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Pcs Phone Samsung I500 User Guide

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Page 141

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2N: To Do List 138
Show Categories - Displays the category of the To Do List entry.
To  D o  M e n u s
There are menu commands that are specific to the To Do List 
They are:
Record Menu
Options Menu
Each menu item contains items that configure or adjust how the To Do 
List application is used.
Record Menu
The following options are available in the Record menu:
Delete Item - Deletes an item from the To Do List.
Attach Note - Adds a note to the current...

Page 142

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2O: Calculator 139
Section 2O
In This Section
Opening the Calculator
Using the Calculator Button
Displaying Recent Calculations
aving a calculator handy is not only convenient, but practical. 
This easy-to-use calculator makes figuring out simple math equations 
a breeze.

Page 143

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2O: Calculator 140
The calculator allows you to perform general mathematical functions, 
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 
You can use the calculator to:
Perform basic calculations.
Store and retrieve values.
Display the last series of calculations.
Opening the Calculator
1.Choose one of the following options to open the calculator:
Tap the Application Launcher icon  , then tap the 
Calculator icon  .
Tap the Calculator button on...

Page 144

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2O: Calculator 141
The “CE” button clears the last number you entered. Use this 
button if you make a mistake while entering a number in the 
middle of a calculation. This button enables you to re-enter 
the number without starting the calculation over.
The “C” button clears the entire calculation and enables you 
to begin a fresh calculation.
The “Plus/Minus” button toggles the current number between 
a negative and positive value. If you want to enter a negative...

Page 145

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2O: Calculator 142
3.When you have finished reviewing the calculations, tap OK. 

Page 146

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2P: Managing Handheld Computer Software 143
Section 2P
Managing Handheld Computer 
In This Section
Applications Launcher
Installing Handheld Computer Software
Deleting Handheld Computer Applications
his section describes how to install and manage the software that is on 
your PCS Phone. Your phone uses different applications to manage 
your everyday events. Many new and exciting applications can be installed 
to make your everyday life easier.

Page 147

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2P: Managing Handheld Computer Software 144
Applications Launcher
The applications launcher displays the applications installed on the 
organizer. When you are in another application and you want to return 
to the main screen, you tap the applications launcher icon , which is 
available in most applications. Any work in the previous application is 
automatically saved when you exit.
Categorizing an Application
When you install applications, they can be categorized to...

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Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2P: Managing Handheld Computer Software 145
Changing the Launcher Display
By default, the applications are represented by an icon. The applications 
can also be represented in a list format or in different sized icons. To 
change the view to a list format:
1.Tap the Applications Launcher  .
2.Tap the Menu Launcher  .
3.Tap Options, then Preferences.
4.Tap the drop down next to View By:.
Select List.
6.Press   to exit Preferences.
7.The applications are displayed as...

Page 149

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2P: Managing Handheld Computer Software 146
Installing Palm OS® Applications
The organizer comes with several applications already installed. You can 
also add other applications to your phone by a simple installation 
procedure. The Install Tool is used in conjunction with the HotSync 
application to install applications to your phone.
Note: All applications that you install reside in RAM. Therefore, there is a 
limited number of applications that can be installed...

Page 150

Section 2: Understanding Your Phone
2P: Managing Handheld Computer Software 147
Deleting Handheld Computer Applications
By deleting applications that you no longer use or need, the amount of 
available RAM is increased. Since all new applications reside in RAM, it is 
a good idea to have as much space as possible freed up any given time.
Note: Applications that came with the Palm OS® operating system do not 
reside in RAM, they reside in ROM. They cannot be deleted from the 
system. They do not affect...
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