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Addonics Technologies Duplicator Subsystem DDUSAS User Manual

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    Blu-Ray / DVD / CD
    Duplicator Subsystem
    Technical Support
    If you need any assistance to get your unit functioning properly, please have
    your product information ready and contact Addonics Technical Support at:
    Hours: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm PST
    Phone: 408-453-6212
    Email: http://www.addonics.com/support/query/ 
    Arrow Keys are used to navigate menus or select options.
    Enter Key is used for Executing a function or confirm an option.
    Escape Key is used for canceling a selection, or while a function is in progress, holding it
    for  two seconds  will cancel  that  function.  Holding the Escape Key  on a  menu  will enable
    access to the Advanced Setup Menu.
    1www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30 am – 6:00 pm)
    Ta r g e t  
    Front Panel
    KeysEnter Key
    Escape Key 
    							Power On Sequence
    When  first  powered  on,  the  duplicator  subassembly  will  perform  self-tests  and  wait  for  a
    delay  period  to  allow  drives  to become  ready.  After  this  it  will  scan  ports  for  drives,  then
    display the default menu option (factory set to COPY).
    Duplicator Functions
    The  duplicator  has  six  menu  sections:  The  Main  menu,  Image,  Edit  Track,  Lightscribe,
    Setup  Options  and  Advanced  Setup.  Advanced  Setup  Options  is  accessed  through  the
    Main menu.
    Advanced Setup is accessed by holding the ESC button from any other menu until the unit
    Using the Hard Disk Port
    The  hard  disk  must  be  formatted  by  the  Duplicator  Controller  itself  and  contains  a  list  of
    images that have been captured.
    After the drive is formatted, enter Main Menu option 8, Select Source. Use the arrow keys
    until it shows “Src: HDD.” See the Image Menu options listed below for functions using the
    internal hard disk.
    Main Menu
    1. Copy
    Copies  from  the  source  to  the  target  drives.  Rewritable  media  may  be  used  for  targets;
    however, all existing data will be erased before proceeding with the copy operation. Insert
    all  discs  and  wait  for  the  drives  to  settle  before  pressing  ENT.  When  complete,  elapsed
    time will be displayed as well as the number of OK copies made. Discs copied OK will be
    ejected automatically.
    2. Test
    Simulates copy process. Function is identical to Copy without actually writing source data
    to target discs. Rewritable media may be used; however, all data will be erased before Test
    process proceeds with simulation. Testing is not supported for DVD+R media.
    3. Test & Copy
    Performs  Test  function  followed  by  Copy  function.  Testing  is  not  supported  for  DVD+R
    4. Verify
    Confirms all target discs are readable.
    5. Compare
    Confirms all data on target discs as identical to source disc. Results are: OK for identical
    data,  FAIL indicates  target  Table  Of  Contents  does  not  match  or too  many  mismatches
    occurred, and DIFF will show number of targets that are different.
    6. Prescan
    Confirms source disc is entirely readable without error.
    7. Disc Info
    Detect and report disc type and capacity.
    8. Select Source
    Allows selection of source drive. Default is CH01, which is the top unit on this duplicator.
    Selecting  HDD  is  not  supported  on  this  duplicator.  Leaving  this  set  to  CH01  is  strongly
    Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/    2 
    							9. Image
    Manage the hard disk and data used as a source instead of the SOURCE drive.
    NOTE:  All  Image  menu  options  show  the  currently  selected  “Partition”  (image)  on
    the top line.
    9-01. Load
    Read a disc from the currently selected Image Source drive and write it to the current
    9-02. Delete Image
    Deletes the currently selected Partition from the internal hard disk. Top line asks for
    confirmation, bottom line shows the currently selected Partition, what kind of image it
    is, and its size.
    9-03. Image Info
    Displays basic information about the currently selected Partition data. First line is the
    media type the image was captured from, second line shows the size.
    9-04. Compare Image
    Compares  the  data  in  the  currently  selected Partition  to  the  disc  in  the  currently
    selected  Image  Source  Drive.  After  Compare,  output  is  OK  meaning  compare  was
    good,  Fail meaning  an  error  occurred,  or Diff  meaning the  data  did  not  compare  as
    9-05. Select Image
    Defines  the  currently  selected  Partition  for  use  with  the  imaging  operations.  While
    selecting,  display  shows  Partition  label  (A,  B,  etc.),  type  of  media  and  size,  or  will
    show “No Image in (Partition)”. To create a new image, select a Partition that has no
    Image, then use the Load function.
    9-06. Image Src Drive
    Defines the currently selected image source drive. Will list all detected optical drives.
    9-07. ImageFormat Info
    Displays type of image. Currently only F_S is supported or displayed.
    10. Edit Track
    The Edit Track feature is used for collecting individual tracks from one or more audio CDs
    and merging them to create target discs with the custom collection.
    10-01. CD to CD Edit
    Entering this function will display each track on the LCD, use arrow keys to change
    tracks,  press  ENT  to  select  or  deselect  a  track.  Selected  tracks  will  display  a  “+”.
    When all desired tracks are selected, use arrow keys until “End” appears then press
    ENT. After confirming the selection, the duplicator will burn the selected tracks to the
    target  media.  When  complete,  press  ENT and the  duplicator  will  ask  if  you  want  to
    continue.  Selecting  “Yes”  will eject  the  source  disc  and  prompt  for  the  next  source,
    then  return  to  track  selection.  Selecting  “No”  will  respond  with  “Close  all  discs
    session?” to confirm finalizing target media. When target media sessions are closed,
    no  further  tracks  may  be  added.  If  target media is not closed, more tracks may be
    added later; however, the discs may not be playable on all CD players.
    10-02. CD to HDD Edit
    Creates  a  disk  image  on  a  Hard  Disk  with  a  collection  of  audio  tracks  from  one  or
    more Audio CDs. This feature is not supported on this duplicator.
    10-03. Play Audio Track
    This feature is not supported for this duplicator.
    3www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30 am – 6:00 pm) 
    							10-04. Close Session
    Manually closes the last session on target Audio CDs. Target media will no longer be
    able to add more tracks. Closing the final session on Audio CDs is recommended for
    best compatibility with audio CD players.
    11 .  S e t up  M e n u
    Allows changes to the following default settings:
    11-01. Language
    Selects language used for menus.
    11-02. CD Burn Speed
    Sets  the  maximum  speed  for  burning  CDR  or  CDRW  media.  Default  setting  is
    Maximum,  other  choices  include  modes  offered  by  the  detected  TARGET  drive,  or
    11-03. B/DVD Burn Speed
    Sets  the  maximum  speed  for  burning  Blu-Ray  or  DVD  media.  Default  setting  is
    Maximum, other choices are modes offered by the detected TARGET drive.
    11-04. Read Speed
    Sets the maximum speed for reading the source disc. Default is Maximum.
    11-05. Auto Start Drive
    When set to ON, duplicator will automatically begin the Copy function as soon as a
    blank target media is detected. Default setting is OFF.
    11-06. Startup Menu
    Sets the menu that will appear after the duplicator is finished initializing after power
    11-07. Auto Verify
    When set to ON, the Copy function will be followed by a Verify function automatically
    to confirm the target media is readable. Default setting is OFF.
    11-08. Auto Compare
    When  set  to  ON,  the  Copy  function  will  be  followed  by  a Compare function
    automatically to confirm target media is identical to the source. Default setting is OFF.
    11-09. Auto Prescan
    When  set  to  ON,  the  Copy  function  will start  with  a  Prescan  Source  function  to
    confirm  the  source  media  is  completely  readable  without  errors.  Default  setting  is
    11-10. Eject Disc
    Sets the eject behavior of drive trays after targets finish burning. Eject Good Only will
    eject discs that are considered OK, discs considered to have failed to copy correctly
    are not ejected. Eject All Disc will eject all discs regardless of copy success, and Do
    Not Eject will not eject any discs. Default setting is Eject Good Only.
    11-11. Burn On The Fly
    When  set  to  On,  data  will  be  copied  directly  from  the  source  disc  to  target  media.
    When  set  to  OFF,  a  temporary  image  file will  be  created  on  a  hard  disc  before
    burning target media, then discarded after the process is complete. Default setting is
    ON. Setting Burn On The Fly to OFF is not supported with this duplicator.
    11-12 Burn Mode
    Sets  style  of  burning  for  Audio  CDs.  DAO  (Disc  At  Once)  burns  the  entire  media
    without  stopping.  TAO  (Track  At  Once)  burns  each  audio  track  individually.  Default
    setting is DAO.
    Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/    4 
    							11-13. Display Time
    When  set  to  ON,  unit  will  display  a  timer  during  copy  operations.  Default  setting  is
    11-14. Button Sound
    When  set  to  ON,  unit  will  emit  a  beep  sound  whenever  keys  are  pressed.  Default
    setting is ON.
    11-15. Device Info
    Displays details about each drive unit.
    11-16. System Info
    Displays details about the duplicator.
    11-17. Quick Erase
    Erases file system on all rewritable media detected.
    11-18. Full Erase
    Erases all data on all rewritable media detected.
    12. USB Mode
    This feature is not supported for this duplicator.
    13. eSATA Mode
    This feature is not supported for this duplicator.
    14. Advanced Setup Menu
    Allows  changes  to  advanced  default  settings.  Making  changes  to  these  settings  is  not
    14-01. UnderRun Protect
    When  set  to  ON,  duplicator  will  protect  against  buffer  underrun  conditions  while
    burning targets. Default setting is ON.
    14-02. Overburn
    When  set  to  ON,  the  duplicator will  attempt  to  burn  past physical  limit  of  media  for
    very  full  discs.  Caution:  enabling  Overburn  may  cause  hardware  damage  to  the
    14-03. Read Error Skip
    When  set  to  ON,  duplicator will  ignore  read  errors  while  reading  the  source  disk
    during Copy function. Data written to targets for sectors that  caused read errors will
    be unpredictable and the Compare function will show differences.
    14-04. Format HDD
    Prepares a hard disk for use with imaging and editing functions. 
    14-05. Verify HDD
    Confirms  a  hard  disk  is  properly  prepared  for  use  with  the  imaging  and  editing
    14-06. Burn-in
    Repeats one of three tests a set number of times, or indefinitely: Test function, Erase
    & Copy function (supports rewritable media only), and Compare function.
    14-07. Update Firmware
    Used  to  apply  new  firmware  to  the  Duplicator  subsystem.  Insert  a  CD-RW  disc
    containing the new firmware and press ENT. The duplicator will search for the correct
    file and apply it if found.
    5www.addonics.comTechnical Support (M-F 8:30 am – 6:00 pm) 
    							14-08. Compare Firmware
    Used to confirm Duplicator subsystems firmware matches a file. Insert a CD-RW disc
    containing the firmware and press ENT. The duplicator will search for the correct file
    and if found, compare its firmware against the file.
    14-09. H/W Diagnostic
    Performs a series of tests on the duplicator subsystem hardware.
    14-10. Load Default
    Changes all configuration settings to their default setting.
    14-11. CD+G
    When  set  to  ON,  enables  copying  of  CD+G  (Compact  Disc  +  Graphics)  formatted
    media. Default setting is OFF.
    14-12. ISRC & MCN
    When set to ON, duplicator will copy ISRC and MCN encoding for Audio CDs. Default
    setting is OFF.
    14-13. CD Text
    When set to ON, the duplicator will also copy CD-Text information.
    14-14. Link Option
    Enables the “USB Mode” and “eSATA Mode” features. While it is enabled by default,
    this feature is not supported for this duplicator.
    14-15. USB Auto-Link
    This feature is not supported for this duplicator.
    14-16. Use Big Block
    The default setting is ON. When enabled, the duplicator will utilize internal resources
    more efficiently to increase copy speed.
    Phone: 408-453-6212 Email: www.addonics.com/support/query/    6 
    							Contact Us
    Phone: 408-573-8580
    Fax: 408-573-8588
    Email: http://www.addonics.com/sales/query/ 
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