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ViewSonic Pj506d Projector User Manual

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Page 21

16ViewSonic	 PJ506D

Powering On/Off  the Projector
Powering on the projector:
1.	 Remove	 the 	 projector 	 lens 	 cap.
2.	 Complete	 the 	 AC 	 power 	 cord 	 and 	 per  pheral 	 s  gnal 	 cable(s) 	 connect  ons.
3.	 	 Press 		button 	 to 	 turn 	 on 	 the 	 projector.
4.	 Turn	 on 	 your 	 source 	 (computer, 	 notebook, 	 DVD, 	 etc.). 	 The 	 projector 	 automat  cally 	
detects	 your 	 source.
	 When	 search  ng 	 message 	 appears 	 on 	 the 	 screen, 	 ensure 	 that...

Page 22

ViewSonic	 PJ506D17

Adjusting the Projected Image
Adjusting the Projector Height
The	 projector 	 s 	 equ  pped 	 w  th 	 an 	 elevator 	 foot 	 to 	 adjust 	 the 	 mage 	 he  ght.
To	 ra  se 	 the 	 mage:
1.	 Press	 the 	 elevator 	 button.
2.	 Ra se 	 the 	 mage 	 to 	 the 	 des  red 	 he  ght 	 angle, 	 then 	 release 	 the 	 button 	 to 	 lock 	 the 	
elevator	 foot 	 nto 	 pos  t  on.
To	 lower 	 the 	 mage:
1.	 Press	 the...

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18ViewSonic	 PJ506D

Adjusting the Projector Zoom and Focus
1.	 Focus	 the 	  mage 	 by 	 rotat  ng 	 the 	 focus 	 r  ng. 	 A 	 st  ll 	  mage 	  s 	 recommended 	 for 	
focus ng.
2.	 Adjust 	 the 	  mage 	 by 	 rotat  ng 	 the 	 zoom 	 r  ng. 	 Rotate 	 to 	 the 	 r  ght 	 to 	 reduce 	 the 	
	 Rotate 	 to 	 the 	 left 	 to 	 enlarge 	 the 	 mage.
Focus ringZoom ring 

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ViewSonic	 PJ506D19

 Position the projector in a horizontal position; other positions can cause heat 
build-up and damage to the projector. 
 Make sure the heat ventilation holes are not blocked. 
 Do not use the projector in a smoky environment. Smoke residue may cause 
buildup on critical parts.
4:3	 SCREEN 	
W de

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20ViewSonic	 PJ506D

Menu Operation
The	 projector 	 has 	 mult  l  ngual 	 On 	 Screen 	 D  splay 	 menus 	 that 	 allow 	 you 	 to 	 make 	
mage 	 adjustments 	 and 	 change 	 a 	 var  ety 	 of 	 sett  ngs. 

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ViewSonic	 PJ506D21

How to operate
1.	 Press	Menu	button 	 to 	 open 	 the 	 OSD 	 menu.
2.	 When	 OSD 	  s 	 d  splayed, 	 use 		/ 		buttons 	 to 	 select 	 any 	 feature 	  n 	 the 	 ma  n 	
menu.	 After 	 select  ng 	 the 	 des  red 	 ma  n 	 menu 	 feature, 	 press 		button 	 to 	 enter 	
sub-menu	 for 	 feature 	 sett  ng.
3.	 Adjust	 the 	 sett  ngs 	 w  th 		/ 		buttons.
4.	 To 	 return 	 to 	 the 	 ma  n 	 menu, 	 toggle 		button.

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22ViewSonic	 PJ506D

Image (Computer / Video Mode)
ContrastThe	 contrast 	 controls 	 the 	 degree 	 of 	 d  fference 	 between 	 the 	 l  ghtest 	 and 	 darkest 	 parts 	of	 the 	 p  cture. 	 Adjust  ng 	 the 	 contrast 	 changes 	 the 	 amount 	 of 	 black 	 and 	 wh  te 	 n 	 the 	mage.
	 Press 		to 	 decrease 	 the 	 contrast.	 Press		to 	 ncrease 	 the 	 contrast.
Adjusts	 br  ghtness 	 of 	 the 	 mage.
		 Press 			to 	 darken 	 the...

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ViewSonic	 PJ506D23

Manually	 adjusts 	 red.
Manually	 adjusts 	 green.
Manually	 adjusts 	 blue.
Video (Video Mode)
Adjusts	 a 	 v  deo 	 mage 	 from 	 black 	 and 	 wh  te 	 to 	 fully 	 saturated 	 color.	 Press		to 	 decrease 	 the 	 amount 	 of 	 color 	 n 	 the 	 mage.	 Press		to 	 ncrease 	 the 	 amount 	 of 	 color 	 n 	 the 	 mage.
Adjusts	 the 	 color 	 balance 	 of 	 red 	 and 	 green.	 Press		to 	 ncrease...

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24ViewSonic	 PJ506D

Audio (Computer / Video Mode)
Volume	 Press		to 	 decrease 	 the 	 volume.	 Press		to 	 ncrease 	 the 	 volume.Mute	 Choose	 “ON” 	 to 	 turn 	 mute 	 on.	 Choose	 “OFF” 	 to 	 turn 	 mute 	 off.
Language (Computer / Video Mode)
Choose	 the 	 mult  l  ngual 	 OSD 	 menu. 	 Use 		/ 		to 	 select 	 your 	 preferred 	 language. 	Press “Menu” to finalize the selection.
Advanced (Computer / Video Mode)
Auto Source SelectAutomat cally 	 scans 	 the 	  nput...

Page 30

ViewSonic	 PJ506D25

The	 projector 	 needs 	 proper 	 ma  ntenance. 	 You 	 should 	 keep 	 the 	 lens 	 clean 	 as 	 dust, 	
d rt 	 or 	 spots 	 w  ll 	 project 	 on 	 the 	 screen 	 and 	 d  m  n  sh 	 mage 	 qual  ty. 	 If 	 any 	 other 	 parts 	
need  replacing,  contact  your  dealer  or  qualified  service  personnel.  When  cleaning 
any part of the projector, always switch off and unplug the projector first.
Never	 open 	 any 	 of...
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