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Motorola Cm Radio Controlheads Manual

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Commercial SeriesCM Radios
Service Information
Issu e:  December  2 003 

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Computer Software Copyrights
The Motorola products described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola computer programs stored 
in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws in the United States and other countries preserve for 
Motorola certain exclusive rights for copyrighted computer programs, including the exclusive right to copy or 
reproduce in any form, the copyrighted computer program. Accordingly, any copyrighted Motorola computer 
programs contained in the Motorola products described...

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Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s
1.0 CM140/CM340 Models ........................................................................................ 1-1
2.0 CM160/CM360 Models ........................................................................................ 1-1
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2-1
2.0 Controlhead Model for CM140 and CM340...

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1.0 Allocation of Schematics and Circuit Boards ....................................................... 4-1
2.0 Controlhead CM140/340 - PCB 8488998U01 Schematics .................................. 4-3
2.1 Controlhead PCB 8488998U01 - Parts List.................................................... 4-5
3.0 Controlhead CM160/360 - PCB 8489714U01 Schematics  ................................. 4-6
3.1 Controlhead PCB 8489714U01 - Parts List...

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Chapter 1
1.0 CM140/CM340Models
The Controlhead contains the internal speaker, the on/off/volume knob, the microphone connector, 
several buttons to operate the radio, three indicator Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to inform the user 
about the radio status, and a single character 7-segment display for numeric information e.g. 
channel number.
2.0 CM160/CM360Models
The Controlhead contains the internal speaker, the on/off/volume knob, the microphone connector, 
several buttons to operate the radio,...

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Chapter 2
1.0 Introduction
This Chapter provides a detailed theory of operation for the Controlhead circuits. For details of the 
trouble shooting refer to the related chapter in this section.
2.0 Controlhead Model for CM140 and CM340
The controlhead contains the internal speaker, the on/off/volume knob, the microphone connector, 
several buttons to operate the radio and three indicator Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to inform the 
user about the radio status and a 7-segment display for...

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When the host radio needs to send date to the shift register, the radio asserts the shift register chip 
select and the data is loaded to the shift register. For example, the host radio sends data to change 
display channel or change LED status.
2.3 Keypad Keys
The control head keypad is a four-key design. All keys are configured as two analog lines read by 
µP. The voltage on the analog lines varies between 0V and 3.3 V depending on which key is 
pressed. If no key is pressed, the...

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Controlhead Model for CM140 and CM3402-3
If the BOOT_RES (J802-7) line is connected to >5V (e.g. 9.3V) at turn-on, the uP will start in boot 
mode instead of normal operation. This mode is used to programme new firmware into the FLASH 
memory (U404 mainboard). 
2.6 Speaker
The controlhead contains a speaker for the receiver audio. The receiver audio signal from the 
differential audio output of the audio amplifier located on the radio’s controller is fed via connector 
J803-1, 2 to the speaker connector...

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3.0 Controlhead Model for CM160 and CM360
The controlhead contains the internal speaker, the on/off/volume knob, the microphone connector, 
several buttons to operate the radio, three indicator Light Emitting Diodes (LED) to inform the user 
about the radio status, and an 8 character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) for alpha - numerical 
information e.g. channel number or call address name. 
3.1 Power Supplies
The power supply to the control head is taken from the host radio’s 9.3V...
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