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Toshiba At7c Manual

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Page 101

IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
I/O Input/Output
IRQ interrupt request
ISPInternet Service Provider
KB kilobyte
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
MB megabyte
RAM Random Access Memory
RFI Radio Frequency Interference
ROM Read-Only Memory
RTC Real-Time Clock
SD Secure Digital
TFT Thin Film Transistor
USB Universal Serial Bus
URLUniform Resource Locator
WANWide Area Network
www Wo r l d W i d e  We b
WLANWireless Local Area Network
Te r m s
The following...

Page 102

adapter—A device that provides a compatible connection 
between two units. For example, the tablet’s internal display 
adapter receives information from the software and 
translates it into images on the screen. An adapter can take 
a number of forms, from a microprocessor to a simple 
connector. An intelligent adapter (one that is capable of 
doing some processing) may also be called a controller.
Alternating Current (AC)—The type of power usually 
supplied to residential and commercial wall...

Page 103

boot—To start the tablet. The term “boot” originates from 
bootstrap program (as in “pulling itself up by its bootstraps”), 
a program that loads and initializes the operating system. 
See also 
bus—An electrical circuit that connects the central processing 
unit (CPU) with other parts of the tablet, such as the video 
adapter, disk drives, and ports. It is the pathway through 
which data flows from one device to another. See also 
, frontside bus.
bus speed—The speed at...

Page 104

CPU—See Central Processing Unit (CPU).
CPU cache—A section of very fast memory residing between 
the CPU and the tablet’s main memory that temporarily 
stores data and instructions the CPU will need to execute 
commands and programs. See also 
cursor—An onscreen symbol (usually a flashing vertical line) 
that indicates the position where characters will appear 
when you enter data.
Ddefault—The setting selected by a program when the user does 
not specify an alternative setting....

Page 105

Eemulation—A technique in which a device or program imitates 
another device or program.
enable—To turn on an option. See also disable.
executable file—A program that is ready to run. Application 
programs and batch files are examples of executable files. 
Names of executable files usually end with a .bat, .exe, or 
.apk extension.
expansion device—A device that connects to a tablet to 
expand its capabilities. Other names for an expansion device 
are port expander, port replicator, docking...

Page 106

hardware—The physical components of a tablet system. 
HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)—An 
interface used to transmit high quality audio and video signal 
via a single cable in digital format, providing better picture 
quality than analog signal.
hot swapping—The ability to add or remove devices from the 
tablet while it is running and have the operating system 
automatically recognize the change.
Iicon—A small image displayed on the screen that represents a...

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Mmemory—Typically refers to the tablet’s main memory, where 
programs are run and data is temporarily stored and 
processed. Memory can be volatile and hold data 
temporarily, such as RAM, or it can be nonvolatile and hold 
data permanently, such as ROM. A tablet’s main memory is 
RAM. See also 
microprocessor—See Central Processing Unit (CPU).
motherboard—The computer’s main circuit board that 
contains the processor, memory, and other primary 
mount—To initialize the...

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Plug and Play—Generally, refers to the tablet’s ability to 
automatically configure itself to work with peripheral devices. 
When capitalized, refers to a standard that, when followed 
by a device manufacturer, allows the tablet to configure itself 
automatically to work with the device.
port—A socket on the tablet where you plug in a cable for 
connection to a peripheral device.
processor—See Central Processing Unit (CPU).
properties—The attributes of an object or device. For example, 

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SSecure Digital (SD)—A small, portable, non-volatile memory 
card used to store and transfer data between digital 
products, providing encryption capability for content 
select—To highlight or otherwise specify text, data, or graphics 
with the intent to perform some operation on it.
shortcut—See Application shortcut.
Sleep—A feature of some operating systems that allows you to 
turn off the tablet without exiting your open applications and 
to continue from where you left off when...

Page 110

Widget—A miniature app that can be placed on a Home 
screen. Touching the icon opens the application. Many of 
these include a clock, a music player, and the Google™ 
Search bar. See also 
Wi-Fi®—A registered trademark term of the Wi-Fi Alliance that 
stands for Wireless Fidelity, and is another term for the 
communication protocol to permit an Ethernet connection 
using wireless communication components. 
World Wide Web (www)—The worldwide network of Web 
sites linked together over the...
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