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MSI 7300 Dynalink 2 Manual

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Page 31

Calibration     27
Procedure for the Routine Calibration of the MSI-7300

1) With the power on, initiate
calibration by holding down
theF2 and  ZERO  keys until
the display reads CAL.
The CAL setup menu
2) Press F1 to start the
calibration procedure.
3) The display reads  UnLd
(unload) indicating you
should remove all weight
from the link. 
You can choose to
leave bottom fittings on the link as
long as they are always part of the
load train.
4) Press F1. The...

Page 32

5 times
fixedblinking blinking
blinking blinkingblinking
9) Press the  F2 key to scroll
the number and the  F1
key to enter each digit of
the calibration weight.
In this example, we’ll enter 2500
kg on a 5000 kg capacity scale.
Do not push the  F1 key two times
in a row.
To add a decimal point, push the
POWER  key while the number is
10) When the entire value of the test weight is displayed and
the weight and link are...

Page 33

Calibration     29
5.2 Initial Calibration
Use this procedure only if the capacity and count-by (d) needs to be modified. The 
initial steps of this procedure will totally erase user setups as well as any previous 
1) Turn the 7300 on.
2) Press the  ZERO switch and
the F1 switch simultaneously.
3) The display blinks  rESEt.
4) To reset all calibration constants and setup
parameters, press  F1.
5) The 7300 requests a confirmation by displaying
To cancel the Reset press
the  POWER  or...

Page 34

The first digit blinks. Use theF2  key to scroll through the
numbers. When the desired
number is shown, push F1
In this example, we’ll enter 2500 as
a capacity.
Continue inputing the desired
capacity using the  F2 key for
scrolling the number and the
F1  key to store the number.

fixedblinking blinking

5 timesblinking
15) Finalize the capacity valueby pressing the  F1 key on...

Page 35

Calibration     31
5.3 Guidelines for Capacity and Resolution
Dyna-Links are subject to forces that static scales do  not experience. Many bridge 
cranes, hoist cranes, and mobile cranes la ck rigidity and tend to bounce or swing 
when loads are lifted.  For this reason, MSI recommends that resolution is kept in the 
1:2000 to 1:3000 range. Some improvement in stability can be achieved by increasing 
the filtering. However, you should never program resolution that is far greater than 
you need. If the...

Page 36

32    MSI-7300 Operator’s Manual
5.4 C-Cal Calibration
When adequate test weights are not available, the  MSI-7300 Dyna-Link 2 can be 
calibrated using a cal number calibration which  is referred to as C-Cal. To use C-Cal, 
a factory generated C-Cal number must be  known. MSI supplies replacement load 
cells for the  MSI-7300 Dyna-Link 2  with the C-Cal value stamped on the serial 
number label. When a calibration is prefor med with test weights, a new C-Cal is 
ImportantThe C-Cal number must...

Page 37

7) To input the C-Cal value,press F2  to start the number
entry process.
8) Use F2 to change the
number, and  F1 to enter
the number. Add the next
digit by pushing  F2 and
scrolling as required.
Repeat this sequence
until the entire C-Cal
number is entered.

5 times
fixed blinking blinking
Error Correction: If you input a wrong value, press 
ZERO to step
back one digit and reenter. To input a decimal point, push...

Page 38

34    MSI-7300 Operator’s Manual
5.5 Auto Zero Maintenance (AZM)
The Dyna-Link 2  employs an auto zeroing maintena nce mechanism to adjust the zero 
reading to the center-of-zero (COZ). COZ is  defined as the tension reading is within 
¼’d’ of zero. AZM continuously adjusts zer o to maintain COZ. It is recommended 
that AZM is on to maintain the highest acc uracy. However, there are circumstances 
when it should be turned off. This can happen when minor variations of tension occur 
while picking up...

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Calibration     35
5.6 Service Counters
The MSI-7300  maintains two service counters for safety. 
• The first counter counts the number of times the scale has been overloaded. 
• The second counter counts lifts above 25% of capacity. 
These counters serve to warn the user to  insp
 ect the load train after a number of 
overloads, also when there is a chance of fa tigue failure. The power up routine will be 
interrupted when the lift c ounter exceeds 16383 lifts or the overload counter exceeds 

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36   MSI-7300 Operator’s Manual
6.0 Communication Setup
The Dyna-Link 2 can communicate with peripheral devices using RS-232 or 802.15.4 
wireless. Only one communications type can  exist at a time. The RS-232 port located 
on the bottom side of the  Dyna-Link 2 is useful for setup and calibration using a 
computer and MSI’s SCCMP Software (SCCM P operation is detailed in the SCCMP 
User Guide). 
6.1 RF Option
Since the RF options are easily connected they are commonly used for gathering 
weight data...
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