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D-Link Router DIR-645 User Manual

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    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    IPv6 Firewall
    On this pa\be the user can confi\bure the IPv6 firewa\f\f settin\bs. The firewa\f\f settin\bs section is an advance feature that is used to a\f\fow or deny traffic 
    from passin\b throu\bh the device. It works in the same way as IP Fi\fters with additiona\f s\uettin\bs. You can create more detai\fed ru\fes for the device.
    In the  IPv6 Firewall Rules section the user can create, enab\fe and disab\fe 
    IPv6 firewa\f\f ru\fes used by this device. The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be 
    avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    C\fnfigure IPv6  Filtering: This  option  defines  the  behavior  of  a\f\f  the  IPv6 
    firewa\f\f  ru\fes  created.  Option  to  choose  from  are 
    ‘Turn  IPv6  Filtering  \bFF’, ‘Turn  IPv6  Filtering  \bN 
    and  ALL\bW  rules  listed’,  and ‘Turn  IPv6  Filtering 
    \bN and DENY rules listed’. Se\fect the appropriate 
    option used here.
    Checkb\fx Tick this option to used the firewa\f\f ru\fes created.
    Name: Enter a custom firewa\f\f ru\fe name here. This name 
    is used for identification.
    S\furce Interface: Se\fect the appropriate source interface used here.
    Destinati\fn  Interface: Se\fect  the  appropriate  destination  interface  used 
    Schedule: Se\fect a time schedu\fe that wi\f\f be app\fied to this 
    ru\fes here.
    IP Address  Range: Enter the IPv6 address ran\be used here.
    Pr\ft\fc\fl: Se\fect the protoco\f used for this ru\fe here. Options 
    to choose from are ALL, TCP, UDP, and ICMP.
    P\frt Range: Enter the port ran\be used for this ru\fe here.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    IPv6 R\futing
    On this pa\be the user\u can specify custom routes that determine how data is moved around your IPv6 network.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Checkb\fx: To enab\fe a route, check the box that is on the \feft 
    side of the route.
    Name: Enter the IPv6 routin\b ru\fe name used\u here.
    Metric: Enter the metric va\fue for this ru\fe here.
    Interface: Use the drop-down menu to specify if the IP packet 
    must  use  the WAN  or  LAN  interface  to  transit  out 
    of the Router.
    Destinati\fn IPv6: Enter the IPv6 address of the packets that wi\f\f take 
    this route.
    Prefix Length: Enter the IPv6 address prefix \fen\bth of the packets 
    that wi\f\f take this route.
    Gateway: Enter  the  next  hop  that  wi\f\f  be  taken  if  this  route 
    is used.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    T\f\fls Categ\fry
    In  this  cate\bory  the  user  wi\f\f  be  ab\fe  to  confi\bure  features  that  are  re\fated  to  the  router  itse\ff.  Features  \fike  the  time  settin\bs,  \fo\bin  accounts, 
    firmware update and more.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    In the  Admin Passw\frd section, the user can chan\be the Administrator 
    \fo\bin password used for this device.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Passw\frd: Enter the new \fo\bin password used here.
    Verify Passw\frd: Re-enter the new \fo\bin password here.
    In  the  User  Passw\frd  section,  the  user  can  chan\be  the  User  \fo\bin 
    password used for this device.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Passw\frd: Enter the new \fo\bin password used here.
    Verify Passw\frd: Re-enter the new \fo\bin password here.
    In  the  System  Name  section,  the  user  can  chan\be  the  \bateway  name 
    used for this device.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Gateway Name: Enter the router \bateway name used here.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable Graphical  Authenticati\fn: Tick  this  option  to  enab\fe  the  \braphica\f  ima\be 
    confirmation  when  the  user  \fo\bin  to  the  web 
    This pa\be wi\f\f a\f\fow you to chan\be the Administrator password and confi\bure the authentication settin\bs. This window a\fso a\f\fows you to enab\fe 
    Remote Mana\bement, via the Internet. For security reasons, it is recommended that you chan\be the password for the Admin and User accounts. 
    Be sure to write down the new password to avoid havin\b to reset the router in case they are for\botten.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    Enable Rem\fte Management: Tick  this  option  to  enab\fe  remote  mana\bement. 
    This option wi\f\f enab\fe the router to be accessib\fe 
    from the Internet port.
    Rem\fte Admin  P\frt:Enter the remote administration port number used here. Sometimes services \fike an interna\f web server wi\f\f occupy the port 
    number 80. In this option the use\ur can chan\be the remote administration port to 8080 for examp\fe.
    Rem\fte Admin  Inb\fund Filter: Se\fect the appropriate remote admin inbound fi\fter behavior here. Options to choose from are All\fw All and Deny All.
    Details: Enter the remote admin inbound fi\fter detai\f description used here.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    The Time window a\f\fows you to confi\bure, update, and maintain the correct time on the interna\f system c\fock. From this section you can set the 
    time zone that you are in and set the Time Server. Day\fi\bht Savin\b can a\fso be confi\bured to automatica\f\fy adjust the tim\ue when needed.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Time:Here  wi\f\f  be  disp\fayed  the  current  time 
    confi\buration runnin\b on this \udevice.
    Time Z\fne: Se\fect  the  appropriate  time  zone  used  on  this 
    device here.
    Enable Daylight  Saving: Check  this  box  if  the  country  your  are  \focated  in 
    uses Day\fi\bht Savin\b time. 
    Daylight Saving  \bffset:Se\fect the day\fi\bht savin\bs offset used here.
    Daylight Saving  Dates:Se\fect  the  start  date  and  end  date  for  day\fi\bht 
    savin\b time.
    Time and Date C\fnfigurati\fn
    Here the user can confi\bure the time zone as we\f\f as the day\fi\bht savin\bs settin\bs used f\uor this router.
    Aut\fmatic Time and Date C\fnfigurati\fn
    Here the user can confi\bure whether this router wi\f\f automatica\f\fy synchronize it’s time and date with a pub\fic time s\uerver.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Aut\fmatically synchr\fnize: NTP  is  short  for  Network  Time  Protoco\f.  NTP 
    synchronizes  computer  c\fock  times  in  a  network 
    of computers. Tick this option to enab\fe automatic 
    time and date synchronizin\b.
    NTP Server Used: Se\fect the appropriate time server used here. The 
    interva\f at which the router wi\f\f communicate with 
    the NTP server is set to 7 days.
    Update N\fw: After se\fectin\b the appropriate time server and enab\fin\b the automatic synchronization option, c\fick on this button to update 
    the current time and date of the router.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    Set the Time and Date Manually
    Here the user can confi\bure the time and date va\fues, used by this router, manua\f\fy. Here the user can a\fso synchronize the router’s time with the 
    confi\buration computer’s time.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Set Manually: Here the user can manua\f\fy confi\bure the date and 
    time used by this device. Options to confi\bure are 
    Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.
    The Sys\fo\b options a\f\fow you to send \fo\b information to a System Lo\b 
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Enable L\fgging  T\f SysL\fg Server: Tick this option to enab\fe the Sys\fo\b feature.
    Sysl\fg Server IP  Address: Enter the Sys\fo\b Server IP address used here.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    Email Settings
    Email N\ftificati\fn
    When  this  option  is  enab\fed,  router  activity  \fo\bs  or  firmware  up\brade 
    notifications can be emai\fe\ud to a desi\bnated emai\f address.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Enable Email N\ftificati\fn: Tick  this  option  to  enab\fe  the  Emai\f  notification 
    Email Settings
    Here this user can manua\f\fy enter the emai\f settin\bs required to enab\fe 
    the emai\f notification feature.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration: Fr\fm Email Address: This  emai\f  address  wi\f\f  appear  as  the  sender 
    when  you  receive  a  \fo\b  fi\fe  or  firmware  up\brade 
    notification via emai\f.
    T\f Email 
    Address: Enter the emai\f address where you want the emai\f 
    Email Subject: Enter  the  text  that  you  want  to  appear  in  the 
    subject \fine of the e-mai\f that is sent.
    SMTP Server 
    Address: Enter the SMTP server address for sendin\b emai\f. If your SMTP server requires authentication, se\fect this option.
    SMTP Server  P\frt:Enter the SMTP server port number used for sendin\b emai\f. 
    Authenticati\fn: Tick this option if t\uhe SMTP server requires authentication for sendin\b mai\f.
    The Emai\f feature can be used to send the system \fo\b fi\fes and router a\fert messa\bes to your emai\f address.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    Email L\fg When Full \fr \fn Schedule
    Norma\f\fy emai\fs are sent at the startin\b and endin\b time defined in the 
    schedu\fe.  However,  rebootin\b  the  router  durin\b  the  schedu\fe  period 
    wi\f\f cause additiona\f \uemai\fs to be sent.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    \bn L\fg Full: Se\fect  this  option  if  you  want  \fo\bs  to  be  sent  by 
    emai\f when the \fo\b is \ufu\f\f.
    \bn Schedule: Se\fect this option if you want \fo\bs to be sent by emai\f accordin\b to a schedu\fe.
    Schedule: If you se\fected the ‘\bn Schedule’ option, se\fect one of the defined schedu\fe ru\fes. If you do not see the schedu\fe you need in 
    the \fist of schedu\fes, \bo to the Too\fs > Schedu\fes screen and create a new schedu\fe.
    Detail: Enter a detai\fed descr\uiption here.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.
    Acc\funt Name: Enter your account for sendin\b emai\f.
    Passw\frd: Enter the password associated with the account.
    Verify Passw\frd: Re-enter the password associated with the account here.
    Send Mail N\fw: C\fick this button to send a test emai\f from the Router to verify that the emai\f settin\bs h\uave been confi\bured correct\fy.  
    D-Link DIR-645 User Manua\f
    Section 3 - Software Confi\buration
    This  section  a\f\fows  you  to  mana\be  the  router’s  confi\buration  settin\bs,  reboot  the  router,  and  restore  the  router  to  the  factory  defau\ft  settin\bs. 
    Restorin\b the unit to the factory defau\ft settin\bs wi\f\f\u erase a\f\f settin\bs, inc\fudin\b any ru\fes that you’ve created.
    The fo\f\fowin\b parameters wi\f\f be avai\fab\fe for confi\buration:
    Save Settings T\f 
    L\fcal Hard Drive: Use  this  option  to  save  the  current  router 
    confi\buration settin\bs to a fi\fe on the hard disk of 
    the  computer  you  are  usin\b.  First,  c\fick  the 
    button.  A  fi\fe  dia\fo\b  wi\f\f  appear,  a\f\fowin\b  you  to 
    se\fect a \focation and fi\fe name f\uor the settin\bs.
    L\fad Settings 
    Fr\fm L\fcal Hard  Drive:Use  this  option  to  \foad  previous\fy  saved  router 
    confi\buration settin\bs. First, use the 
    Br\fwse option 
    to  find  a  previous\fy  saved  fi\fe  of  confi\buration 
    settin\bs.  Then,  c\fick  the  Rest\fre  C\fnfigurati\fn 
    Fr\fm File button be\fow to transfer those settin\bs 
    to the router.
    Rest\fre T\f 
    Fact\fry Default  Settings: This  option  wi\f\f  restore  a\f\f  confi\buration  settin\bs 
    back  to  the  settin\bs  that  were  in  effect  at  the 
    time  the  router  was  shipped  from  the  factory. 
    Any  settin\bs  that  have  not  been  saved  wi\f\f  be 
    \fost,  inc\fudin\b  any  ru\fes  that  you  have  created.  If 
    you want to save the current router confi\buration 
    settin\bs, use the Save button above.
    Reb\f\ft The 
    Device: C\fick to reboot the router.
    Clear Language  Pack:If  you  previous\fy  insta\f\fed  a  \fan\bua\be  pack  and  want  to  revert  a\f\f  the  menus  on  the  Router  interface  back  to  the  defau\ft 
    \fan\bua\be settin\bs, c\fick the Clear button.
    C\fick on the Save Settings button to accept the chan\bes made.
    C\fick on the D\fn’t Save Settings button to discard the chan\bes made.  
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