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Apple power mac g4 quicksilver User Manual

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Page 31

 Take ApartVideo Card -  9 
Replacement Note:  
If the 
replacement card does not 
have a fence already installed, 
attach the fence enclosed in 
the box. Using a Phillips 
screwdriver, install the two 
small Phillips screws on either 
side of the ADC connector and 
the two large Phillips screws on 
the fence side tabs. Using 
pliers, install the two jack-nut 
screws on either side of the 
VGA connector. 

Page 32

 Take ApartModem, AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio/QuickSilvers  -   10 
Modem, AGP 
Ethernet/Digital Audio/
 The Power Mac G4 
(AGP Graphics/Gigabit 
Ethernet/Digital Audio/
2002) modem requires a 
modem filter; the two are 
separate parts. To remove 
the modem, you do not need 
to remove the modem filter.
Before you begin, open the 
side access panel. 

Page 33

 Take ApartModem, AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio/QuickSilvers  -   11 
 Use care when 
disconnecting or connecting 
the modem to the J27 
connector on the logic board. 
Bent pins in the J27 
connector could cause a 
short in the logic board.
1 . Remove the two modem 
mounting screws.
2. Lift the modem straight 
up to disconnect it from 
the logic board. 

Page 34

 Take ApartModem, AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio/QuickSilvers  -   12 
3. Disconnect the modem 
filter cable from the 
4. Remove the modem from 
the computer.  
Replacement Note:  
replacing an international 
modem, use the Modem 
Country Selector utility to 
set the modem to the correct 

Page 35

 Take ApartModem Filter, AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio/QuickSilvers  
Modem Filter, AGP 
Ethernet/Digital Audio/
Before you begin, do the 
¥ Open the side access 
¥ Remove the logic board. 

Page 36

 Take ApartModem Filter, AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio/QuickSilvers  
1. Remove the screw that 
secures the modem filter 
to the I/O panel. 

Page 37

 Take ApartModem Filter, AGP Graphics/Gigabit Ethernet/Digital Audio/QuickSilvers  
2. Free the modem filter 
cable from the chassis 
guides and remove the 
modem filter from the 

Page 38

 Take ApartModem, PCI Graphics  -   16 
Modem, PCI Graphics 
Before you begin, open the 
side access panel.  
 Use care when 
disconnecting or connecting 
the modem to the J27 
connector on the logic board. 
Bent pins in the J27 
connector could cause a 
short in the logic board. 

Page 39

 Take ApartModem, PCI Graphics  -   17 
1. Remove the screw 
(located next to the 
modem port) that 
secures the modem to the 
I/O panel.
2. Remove the screw that 
secures the modem leg 
standoff to the logic 

Page 40

 Take ApartModem, PCI Graphics  -   18 
3. Carefully disconnect the 
flexible modem cable 
from the logic board.     
  The modem 
cable is very fragile.
4. Gently lift up the modem 
to remove it from the 
logic board.   
  If you are 
replacing the modem, 
continue with the Take 
Apart procedures to 
remove the modem from 
the bottom modem shield. 
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