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ProForm 80 Zt Treadmill Manual

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    12.Start anM8 x25mm Patch Bolt(5)and two
    5/16" x5/ 8" Pat ch Bolts (113) with two M8Star
    Washe rs(1\f )in to theRi ght Upright(89) and
    Righ tHa ndrail (1\f1 )as show n.Do not tighten
    thePatc hBol tsyet\b
    Attach theLef tHa ndrai l(not shown )as de-
    scrib edabove .Then, fir m ly tight enallsix
    P atc hBolts \b
    11.Hav easecond person holdtheconsole assem-
    blynear theRight Upright(89) .
    Connec tthe Uprigh tWi re(88) tothe console
    wire.See theinset draw in g\b The connect ors
    shoul dslide together easilyan dsnap into
    place\b If the ydo not\b turn one connector andtry
    TUR NED ON\bRemo vethe long tie from the
    Uprig htWire andthe tie from the consol ewi re.
    Th en\b inse rtthe connect orsint othe Right Upright
    Set thecon soleassembl yon the Right Upri ght
    (89) and theLeft Upright(not show n).Make sure
    thatno wires arepinched\b
    Consol e
    Assem bly
    Consol eWi re
    Lon g
    Consol e
    15.Make sure that all parts ar eproperl ytightene dbe for eyou usethetreadmill\b Ifthere aresheetsofclear
    plast icon the trea dmilldecal s\brem ove theplastic .To protect the floor orcarpet\b pla ce amatun der thetread -
    mill.Kee pthe inclu ded hexke ys in asecure place;on eof thehex keys isused toadjust thewalking belt(see
    pages23 and24) .
    14. Raise theFra me (56) totheposit ion sho wn.
    Have ase cond person holdtheFrame until
    this ste pis complet ed\b
    Orientthe Sto rag eLa tch (6\f) sothat thelarge
    barre la nd theLat chKno b(61 )ar ein theposi -
    tionssh own.
    Att ach theupp erendof theStor age Latch (6\f)
    totheFra me (56)with a3/8" x1 3/4" Patch Bolt
    (7)and a3/8" Lockn ut(6) .
    Attach thelower endofthe Storage Latch (6\f) to
    the Base (95) witha3/8" x1 3/4" PatchBolt (7).
    No te:It may benece ssary tomove theFra me
    (5 6) back andforth to align the Stor age Latch
    wi th theBase .
    Lower the Frame (56)(seeHO WTO LO WER
    THE TREADMILL FORUSE on pag e21).
    Lar ge
    Bar rel
    13. Slidethe Righ tUp righ tC over (11\f)up against
    th e Rig htHan drail (1\f1) .Attach theRight
    Uprig htCove rwit htwo M4 x16m mScrews (37).
    Donot overti ghtenthe Screws\b
    Attach the LeftUprig htCover (not shown) asde-
    scribe dabo ve.
    See steps 5and 7\bTig hten thetwo M1\f x
    95mm Patch Bolts (8)and thetwo M1\f x68 mm
    Patch Bolts (114 ).
    Yourtrea dmill fea tures awalki ngbeltco ated withhig h-
    perf ormance lubrican t.IMPORTA NT:Neverapply sil-
    icone spray orother subst ance sto the walking
    be ltor the walk ing platfor m\b Such substance swill
    de teriorate thewalking beltand cause excessive
    wea r\b
    You rtrea dmill\b likeanyother type ofsop histica ted
    electronic equ ipmen t\bcan be seri ousl ydama ged by
    su dden voltag echan gesin yo ur homeʼ spowe r.
    Volt age surge s\bsp ikes\b andnoi se inter ference can
    res ult from weather condi tions or fro m other appliances
    beingturne don or off. Todecr ease thepossibility of
    yourtreadmill being dam aged, alwaysuse asur ge
    suppre ssor with your treadm ill(see drawing 1at
    the right)\b Topurchase asur gesupp ressor, see
    your lo cal PRO FORM dealerorcall thete le phone
    number onthe front cover ofthis manual andorder
    partnu mber 146148, orsee your local electronic s
    stor e\b
    Use onl yasingle-outlet surgesuppressor that is
    UL 1449 listed asatran sient voltage surge sup-
    pre ssor (TVSS)\b Thesurgesuppressor musthavea
    UL suppressed voltageratingof400 volts orless
    andami nimum surgedissipat ionof450 joules\b
    The surge suppr essor mustbeelect rically ratedfor
    1\f0vol ts AC and 15amps\b Theremust beamoni -
    tor ing light onthe surg esuppressor to indicat e
    whethe rit is functioning properly\bFailure to use a
    pro pe rly functi oningsurge suppressor couldresult
    indama getothe contr olsyst emofthe treadmill\b If
    the cont rolsyste misdamaged, the walking belt
    mayslow ,accelerate, or st op unexpect edly,which
    mayre sult in afall and serious inj ury\b
    Thi sproduct mustbegrounded\b Ifit sho uldmalfu nc-
    tion orbrea kdo wn\b ground ingprovi des apath oflea st
    resistan cefor ele ctric curren tto reduce therisk ofele c-tric sho ck.Thispr odu ctis equi pped with acor dhavi ng
    an eq uipm ent -gr oundi ngcondu ctor and agroundi ng
    plug.Plug the pow ercor dint oasurge suppressor,
    and plug the surge suppres sorinto anappr opriate
    out let that is properl yinst alled and grounded in
    acc ordanc ewit h all local codes and ordinances\b
    IM PO RTA NT:The treadmi ll is not compatible with
    GFC I-equi pped outlet s\b
    Thi spr oduct is fo r use on anom inal 12\f-volt circuit\b
    and has agroundi ng plu g that loo ks like theplug illus -
    tra ted in dr aw in g 1bel ow.A tem por ary adap terthat
    looks like theadapt erillu str ated in drawing 2may be
    used to con nect th e sur ge suppr essorto a2-pol e
    recept acleas sho wnin dr aw ing 2if a properly
    groun dedoutlet is not avai la bl e.
    The tem por aryada pter shou ld be used only until a
    prope rly gr oun ded outlet (dr aw ing 1) canbe instal led
    b y a qua lif ied elect ricia n.
    The gree n-col ored rig id ear \blug\b orthe like extending
    fro m the ada pter must be connect edtoape rm anent
    groun dsuch asapr ope rly ground edoutlet boxcover .
    Whenever the adap teris use dit m ust be held inplace
    by a met al scre w.S ome \f-pol erece ptacle outletbox
    cove rsare not grounded\b Conta ctaqua lified elec-
    tri ci an to de termi neif the out let box cover is
    grounded before using anada pter\b
    DAN GER :Im proper connect ion
    ofthe equi pment-gr oundingconductorcan
    resul tin an increa sedrisk ofele ctri cshock \b
    Checkwith aqua lified electrician orserv ice-
    ma nif you arein doubt asto whethe rthe
    pro duct is properly grounded\bDo not modify
    the plug prov idedwit hthe product—i fit will
    not fitthe outle t,ha ve apr oper outlet
    installed byaqua lified electrician\b
    2Gr ou nded Out let Box
    Gr ou nded Out let Box
    Gr ou ndi ng Plug
    S ur ge Sup pressor
    Su rgeSu ppr essor
    Groundi ngPin
    A dapt er
    MetalS cr ew
    Gro unded Out let
    G ro undi ngPin
    Gr ou ndi ng Plug 
    Thetre admill console offersan impressive arr ay of
    fea tures designe dto make yourworkou tsmore effec-
    tiv eand enjoyable.Whe nyou usethemanua lmo de\b
    youcan chang ethespeed and incl ine ofthe treadmill
    wit hthe touchofabu tton. Asyouexercise\b thecon-
    solewill displa yinstan texer cise feedback. Youcan
    ev en measu reyour heartrate usin gthehandg rippulse
    se nsor .
    Inaddit ion\bthe console fea ture ssix caloriewo rko uts
    and six pe rfo rmance wor kouts. Eachworkou tau toma t-
    ica llycont rols thespee dand incli neofthetrea dmill as
    itguides youthrou ghan effective exerci sesession .
    Theco nsole alsofeatures thenewiFit inte ract ivework -
    outsyst em. The iFitsys tem en ables the con sole to ac -
    cept iFit interac tiveworko utcard sco nta ining workouts
    designed tohelp youachie vespe cific fitne ssgoals. For
    example\b lose unwa nted pounds with the8-w eek
    we ight loss workou t\bor trai nfor along-distan cerun
    wit hthe marat honwor kou t.iFi tw or kouts automaticallycontro lthe tr e adm ill w hi le the voice ofapersonal
    trai ner coach esyou thr oug heve rystep ofyour wor k-
    ou t. T o purc h ase iF itcards at an y time ,go to
    www\bifi t\bcom or cal lthe tel ephone number onthe
    front cove rof thi smanual \biFit car dsare also avail-
    ableat se lect stor es\b
    You can even lis ten to your favorite workout musicor
    audi obook swit h the cons oleʼs stereo sound syst em
    whi leyou exercis e.
    To turn onthe pow er, se epa ge 15. Touse the man -
    ualmode ,se epage 15.To use acalorie workout ,
    seepage 17.To use aperf orm ance workout ,see
    pa ge 18. Touse aniFit workout ,see page 19. To
    usethe inf orma tion mode, seepage 2\f.
    Not e: Th econsol eca ndispl ay spe edand distance in
    eit he rm iles orkilom eter s. To find out which unitof
    mea surement issel ect ed or to chan gethe unitof mea -
    surement \bsee THEIN FO RM ATIO NMODE onpage
    2\f.No te:F or simp licity \ba ll in stru ctio ns inthis sec tion
    refe rto mile s.
    C lip
    IMPORTANT: Ifthe treadm illhas been expos edto
    coldtemperature s,allow itto wa rm to room tem -
    pe ratu rebefore turning onthe power\b Ifyou donot
    dothis, youmay damage the console displaysor
    other electri cal compone nts\b
    Plug inthe power cord (see
    page13 ).Next\b locate the
    reset/off circu itbrea ker on
    the trea dmill framenea rthe
    power cord.Switch thecir-
    cu itbre ake rto the reset po-
    IMP ORTANT: Thecons olefeat ures adisplay demo
    mode, designe dto be used ifthe treadmill isdis -
    played inastore\b Ifthe displays lightassoon as
    you plug inthe power cord and switc hthe reset/off
    circ uitbrea kerto the reset pos ition, thedem o
    mode isturned on\bToturn offthe demo mode,
    holddown theStop button for afew seconds \bIf the
    displays remainlit, see THE INFORMATION MODE
    onpage \f0 to turn offthe demo mode\b
    Next\b stan don the footrai lsof thetread mill.Find the
    clipattach edtothekey (see thedrawing on pag e14)
    and slide theclip onto thewaistba ndofyour clothe s.
    Then\b inse rtthe key into theconsol e.After amo ment\b
    the displa yswill light. IMPOR TANT: Inan emer genc y
    situati on,thekey can bepulled from thecons ole,
    causing thewalking belt to slow to ast op\b Testthe
    cli pby care fully taking afe w steps backward; ifthe
    key isnot pulled from the console, adjusttheposi -
    tion ofthe clip\b
    IMP ORTANT: Ifthere are sheet sof plastic onthe
    console ,re move thepla stic\b Topre vent damage to
    thewalking platform, wearclean athletic shoes
    whi le usi ng the treadmill\b Thefirst time you usethe
    treadm ill,obser vethe alignme ntofthe walking
    belt,and center thewalking belt ifneces sary(s ee
    1\b Inse rtthe keyint othe consol e\b
    SeeHO W TO TUR NON TH EPO WER atthe left.
    \f\b Sel ec tthe manua lmode \b
    Whenthe key is inser ted\b the man ual mode will be
    se le ct ed. If a pr eset wor kout hasbeen selected\b re -
    move the keyand then rei nser tit .
    3\b Ent er your wei ght if des ired\b
    Fo rthe most accur atecal orie cou nt\benter your
    weightint othe conso leby pre ssin gtheWt. in-
    cr ea se and decrease but to ns repeated ly. Note:
    Once youhave entered your wei gh t\byour weight
    wi ll b e saved in mem ory.
    4\b Star tthe walk ing belt\b
    To star tthe wal king bel t\b pr ess the Start button\b the
    Speedincr ease button \bor one ofth e Speed but-
    ton snum ber ed1thr ou gh 1\f.
    If you press theStartbut ton orthe Speed increase
    button\b thewalk ing belt willbegi nto move at1mph.
    As you exerci se\b change thespeed ofthe walking
    bel tas des ired bypres sing theSpeed inc reas eand
    dec reas ebutt ons. Eac htime you pres sone ofthe
    but tons \bthe speed setting willc hange by\f.1m ph; if
    you hold down the button\b thespeed set ting will
    change inincr ements of\f.5 mph. Note: After you
    press abut ton\b itm ay takeam oment forthe walk -
    ing belt toreac hthe selec tedspeed setti ng.
    Ifyou press one ofthe numb ered Speed buttons\b
    thewal king beltwill gr adu ally cha nge speed untilit
    re aches the select ed spe ed set ting .
    To stop the wal king belt\b pr ess the Sto pbutton.
    Th etim e will beg into flash in the display. Torestar t
    thewal king belt\b pr ess the Sta rt but ton orthe
    Spe edincr ease button .
    5\bChange theincline ofthe trea dmill as des ired\b
    To chan getheincline ofthe trea dmill\b press th e
    Incline increaseordecr ease butto nsoroneof the
    numbere dIncline buttons. Each time youpre ssa
    butto n\btheincline willch ange by\f.5 perce nt. Ifyou
    pre ss oneof the numb ere dInclin ebuttons\b the
    tre admill willadjust tothe selected incli nesetting .
    Note:After you pres sa butto n\bit m ay take amo -
    men tfor the trea dmill toreach theselected incline
    setting .
    6\b Foll owyour progr esswit hthe displays \b
    Thetrack —Whe nthe
    man ualmod eis se -
    lected\b atrack repre-
    sen ting 1/4 mile (4\f\f
    met ers) willappea rin
    th e displa y.As you walk
    or run onthetread mill\b the indica tors aroun dthe
    tra ck will app ear insu ccession until the entire track
    appea rs.The track willthen disappe arandthe indi-
    cat ors willagain begin to appea rin su ccessi on.
    The lowe rleft
    dis play —As youexer-
    cise\b thelowe rle ft dis -
    pla ycan show the
    ela psed time andthe
    dist ance that you have
    walke dor ru n. Th elowe rle ft display will also show
    th e incline ofthetre adm ill each timethe incline
    leve lcha nges. Note: When awo rkou tis se le ct ed\b
    th e lower leftdisplay will show thetime remaining
    inthe workout inste ad ofthe elapsed time.
    Thelowe rright dis-
    play—T helowe rrig ht
    disp lay canshow theap-
    pro ximate numb erof
    calo ries tha tyou have
    burned and thespee dof
    th e wa lking belt.Th edisp layalso shows your heart
    ratewh en youuse thehandgr ippulse sensor (see
    step 7).
    The upper dis -
    pla y—The
    upper disp lay
    can showthe
    e la psed time\b
    th e dista ncethatyou have wal ked orrun\b the approximate num-
    berofcal ories that you have bur ned\b orthe speed
    ofthe wal king belt. Pr ess the Displ ay button re-
    peat edlyunt il the uppe rdi spl ay shows theinfor ma-
    tion that youar emost int er est ed in vie wing. Note:
    Whi le inf or mat ion is show nin th e upper display\b
    the same inf or mat ion will n ot be sho wninthe low er
    disp la ys.
    To rese tthe displ ays\b press the Stop button\b re -
    move the key\ban dth en rei nser tthe key.
    7\b Meas ure your heart ra te if des ired\b
    Beforeusi ng the
    handgr ip pul se
    sensor \brem ove
    the sheet sofp la s-
    tic fro m the met al
    co ntact son th e
    pul sebar .In ad di-
    tion\b make sure
    tha tyou rha nds
    areclea n.
    To mea sur eyour heartra te \bst and onthe foot
    railsand holdthe pulsebarw it h yo ur palms onthe
    met alcont acts;avoi dm ovi ng your hands\b When
    your pul se isde tecte d\bahear tsym bolin the lower
    ri ght displ ay will flash each tim e your heartbeats\b
    one ortw o da shes will ap pear\ban dthen your heart
    rate will be show n.For the most accur atehear t
    ratereadi ng,cont inue to hol dthe contact sfor
    about 15 seconds\b
    8\b When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the
    keyfrom the cons ole\b
    St ep onto th e foo trai ls\b pre ss the Stop button\b and
    adjus tthe incl ine ofthe treadm illto the lowest
    setting\b The incl ine must beatthe lowest set-
    ting oryou may damagethe treadmill whenyou
    foldit to the storage position\b Next\b remove the
    keyfr om the consol ean dput itin asecure place.
    Whe nyou arefini shed using the tr ead mill\b switch
    the rese t/of fci rcu it b reake rto the offposition and
    unplugthe pow er co rd. IM PO RTA NT: Ifyou do
    notdothis ,the treadm illʼs elect rical com po-
    nentsm ay wear prem aturel y\b
    Con ta ct s 
    1\b Ins ert the key into theconsole\b
    See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15.
    \f\bSelecta ca lorie workout \b
    To select aca lorie workou t\bpr ess theCalorie
    Wo rkou tsbut tonrep eatedl yuntil thedesired work-
    outa pp ears inthedispla y.
    Whe nyo u se lect acalori ewor kout \bthe incl ine level
    ofth e workout willflash in the low erleft displ ay\bthe
    spe ed sett ing will flash in the low er right displ ay\b
    andthen the workout duration willapp ear in the
    upp er display. Inaddi tion\b aprof ileofthe speed set-
    tin gs ofthe worko utwill scr ollacross thedisplay.
    3\b Ente ryour weight ifdes ired\b
    For themostaccur atecalorie coun t\benter your
    weightintothe conso leby pressin gtheWt .in -
    crea seand decre asebutto nsrep eatedl y.Note:
    Once youha ve ente redyour weig ht\b you rweight
    will be sa ved inme mor y.
    4\bStart thework out\b
    Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n
    to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the
    butto n\bthetrea dmill willau to m ati call yadju stto the
    first spe edandincline setti ngs oftheworkou t.Hold
    th e han drails andbe gin wal king.
    Each workou tis divided into one- minute segments.
    One sp ee dset ting and one incli nesetting are pro -
    gra mmed foreach segme nt.Note: The same
    speedsetting and /orincl ine settin gmay bepro -
    gra mmed forco nsec utive segm ents.
    Duringthe workou t\bth epro file will show your
    pro gress. Theflash ingsegme ntofthe profile repre-
    sentsthe curren tsegm entoftheworkout. The
    height ofthe flashin gseg men tindica testhe spee dsetting for the current
    se gm ent .A tthe end of
    each segment\ba ser ies
    of tone swill so und. If a
    di ffer ent spee dand/ orin -
    cline setting is pr o-
    gr am med for the next
    segm ent \bthe speed
    and/ orincli ne setting will flash in the display toaler t
    youand the tr eadm ill w ill au toma tically adjust tothe
    new speed and/orin cl ine setting.
    Th eworko ut will co ntinue in th is way until thelast
    segm ent ofthe pro file flashes in the display andthe
    lastsegm enten ds. Thewa lking bel twill then slow
    to astop.
    If the spee dor incl ine setting is too hig h or too low
    at an ytim e dur ing the wor kout \byou canmanuall y
    override the setting bypressi ng the Spe edor
    Incl ine button s;how ever, whe nthe nex tsegm ent
    ofthe workout begins,the trea dmill willaut o-
    mat ically adjus tto the speed andincline set-
    tings for the next segm ent\b
    Tostop the wor kou tat any tim e\b pre ss the Stop
    button. To rest artthe wor kout \bp re ss the Star tbut -
    ton or the Spe ed incr ease bu tton .The walking belt
    will b egi nto mo veat1mph .Wh enthe next seg-
    men tof the workout begins\bthe tr eadmill will auto -
    matical ly adj ust tothe speed andincline settings
    forthe next segm ent.
    5\b Follow your progre ss wit h the displays\b
    See step 6on page 16.
    6\b Measure yourheart rateif des ired\b
    See step 7on page 16.
    7\b When youarefinis hed exerc is ing, rem ove the
    keyfrom the cons ole\b
    Se este p8on page 16.
    Cu rren tSegm ent 
    1\b Ins ert the key into theconsole\b
    See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15.
    \f\bSele ctape rforma nceworkout \b
    To select aperf orm ance wor kout\b press the
    Performa nceWorkouts button repeated lyuntil the
    desired worko utappea rsinthe displ ay.
    Wh enyou select aper forman ceworkout\b thema xi-
    mum incline level ofthe wor kout willflash inth e
    lo we rlef tdisp lay\b the maxi mum speed setting will
    fla sh inthe lower rightdisplay\b andthenthewo rk-
    outd ura tion willappea rin the upper display.Inad -
    dition\b apro file ofthe speed settingsofthe workou t
    willscro llacro ssthe displ ay.
    3\bEnte ryour weight ifdes ired\b
    For themostaccur atecalorie coun t\benter your
    weightintothe conso leby pressin gtheWt .in -
    crea seand decre asebutto nsrep eatedl y.Note:
    Once youha ve ente redyour weig ht\b you rweight
    will be sa ved inme mor y.
    4\bSele ctthe dura tionofthe work outifde sired\b
    If you have selectedape rfor mance workou t\byo u
    can setthe durat ion ofthe workout toatime be-
    twe en 15and45 minutes\b inincr eme ntsof5 min -
    utes. Toset thedu ration ofthe wor kout pressthe
    Time increa seordecr ease button until the desired
    time isse lect ed. The new worko utsettings willap -
    pear inthe displa ys.
    5\bStartthe wor kout\b
    Pre ss theSta rtbutto nor the Spe edincrease butto n
    to sta rtthe workout. Amom ent after youpre ss the
    butto n\bthetrea dmill willau tomati callyadju stto the
    first spe edandincline settings oftheworkou t.Hold
    th e han drails andbe gin walki ng.
    Each workou tis divided into 3\fone -minu teseg-
    men ts\bunless youhave changed thedura tion of
    th e wo rkou t(see step 4). One speed setting and
    one incline setting are progr ammedforeach seg-
    men t.Not e:The same speed setting and/o rin cline
    set ting maybe prog ramm edfor consecutive seg-
    men ts.Dur in g th e wo rko ut\bthe
    pr ofile will sh ow your
    progr ess. Theflashi ng
    segm entofthe prof ile
    r epr esent sthe current
    segm entofthe workout .
    The heightof th e flashi ng
    segm entindi catesthe
    speed setting for th e cur rent segm ent.Atthe end of
    each segment\ba ser ies oftones will soun d.Ifa dif-
    fer ent speed and/or incl in e set ting is programm ed
    for the next segm ent \bthe speed and/orincl ine set-
    tin g wi ll flash in the displ ay to alert you and the
    tre adm ill w ill aut omatica lly adj ust tothe new speed
    and/ orincl ine settin g.
    The wor kout will cont inue in thi sway unti lthe last
    segm entofthe prof ile flashe sin the display andthe
    last segm ent ends. Thewal king beltw ill th en slow
    to asto p.
    If the spe edorin cl ine setting is too high ortoo low
    atany tim eduring the wor kou t\byou canmanual ly
    override the settin g by pressi ngthe Speed or
    Incl ine but to ns; how ever ,w hen the next segment
    ofthe workout begins,the treadmill willauto -
    matical ly adj ust tothe spee dand incline set-
    tings for the next segm ent\b
    Tostop the wor ko ut ata ny tim e\b press theStop
    button. Torest artthe wor kout \bpr ess theStar tbut -
    ton ortheSpe ed incr ease bu tton .The walking belt
    will begi nto move at1mph. When the next seg-
    ment ofthe workou tbe gins\b the tr ead mill wi llauto -
    mat ica lly adj ust to th e speed and in clin esetti ngs
    for the next segm ent .
    6\b Follow your progr ess wit h the displays\b
    See step 6on pag e16.
    7\b Measure your heart rateif de sir ed\b
    S ee step 7on pag e16.
    8\b When youarefini shed exercising, remove the
    key from the cons ole\b
    Se este p8on page 16.
    Cur rent Segment 
    Topurch aseiFitcards\b gotoww w.iFit.com or call the
    telephon enumb eron the front cover ofthi sm an ual.
    iFit cards arealso availab leat sel ect stores.
    1\b Ins ert the key into thecons ole\b
    See HOWTO TURN ONTHE POW ERonpage 15.
    \f\bIns ert an iFit car dand selec ta work out\b
    To use aniFit worko ut\binser ta n iFit card into the
    iFit slot; makesure that the iFit car dis orien tedso
    th e me talcon tacts are face- downand areinserte d
    into the iFit slot.
    Nex t\b se lect aniFit workout bypressing theiFit in-
    cr ea se or decre ase but ton. When aniFit workout is
    selecte d\bthe maximum inclinelevel ofthe wor kout
    wil lflas hin the lower leftdisplay\b the maxi mum
    spe ed sett ing will flash in the low er right displ ay\b
    andthen the workout duration willapp ear in the
    upp er display. Inaddi tion\b aprof ileofthe speed
    settin gs of the workout will scroll across thedispl ay.
    Each iFit workout isdivid edinto seve ralone-
    minu teseg men ts.On espeed settingand onein-
    cline settingare progr ammed foreach segment.
    Not e:The same speed setting and/or incline set -
    tin g ma ybe prog ramm edfor consecutive seg-
    men ts.3\b Start the work out\b
    Press theSt artbut ton orthe Speed increase but-
    tonto star tthe wor kout .A mo mentafter you press
    the button \bthe tr eadm ill w ill au toma tically adjust to
    thefirst spee dan dincl ine settin gs ofthe workout.
    Hol d the hand rails an dbegi nwal kin g.
    Dur ing the wor kout \ba per sonal tr a in er will guide
    you thr oug hth e wo rko ut.
    If the speed orincl in e set ting for the current seg-
    ment is too hig h or too low \byou canoverri de the
    setting bypressi ng the Speed or Incline buttons;
    however ,w hen the next segme ntbegins, the
    treadm illw ill aut omat ic al ly adj ustto the speed
    and incl ine settings for the next segm ent\b
    Tostop the wor ko ut atany tim e\b press theStop
    button. Torest artthe wor kou t\bpr ess theStar tbut -
    ton. The wal king bel twi ll begi nto move at1mph.
    Whe nthenext segm ent ofthewo rko utbegins\b the
    tr eadm ill w ill au toma tica lly adj ust to th e speed and
    incl ine settin gs fo r the nextseg ment.
    4\b Fol low your progress wit h the displays \b
    See step 6on page 16.
    5\b Meas ure your heartra te if desired\b
    S ee step 7on page 16.
    6\b When youarefini shed exerci sing, remove the
    key from the cons ole\b
    See step 8on page 16.
    CAUTI ON:A lw ays remove iFi tca rds from the
    iFi tsl ot when youarenot using them \b
    iFitS lot
    iFi tCar d 
    Thecon sole feature san infor mation mode thatkee ps
    track ofthe totaldistan cethat thewalki ngbeltha s
    mo ved and thetotal number ofhour stha tthe treadmill
    has been used. Theinfor mation mode also allows you
    to select ameasu rementsystem ofmil es orkilome -
    ters\bandto turn on and turn off the disp laydemo
    To select the informa tionmode\b holddow ntheStop
    but ton while inserting thekeyinto theconsol eand then
    release theSto pbutto n.When theinformati onmode is
    selected \bthe follo wing informationwillbe shown :
    Theup perdisp laywill show
    the tot al numb erofhours
    the trea dmill hasbeen
    Th elowe rle ft disp laywill
    sh ow thetot alnum berof
    mile s(or kilo met ers) that
    thewalking belt hasmo ved.
    An “E” forEn glish miles or
    an “M” formet rickilom eters
    willappe arinthe low erright
    disp lay.Pressthe Spe edin -
    cre ase but ton to chan gethe
    unit ofmea surem entifde -
    sire d.
    Thecon sole feature sa displ aydem omo de\b design ed
    tobe used ifth etre admi llis displ ayed inasto re .Wh ilethe dem omode is tur ne don\b
    the consol ewill funct ion nor -
    mal ly when youplug in the
    po w er cord\bsw it ch th e
    rese t/of fci rcu itbr eake rto the
    rese tpo sition\b and inse rtthe
    ke yint othe conso le. How eve r\bwhen youremove the
    key\bthe disp lays will rem ain lit\b althoug hth e buttons
    wi ll n ot fun ction .If th e dem omo de is turne don\b a“d”
    wi ll a ppear in the low erright displ ay while theinfor ma-
    tion mode is sel ect ed. Totur non orturn offthe dem o
    mod e\bpre ss the Spe ed decr ease butt on.
    To exit the inf or matio n mo de\b remo vethekey from the
    consol e.
    Topla ym usi cor audi obo oks thro ugh theconsol eʼs
    stereospeaker s\byou must connect yourMP3 player \b
    CDplayer \bor oth er per sona la udi oplaye rto the con-
    solethr ou gh the MP3 jack.
    To use theMP 3ja ck\b locat ethe incl uded audio wire
    an dplug it int othe MP3 jack. Then\b plug theaudi owi re
    int oajack on you rM P3 player \bCD player\b orother
    personal audioplaye r.Make suretha tthe audio wire
    is ful ly ins erted\b
    Next \bpr ess the Pla ybut tonon your MP3 pla yer\b CD
    pla yer \bor other person alaudi o player. Adjust thevol-
    ume on your personal aud iopla yer .
    If you areusi ng ape rso nal CD player andtheCD
    ski ps\b setthe CD playe ron the floor oranothe rflat sur -
    face inst eadofo n th e consol e. 
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