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Motorola Gm300 Selling Manual

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Accessory Connector2-23
8.3.3 Voice PTT
If Voice PTT is asserted, the TX audio is routed from one of the microphone paths. CPS
programming defines whether the external voice PTT uses the internal or external (pin 2)
microphone audio path.
8.3.4 Data PTT
If data PTT is asserted, it is assumed that the external PTT is an electronic switch (e.g. a modem)
and that it requires the fastest possible radio response. When this pin is asserted the microphone
path is muted and the TX audio is routed from the Flat...

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8.3.10 Emergency
If an emergency switch is assigned, asserting the input causes the radio to go into emergency 
Emergency switch assigned to pin 9 is a special case. In addition to normal emergency mode, 
asserting the input when the radio is turned off will invoke Emergency with Wake Up. This causes
the radio to power up and immediately enter Emergency mode.
8.3.11 Ignition Ignition sense is programmable per radio. Connecting the vehicle ignition to this line causes the...

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5 Tone (Select 5) Signalling2-25
9.0 5 Tone (Select 5) Signalling
9.1 Introduction
In 5 tone systems, each radio has a unique numeric identity (e.g. 12345). To signal the number
12345, a sequence of 5 tones is sent. Sequences of audible tones of a very short duration are sent
between radios. Most 5 tone sequences take less than half a second to send.
When the radio receives the correct 5 tone sequence it sounds alert beeps and flashes LEDs to
indicate to the user that they have been called. The squelch...

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9.4 Single Tones
Two single tones can also be dealer defined, and used within sequences or on their own. This
allows the GM300 to be sold into a wider range of existing systems.
10.0 5 Tone (Select 5) Encode Sequences
The radio can be programmed with up to 32 encode sequences.
Each encode sequence can be defined as any one of the 5 tone signalling standards or DTMF.
5 tone sequences can:
be up to 12 digits long
have digits 0-9, A-F, G, R, 2 single tones, status or address...

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5 Tone (Select 5) Encode Sequences2-27
10.2 Contact List (GM360, GM380)
A contact list, similar to a phonebook, may be used to give access to up to 255 pre-programmed
numbers accessed via the menu. Each entry can have an alias of up to 14 characters of
alphanumeric text. The alias is a meaningful name for the individual or group.
The Contact List is used to dial the number of outgoing calls, and to identify the caller of incoming
calls. Depending on the way the radio is programmed, it displays either the...

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Addresses and Status can be entered into one encode telegram and sent simultaneously. They can 
also be simultaneously decoded from one received telegram. 
Up to 3 variable status digits.
 Up to  8  v a ria ble  address   digits.
10.4.1 Basic and Advanced Multicall Basic Multicall users only enter variable digits and use a Fixed Telegram button to transmit the 
Advanced Multicall users enter a telegram number (1 - 9) followed by variable digits. Address...

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Periodic -If the system requires periodic awareness of who is transmitting, for example for health &
safety reasons, then a telegram is sent when the PTT is first pressed and periodically during the
De-Key-An encode telegram can also be sent “On Dekey” when the PTT is released, to act as a
Cleardown call.
Telegrams tied to PTT provide valuable system information.
Telegrams sent Once on PTT simplifies radio operation.
End of Message Alert speeds up communications.

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11.2 DTMF Live Dial Mode (GM360 with SMART mic, GM380)
Send a telephone interconnect call (5T or DTMF sequence) to a station that connects to a
telephone line. The radio can then send DTMF live dial calls from the keypad. On completion of the
call, the radio (if programmed) sends a cleardown call (5T or DTMF sequence) and the keypad
returns to the default keypad mode.
Press a button pre-programmed to enter DTMF mode. The radio then...

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5 Tone (Select 5) Decoder2-31
12.3 Group Calls
Group Calls allows a single user to call a number of other radio users at the same time for a one to
many conversation. Like a conference call, the entire conversation is shared with everybody in the
team. Although only one person can speak at a time, all members of the team can listen and take
part in the conversation.
Group Call can be achieved simply via PL radios. In this situation, all users will hear the call.
The key benefits of 5 tone radios is the...

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12.5 Status Decode Display (GM360, GM380)
When a call is received, the receiving radio can extract the caller’s status from the telegram. If the
status matches one in the status list, the status alias is displayed. If there is no match in the status
list then just the status digits are displayed. The radio can simultaneously decode address and
status from one telegram the address and status information alternates on the display. On the
GM380 both are displayed.
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