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Singer 191 D Manual

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Page 11

8High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Thread Take-up 
Lever Oil Suppl\b  Adjustment
Adjust	 the	amount	 of	oi\f	 supp\fied	
to	 the	 thread	 take\bup	 and	need\fe	
bar	 crank	 ‘2’	by	 turning	 adjusting	
pin	’1’ (Figure	8).
The	 minimum	 amount	of	oi\f	 is	
reached	 when	marker	 dot	‘A’	is	
brought	 c\fose	to	need\fe	 bar	crank	
‘2’	 by	 turning	 the	adjusting	 pin	’1’ 
in	direction	’B’.
Before 	turning 	the 	machine 	on,	
fi\f\f 	oi\f...

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9High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Rotating Hook 
Oil Suppl\b 
Unused	 machine	 shou\fd	run	id\fe	 for	
3	 minutes	 (Moderate	 intermittent	
The 	amount 	of 	oi\f 	confirmation 	paper	
must 	be 	inserted 	in 	the 	state 	when	
the 	machine 	is 	running 	(Figure 	9).
Sample  showing  the  appropriate 
amount of oil (Figu\Dre 10)
The	 amount	 of	oi\f	 can	 be	adjusted	
according	 to	the	 different	 sewing	
process	 but	it	must...

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10High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Turn 	the 	hand 	whee\f 	unti\f 	the 	nee \b
d\fe 	bar 	reaches 	the 	highest 	point	
of 	its 	stroke 	( Figure 	12).
Loosen 	screw 	‘2’ 	and 	ho\fd 	need\fe	
‘1’ 	with 	its 	indented 	part 	‘A’ 	facing	
exact\fy 	to 	the 	right 	in 	direction 	‘B’ .
Insert 	the 	need\fe 	in 	the 	direction	 of
	the 	arrow 	unti\f 	it 	wi\f\f 	go 	no 	fur \b
Tighten 	the 	screw 	‘2’ .
Make 	sure 	the...

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11High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Bobbin \fase 
Fix 	the 	bobbin 	into 	bobbin 	case 	with	
that 	the 	thread 	open 	end 	is 	directed	
to 	the 	\feft 	as 	observed 	from 	you.
Pass	 the	thread	 through	 thread	s\fit	
‘A’,	 and	 pu\f\fs	 it	in	 direction	 ‘\f’.	By	
doing	 so,	the	 thread	 wi\f\f	pass	 un\b
When 	threading 	the 	machine 	head,	
the 	need\fe 	bar 	shou\fd 	be 	at 	the	
highest 	point 	of 	its...

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12High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Stitch Length  Adjustment
Thread Tension  Adjustment
Turn	 stitch	 \fength	 dia\f	‘1’	in	the	 direc\b
tion	 of	the	 arrow,	 and	a\fign	 the	de\b
sired	 number	 to	marker	 dot	‘A’	on	 the	
machine	arm	(Figure	15).
The	 indication	 of	the	 dia\f	 is	in	 mi\f\fi\b
Adjusting needle th\Dread tension 
(Figure 16) 
Adjust	 the	tension	 of	need\fe	 thread	
using	 tension	 adjusting	 nut	‘1’	ac\b
cording	 to...

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13High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Take-Up Spring  Adjustment
The adjustment of the stroke of the 
thread take-up spring (Figure 18)
Loosen	setting	screw	‘2’.
Turn	 the	thread	 tension	 post	‘3’	
c\fockwise	 (in	direction	 ‘A’),	the	
stroke	 of	the	 thread	 take\bup	 spring	
wi\f\f	be	increased.
Turn	 the	thread	 tension	 post	‘3’	
counter\bc\fockwise	 (in	direction	 ‘B’),	
the	 stroke	 of	the	 thread	 take\bup	
spring	wi\f\f	be...

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14High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Knee Lifter Height 
Presser Foot Lifter  Adjustment
When	 using	the	knee	 \fifter,	 the	
standard	 height	of	presser	 foot	is	
10	mm.
You	 can	adjust	 the	presser	 foot	\fift	
up	 to	13	 mm	 by	turning	 the	knee	
\fifter	 adjusting	 screw	‘1’	(Figure	 20).
Turn	 the	presser	 foot	\fifter	 ‘1’	in	
direction	 ‘A’	to	\fift	 the	 presser	 foot	
(Figure	22).
The	 presser	 foot	wi\f\f	go	up	about	

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15High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Presser Foot 
Loosen	 the	nut	 ’2’,	and	 turn	 the	
presser	 spring	regu\fator	 ‘1’	c\fock\b
wise	 (in	direction	 ‘A’),	the	pressure	
of	 the	 presser	 foot	wi\f\f	be	increased	
(Figure	24).
Turn	 the	regu\fator	 ‘1’	counter	 c\fock\b
wise	 (in	direction	 ‘B’),	the	pres\b
sure	 of	the	 presser	 foot	wi\f\f	be	de\b
creased. Tighten	nut	‘2’.
genera\f	 sewing	of	the	 fabrics,	
the	 standard...

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16High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Feed Timing 
Loosen	 screws	‘2’	and	 ‘3’	in	feed	
eccentric	 cam	‘1’,	move	 the	feed	
eccentric	 cam	‘1’	in	the	 direction	
of	 the	 arrow	 or	opposite	 direction	
of	 the	 arrow,	 and	firm\fy	 tighten	 the	
screws	‘2’	and	‘3’	(Figure	25).
For	 the	standard	 adjustment,	 adjust	
so	 that	 the	top	 surface	 of	feed	 dog	
and	 the	top	 end	 of	need\fe	 eye\fet	
are	 flush	 with	top	surface	 of	throat...

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17High Speed Straight Lockstitch Sewing \fachine |  Instruction \fanua\b and Parts List
Feed Dog Height 
When	 the	feed	 dog	‘A’	is	at	 its	 high\b
est	 position,	 the	teeth	 shou\fd	 be	
above	 the	top	 surface	 of	the	 throat	
p\fate	 ‘B’	as	the	 be\fow	 height	 for	
each	machine	variety	(Figure	26). Loosen	screw	‘2’	of	crank	‘1’.
the	feed	 bar	up	or	down	 to	
make	a	correct	height.
Secure\fy	tighten	screw	‘2’.
Figure 26
If the screw ‘2’ 
is tightening 
too much\f the  crank ‘1’...
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