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D-Link Dir825 B1 Manual

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    							136D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    “This License” refers to version 3 of the GNU\u Genera\f Pub\fic License.
    “Copyri\bht” a\fso means copyri\bht-\fike \faws that app\fy to other kinds of works, such as semiconductor masks.
    “The Pro\bram” refers to any copyri\bhtab\fe work \ficensed under this License.  Each \ficensee is addressed as “you”.  “Licensees” and “recipients” may 
    be individua\fs or o\ur\banizations.
    To “modify” a work means to copy from or adapt a\f\f or part of the work in a fashion requirin\b copyri\bht permission, other than the makin\b of an 
    exact copy.  The resu\ftin\b work is ca\f\fed a “modified version” of the ear\fier work or a work “based on” the ear\fier work.
    A “covered work” means either the unm\uodified Pro\bram or a work based on the Pro\bram.
    To “propa\bate” a work means to do anythin\b with it that, without permission, wou\fd make you direct\fy or secondari\fy \fiab\fe for infrin\bement under 
    app\ficab\fe  copyri\bht  \faw,  except  executin\b  it  on  a  computer  or  modifyin\b  a  private  copy.    Propa\bation  inc\fudes  copyin\b,  distribution  (with  or 
    without modification), makin\b avai\fab\fe to the pub\fic, and in some countries other activities as we\f\f.
    To “convey” a work means any kind of propa\bation that enab\fes other parties to make or receive copies.  Mere interaction with a user throu\bh a 
    computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveyin\b.
    An interactive user interface disp\fays “Appropriate Le\ba\f Notices” to the extent that it inc\fudes a convenient and prominent\fy visib\fe feature that 
    (1) disp\fays an appropriate copyri\bht notice, and (2) te\f\fs the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the extent that warranties are 
    provided), that \ficensees may convey the work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License.  If the interface presents a \fist of user 
    commands or options, such as a menu, a prominent item in the \fist meets \uthis criterion.
    The “source code” for a work means the preferred form of the work for makin\b modifications to it.  “Object code” means any non-source form of a 
    A “Standard Interface” means an interface that either is an officia\f standard defined by a reco\bnized standards body, or, in the case of interfaces 
    specified for a particu\far pro\brammin\b \fan\bua\be, one that is wide\fy used amon\u\b deve\fopers workin\b in that \fan\bua\be.  
    							137D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    The “System Libraries” of an executab\fe work inc\fude anythin\b, other than the work as a who\fe, that (a) is inc\fuded in the norma\f form of packa\bin\b 
    a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major Component, and (b) serves on\fy to enab\fe use of the work with that Major Component, 
    or to imp\fement a Standard Interface for which an imp\fementation is avai\fab\fe to the pub\fic in source code form.  A “Major Component”, in this 
    context, means a major essentia\f component (kerne\f, window system, and so on) of the specific operatin\b system (if any) on which the executab\fe 
    work runs, or a compi\fer used to produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
    The “Correspondin\b  Source”  for  a  work  in  object  code  form  means  a\f\f  the  source  code  needed  to  \benerate,  insta\f\f,  and  (for  an  executab\fe  work) 
    run the object code and to modify the work, inc\fudin\b scripts to contro\f those activities.  However, it does not inc\fude the work’s System Libraries, 
    or \benera\f-purpose too\fs or \benera\f\fy avai\fab\fe free pro\brams which are used unmodified in performin\b those activities but which are not part of 
    the work.  For examp\fe, Correspondin\b Source inc\fudes interface definition fi\fes associated with source fi\fes for the work, and the source code for 
    shared \fibraries and dynamica\f\fy\u \finked subpro\brams that the work is specifica\f\fy de\usi\bned to require, such as by intimate data communication or 
    contro\f flow between those subpro\brams and other parts of the work.
    The Correspondin\b Source need not inc\fude a\unythin\b that users can re\benerate automatica\f\fy from other parts of the Correspondin\b Source.
    The Correspondin\b Source for a work in source code form is that same work.
    A\f\f  ri\bhts  \branted  under  this  License  are  \branted  for  the  term  of  copyri\bht  on  the  Pro\bram,  and  are  irrevocab\fe  provided  the  stated  conditions 
    are  met.   This  License  exp\ficit\fy  affirms  your  un\fimited  permission  to  run  the  unmodified  Pro\bram.   The  output  from  runnin\b  a  covered  work  is 
    covered by this License on\fy if the output, \biven its content, constitutes a covered work.  This License acknow\fed\bes your ri\bhts of fair use or other 
    equiva\fent, as provided by copyri\bht \faw.
    You may make, run and propa\bate covered works that you do not convey, without conditions so \fon\b as your \ficense otherwise remains in force.  
    You may convey covered works to others for the so\fe purpose of havin\b them make modifications exc\fusive\fy for you, or provide you with faci\fities 
    for runnin\b those works, provided that you comp\fy with the terms of this License in conveyin\b a\f\f materia\f for which you do not contro\f copyri\bht.  
    Those thus makin\b or runnin\b the covered works for you must do so exc\fusive\fy on your beha\ff, under your direction and contro\f, on terms that 
    prohibit them from makin\b any copies of your copyri\bhted materia\f outside their re\fationship with you.
    Conveyin\b under any other circumstances is permitted so\fe\fy under the conditions stated be\fow.  Sub\ficensin\b is not a\f\fowed; section 10 makes it 
    							138D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    No covered work sha\f\f be deemed part of an effective techno\fo\bica\f measure under any app\ficab\fe \faw fu\ffi\f\fin\b ob\fi\bations under artic\fe 11 of the 
    WIPO copyri\bht treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or sim\ui\far \faws prohibitin\b or restrictin\b circumvention of such measures.
    When you convey a covered work, you waive any \fe\ba\f power to forbid circumvention of techno\fo\bica\f measures to the extent such circumvention
    is effected by exercisin\b ri\bhts under this License with respect to the covered work, and you disc\faim any intention to \fimit operation or modification 
    of the work as a means of en\uforcin\b, a\bainst the work’s users, your or third parties’ \fe\ba\f ri\bhts to forbid circumvention of techno\fo\bica\f measures.
    You may convey verbatim copies of the Pro\bram’s source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuous\fy and appropriate\fy 
    pub\fish  on  each  copy  an  appropriate  copyri\bht  notice;  keep  intact  a\f\f  notices  statin\b  that  this  License  and  any  non-permissive  terms  added  in 
    accord with section 7 app\fy to the code; keep intact a\f\f notices of the absence of any warranty; and \bive a\f\f recipients a copy of this License a\fon\b 
    with the Pro\bram.
    You may char\be any price or no price for each copy that you convey, and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
    5..Conveying.Modified.Source. Versions.
    You may convey a work based on the Pro\bram, or the modifications to produce it from the Pro\bram, in the form of source code under the terms of 
    section 4, provided that you a\fso meet a\f\f of t\uhese conditions:
    a) The work must carry prominent notices statin\b that you modified it, and \bivin\b a re\fevant date.
    b) The work must carry prominent notices statin\b that it is re\feased under this License and any conditions added under section 7.  
    This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to   “keep intact a\f\f notices”.
    c) You  must  \ficense  the  entire  work,  as  a  who\fe,  under  this  License  to  anyone  who  comes  into  possession  of  a  copy. This  License 
    wi\f\f therefore app\fy, a\fon\b with any app\ficab\fe section 7 additiona\f terms, to the who\fe of the work, and a\f\f its parts, re\bard\fess 
    of how they are packa\bed.  This License \bives no permission to \ficense the work in any other way, but it does not inva\fidate such 
    permission if you have separate\fy received it.
    d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must disp\fay Appropriate Le\ba\f Notices; however, if the Pro\bram has interactive 
    interfaces that do not disp\fay Appropriate Le\ba\f Notices, your work need not make them\u do so.  
    							139D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    A compi\fation of a covered work with other separate and independent works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work, and 
    which are not combined with it such as to form a \far\ber pro\bram, in or on a vo\fume of a stora\be or distribution medium, is ca\f\fed an “a\b\bre\bate” 
    if the compi\fation and its resu\ftin\b copyri\bht are not used to \fimit the access or \fe\ba\f ri\bhts of the compi\fation’s users beyond what the individua\f 
    works permit.  Inc\fusion of a covered work in an a\b\bre\bate does not cause thi\us License to app\fy to the other parts of the a\b\bre\bate.
    You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms of sections 4 and 5, provided that you a\fso convey the machine-readab\fe 
    Correspondin\b Source under the terms of this License, in one of these ways:
    a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physica\f product (inc\fudin\b a physica\f distribution medium), accompanied by the 
    Correspondin\b Source fixed on a durab\fe physica\f medium customari\fy used for software interchan\be.
    b) Convey  the  object  code  in,  or  embodied  in,  a  physica\f  product  (inc\fudin\b  a  physica\f  distribution  medium),  accompanied  by  a 
    written  offer,  va\fid  for  at  \feast  three  years  and  va\fid  for  as  \fon\b  as  you  offer  spare  parts  or  customer  support  for  that  product 
    mode\f, to \bive anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a copy of the Correspondin\b Source for a\f\f the software in the 
    product that is covered by this License, on a durab\fe physica\f medium customari\fy used for software interchan\be, for a price no 
    more than your reasonab\fe cost of physica\f\fy performin\b this conveyin\b of source, or (2) access to copy the Correspondin\b Source 
    from a network server at no char\be.
    c) Convey individua\f copies of the object code with a copy of the written offer to provide the Correspondin\b Source.  This a\fternative 
    is  a\f\fowed  on\fy  occasiona\f\fy  and  noncommercia\f\fy,  and  on\fy  if  you  received  the  object  code  with  such  an  offer,  in  accord  with 
    subsection 6b.
    d) Convey  the  object  code  by  offerin\b  access  from  a  desi\bnated  p\face  (\bratis  or  for  a  char\be),  and  offer  equiva\fent  access  to  the 
    Correspondin\b Source in the same way throu\bh the same p\face at no further char\be.  You need not require recipients to copy the 
    Correspondin\b Source a\fon\b with the object code.  If the p\face to copy the object code is a network server, the Correspondin\b 
    Source may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party) that supports equiva\fent copyin\b faci\fities, provided you 
    maintain c\fear directions next to the object code sayin\b where to find the Correspondin\b Source.  Re\bard\fess of what server hosts 
    the Correspondin\b Source, you remain ob\fi\bated to ensure that it is avai\fab\fe for as \fon\b as needed to satisfy these requirements.
    e)  Convey  the  object  code  usin\b  peer-to-peer  transmission,  provided  you  inform  other  peers  where  the  object  code  and 
    Correspondin\b Source of the work are bein\b offered to the \benera\f pub\fic at no char\be under subsection 6d.
    A separab\fe portion of the object code, whose source code is exc\fuded from the Correspondin\b Source as a System Library, need not be 
    inc\fuded in conveyin\b the object code work.  
    							140D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    A “User  Product”  is  either  (1)  a “consumer  product”,  which  means  any  tan\bib\fe  persona\f  property  which  is  norma\f\fy  used  for  persona\f,  fami\fy,  or 
    househo\fd purposes, or (2) anythin\b desi\bned or so\fd for incorporation into a dwe\f\fin\b.  In determinin\b whether a product is a consumer product, 
    doubtfu\f  cases  sha\f\f  be  reso\fved  in  favor  of  covera\be.    For  a  particu\far  product  received  by  a  particu\far  user, “norma\f\fy  used”  refers  to  a  typica\f 
    or  common  use  of  that  c\fass  of  product,  re\bard\fess  of  the  status  of  the  particu\far  user  or  of  the  way  in  which  the  particu\far  user  actua\f\fy  uses, 
    or  expects  or  is  expected  to  use,  the  product.    A  product  is  a  consumer  product  re\bard\fess  of  whether  the  product  has  substantia\f  commercia\f, 
    industria\f or non-consumer uses, un\fess such uses represent the on\fy si\bnificant mode of use of the\u product.
    “Insta\f\fation  Information”  for  a  User  Product  means  any  methods,  procedures,  authorization  keys,  or  other  information  required  to  insta\f\f  and 
    execute  modified  versions  of  a  covered  work  in  that  User  Product  from  a  modified  version  of  its  Correspondin\b  Source. The  information  must 
    suffice to ensure that the continued functionin\b of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with so\fe\fy because modification 
    has been made.
    If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or specifica\f\fy for use in, a User Product, and the conveyin\b occurs as part of a 
    transaction in which the ri\bht of possession and use of the User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a fixed term (re\bard\fess of 
    how the transaction is characterized), the Correspondin\b Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied by the Insta\f\fation Information.  
    But this requirement does not app\fy if neither you nor any third party retains the abi\fity to insta\f\f modified object code on the User Product (for 
    examp\fe, the work has been insta\f\fed\u in ROM).
    The requirement to provide Insta\f\fation Information does not inc\fude a requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates 
    for  a  work  that  has  been  modified  or  insta\f\fed  by  the  recipient,  or  for  the  User  Product  in  which  it  has  been  modified  or  insta\f\fed.    Access  to  a 
    network  may  be  denied  when  the  modification  itse\ff  materia\f\fy  and  adverse\fy  affects  the  operation  of  the  network  or  vio\fates  the  ru\fes  and 
    protoco\fs for communication across the network.
    Correspondin\b Source conveyed, and Insta\f\fation Information provided, in accord with this section must be in a format that is pub\fic\fy documented 
    (and with an imp\fementation avai\fab\fe to the pub\fic in source code form), and must require no specia\f password or key for unpackin\b, readin\b or 
      “Additiona\f permissions” are terms that supp\fement the terms of this License by makin\b exceptions from one or more of its conditions. Additiona\f 
    permissions that are app\ficab\fe to the entire Pro\bram sha\f\f be treated as thou\bh they were inc\fuded in this License, to the extent that they are va\fid 
    under app\ficab\fe \faw.  If additiona\f permissions app\fy on\fy to part of the Pro\bram, that part may be used separate\fy under those permissions, but 
    the entire Pro\bram remains \boverned by this License without re\bard to the additiona\f per\umissions.  
    							141D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    When  you  convey  a  copy  of  a  covered  work,  you  may  at  your  option  remove  any  additiona\f  permissions  from  that  copy,  or  from  any  part  of  it. 
    (Additiona\f  permissions  may  be  written  to  require  their  own  remova\f  in  certain  cases  when  you  modify  the  work).  You  may  p\face  additiona\f 
    permissions on materia\f, added by you to a covered work, for which you have or can \bive appropriate copyri\bht permission.
    Notwithstandin\b any other provision of this License, for materia\f you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyri\bht ho\fders of 
    that materia\f) supp\fement the terms of this License with terms:
    a) Disc\faimin\b warranty or \fimitin\b \fiabi\fi\uty different\fy from the terms of sections 15 and 16 of \uthis License; or
    b) Requirin\b  preservation  of  specified  reasonab\fe  \fe\ba\f  notices  or  author  attributions  in  that  materia\f  or  in  the  Appropriate  Le\ba\f 
    Notices disp\fayed by works containin\b it; or
    c) Prohibitin\b  misrepresentation  of  the  ori\bin  of  that  materia\f,  or  requirin\b  that  modified  versions  of  such  materia\f  be  marked  in 
    reasonab\fe ways as different from the ori\bina\f version; or
    d) Limitin\b the use for pub\ficity purposes of names of \u\ficensors or authors of\u the materia\f; or
    e) Dec\finin\b to \brant ri\bhts under trademark \faw for use of some trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
    f ) Requirin\b indemnification of \ficensors and authors of that materia\f by anyone who conveys the materia\f (or modified versions of 
    it) with contractua\f assumptions of \fiabi\fity to the recipient, for any \fiabi\fity that these contractua\f assumptions direct\fy impose 
    on those \ficensors and authors.
    A\f\f other non-permissive additiona\f terms are considered “further restrictions” within the meanin\b of section 10.  If the Pro\bram as you received 
    it, or any part of it, contains a notice statin\b that it is \boverned by this License a\fon\b with a term that is a further restriction, you may remove that 
    term.  If a \ficense document contains a further restriction but permits re\ficensin\b or conveyin\b under this License, you may add to a covered work 
    materia\f \boverned by the terms of that \ficense document, provided that the further restriction does not survive such re\ficensin\b or conveyin\b.
    If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you must p\face, in the re\fevant source fi\fes, a statement of the additiona\f terms that 
    app\fy to those fi\fes, or a notice indicatin\b where to find the app\ficab\fe\u terms.
    Additiona\f  terms,  permissive  or  non-permissive,  may  be  stated  in  the  form  of  a  separate\fy  written  \ficense,  or  stated  as  exceptions;  the  above 
    requirements app\fy either way.  
    							142D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    You may not propa\bate or modify a covered work except as express\fy provided under this License.  Any attempt otherwise to propa\bate or modify 
    it  is  void,  and  wi\f\f  automatica\f\fy  terminate  your  ri\bhts  under  this  License  (inc\fudin\b  any  patent  \ficenses  \branted  under  the  third  para\braph  of 
    section 11).
    However, if you cease a\f\f vio\fation of this License, then your \ficense from a particu\far copyri\bht ho\fder is reinstated (a) provisiona\f\fy, un\fess and unti\f 
    the copyri\bht ho\fder exp\ficit\fy and fina\f\fy terminates your \ficense, and (b) permanent\fy, if the copyri\bht ho\fder fai\fs to notify you of the vio\fation 
    by some reasonab\fe means prior to 60 days after the cessation.
    Moreover, your \ficense from a particu\far copyri\bht ho\fder is reinstated permanent\fy if the copyri\bht ho\fder notifies you of the vio\fation by some 
    reasonab\fe means, this is the first time you have received notice of vio\fation of this License (for any work) from that copyri\bht ho\fder, and you cure 
    the vio\fation prior to 30 days after your receipt of the notice.
    Termination of your ri\bhts under this section does not terminate the \ficenses of parties who have received copies or ri\bhts from you under this 
    License.    If  your  ri\bhts  have  been  terminated  and  not  permanent\fy  reinstated,  you  do  not  qua\fify  to  receive  new  \ficenses  for  the  same  materia\f 
    under section 10.
    You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or run a copy of the Pro\bram.  Anci\f\fary propa\bation of a covered work occurrin\b 
    so\fe\fy as a consequence of usin\b peer-to-peer transmission to receive a copy \fikewise does not require acceptance.  However, nothin\b other than 
    this License \brants you permission to propa\bate or modify any covered work.  These actions infrin\be copyri\bht if you do not accept this License.  
    Therefore, by modifyin\b or propa\batin\b a covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
    Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatica\f\fy receives a \ficense from the ori\bina\f \ficensors, to run, modify and propa\bate that 
    work, subject to this License.  You are not responsib\fe for enforcin\b comp\fiance by third parties with this License.
    An “entity transaction” is a transaction transferrin\b contro\f of an or\banization, or substantia\f\fy a\f\f assets of one, or subdividin\b an or\banization, or 
    mer\bin\b or\banizations.  If propa\bation of a covered work resu\fts from an entity transaction, each party to that transaction who receives a copy of 
    the work a\fso receives whatever \ficenses to the work the party’s predecessor in interest had or cou\fd \bive under the previous para\braph, p\fus a 
    ri\bht to possession of the Correspondin\b Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if the predecessor has it or can \bet it with reasonab\fe 
    							143D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the ri\bhts \branted or affirmed under this License.  For examp\fe, you may not impose 
    a \ficense fee, roya\fty, or other char\be for exercise of ri\bhts \branted under this License, and you may not initiate \fiti\bation (inc\fudin\b a cross-c\faim 
    or counterc\faim in a \fawsuit) a\f\fe\bin\b that any patent c\faim is infrin\bed by makin\b, usin\b, se\f\fin\b, offerin\b for sa\fe, or importin\b the Pro\bram or any 
    portion of it.
    A “contributor” is a copyri\bht ho\fder who authorizes use under this License of the Pro\bram or a work on which the Pro\bram is based.  The work thus 
    \ficensed is ca\f\fed the \ucontributor’s “contributor version”.
    A contributor’s “essentia\f patent c\faims” are a\f\f patent c\faims owned or contro\f\fed by the contributor, whether a\fready acquired or hereafter acquired, 
    that wou\fd be infrin\bed by some manner, permitted by this License, of makin\b, usin\b, or se\f\fin\b its contributor version, but do not inc\fude c\faims 
    that wou\fd be infrin\bed on\fy as a consequence of further modification of the contributor version.  For purposes of this definition, “contro\f” inc\fudes 
    the ri\bht to \brant patent sub\ficenses in a manner \uconsistent with the requirements of this License.
    Each contributor \brants you a non-exc\fusive, wor\fdwide, roya\fty-free patent \ficense under the contributor’s essentia\f patent c\faims, to make, use, 
    se\f\f, offer for sa\fe, import and otherwise run, modify and\u propa\bate the contents of its contributor version.
    In  the  fo\f\fowin\b  three  para\braphs,  a “patent  \ficense”  is  any  express  a\breement  or  commitment,  however  denominated,  not  to  enforce  a  patent 
    (such  as  an  express  permission  to  practice  a  patent  or  covenant  not  to  sue  for  patent  infrin\bement).   To “\brant”  such  a  patent  \ficense  to  a  party 
    means to make such an a\breement or commitment not to enforce a patent a\bainst the party.
    If  you  convey  a  covered  work,  knowin\b\fy  re\fyin\b  on  a  patent  \ficense,  and  the  Correspondin\b  Source  of  the  work  is  not  avai\fab\fe  for  anyone  to 
    copy, free of char\be and under the terms of this License, throu\bh a pub\fic\fy avai\fab\fe network server or other readi\fy accessib\fe means, then you 
    must either (1) cause the Correspondin\b Source to be so avai\fab\fe, or (2) arran\be to deprive yourse\ff of the benefit of the patent \ficense for this 
    particu\far work, or (3) arran\be, in a manner consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent \ficense to downstream recipients.  
    “Knowin\b\fy  re\fyin\b”  means  you  have  actua\f  know\fed\be  that,  but  for  the  patent  \ficense,  your  conveyin\b  the  covered  work  in  a  country,  or  your 
    recipient’s use of the covered work in a country, wou\fd infrin\be one or more identifiab\fe patents in that country that you have reason to be\fieve 
    are va\fid.
    If, pursuant to or in connection with a sin\b\fe transaction or arran\bement, you convey, or propa\bate by procurin\b conveyance of, a covered work, 
    and \brant a patent \ficense to some of the parties receivin\b the covered work authorizin\b them to use, propa\bate, modify or convey a specific copy 
    of the covered work, then the patent \ficense you \brant is automatica\f\fy extended to a\f\f recipients of the covered work and works based on it.  
    							144D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    A patent \ficense is “discriminatory” if it does not inc\fude within the scope of its covera\be, prohibits the exercise of, or is conditioned on the non-
    exercise of one or more of the ri\bhts that are specifica\f\fy \branted under this License.  You may not convey a covered work if you are a party to an 
    arran\bement with a third party that is in the business of distributin\b software, under which you make payment to the third party based on the 
    extent of your activity of conveyin\b the work, and under which the third party \brants, to any of the parties who wou\fd receive the covered work 
    from you, a discriminatory patent \ficense (a) in connection with copies of the covered work conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or 
    (b) primari\fy for and in connection with specific products or compi\fations that contain the covered work, un\fess you entered into that arran\bement,
    or that patent \ficense was \branted, prior to 28 March 2007.
    Nothin\b in this License sha\f\f be construed as exc\fudin\b or \fimitin\b any imp\fied \ficense or other defenses to infrin\bement that may otherwise be 
    avai\fab\fe to you under app\ficab\fe \upatent \faw.
    If  conditions  are  imposed  on  you  (whether  by  court  order,  a\breement  or  otherwise)  that  contradict  the  conditions  of  this  License,  they  do  not 
    excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot convey a covered work so as to satisfy simu\ftaneous\fy your ob\fi\bations under this 
    License and any other pertinent ob\fi\bations, then as a consequence you may not convey it at a\f\f.  For examp\fe, if you a\bree to terms that ob\fi\bate 
    you to co\f\fect a roya\fty for further conveyin\b from those to whom you convey the Pro\bram, the on\fy way you cou\fd satisfy both those terms and 
    this License wou\fd be to refrain entire\fy from conveyin\b the Pro\bram.
    Notwithstandin\b any other provision of this License, you have permission to \fink or combine any covered work with a work \ficensed under version 
    3 of the GNU Affero Genera\f Pub\fic License into a sin\b\fe combined work, and to convey the resu\ftin\b work.  The terms of this License wi\f\f continue 
    to  app\fy  to  the  part  which  is  the  covered  work,  but  the  specia\f  requirements  of  the  GNU  Affero  Genera\f  Pub\fic  License,  section  13,  concernin\b 
    interaction throu\bh a network wi\f\f app\fy to the combination as such.
    The Free Software Foundation may pub\fish revised and/or new versions of the GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License from time to time.  Such new versions 
    wi\f\f be simi\far in sp\uirit to the present version, but may differ in detai\f to address new prob\fems or concerns.
    Each version is \biven a distin\buishin\b version number.  If the Pro\bram specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License 
    “or any \fater version” app\fies to it, you have the option of fo\f\fowin\b the terms and conditions either of that numbered version or of any \fater version 
    pub\fished by the Free Software Foundation.  If the Pro\bram does not specify a version number of the GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License, you may choose 
    any version ever pub\fished by the Free Software Foundation. If the Pro\bram specifies that a proxy can decide which future versions of the GNU 
    Genera\f Pub\fic License can be used, that proxy’s pub\fic statement of acceptance of a version permanent\fy authorizes you to choose that version 
    for the Pro\bram.  
    							145D-Link DIR-825 User Manua\f
    Appendix E - GNU Genera\f Pub\fic License
    Later \ficense versions may \bive you additiona\f or different permissions. However, no additiona\f ob\fi\bations are imposed on any author or copyri\bht 
    ho\fder as a resu\ft of your choosin\b to fo\f\fow a \fater version.
    If the disc\faimer of warranty and \fimitation of \fiabi\fity provided above cannot be \biven \foca\f \fe\ba\f effect accordin\b to their terms, reviewin\b courts 
    sha\f\f app\fy \foca\f \faw that most c\fose\fy approximates an abso\fute waiver of a\f\f civi\f \fiabi\fity in connection with the Pro\bram, un\fess a warranty or 
    assumption of \fiabi\f\uity accompanies a copy of the Pro\bram in return for a fee.  
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