, and
    one of the smallest cruisers in the human fleet, the military
    High  Command  chose  it  specifically  as  an  inconspicuous
    launch  pad  for  a  covert  offensive  against  the  Covenant.
    Genetically-engineered  cyborg  soldiers  in  state-of-the-art
    battle suits were supposed to board a Covenant vessel and
    locate the Covenant home world. A surprise Covenant attack
    on the human military base on the planet Reach annihilated
    all  but  one  of  the  SPARTAN-II  soldiers.  The  remaining
    SPARTAN-II, known only by his rank of Master Chief, was
    stored  in  a  cryosleep  chamber  upon  the 
    Pillar  of  Autumn
    shortly before the ship made  a blind jump across the galaxy
    in a desperate effort to lead the Covenant away from Earth.
    The Master Chief is easily the best soldier aboard the 
    of Autumn
    , but many of the human military’s finest also call
    the ship home.
    T TT T
    he  he he  he 
    Pillar of Aut Pillar of AutPillar of Aut Pillar of Aut
    Pillar of Aut
    umn umnumn umn
     and It  and It and It  and It
     and It
    s Cr s Crs Cr s Cr
    s Cr
    ew ewew ew
    [9] [8] 
    							The ElitesThere  are  a  few  varieties  of  the
    Elite, but all are roughly 8’ 6” tall
    and  incredibly  strong.  Their
    strength  allows  them  to  rely  on
    brute  force  when  necessary,
    but  they’re  quite  capable  of
    brilliant  battlefield  tactics  as
    well.  Their  natural  resilience  is
    augmented with full-body energy
    shielding  which  recharges
    when depleted. They wield plasma
    pistols,  plasma  rifles,  grenades
    and needlers.The  HuntersHunters stand 12’ tall, though in
    their combat state they contract
    to  approximately  eight  feet.
    Hunters fight with a fuel rod gun
    integrated  directly  into  their
    armor. They carry an enormous
    and  nearly-impervious  metal
    shield made of an unknown alloy,
    which  they  sometimes  use  as  a
    melee weapon.
    The GruntsApproximately  5’  tall  and
    relatively  weak,  Grunts  tend  to
    travel  in  packs  and  stick
    close  to  more  powerful  allies.
    Individually  they  are  easy  to
    defeat,  but  in  groups  they
    can overwhelm careless Marines.
    Their  armor  seems
    to house some sort of life-support
    mechanism.  They  are  known  to
    use  a  variety  of
    weapons  including  the  plasma
    pistol,  plasma  rifle  and
    plasma grenades.The JackalsWith  superior  senses  of  sight,
    hearing and smell, Jackals serve
    as scouts and assassins for the
    Covenant  forces.  They  use
    plasma  pistols  and  carry  a
    strong  energy  shield  to
    compensate  for  their  physical
    weakness;  a  well-positioned
    Jackal  can  hold  his  own
    against several Marines, though
    grenades  are  effective  against
    them. They stand approximately
    5’ 8” tall.
    T TT T
    he Covenant he Covenanthe Covenant he Covenant
    he CovenantThe Covenant forces have spent more than thirty years trying
    to  wipe  out  humankind.  Because  their  efforts  have  been  so
    successful, and because few Covenant troops have ever been
    captured alive, little is definitively known about their origins,
    society,  or  motivations.  Intercepted  communications  and
    battlefield  reports  indicate  a  religious  underpinning  to  their
    genocidal  campaign.  What  follows  are  brief  descriptions  of
    the  alien  races  known  to  belong  to  the  Covenant  collective,
    gathered mostly from encounters on the battlefield.
    [11] [10] 
    							The  battle  suit  utilizes  a  neural  interface  implanted  in  your
    brain. Your armor’s movements and weapons are controlled
    at the speed of your thoughts. The battle suit also contains a
    layer of crystal that forms a network capable of supporting
    starship-grade  AI  so  you  can  overpower  alien  computer
    systems if necessary. The suit’s shell is comprised of many
    layers  of  strong  alloy,  and  a  refractive  coating  to  disperse
    energy weapon hits. Internally, the suit regulates temperature
    and can reactively change in density as necessary.A AA A
    Ammo in Clip Ammo in ClipAmmo in Clip Ammo in Clip
    Ammo in Clip
    B BB B
    Ammo AmmoAmmo Ammo
    C CC C
    Gr GrGr Gr
    enades enadesenades enades
    D DD D
    T TT T
    ar arar ar
    get getget get
    ing Ret ing Reting Ret ing Ret
    ing Ret
    icle icleicle icle
    E EE E
    Navigat NavigatNavigat Navigat
    ion Point ion Pointion Point ion Point
    ion Point
    F FF F
    Flashlight FlashlightFlashlight Flashlight
    FlashlightG  Healt G  HealtG  Healt G  Healt
    G  Healt
    h hh h
    H  Shield H  ShieldH  Shield H  Shield
    H  Shield
    I II I
    Dir DirDir Dir
    ect ectect ect
    ion of Fir ion of Firion of Fir ion of Fir
    ion of Fir
    e ee e
    J JJ J
    Mot MotMot Mot
    ion T ion Tion T ion T
    ion T
    r rr r
    acker ackeracker acker
    K KK K
    Ally  ( Ally  (Ally  ( Ally  (
    Ally  (
    yellow yellowyellow yellow
    ) )) )
    L  Enemy ( L  Enemy (L  Enemy ( L  Enemy (
    L  Enemy (
    r rr r
    ed eded ed
    ) )) )
    )Fight FightFight Fight
    ing t ing ting t ing t
    ing t
    he Enemy he Enemyhe Enemy he Enemy
    he EnemyYou  are  the  Master  Chief—all  that  remains  of  a  classified
    military  project  to  build  a  series  of  genetically  enhanced
    super-soldiers. You are humanity’s last and best hope against
    the Covenant—but you’re woefully outmatched, and survival
    is not guaranteed.Your ArmorHuman  soldiers  have  used  performance-enhancing
    equipment for hundreds of years, and your MJOLNIR battle
    suit represents the current pinnacle of military technology.
    As a product of the SPARTAN-II project where you were bio-
    engineered and technologically enhanced for better reflexes,
    eyesight  and  coordination;  the  addition  of  your  MJOLNIR
    armor makes you nearly invincible.
    Y YY Y
    our H our Hour H our H
    our H
    U UU U
    D DD D
    DThe Heads Up Display (HUD) is your view of the world through
    your battle suit’s visor, but enhanced with essential information.
    Knowing how to read and understand the components of the
    HUD greatly improves your ability to fight in battle.
    F FF F
    A AA A
    B BB B
    C CC C
    I II I
    H HH H
    D DD D
    G GG G
    J JJ J
    L LL L
    K KK K
    E EE E
    							    Health and Shield Indicators
    The Health Indicator is the gauge next to the blue cross
    symbol. Your health indicator is persistent but additional
    indicators will appear on the HUD when you’re driving
    the Warthog and have a gunner or passenger on board
    (shown  below).  How  full  the  fill  bar  is,  and  the  color
    used to fill it, indicates health status: red is poor, yellow
    is  okay,  and  blue  is  excellent.  Health  does  not  restore
    automatically  over  time,  but  sometimes  health  power-
    ups can be found right when you need them.
    The  Shield  Indicator  is  the  gauge  next  to  the  shield
    symbol.  When  you’re  not  taking  damage,  your  shield
    charges  automatically  and  stops  charging  when  you
    reach  full  power.  When  your  shields  are  at  a  critical
    level, the fill bar color changes to red until they recover
    to full power.
    Direction of Fire Indicator
    When you’re in a firefight, the red arrows that appear
    on the HUD indicate the direction(s) from which you’re
    receiving enemy fire.
    Motion Tracker
    The Motion Tracker in the lower-left area of your HUD is
    like  overhead  radar  in  that  it  displays  characters  and
    vehicles  in  motion  in  a  position  relative  to  your  own.
    Enemies using visual stealth or that are motionless do
    not appear on the Motion Tracker. When a unit or vehicle
    starts  and  then  stops  moving,  the  representative  dot
    grows and fades away.Scope ZoomFor weapons that use a scope,
    you  can  change  the  zoom
    magnification level for a closer
    view of objects. To cycle through
    the magnification levels press in
    Right t Right tRight t Right t
    Right t
    humbst humbsthumbst humbst
    ick ickick ick
    ick. Continue
    to press in the thumbstick until
    you cycle back to normal view.
      Weapon Indicator
    The  weapon  indicator  in  the  upper-left  corner  of  your
    HUD  displays  information  about  the  weapon  you’re
    currently using. For ballistic weapons, you can quickly
    check how many magazines of ammo you have left, as
    well as the number of rounds left in a magazine. It also
    displays the number of grenades you have.
    When  you  arm  yourself  with  enemy
    charge  weapons  such  as  the
    Covenant  plasma  rifle  or  pistol,  the
    Weapon Indicator changes to indicate
    the  percentage  of  charge  you  have
    left in the weapon.
    Targeting  Reticle
    The targeting reticle is the aiming device for the weapon
    currently in use. The reticle style changes based on the
    type  of  weapon  it  is.  When  the  reticle  turns  red,  an
    enemy is in range and targeted.
    Navigation Points
    A red triangle on the HUD represents a nav point. The
    direction  an  triangle  points  indicates  the  heading  you
    must take to  reach the next nav point. Nav points are
    useful navigational tools for meeting up with your crew
    at  prearranged  locations  or  to  help  you  maintain
    awareness of areas of interest.
    Flashlight Indicator
    The Flashlight Indicator appears on the HUD when you
    press the 
    W WW W
    hit hithit hit
    e but e bute but e but
    e but
    t tt t
    on onon on
    on to turn on your battle suit’s built-
    in flashlight. The indicator tells you how much charge
    you  have  left  to  power  the  flashlight.  Because  the
    flashlight does drain power from you battle suit, use it
    only as needed.
    H HH H
    G GG G
    GI II I
    IJ JJ J
    B BB B
    C CC C
    A AA A
    AD DD D
    DE EE E
    EF FF F
    							MA5B  Assault  RifleThis  rifle  is  gas-operated  and
    magazine-fed. It fires 7.62mm armor-
    piercing rounds. Rate of fire is limited
    by a soldier’s ability to aim, fire and
    change magazines. Short, controlled
    bursts  are  more  accurate  than  fully
    automatic fire.
    The  MA5B’s  integrated  computer
    displays rounds left in the magazine
    and  the  relative  direction  of  the  gas
    giant,  Threshold,  for  point  of
    reference. This feature is particularly
    useful  for  orienting  you  in  areas
    where it’s easy to get turned around
    and lose your sense of direction.M6D PistolThis  pistol  is  a  recoil-operated,
    magazine-fed  handgun.  It  is  issued
    with a smart-linked scope capable of
    2x magnification (press in the 
    Right RightRight Right
    t tt t
    humbst humbsthumbst humbst
    ick ickick ick
    ick).  It  fires  12.7mm  semi-
    armor-piercing,  high-explosive
    rounds.  It  can  shoot  either  semi-
    automatic or automatic fire (pull and
    hold  the 
    Right  t Right  tRight  t Right  t
    Right  t
    rigger riggerrigger rigger
    rigger for  auto-
    matic fire).
    Shot placement is very important. The
    only shot that guarantees immediate
    and  total  incapacitation  is  one
    roughly centered in the head, above
    a horizontal line passing through the
    ear opening and below the crown of
    the alien skull.
    Melee Fight Melee FightMelee Fight Melee Fight
    Melee Fight
    ing inging ing
    ingMelee fighting involves the use of the weapon in your hands
    as a blunt instrument to ward off attackers.  This is handy
    when  the  enemy  is  in  close,  or  when  you’re  out  of  ammo
    and want to keep dishing out the pain! Your ability to fight
    in Melee mode varies from weapon to weapon, so experiment
    to  find  the  best  weapon  for  the  situation.  To  use  melee
    fighting, press the 
    B but B butB but B but
    B but
    t tt t
    on onon on
    on.Human W Human WHuman W Human W
    Human W
    eapons eaponseapons eapons
    eaponsYour weapons arsenal makes you lethal on the battlefield.
    You’re  probably  already  familiar  with  them,  but  here  are
    briefs on the weapons. Since you carry only two weapons
    at a time besides grenades, you need to know the pros and
    cons of whether or not to swap one weapon for another in a
    given situation.
    M9  HE-DP  GrenadeThe  M9  high-explosive,  dual-purpose
    grenade  is  a  thrown  fragmentation  device.
    Use it to suppress or disable vehicles, except
    tanks.  It  can  be  thrown,  rolled,  bounced  or
    ricocheted  into  places  direct  fire  weapons
    can’t reach. Increase the angle of the throw
    to toss it farther, or to get it over obstacles.
    Be careful not to throw it too close to your
    own location.
    [17] [16] 
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