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Canon I Sensys Mf8230cn User Guide

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    of 750
    							Adding Pages  to  an Existing  PDF  file
    Specify an  existing PDF  file to  which you want to  add  the  newly scanned document data. The data is  added to  the  existing file as
    additional pages.  Place the  document, start MF Toolbox, and  proceed with this procedure. The PDF  file you select must be created with
    MF Toolbox. Newly scanned document data cannot  be added to  PDF  files  created with other applications.
    [Save  Scanned Image  to]
    Specify a save  destination  folder.  If  you select the  [Save  Pictures to  a Subfolder with Current Date] check  box, a
    subfolder named with the  scanning date is  created in the  specified folder,  and  the  data is  saved  to  that  folder.
    If  you select [PDF  (Add Page)]  for  [Save  as Type] (
    ), [Save  Scanned Image to] is  switched to  [Create PDF  File
    Based On].  In this case, click [Browse],  and  specify  an  existing PDF  file to  which you want to  add  the  newly
    scanned document data. The data is  added to  the  existing file as additional pages.
    Click [Save] or [Forward].
    The scanned data is  saved  to  a folder on  a computer  or forwarded to  an  application.  Configuring  Storing
    SettingsSpecifying External Applications to Forward Scanned Data
    Select the scan type.
    Click the  [Mail], [Save], or [PDF]  icon.
    Select [PDF (Add  Page)] for [Save  as Type].
    Click [PDF  Settings],  and  configure the  scan settings as necessary. Configuring  Storing  Settings
    Click [Browse], and  select the PDF file to which you want to add the pages.
    The newly scanned document data is  added to  the  PDF  file you select.
    Click [Start].
    Scanning starts.
    To cancel, click [Cancel].
    When  placing documents in the feeder
    When  scanning is  complete,  the  scanned document is  saved  to  a folder on  the  computer  or forwarded to  an
    application.  Configuring  Storing  SettingsSpecifying External Applications to Forward Scanned Data
    							You  can switch  to  another scanner  by using the  [Settings] button. You  can also  configure settings such as the  name of the  computer  to
    save  documents.
    [Select Scanner]Select the  scanner  (machine) to  use with MF Toolbox.
    [Computer Name]When  scanning by using the  operation panel of the  machine, there is  a procedure to  specify  a destination  to  save  the  scanned
    document (
    Scanning from the Machine ). You  can edit the  computer  name that  appears on  the  display of the  machine during
    this procedure.
    You  can enter a comment  for  each type of scan.  Edit  the  comment  as necessary.
    [Close  Toolbox after  Finishing Scanning when Started from Device]When  you scan by using the  operation panel of the  machine, MF Toolbox  starts. You  can specify  whether  you want to
    automatically close the  MF Toolbox  screen when you finish scanning.
    Configuring  Scan Settings  in MF Toolbox
    When  placing documents on the platen glass
    The screen shown below is  displayed.
    1If there are additional pages  of documents  to be scanned, place the next document on  the platen  glass,
    and  click [Next]. Repeat this step until you finish scanning all of the  pages.
    When  there is  only one page to  be scanned, proceed to  the  next step.
    2Click [Finish].When  scanning is  complete,  the  scanned document is  saved  to  a folder on  the  computer  or forwarded to  an
    Configuring  Storing  SettingsSpecifying External Applications to Forward Scanned
    Configuring Settings for  MF Toolbox and the Scanner
    Configuring Scan Settings in MF Toolbox
    You  can change the  preset  settings,  such as the  type of scan (color or black and  white), file format,  and  resolution,  to  suit your intended
    use. You  can also  specify  a destination  to  save  the  scanned document, an  application as a forward  destination, and  other settings.
    Configuring  Scan Settings
    Configuring  Storing  Settings
    Specifying External Applications to Forward Scanned Data
    Configure the  scan settings such as the  original  document size, color mode,  and  resolution.
    [Select Source] Select a setting based on  whether  you place your documents on  the  platen glass  or in the  feeder.
    [Platen  Glass] Select when placing  documents on  the  platen glass.
    [ADF] Select when placing  documents in the  feeder.
    [Auto  Mode] When  documents are  placed  in the  feeder,  they are  scanned. When  nothing is  placed  in the  feeder,
    documents placed  on  the  platen glass  are  scanned.
    Configuring Scan  Settings
    							[Input Method]  (MF8580Cdw  / MF8550Cdn / MF8540Cdn only)Select whether  you want to  scan a 1 -sided  or 2 -sided  document placed  in the  feeder.
    [Paper Size]Select the  document size. If  you select an  option for  a custom size, the  [Paper Size  Settings] screen opens. You  can then  enter  a
    custom size.
    If  documents are  placed  in the  feeder,  set the  orientation of the  documents.  You  can also  set [Binding Location] if  2 -sided
    documents are  placed  in the  feeder.
    [Scan Mode]Select the  image type to  scan documents.  Available items vary depending on  the  type of scan,  such as [Mail] or [PDF].
    [Black and
    White] The document is  scanned as a black and  white  image (in black and  white  only,  with no  intermediate
    shades of gray).
    [Black and
    White (OCR)] The document is  scanned as a black and  white  image optimized for  processing by OCR  (optical character
    recognition) software.
    [Grayscale] The document is  scanned as a grayscale image (in black and  white  with intermediate shades of gray,
    similar to  a black and  white  photograph).
    [Color] The document is  scanned as a color image.
    (Magazine)] The document is  scanned as a color image. The color unevenness and  moire that  occurs when scanning
    print material is  reduced. It takes  more time  to  scan when using this setting than when using [Color].
    [Upper Limit of Attached  File:]
    This item  is  displayed when [Mail] is  selected for  the  type of scan (
    Scanning Using  MF Toolbox ). The quality  of the  scanned
    image is  automatically adjusted so that  the  file size does not  exceed the  maximum  limit that  you specify  here.
    [Image  Quality]
    Select the  resolution of the  scanned image that  suits your intended use.
    NOTE: Available resolutions  vary on  whether  the  document is  placed  in the  feeder or on  the  platen glass, and  whether  the  file format
    is  PDF  or JPEG.
    A resolution of 75 dpi is  a rough guide for  displaying the  scanned image on  a computer, and  300 dpi for  printing or creating a
    searchable  PDF.
    If  you double the  output resolution,  the  image file size increases by a factor of 4. If  the  file size is  too large, a memory
    shortage  or other error  may  occur. Set the  resolution to  the  minimum required for  your intended use.
    [Correct Black Text]
    Emphasizes the  outlines  of black text.
    [Display the Scanner  Driver]Select this check  box to  enable  you to  configure advanced  scan settings with ScanGear MF.  To start ScanGear MF,  click [Start]
    Configuring  Scan Settings  in ScanGear  MF ).This  item  is  not  displayed when [OCR]  is  selected for  the  type of scan.
    Configuring Storing Settings
    							Specify settings for  the  scanned data, such as the  file name,  file format (PDF, JPEG, etc.)  and  save  destination.
    [File  Name]Enter the  name for  the  scanned data file.
    If  a file with the  same name already  exists in the  save  destination, a unique  sequential four -digit number (for example,  "0001" ) is
    appended to  the  new file name.
    [Save  as Type]
    Select the  file format.
    [BMP] The scanned document is  converted into a bitmap image.
    [JPEG/Exif] The scanned document is  converted into a JPEG/Exif  image. This setting is  available when [Grayscale],
    [Color], or [Color (Magazine)] is  selected for  [Scan Mode] (
    Configuring  Scan Settings
    [TIFF] The scanned document is  converted into a TIFF image.
    [PDF] A PDF  file is  created. If  you scan a multi -page document, these pages are  merged into one PDF  file.
    [PDF  (Single
    Page)] A one-page PDF  file is  created for  each page of the  scanned document. For example,  if  you scan a three-
    page document, three separate one-page PDF  files  are  created.
    [PDF  (Multiple
    Pages)] One  PDF  file is  created from multiple documents.  For example,  if  you scan a three-page document, one
    three-page PDF  file is  created.
    [PDF  (Add Page)] Newly scanned document data is  added as additional pages to  an  existing PDF  file that  you specify.
    Adding  Pages to an Existing PDF file
    Available file  formats for each  scan  type
    Scan type BMP JPEG/Exif TIFF PDFPDF  (Single Page)
    PDF  (Multiple Pages) PDF  (Add Page)
    [Color Scan]
    [B&W  Scan]
    [Custom 1]
    							If a message  indicating  the image size is  too large  is  displayed
    Lower  the  [Image Quality]  value. 
    Configuring  Scan Settings
    [PDF Settings]If  you select [PDF], [PDF  (Single Page)],  [PDF  (Multiple Pages)], or [PDF  (Add Page)]  for  [Save  as Type] (
    ), you can configure
    advanced  settings for  PDF  files.
    [Create Searchable PDF]
    Specify whether  you want to  convert the  scanned document into a searchable  PDF.  Characters in the  scanned document are
    converted into text data and  the  text can be searched using a computer. Text can also  be edited with a word -processing
    application.  To create a searchable  PDF,  select [300 dpi] for  [Image Quality]  (
    Configuring  Scan Settings ).
    [Text  Language]
    Select the  language that  matches  the  document.
    [PDF Compression]
    Select the  level  of the  data compression. If  you select [High],  the  data size of images such as photographs or illustrations ar e
    reduced  more than if  you select [Standard].  However, the  image quality  may  degrade  depending on  the  document type.
    [Save  Scanned Image  to]
    Click [Browse],  and  specify  the  save  destination  for  the  scanned data. If  you select [PDF  (Add Page)]  for  [Save  as Type] (
    [Save  Scanned Image to] is  switched to  [Create PDF  File Based On].  In this case, specify  an  existing PDF  file to  which you want  to
    add  the  newly scanned document data. The data is  added to  the  existing file as additional pages (
    Adding  Pages to an Existing
    PDF file ).
    [Save  Pictures to a Subfolder with Current Date]
    If  you select the  [Save  Pictures to  a Subfolder with Current Date] check  box, a subfolder named with the  scanning date is  created
    in the  folder specified in [Save  Scanned Image to] (
    ), and  the  data is  saved  to  that  folder.
    If  you specify  an  application to  which you want to  forward  the  scanned data, the  specified application automatically starts  when scanning
    is  complete.  For example,  you can specify  Adobe Photoshop or other image-processing application.  If  you select [Mail] for  the  type of
    scan and  specify  an  e-mail application,  the  scanned data is  automatically attached to  a new e-mail message.  To scan with [OCR]
    selected,  you must specify  an  OCR  software.
    [Delete] If  you do not  want to  forward  the  scanned document to  an  application,  such as when you want to  save  it, click this button.
    [Custom 2]
    Not  available if [Scan Mode]  is set to  [Black  and  White] or  [Black  and  White (OCR)]. Configuring  Scan Settings
    Specifying External Applications to  Forward Scanned Data
    							Click this button, and  select an  application.  Alternatively,  you can specify  an  application by dragging its icon here  if  it is  not  an  e-
    mail application.
    Supported e- mail  applicationsMicrosoft  Outlook Express
    Microsoft  Outlook
    Microsoft  Exchange
    Netscape Messenger
    Windows  Mail
    Becky! Ver.2
    Mozilla  Thunderbird
    Scanning Using  MF Toolbox
    Scanning Using an Application
    Scan the  document by using an  application.  You  can use Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft  Office Word,  or other
    image-processing and  word -processing applications.  The scanned image is  directly  loaded  in the  application,
    allowing you to  edit or process the  image immediately. The following  procedure varies  depending on  the
    The application must be compatible  with TWAIN or WIA . For more information, see  the  instruction  manual  for  your application.
    * TWAIN  is a standard for  connecting image input  devices, such  as  scanners, with  computers.  WIA  is a function that  is an integrated standard inWindows.
    From the Operation  Panel
    Place the document(s). Placing  Documents
    The second or subsequent  documents may  not  be scanned, or an  error  message may  be displayed depending on  the  application.
    In such a case, place and  scan one document at a time.
    Press  .
    Use  / to select , and  press  .
    From a Computer
    From the application, select the start scan command.
    The procedure for  selecting the  start scan command  varies  depending on  the  application.  For more information, see  the
    instruction  manual  for  your application.
    Select the scanner  driver for the machine.
    Select ScanGear MF or WIA. If  you select ScanGear MF,  you can configure advanced  scan settings.
    Configure the scan settings  as necessary.
    For more information  about  ScanGear MF scan settings,  see  Configuring  Scan Settings  in Simple Mode  or Configuring
    Scan Settings  in Advanced Mode .
    Click [Scan].
    Scanning starts.
    When  scanning is  complete,  the  scanned image is  forwarded to  an  application.
    							Configuring  Scan Settings  in ScanGear  MF
    Configuring Scan Settings in ScanGear MF
    ScanGear MF is  a scanner  driver  included  with the  machine. You  can use ScanGear MF as follows.
    Starting from MF Toolbox
    When  scanning from MF Toolbox, you can call ScanGear MF,  and  configure advanced  scan settings.  Select the  [Display the  Scanner
    Driver]  check  box and  click [Start]  in MF Toolbox  to  start ScanGear MF.  Scanning Using  MF Toolbox
    Starting from an application
    You  can use ScanGear MF to  load the  scanned image into Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft  Office Word,  or other image-processing and
    word -processing applications.  Select ScanGear MF from the  scan commands. Scanning Using  an Application
    You  can do the  following  by using ScanGear MF:Previewing the  image before scanning
    Specifying  the  scanning area
    Adjusting the  detailed image quality
    Configuring  Scan Settings  in Simple Mode
    Configuring  Scan Settings  in Advanced Mode
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