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ProForm 490 C Instruction Manual

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    1\f.Withthe help ofa second perso n\bhold the con-
    sole asse mbly near the Right Hand rail(1\f9 )an d
    th e Lef tHa ndrail (no tsho wn).
    Con nect the Uprig htWi re (79) totheconsole
    wire. Seethe insetdra wing. The connectors
    shoul dslide toge thereas ilyand snapinto
    place. Ifth ey do not \btu rn one con nector and try
    PO WE R.Insert thecon nector sand the excess
    wire intothe Right Handr ail(1 \f9) .
    Consol e
    Consol e
    C onsol e
    9. Attach the Pulse BarBo ttom (15) tothe
    Han drails (1\f9\b11\f) with two#1\f x3/4" Scre ws
    (5)and two #1\f Star Wash ers(27) .
    Remove the longtie from the Upr ight Wire (79).9
    Long Tie
    11. Con nectthe console ground wire to the han drail
    gro un dwire .
    Setthe conso leassem blyonthe Hand rails
    (1\f 9\b11 \f). Make sure that the wires are not
    pinc hed. Attach theconsol eassem blywithten
    #8 x3/4 "Scr ews (12 ).St artall the Scre ws be\b
    fore tighte ninganyofthem .
    Cutth eplast ictie off the Right Handrai l(1 \f9).
    See steps 4and 6.Fi rm lytig hten the3/8 "x 4"
    B olts (6).
    Conso le Assem bly
    Gro und Wires11
    1212 P la sti c
    1\f 9
    12.Raise the Frame (51 )to the posi tionsho wn.
    Hav easec ond person hold the Fra me until
    this step is comple ted.
    OrienttheSt ora geLatch (48)so that the larg e
    barrel and the Latch Knob (49) arein theposi -
    tions shown. Attac hthe lower endofthe Storage
    Latch tothe bra cket onthe Base (86) wit ha3/8"
    x2" Bo lt(4) and a3/8" Nut (8) .
    Atta ch the upperend ofthe StorageLa tch (48)
    to the bra cket on theFra me (51) with a3/8 "x 2"
    Bolt (4) and a3/8" Nut (8).No te:It ma ybe nec -
    essa ryto mo vethe Fram eback andforth to
    alig nthe Stora geLatch with the bracket .
    Lower theFrame (51)(see HOW TOLOWE R
    THETREA DMILL FOR USE on pa ge 21).
    Lar ge
    13. Make sure that all parts ar eproperl ytightene dbe for eyou usethetreadmill. Ifthe reare sh eets ofclear
    plast icon the trea dmilldecal s\brem ove theplastic .To pro tect thefloor orcarpet\b placeamat under thetread -
    mill. Note :Ext rahardw are may be includ ed. Kee ptheincluded hexke yin asecu re pla ce; the hex key is used
    to ad just thewa lkin gbel t(see pages23 and 24).
    Ifyou purc hase the opt ional chest pulse sensor (seepage \f9),follo wthe steps below toinstall there\b
    ceiver incl uded with the ches tpulse sensor.
    1.Make sure thatthepower cordis unplu gged.
    Remove theindica ted4.2x16m mScrew (3)
    and theAccess Door(1\f5)from the Conso le
    B ase (96).
    2. Conn ectthewi re on the receive rto the indi-
    ca tedwire exte ndin gfrom the Consol eBase
    (9 6). Hol dthe rece iver sothe antenna isori\b
    e nted asshow nand isfacing theConsole
    Ba se.At tach therecei vertothe plastic posts on
    the Acce ssDoo r(1\f5) with the twoincl ude d
    sma llscre ws.
    3.Make sure thatnowires are pinched.
    Re attach the Access Door(1\f5) with the #8 x
    3/4 "Scre w(12 ).Discar dth e other wires in-
    clu dedwit htherecei ver.
    Ant enna
    Wi re S m all
    Scr ew s 
    You rtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h-
    perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil\b
    icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking
    be ltor the walk ing platfor m. Such substance swill
    de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive
    wea r.
    You rtrea dmill\b likeanyother type ofsop histica ted
    electronic equ ipmen t\bcan be seri ousl ydama ged by
    su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ spowe r.
    Volt age surge s\bsp ikes\b andnoi se inter ference can
    res ult from weather condi tions or fro m other appliances
    beingturne don or off. Todecr ease thepossibility of
    yourtreadmill being dam aged, alwaysuse asur ge
    suppre ssor with your treadm ill(see drawing \fat
    the right). Topurchase asur gesupp ressor, see
    your localPRO FORMdealer orcall thetele phone
    number onthe front cover ofthis manual andorder
    partnu mber \f46\f48, orsee your local electronic s
    stor e.
    Use onl yasingle\boutlet surgesuppressor that is
    UL \f449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup\b
    pre ssor (TVSS). Thesurgesuppressor musthavea
    UL suppressed voltageratingof400 volts orless
    andami nimum surgedissipat ionof450 joules.
    The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor
    \f20vol ts AC and \f5amps. Theremust beamoni \b
    tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e
    whethe rit is functioning properly.Failure to use a
    pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor couldresult
    indama getothe contr olsyst emofthe treadmill. If
    the cont rolsyste misdamaged, the walking belt
    mayslow ,accelerate, or st op unexpect edly,which
    mayre sult in afall and serious inj ury.
    Thi sproduct mustbegrounded. Ifit sho uldmalfu nc-
    tion orbrea kdo wn\b ground ingprovi des apath oflea st
    resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c-tric sho ck.Thispr odu ctis equi pped with acor dhavi ng
    an eq uipm ent -gr oundi ngcondu ctor and agroundi ng
    plug. Plug the pow ercor dint oasurge suppressor,
    and plug the surge suppres sorinto anappr opriate
    outlet that is properl yinst alled and grounded in
    acc ordanc ewit h all local codes and ordinances.
    IM PO RTA NT:The treadmi ll is not compatible with
    GFC I\bequi pped outlet s.
    Thi spr oduct is fo r use on anom inal 12\f-volt circuit\b
    and has agroundi ng plu g that loo ks like theplug illus -
    tra ted in dr aw in g 1bel ow.A tem por ary adap terthat
    looks like theadapt erillu str ated in drawing 2may be
    used to con nect th e sur ge suppr essorto a2-pol e
    recept acleas sho wnin dr aw ing 2if a properly
    groun dedoutlet is not avai la bl e.
    The tem por aryada pter shou ld be used only until a
    prope rly gr oun ded outlet (dr aw ing 1) canbe instal led
    b y a qua lif ied elect ricia n.
    The gree n-col ored rig id ear \blug\b orthe like extending
    fro m the ada pter must be connect edtoape rm anent
    groun dsuch asapr ope rly ground edoutlet boxcover .
    Whenever the adap teris use dit m ust be held inplace
    by a met al scre w.S ome 2\bpol erece ptacle outletbox
    cove rsare not grounded. Conta ctaqua lified elec\b
    tri ci an to de termi neif the out let box cover is
    grounded before using anada pter.
    DAN GER :Im proper connect ion
    ofthe equi pment\bgr oundingconductorcan
    resul tin an increa sedrisk ofele ctri cshock .
    Checkwith aqua lified electrician orserv ice\b
    ma nif you arein doubt asto whethe rthe
    pro duct is properly grounded.Do not modify
    the plug prov idedwit hthe product—i fit will
    not fitthe outle t,ha ve apr oper outlet
    installed byaqua lified electrician.
    2Gr ou nded Out let Box
    G round edOutle tB ox
    Gr ou ndi ng Plug
    S ur ge Sup pressor
    Sur ge Sup pressor
    G roundi ngPin
    Ad apt er
    Met alScr ew
    Gro unded Out let
    G ro undi ngPin
    Gr oun ding Plu g 
    Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of
    fea tures desig nedto ma keyour workouts moreeffec -
    tiveand enjoyable.
    Whenyou use the manu almode\b youcanchang ethe
    sp eed andincline ofthe treadm ill w ith the touch ofa
    but ton. As you exercise\b theconsole willdisp layinstant
    exerc ise fee dba ck.You caneven measure yourhe art
    rate using theha ndg rippulsesensor orthe option al
    chest pulse sensor (seepa ge 19) .
    You cancusto mizeyourwor kout using one ofthefour
    ca lorie goa lworko utsinthe weigh tloss center. Inadd i-
    tion \bthe console fea ture seigh tiFit classi cworkou ts.
    Each workou ta ut oma ticallycontr olsthe spee dand in-
    clin eof the treadmill asitgui des youthrough aneffec -
    tiveexe rcise session .
    You caneven listen toyour favori teworkout music or
    aud iobo oks with theconso leʼspremiu mstereo sound
    syst emwhile youge tin sha pe. This product hasbee n
    designed specifically towo rkwith iPod andhas beencer tif ie d by th e devel operto meet Apple perfor mance
    stand ards.
    To turn onthe pow er,see pag e15. Touse the man \b
    ual mode, seepage 15.Touse the weight losscen\b
    ter, see page17 .To use aclas sicworkout, see
    page 18. Touse the stere osound system, see page
    19.To use the inf ormat ion mode, seepage 19.
    IMPOR TANT: If there aresheet sof cle ar plast icon
    the cons ole, rem ove the plastic .To prev entdam \b
    ageto the wal king platform, wear clea nathlet ic
    shoe swhi le usi ng the treadmi ll. The first time you
    usethe tre admi ll,observ ethe alignme ntofthe
    wal king belt, and cente rthe wal king belt ifneces \b
    sary (see page 24).
    Not e:The conso leca ndispl ay speed anddistance in
    either mile sor ki lom eter s. To find outwhich unitof
    measu re me ntis sel ect ed or to chang eth e uni tof mea -
    surement\bsee THEIN FO RM ATI ON MODE onpage
    19.N ot e: For sim plici ty\b allinst ructi on sin this secti on
    referto mi les.
    KeyC lip
    Musi cPor tfor iPod 
    IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto
    coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem \b
    pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power. Ifyou donot
    dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor
    other electri cal compone nts.
    Plug inthe power cord (see
    page13 ).Next\b locate the
    reset/off circu itbrea ker on
    the trea dmill framenea rthe
    power cord.Switch thecir-
    cu itbre ake rto the reset po-
    IMP ORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo
    mode, designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis \b
    played inastore. Ifthe displays lightassoon as
    you plug inthe power cord and switc hthe reset/off
    circ uitbrea kerto the reset pos ition, thedem o
    mode isturned on.Toturn offthe demo mode,
    holddown theStop button for afew seconds .If the
    displays remainlit, see THE INFORMATION MODE
    onpage \f9 to turn offthe demo mode.
    Next\b stan don the footrai lsof thetread mill.Find the
    clipattach edtothekey (see thedrawing on pag e14)
    and slide theclip onto thewaistba ndofyour clothe s.
    Then\b inse rtthe key into theconsol e.After amo ment\b
    the displa yswill light. IMPOR TANT: Inan emer genc y
    situati on,thekey can bepulled from thecons ole,
    causing thewalking belt to slow to ast op. Testthe
    cli pby care fully taking afe w steps backward; ifthe
    key isnot pulled from the console, adjusttheposi \b
    tion ofthe clip.HOW TOUSETH EMANUA LMODE
    \f. Inse rtthe keyint othe consol e.
    SeeHO W TO TUR NON TH EPO WER atthe left.
    2. Sel ec tthe manua lmode .
    Whenthe key is in-
    se rted \bthe manu al
    mod ewi ll be se-
    lect ed.If you have
    sele ct ed th e we ight
    loss cente r or a
    classi cwor kout \bre mo vethekey and then rei nsert
    3. Star tthe walk ing belt.
    To star tthe wal king bel t\b pr ess the Start button\b the
    Speedincr ease button \bor one ofth e Preci sion
    Qui ckSpeed but to ns num bered1throug h1\f.
    Ifyo u pre ss the Sta rt butto nor th eSpeed incre ase
    bu tton\bthe walkin g be ltwill beg into mov eat 1mp h.
    As yo u exe rcise \bch ang ethesp ee dof the walkin g
    be ltas desire dby pre ssin gtheSp eed inc rease and
    decre ase but tons .E ach time yo u pres sone of the
    bu ttons\b th esp eed set tin gwill change by \f.1 mp h;if
    yo uhold down thebutto n\bth espe ed set ting will
    change in increme nts of\f .5 mp h.Note: Afte ryo u
    pre ss a butto n\bit ma ytak eamo mentfor thewa lk-
    in g belt to reach these lected sp eed setting.
    If you press one ofthe numb ered Pre cision Quick
    Spe edbuttons\b the wal kin gbe lt w ill g ra dual ly
    ch ange speeduntil it reaches the selected speed
    setting. Toselect asp eed setting that includes a
    decimal—su chas3.5mp h—p ress tw o number ed
    buttons in su ccessi on.For exam ple\b tosel ect a
    speed setting of3.5mp h\bpre ss the 3button and
    thenim medi atelypr ess the 5but ton.
    To stop the wal king belt\b pr ess the Sto pbutton. To
    restar tthe walkin gbel t\b pr ess the Start button or
    theSpe ed incr ease button.
    R eset 
    4.Change theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired.
    To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill\b press th e
    Incline increaseordecr ease butto n.Each timeyou
    pre ss theIncline increa se ordecrea sebutt on\b the
    inclin ewill changeby \f.5 percen t.Note: Afteryou
    pre ss an incline button\bit m ay take amome ntfor
    th e trea dmill toreach theselected incline setting.
    5. Selec ta dis playmode and monitor your
    progres swith the display .
    Whentheman ualmode issel ected\b theconso le
    offers twodisp laymodes. Pressthe Displ aybutton
    rep eatedlyto select thedesir eddispla ymod e.
    As you walk orrun on the trea dmill\b the display can
    showthefollo wing workout information:
    • A1/4 -mile (4\f\fmeter )track.
    • The number oflap syo uhave complete d.
    • The elapse dtime .
    •The distance that you have walke dor run.
    • The appro xim atenu mbe rof calo ries you have
    burned .
    •The inclin elevel ofthe treadm ill.
    • The speedofthe walki ngbelt.
    Reg ardle ssofwhich displaymode youselect\b the
    speedorincline settingwillappear in the display
    fo r a few sec ond seach timeyou chan gethe set-
    tin g. Inad dition\b your hear trate willap pear inthe
    disp lay each tim eyou use thehandg rip pulse sen-
    sor orthe optional chest pulsesensor.
    To reset the con sole\b pressthe Stop button\bre-
    move thekey\b and thenrei nser tthe key.6. Meas ure your heart ra te if des ired.
    Note: If you usethe handgr ip pul sesensor and
    theopt ional chestpul sesensor at the same
    time, the displ aywillnot show your heartrate
    accurat ely. Se epa ge 19for inf or matio non the op-
    tiona lche stpu lse sensor .
    Beforeusi ng the
    handgr ip pul se
    sensor \brem ove
    the sheet sof
    cl ea rpl ast ic fro m
    the met al con -
    tactson the pulse
    bar .In add ition\b
    make sure tha t
    your hands areclean.
    To mea sur eyour heartra te \bst and onthe foot
    railsand holdthe pulsebarw it h yo ur palms onthe
    met alcont acts.Avoi dmovi ngyour hands. When
    your pul se isde tecte d\bahear tsym bolwill flash in
    the disp layeach tim eyou rhear tbe ats and then
    your hear trat ewill be show n.For the most accu\b
    ratehear tra te rea ding, continue to hold the
    cont act sfor about \f5seconds.
    7. When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the
    keyfrom the cons ole.
    St ep onto th e foo trai ls\b pre ss the Stop button\b and
    adjus tthe incl ine ofthe treadm illto the lowest
    setting. The incl ine must beatthe lowest set\b
    ting oryou may damagethe treadmill whenyou
    foldit to the storage position. Next\b remove the
    keyfr om the consol ean dput itin asecure place.
    Whe nyou arefini shed using the tr ead mill\b switch
    the rese t/of fci rcu it b reake rto the “off” position and
    unpl ugthe pow er co rd. IM PO RTA NT: Ifyou do
    notdothis ,the treadm illʼs elect rical com po\b
    nentsm ay wear prem aturel y.
    Cont acts 
    \f. Ins ert the key into theconsole.
    See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15.
    2.Selecta ca lorie goalwor kout .
    To use acalor iegoal wor kout\b press theWeight
    Loss Cen terbut ton.
    In put your we ight \bthe num berofcalorie syou wish
    to bu rn\b andthedes ired wor kout duratio nby re -
    peate dly pressin gthe incre aseordecre asebutton
    next to the Weig htLoss Center butto n.Hold down
    th e increa seordecrease button torapi dly cha nge
    yourweig htor the workou tdu rati on. Press the
    Enter buttonafterea ch selecti on.Note: Once you
    have ent ered yourweight\b itwi llbe saved inmem -
    ory. The pro files onth e consol erep rese ntthe
    spe edsetting softhe wor kout.
    3. Start thewalking belt.
    Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n
    to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the
    butto n\bthetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the
    first spe edandincline setti ngs oftheworkou t.Hold
    th e han drails andbe gin wal king.
    Each workou tis divided into segm ents. Onespee d
    setting and oneincline setting arepro grammed for
    each segme nt.Note :The same speedsetting
    and/o rin cline settin g ma ybe pro grammed forcon-
    secu tivesegment s.
    Toneswill soundatthe endof each segm ent.Ifa
    differe ntspe edsetting and/or incli nesettin gis pro -
    gra mmed forthe secon dsegm ent\bthespeed set-
    tin g and /or incline setting will flash in the disp layfor
    a momen tto ale rtyo u. Th etread millw ill then auto-
    mat ically adju stto the speedand incli nesett ings
    fo r th esecon dseg ment.
    Theworko utwill continu ein this way until thelast
    segment end s.The walkin gbelt willthe nslo wto a
    If th espee dor incline setting istoo high ortoo low
    atan ytime dur ing thewo rkou t\byou canman ually
    ove rride these tting bypressin gtheSp eed orIncline button s;how ever, whe nthe nex tsegm ent
    begins ,the treadm illw illa ut om atically adjust to
    the speedand inc line settings for the next seg\b
    Tostop the wor kou tat any tim e\b pre ss the Stop
    button. To rest artthe wor kout \bp re ss the Star tb ut -
    ton or the Spee dincre ase button. The walki ngbelt
    will b egi nto mo veat1mph .Wh enthe next seg-
    men tof the workout begins\bthe tr eadmill will auto -
    matical ly adj ust tothe speed andincline settings
    forthe next segm ent.
    4. Sel ec ta di spl aymode and monitor your
    progress wit h the displ ay.
    Whe nthe wei ght loss cent eris sel ected \bthe con-
    sole offer stw o displ ay mo des. Press theDispl ay
    buttonre peat edlyto sel ect thede sired display
    mod e.Th edispl ay can showthe fol lowing wor kout
    inf ormat ion:
    • Workout info rm a-
    tion barsthat
    sh ow your
    progr ess during
    the wor kou t.
    •Aprofile of the speed setting sof theworkout.
    Th ear ro w be low the profile will indi cate your
    progr ess.
    • Th etim e rem aining in the wor kout.
    • Th edista nce that you have wal ked orrun.
    •Th eappr oxi m at enum berofcal ories you have
    •The incl ine le vel ofthe tr eadm ill.
    • Th espeed ofthe wal king belt.
    5. Measure yourheart rateif des ired.
    See step 6on page 16.
    6. When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the
    keyfrom the cons ole.
    Se este p7on page 16. 
    \f. Ins ert the key into theconsole.
    See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15.
    2.Sele ctaclas sic workout .
    To select aclassic
    worko ut\bpress the
    Classic Workout s
    butto nrepe ated ly.
    The durat ion\b the
    maximu mspeed
    set ting \bthe maxim um incline setti ng\b and thenum-
    ber of the wor kout willappe arin thedispl ay.Inad -
    dition\b apro file ofthe speed settingsofthe workou t
    willappe ar.
    3. Startthe walking belt.
    P re ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n
    to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the
    butto n\bthetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the
    first spe edandincline setti ngs oftheworkou t.Hold
    th e han drails andbe gin wal king.
    Each workou tis divided into one- minute segments.
    One sp ee dset ting and one incli nesetting are pro -
    gra mmed foreach segme nt.Note: The same
    speedsetting and /orincl ine settin gmay bepro -
    gra mmed forco nsec utive segm ents.
    Aprof ileofthespee dsettings ofthe worko utwill
    appea rin thedisp lay. Asm allarr ow below thepro -
    file will indica teyour prog ress.
    Atth eend ofth efirs ton e-m inute segment ofth e
    worko ut\baser iesofton eswillsoun d.Ifa differen t
    speedsetting and /orincl ine settin gis programme d
    fo r th esecon dseg ment\b the speedsetting and/orincl in e set ting will flash in the displ ay for amom ent
    to aler tyou .Th etr e ad mill wi ll th en automati cally
    adj ust to thespe edandincli ne settings forthe sec-
    ondseg mentand the arrow will m ove one segment
    to therigh t.
    The wor kout will cont inue in thi sway unti lthe arrow
    reaches the right end ofthe profile and thelast
    segm entend s.The wal king belt will then slow toa
    If the spe edorin cl ine setting for the current seg-
    ment istoo high or too low \byou canoverri dethe
    settin g by pressi ng the Speed orIncline buttons;
    however, when the next segment begins,the
    treadmi ll wi ll aut omat ic al ly adj ustto the speed
    and incl ine set tings for the next segment .
    Tostop the wor ko ut ata ny tim e\b press theStop
    button. Torest artthe wor kout \bpr ess theStar tbut -
    ton. The wal king bel tw ill b egi nto move at1mph.
    Whe nthe next segm ent ofthe wor kou tbe gins\b the
    tre adm ill w ill aut omatica lly adj ust tothe speed and
    incl in e set ting sfor the next segm ent.
    4. Sel ect adis playmode andmonitor your
    progresswi th the display.
    See step 5on pag e16. Note:The disp la y will show
    a pr ofile ofth e spe edsettin gs ofthe workout in -
    st ead ofatra ck and the num beroflaps youhave
    complet ed.
    5. Measure your heart rateif de sir ed.
    S ee step 6on pag e16.
    6. When youarefini shed exercising, remove the
    key from the cons ole.
    Se este p7on page 16. 
    Th isprod ucthasbee ndesi gned specifical lyto wo rk
    with iPo dand has bee ncer tified bythe develop erto
    me etApp leperf orma ncestanda rds.Toplay music or
    audiobo oks throughthecon soleʼ sste reo speake rs\b
    youmust conne ctyou riPo d\bMP3 player\b CDplaye r\b
    orother persona la ud ioplaye rto the consol eth ro ug h
    the aud iojack or thr oug hthe music port foriPod .The
    mu sic port willcharge your iPod whil eyou useit.
    Touse theaud iojack\b locate theaudi owi re andplug it
    intotheaudio jack near the speaker s.Th en\b plug the
    audiowire intoajack on you riPod \bMP3 playe r\bCD
    player\b orother person alaudi oplaye r. Ma ke sur etha t
    the audio wire is fully plugge din.
    To use themu sic port foriPod\b youneedan iFit
    Universal iPod Conne ctor(not included ).To purc hase
    aniFit Univ ersaliPod Conne ctor,ple ase callthe
    tele phone numbe ron the front cover ofthism an \b
    ual.Plu gone endinto themusic portnear thespeaker
    and theothe rend into your iPo d.Ma ke sure thatthe
    iFit Univers aliPod Connect orisfully plugge din.
    Ne xt\b press thePlay button on your iPod\b MP3playe r\b
    CD player\b or ot he rpers onal audio player. Adjustthe
    vo lum eon your person alaudi oplaye ror pre ssthe
    Volume increaseanddecr ease button son theco n-
    so le.
    Ifyou are using aperso nalCD player andtheCD
    skip s\bset the CD playe ron the floor oranother flatsur-
    face insteadofon thecon sole.
    Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps
    track ofthe totaldistan cethat thewalki ngbeltha s
    mo ved and thetotal number ofhour stha tthe treadmill
    has been used. Theinfor mation mode also allows you
    to select ameasu rementsystem ofmil es orkilome -
    ters\bandto turn on and turn off the disp laydemo
    To selec tthe information mode\bh old down the Stop
    button while inserting thekeyint othecons oleand then
    release the Stop button. Whe ntheinforma tionmode is
    selected\b thefollowing informat ionwill besho wn:The dis pla ywill sh ow
    the to ta ln umb erof
    hours th e tre admill has
    been use d.
    The dis pla ywill als o sh ow theto ta ln umber ofmiles or
    ki lome ters thatth ewa lking belt has moved.
    The wordENG LISH formile sor MET RICforkilo meters
    will appea rin the dis play .P re ss th eSpeed increase
    butto nto ch an ge theunit ofme asu rement ifdes ired .
    The consolefe at ur es adispl ay dem omode\b designed
    to be used if the tre adm ill is displ ayed inastor e.While
    the demo mod eis turn ed on \bth eco nsole willfuncti on
    nor mally wh en you plug in th e pow ercord\b switch the
    reset /of fci rcui tbr ea ker to th e re set position \band inser t
    the key int othe consol e.How ever \bwh en you remove
    the key\b the displ ays will rem ain lit\b alth ough thebut-
    tons will not fun ctio n. Ifth edemo mode isturn edon\b
    the wordON willappear inthedis play while theinfo r-
    ma tionmo de is se lec ted.To tu rn on or tur noff the demo
    mo de\b press theSpeed decrease button.
    To exitth e info rma tionmo de\bre mov ethe ke y fro mthe
    con so le.
    An opt ion alchest pulsesen sor offe rs han ds-fr eeoper -
    ation asit tr acks yourhea rtrat edur ing your workouts .
    Topurchas ethe optional chestpulse sensor ,call
    the tel ephone number onthe front cover ofthis
    manua l. 
    Be fore foldingthe trea dmill, adjust the inc line tothe
    lowe stposition .If you donotd o th is,you may dama gethe
    trea dmil lwhen youfold it.Remo vethe key and unplu gth e
    po we rcord .CA UTION :You must be able tosaf elylift 45
    lbs. (20 kg) torai se,lower ,or move thetreadmill.
    1. Hold themeta lfra me firmly in the loca tionshown by
    thearrow atthe right. CAUTION: Todec reas ethe pos \b
    sibil ity ofinjury ,do not lift the fr a m eby the plastic
    foot rails. Mak esure tobend yourlegs and keep your
    back strai ghtas you raise the fram e.Ra ise theframe
    a bou th alf way to the vertica lposi tion.
    2. Raise theframe untilthe latch knob locks into th e stora ge
    posit ion. Mak esur ethat the latch knob islock edinthe
    storage position.
    To protec tthe floor orcar pet from damage, placea
    ma tunde rthe treadm ill.Kee pthe trea dmill outofdi\b
    re ct sunli ght.Donot leav ethe tre admill inthe stor age
    pos ition intempe ratures above 85°F(30 °C).
    Before movin gthe treadmill\bconve rtthetrea dmill tothe stor-
    age posit ionasdescribe dabove. Mak esure thatthelatc h
    kn ob isloc ked inthe stora geposition.
    1.Hold aha ndrail and the frame andpla ce one foot against
    one of thewh eels.
    2.Tip the treadmill backuntilitrolls freely onthewheel s.
    Car efully move thetreadmi llto the desired location. Never
    mov ethe trea dmill without tippi ngitba ck.To reduce
    the riskof injury, useextreme cautionwhilemoving
    the tre adm ill.Do not attem pt tomov ethe treadmil l
    over an uneven surface. Donot pull backon the frame.
    3. Place onefoot aga inst awheel \ba nd care fully lower th e
    tre ad mill untilitis resting in thesto rag epo sition .
    Handr ail
    Fr am e
    Whe el
    Lat chKno b
    Fram e
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