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Christie Christi Eprojector Mirage S+22k J Technical Manual

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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information1 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
J Series Serial Commands
Technical Reference Information
This document describes the serial protocol, consisting of ASCII text messages, used to control an J Series 
projector remotely. 
Once you have connected your computer to either the RS232 IN or RS422 IN port (depending on which 
standard is supported by your computer) or to the ETHERNET port on a projector, you can...

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2 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
The smallest step size for any parameter is always 1. For some controls (i.e. Size) the value displayed on the 
screen has a decimal point. (e.g. 0.200 to 4.000) In this case, the values used for the serial communications is 
an integer value (e.g. 200 to 4000), not the decimal value seen on the screen.
Regardless of message type or origin, all messages use the same basic format and code. Opening and closing...

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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information3 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
•+SUBCODE: The projector function you wish to work with may have one or more subcodes that will allow 
you to select a specific source, image, channel or subfunction. The subcode is represented by a four-character 
ASCII code (A-Z, upper or lower case, and 0-9). This subcode appears immediately after the function code, 
with a “+” character to separate the code and subcode. If there is no subcode, the “+” is...

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4 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
Table 2 - Special Characters for Text
Table 3 - Sample Messages and Their Meaning
If you want this... Enter this... Description
\ \\ Backslash
( \( Left Bracket
) \) Right Bracket
 New line - if the text can be displayed on 
more than one line, this will set the line 
\h## Sends one arbitrary code defined by the 2 
hexadecimal digits ##
For a Single...

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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information5 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
Although you will send and read messages as strings of ASCII characters, the actual message travels as a 
sequence of bytes. Each character in this sequence requires 1 byte. See example below, which illustrates a 
“lamp limit is 2000 hours” reply from the projector. 
For additional reassurance and/or maximum message integrity, you can insert one or...

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6 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
•CHECKSUMS: For maximum message integrity, add a checksum character “&” just after the start code “(“. 
You must then also include the correct checksum total (0-255) just before the “)” end code. Make sure to add 
a space before the calculated checksum to separate it from the last data parameter: 
The checksum is the low byte of the sum of the ASCII values of all characters between the “(“and the 
beginning of...

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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information7 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
For several commands (for example, ASR, Auto Channel Select) you can direct the message to particular 
channel, input or image. To do this, include a subcode after the function code. 
(ASR 1)Enable Auto Channel Select for the channel being used by the Main image
(ASR+MAIN 1)Enable Auto Channel Select for the channel being used by the Main image
(ASR+PIIP 1)Enable...

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8 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
Table 5 - Message for Specific Projector
Each projector compares the message address with its own address and, if matching, responds and processes 
the message. If the address does not match, the message is passed on until it reaches the intended projector. 
Although messages without an address are always broadcast, you can also broadcast by including the reply 
destination address 65535. This ensures that...

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J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information9 of 90020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
•Power Down Controls - These controls are accessible when the projector is in Standby power mode (i.e. 
power off) as well as when powered on.
•Power Up Controls - These controls are only accessible when the system electronics are fully powered (not 
necessarily lamp on).
•Unsaved Controls - These controls are not saved to flash. The settings are not...

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10 of 90J Series Serial Commands Technical Reference Information020-100796-01 Rev. 1 (10-2011)
 (ACE) Auto Color Enable  (BRT) Brightness  (FAS) Fan Assist Switch
 (ACO) Adaptive Contrast  (BRU) Brightness Uniformity  (FCS) Focus Lens Position Adjust-
 (ACT) Active Window  (CCD) Output Color Default  (FIL) Filter
 (ADR) Address  (CCI) Interpolated Color  (FLE) Frame Lock Enable
 (AGC) Automatic Gain Control  (CCS) Select Output Color  (FLW) Serial Flow Control
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