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NEC Conference Room Scheduler An Open Application Interface User Guide

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    							NDA-30006   Revision 2.0Page 7
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Verify a Reservation For a Specific Time
    The following procedure begins when the Dterm key assigned to Conference Room 
    Scheduler has been pressed. Refer to Error Messages on page 11 for error 
    Note:Two-letter month notations include the following: January (Ja), February (Fb), 
    March (Mr), April (Ap), May (My), June (Jn), July (Jl), August (Au), September 
    (Sp), October (Oc), November (Nv), December (Dc). Displayed Message Expected ResponsePossible Error 
    1.‘Rsv–1 Vr–2 Cn–3’Enter 2# to indicate the Verify function. 1
    2.‘ID XXXXXX’Enter your assigned identification number ranging in 
    length from one to nine digits, followed by a #.2
    3.‘On What Day – 
    MMDD’Enter the date of the reservation to be verified, using 
    zeros to pad months and days that are only one digit in 
    length (i.e., 0607), followed by a #.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    4.‘Start Time – 
    HHMM?’Enter the time at which the reservation to be verified 
    begins, using the 2400 clock (i.e., 0000 for midnight, 
    0800 for 8:00 a.m., 1330 for 1:30 p.m.) and followed by 
    a #.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    5a.‘Room NNNN 
    MMDD’Indicates verification of room NNNN reserved on day 
    MMDD. Enter any key followed by a #.
    HH:MMx’Indicates verification of the start and end times on your 
    reservation, where x represents ‘a’ for a.m. and ‘p’ for 
    5.‘Unsuccessful’Indicates that the conference room is not reserved at the 
    designated time. 
    							Page 8NDA-30006   Revision 2.0
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Verify a Reservation For a Specific Day
    The following procedure begins when the Dterm key assigned to Conference Room 
    Scheduler has been pressed. Refer to Error Messages on page 11 for error 
    Note:Two-letter month notations include the following: January (Ja), February (Fb), 
    March (Mr), April (Ap), May (My), June (Jn), July (Jl), August (Au), September 
    (Sp), October (Oc), November (Nv), December (Dc).
    Displayed Message Expected ResponsePossible Error 
    ‘Rsv–1 Vr–2 Cn–3’Enter 2# to indicate the Verify function. 1
    1.‘ID XXXXXX’Enter your assigned identification number ranging in 
    length from one to nine digits, followed by a #.2
    2.‘On What Day – 
    MMDD’Enter the date of the reservation to be verified, using 
    zeros to pad months and days that are only one digit in 
    length (i.e., 0607), followed by a #.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    3.‘Start Time – 
    HHMM?’Enter a #.
    9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    4.‘Room NNNN 
    MMDD’Indicates verification of room NNNN reserved on day 
    MMDD. Enter any key followed by a #.
    HH:MMx’Indicates verification of the start and end times on your 
    reservation, where x represents ‘a’ for a.m. and ‘p’ for 
    Enter # to display the next reservation.
    This process can be repeated until the ‘Unsuccessful’ 
    message is received.
    5.‘Unsuccessful’Indicates that no room reservation has been found for 
    you on the designated day or that the list of your 
    reserved rooms on the designated day is exhausted.  
    							NDA-30006   Revision 2.0Page 9
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Check a Conference Room Reservation Made By Another
    Made For A 
    Specific TimeThe following procedure begins when the Dterm key assigned to Conference Room 
    Scheduler has been pressed. Refer to Error Messages on page 11 for error 
    Note:Two-letter month notations include the following: January (Ja), February (Fb), 
    March (Mr), April (Ap), May (My), June (Jn), July (Jl), August (Au), September 
    (Sp), October (Oc), November (Nv), December (Dc).  Displayed Message Expected ResponsePossible Error 
    1.‘Rsv–1 Vr–2 Cn–3’Enter 2# to indicate the Verify function. 1
    2.‘ID XXXXXX’Enter a #. 2
    3.‘On What Day – 
    MMDD’Enter the date of the reservation to be verified, using 
    zeros to pad months and days that are only one digit in 
    length (i.e., 0607), followed by a #.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    4.‘Start Time – 
    HHMM?’Enter the time at which the reservation to be verified 
    begins, using the 2400 clock (i.e., 0000 for midnight, 
    0800 for 8:00 a.m., 1330 for 1:30 p.m.) and followed by 
    a #.9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    5a.‘Room NNN – 
    5b.‘HH:MMx – 
    5c.  ‘For NAME’Indicates verification of room NNN reserved on day 
    MMMDD. Enter a #.
    Indicates verification of the start and end times on the 
    reservation, where x represents ‘a’ for a.m. and ‘p’ for 
    p.m. Enter a #.
    Indicates verification of the name of the person who 
    made the reservation. Enter a #. 
    							Page 10NDA-30006   Revision 2.0
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Made for a Specific 
    DayThe following procedure begins when the Dterm key assigned to Conference Room 
    Scheduler has been pressed. Refer to Error Messages on page 11 for error 
    Note:Two-letter month notations include the following: January (Ja), February (Fb), 
    March (Mr), April (Ap), May (My), June (Jn), July (Jl), August (Au), September 
    (Sp), October (Oc), November (Nv), December (Dc). Displayed Message Expected ResponsePossible Error 
    1.‘Rsv–1 Vr–2 Cn–3’Enter 2# to indicate the Verify function. 1
    2.‘ID XXXXXX’Enter a #. 2
    3.‘On What Day – 
    MMDD’Enter the date of the reservation to be verified, using 
    zeros to pad months and days that are only one digit in 
    length (i.e., 0607), followed by a #.3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    4.‘Start Time – 
    HHMM?’Enter a #.
    9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
    5a.‘Room NNN – 
    5b.‘HH:MMx – 
    5c.  ‘For NAME’Indicates verification of room NNN reserved on day 
    MMMDD. Enter a #.
    Indicates verification of the start and end times on the 
    reservation, where x represents ‘a’ for a.m. and ‘p’ for 
    p.m. Enter a #.
    Indicates verification of the name of the person who 
    made the reservation. Enter a #.
    Continue this sequence until all desired reservations on 
    the indicated day have been reviewed. 
    							NDA-30006   Revision 2.0Page 11
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Error Messages
    Error Message Explanation
    Option–1,2,or 3: You must choose option 1 (to reserve a conference room, option 2 (to 
    verify a conference room reservation), or option 3 (to cancel a conference 
    room) by entering a ‘1#’, ‘2#’, or ‘3#’. 
    Invalid ID Code: The identification number entered is not within the range of valid 
    Expecting MMDD: The date entered is not of the form MMDD where the month is 
    represented by the first two digits and the day is represented by the last 
    two digits. This message is displayed if the date entered is either too long 
    or too short in length.
    Mo Out of Range: The month entered is not the current month, next month, or the month 
    after next.
    Mo Must be 1–12: The month entered is not between 1 and 12.
    Day Already Past: The month entered is the current month but the day entered has already 
    past in time chronologically.
    Day  Not  in  Month: The day entered is not in the month because it is just 0 or because it is too 
    large (February 29 in non-leap year, June 31).
    Day Out of Range: The month entered is within the three month limitation, but the day is 
    outside of the range of valid days.  If on May 3, you are making a 
    reservation for August 25, the August 25 day is out of the 90-day range.)
    Hour form: 0..23: The hour entered does not lie between 00 and 23, where 00 is midnight, 
    01 is 1:00 a.m., 13 for 1:00 p.m., and 23 for 11:00 p.m.
    Hr Already Past The month and day entered are the current month and day, but the hour 
    has already past in time chronologically.
    Min Form: 0..59: The minutes entered do not lie between 00 and 59.
    Min Already Past: The month, day, and hour entered are current, but the minute entered is 
    already past chronologically.
    Time Form:HHMM: The time input is not 4 digits, with the first two digits representing the 
    hour and the second two digits representing the minutes.
    Must End by 2330: The reservation must begin before 11:30 p.m. and end by 11:30 p.m. to 
    prevent it spanning more than one day.
    Bad End Time: The time entered to end a reservation is chronologically before the 
    requested start time.
    Room Not Avail: The room chosed has already been reserved at the specified time and 
    Room Too Small: The room entered is not large enough to accommodate the number of 
    people expected to attend.
    Invalid Room No: The room entered is not listed as a conference room number in the 
    							Page 12NDA-30006   Revision 2.0
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Access Database Information
    Conference Room Scheduler maintains a database that reflects user information 
    and the current room status throughout the 90-day period covered by the 
    reservation calendar. This database component is called Conf_Room_Sch_Report 
    and is activated through the CRT Application option on the APM Operations 
    Menu. Once initialized through the APM, Conf_Room_Sch_Report displays the 
    following menu:
    This menu makes it possible to select specific information from the database or 
    from the 90-day calendar to display on the screen or to print. Each option provides 
    choices about how the items are to be sorted before they are displayed or printed. 
    It is also possible to narrow the selection to a specific range of items and to narrow 
    it even further by date and time. 
    Menu options are described below and include examples of displayed information 
    that has been sorted by different fields. 
    Error Message Explanation
    1-Cancel #–Skip: The input is not either a 1 or a #; enter a 1 to cancel the displayed 
    reservation or a # to skip the cancellation.
    Conflicting ID: Another person with the same ID is attempting to make a reservation at 
    the same time on another D
    Too Many People: The number of people entered is beyond the maximum number that the 
    largest conference room can accommodate.
    No People – Retry: A zero was entered to indicate the number of people expected to attend; 
    try again.
    Conflicting Rsv: You already have a room reserved for the time entered.
    							NDA-30006   Revision 2.0Page 13
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    (A)ll Open and 
    Reserved RoomsUse this option to list all rooms, whether or not they are reserved during the 90-day 
    period. The list can be sorted by date, room number, room capacity, or, for those 
    that are reserved, name or ID of the person who made the reservation. Examples of 
    displays selected and sorted through this option are shown below:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    (L)ist Database 
    InformationUse this option to list the people in the database either by name or ID, or the rooms 
    in the database with the capacity of each. Examples of display selected and sorted 
    through this option are shown below:
    Sorted by 
    Room:2402 20 JU07 12:00a-11:59p OPEN
    2302 25 JU07 10:00a-11:59a 4382 J. JENSON
    25 JU09 10:00a-10:59p 4591 M. SMITH
    2202 30 JU06 2:30p-3:59p 4724 P. KING
    Sorted by 
    Date:JU07 12:00a-11:59p 2402 20 OPEN
    10:00a-11:59a 2302 25 4382 J. JENSON
    JU09 10:00a-10:59a 2302 25 4591 M. SMITH
    2:30p-3:59p 2202 30 4724 P. KING
    Sorted by 
    Name:J. JENSON 4382 JU07 10:00a-10:59p 2302 25
    P. KING 4724 JU06 2:30p-3:59p 2202 30
    OPEN JU07 12:00a-11:59p 2402 20
    M. SMITH 4591 JU09 10:00a-10:59a 2302 25
    Sorted by RoomSorted by IDSorted by Names
    2402 20 4382 J. JENSON J. JENSON 4382
    2302 25 4591 M. SMITH M. SMITH 4724
    2202 30 4724 P. KING P. KING 4591 
    							Page 14NDA-30006   Revision 2.0
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    (O)pen Rooms 
    Only Use this option to list the rooms, by date, that are available (not reserved). 
    Examples of displays selected and sorted through this option are shown below:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    (R)eserved Rooms 
    Only Use this option to list the rooms, by either specified date or person ID, that are 
    reserved within the next 90 days. Examples of displays selected and sorted through 
    this option are shown below:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    Sorted by 
    Date:JU07 12:00a-11:59p 2402 20 OPEN
    12:00a-11:59a 2302 25 OPEN
    JU09 12:00a-11:59p 2302 25 OPEN
    12:00a-11:59p 2202 30 OPEN
    Sorted by 
    Room:2402 20 JU07 12:00a-11:59p OPEN
    2302 25 JU07 10:00a-11:59p OPEN
    2202 30 JU07 10:00a-11:59p OPEN
    Sorted by 
    Date:JU07 10:00a-11:59p 2302 25 4382 J. JENSON
    JU09 10:00a-10:59a 2302 25 4591 M. SMITH
    2:30p-3:59p 2202 20 4724 P. KING
    Sorted by 
    Name:4382 J. JENSON JU07 10:00a-11:59p 2302 25
    4724 P. KING JU06 2:30p-3:59p 2202 30
    4591 M. SMITH JU09 10:00a-10:59a 2302 25 
    							NDA-30006   Revision 2.0Page 15
    Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
    Action Result
    Enter the desired list by letter (A, L, O, 
    or R) at the prompt and press 
    RETURN.A choice of output devices is displayed with a prompt for 
    selection of either terminal display or a hard copy print.
    Enter the output device by letter at the 
    prompt and press RETURN.A choice of fields by which the list can be sorted is displayed 
    with a prompt for selection.
    Enter the sort item by letter and press 
    At each question, enter whether or not 
    there is to be a range specified and press 
     Wherever a range is desired, enter the starting and ending values 
    of the range (Id, number, name, date, or time) and press 
    After the range questions are addressed, the selected information 
    is sorted as indicated and displayed.
    Use the space bar to scroll vertically 
    through the display, press q to move to 
    the end of the list at any time, and press 
    the Enter key, or RETURN, to exit the 
    							Conference Room Scheduler User Guide
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