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TomTom Navigator 6 Manual

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Tap the application version  to see the application version and copyrights.
The journey summary  shows the estimated total journey time and total distance (presented i\
n your distance units 
). If the route shown is an alternative route, the original journey time and distance are also shown for comparison.
Tap Route to display a complete list of route instructions.
Tap Map to browse around on the map of your route.
Tap Done to start navigating in the main screen.
1.4. The map browser

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option function 
The search button allows you to search for a specific location and place\
 your cursor there. You use it to 
l     an address
l     one of your favourite locations
l     your home location
l     a recent destination
l     a nearby point of interest (e.g. a hotel or petrol station)
l     your current GPS position
Related topic: 
To learn more about the options to search a location, see the 
Picking locations  description. 
The cursor button provides functions for your cursor...

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 Sound off warning indicator
 Next instruction
 Journey information
 Speed/distance indicator
 The name of the street you are 
currently on
 A large copy of the schematic 
instruction arrow
 The name of the next street 
The screen items are described in Chapter 1.1.
2. Browsers and locations 
2.1 Browsers
l     Tap a line to select it; if you change your mind and wish to go back to \
the previous screen without selecting anything, 
press the BACK or CANCEL button 
l     If there are more lines than...

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See chapter 4.12 how to change the size of the keyboard.
Tap  to remove a character.
Tap  to switch to the alternative keyboard, which allows you to enter digits\
 and special symbols. 
2.2 Picking locations
You can select a location by several options:
l     Home - your home location 
l     Favourite - one of your own favourite locations 
l     Recent destination - a location that you have recently travelled to 
l     Point of Interest (POI) - a point of interest such as a petrol station, restaurant,...

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See chapter 2.1 for details about how to browse, search for particular items, etc. 
You can turn locations into favourites using the Add favourite option in the menu, or using the Add as favourite cursor action 
in the 
map browser. You can rename or delete favourites using the Maintain favourites preference. 
2.2.3 Picking a recent destination 
Every time you plan a route, the destination is automatically added to t\
he list of recent destinations. 
If you have never navigated anywhere, the recent...

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2.2.4 Picking your GPS position 
If you tap the GPS position icon in the location menu, your select your current location (i.e. the position measured by your\
GPS devices). 
If your GPS devices is off or disconnected, or if there is no valid GPS \
signal, the icon will be dimmed, or produce a no valid 
GPS signal! message when you tap it. 
For more information about your GPS signal, see chapter 4.8. 
2.2.5 Picking a point of interest 
Points of interest (often abbreviated to POI) are locations like...

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The POI browser only shows the nearest points of interest, not all of them. Therefore, if you are looking for a particular point of 
interest, say a restaurant with a certain name, you may have to type som\
e (more) letters of that name before it appears in the 
Related topics:
See chapter 2.1 for details about how to browse, search for particular items, etc. in t\
he list of POI categories or in the list of 
See chapter 4.4 about how to show or hide POI on the main screen

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STEP 2. Specifying the street
Once you have selected a city, you will be asked for a street name. Once\
 again, a few letters usually suffice. Note that 
TomTom Navigator is quite capable of finding streets on the basis of mis\
spelled or incomplete names. This also means that if 
you are looking for a street such as Avenue de Mazagran, you could for\
get about the avenue and simply start typing MAZ.
The street browser initially offers recently selected street names in th\
e selected city. In other...

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In almost every city there is at least one such location, carrying the s\
ame name as the city itself. 
STEP 3. Specifying the house number or crossing 
Next, you will be asked to enter the house number. Or, as an alternative\
 way of specify a precise location on a long street, you 
can pick the place where the selected street crosses another street. 
If you pressed the CROSSING button when asked for a house number, or pre\
ssed DONE without entering a house number, or 
if TomTom Navigator simply...

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The menu pops up when you tap roughly in the middle of the main screen. There are two pages. Use the  button to cycle 
through the pages. You select an icon by tapping it. Until you take your\
 stylus or finger off the screen, icons and buttons are 
only highlighted, not yet selected. When a menu option is not available,\
 the icon is dimmed and cannot be selected.
The change preferences option gives access to several menu pages with \
preference options, which are explained in chapter 
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