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TomTom Navigator 6 Manual

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Related topics: 
For more information relating to the use of the keyboard, see the sectio\
ns about using browsers and entering an address.
4.13. About Navigator 
To see the version and copyright details of your TomTom Navigator softwa\
re, tap About Navigator. 
4.14. Set name display 
Set your name display preferences by tapping Set name display. 
This preference lets you specify how you want to show names in the main \
Show house numbers 
prefixedaddresses will be displayed as “112 Oxford...

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4.15. Change Home location 
Change your home location by tapping Change home location . 
This preference lets you specify the location that is to be used as your\
The advantage of the HOME location is simply that you can select it with\
 a single tap of your finger. It is therefore useful to set 
it to the location that is most central in your travels, such as your ho\
me, your parking spot or your office. 
You can pick any type of location as your home location.
4.16. Set metric units  

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Set the preferred units by tapping Set units.
This preference lets you specify how distances are expressed (in kilome\
tres or in miles); how longitudes and latitudes are 
displayed (using decimals or sexagesimals); and how times are displaye\
d (using 24-hour format, or using the 12-hour am/pm 
decimal display sexagesimal display
(degrees, minutes and seconds) 

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4.17. Left-handed lay-out / Right-handed lay-out
You can optimise TomTom Navigator for either right-handed or left-handed\
 operation. Left-handed operation, for example. 
means that important buttons and controls will be located on the left si\
de of the screen. As a result, you will be able to operate 
them with your left hand without obscuring the screen.
If the application operates for right-handed, switch it by tapping Left-handed lay-out. 
If the application operates for left-handed, switch it...

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Related topics:
To turn the schematic view on/off regardless of speed, use the Turn on/off map display preference option.
For more information about the schematic view, see the schematic view description.
4.19. Change voice 
Change the voice used for driving instructions by tapping Change voice. 
This preference lets you change the voice used for driving instructions.\
 Voices are available in many different languages. For 
certain languages, several different voices are available.
To hear a sample of a...

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Related topics:
To change the volume of the voice instructions, use the Change volume preference option.
To turn the sound completely off, use the Turn off sound preference option.
4.20. Switch Language 
Set the language used by TomTom Navigator by tapping Switch language. 
This preference will set the language in which the menus and screens are\
 shown. Simply tap the language of your choice.
When you switch to another language, TomTom Navigator will also ask you \
to select an appropriate voice...

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5. Installation
5.1. Using the CD-ROM
The CD-ROM provides maps and voices and allows you to install the TomTom\
 Navigator software onto your Palm Powered™ 
The CD-ROM also includes documentation and provides links to the TomTom \
website and helps you register you product for 
future updates, helpdesk support and product news.
In the CD-ROM case, you will find a sticker with a Product Code. This Pr\
oduct Code is required for successful installation of 
TomTom Navigator and the maps....

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5.3. First time installation of TomTom Navigator with a map
If your product includes a TomTom Memory Card, TomTom Navigator is pre-l\
oaded and you can skip this paragraph.
Otherwise, you will need to load TomTom Navigator and at least one map o\
nto a memory card.
First time installation of TomTom Navigator requires a blank or new memo\
ry card inserted into your Palm Powered™ handheld. 
Subtract 5MB (the size required for the TomTom Navigator software) fro\
m the memory card size to get an indication...

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Installation Poster
TomTom GPS  + Car Kit  
TomTom GPS  + Holder  
TomTom Wireless GPS  + Car Kit 
TomTom Wireless GPS  + Holder 

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