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Acu-Rite Control System MILLPWRG2 User Manual

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    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 101
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Program errors
    When an error is detected in a program, the step with the error is 
    highlighted in the program listing with a red x symbol.  Edit the 
    program step to correct the error.
    Additional information about the error is added to the 
    message log. 
    See Message log .
    Program edited
    When a saved program is loaded, only the name and extension is 
    If the saved program is then edited, the program name will show an 
    asterisk at the end of the name.
    This tells the operator that the program has changed, but has not 
    been saved.
    Saving the program will remove the asterisk, or exit the program 
    without saving the changes.  
    When a program that has been edited, but not saved, then it will 
    revert back to the last saved version when closed.  The program will 
    not display an asterisk the next time it is loaded.
    After correcting the errors, remember to clear them from 
    message log.  A quick method for clearing all errors 
    in the log is to press the “0” on the numeric keypad.
    If there is more than one error in the program, only the 
    first step with an error will be highlighted.  After correcting 
    the first error, the next error will be highlighted. 
    							1026 Programming
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Step Form Validation
    Once a step has been programed in the program dialogue and the 
    USE key has been pressed, if further data is required, that field will 
    display a red x.
    Once a step has been programed in the program dialogue and the 
    USE key has been pressed, if the data in any field has been entered 
    incorrectly, that field will display a yellow warning symbol.
    Correct any errors or warnings before proceeding. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 103
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Running a Program
    Skewing a part
    With MILLPWR
    G2, it may save time setting up a job by skewing the 
    part. The Skew feature automatically compensates for the offset angle 
    of the part by touching off one straight edge with an electronic edge 
    finder or a mechanical indicator. 
    To skew a part touch off on two or more points along one axis, either 
    X or Y.  Touch off and use the teach position feature. 
    A work piece that has a rough edge should have multiple points 
    entered along the straightest edge to more accurately calculate the 
    skew angle.
    For some machining operations it is more convenient to 
    use the Skew feature rather than indicating in the work 
    Do not enter coordinates along a curve, two different lines, 
    or along a line that’s positioned at a 45 degree angle. 
    G2 will calculate the skew angle based upon a 
    straight line between the points that have been entered. 
    							1046 Programming
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Setting the skew angle with an electronic edge finder:
    Press the Datum softkey to open the DATUM dialogue. Highlight the 
    Angle field. 
    Press the Probe soft key.
    Touch off on two or more points along any single straight edge of your 
    part. You’ll notice that the Angle and Points fields change as you enter 
    Press the Finish soft key.
    Press the USE soft key to accept all of the points and return to the 
    DRO screen. Press CANCEL to return to the DRO screen without 
    accepting any points or affecting your previous skew angle.
    The Clear Angle soft key will reset the Angle, and the Points fields to 
    Using teach:
    Move the table so that a mechanical indicator rests against any 
    straight edge on the part. Press the Teach soft key to enter your 
    coordinate.You’ll notice that the Points change.
    Now move the table so that the mechanical indicator touches another 
    point on the same straight edge. Press the Teach soft key. You’ll notice 
    that the Angle and Points fields change. 
    Repeat this process for any additional points. 
    Press the USE soft key to accept all of the points and return to the 
    DRO screen. Press CANCEL to return to the DRO screen without 
    accepting any points or affecting your previous skew angle. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 105
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Establishing a datum
    Datum is the workpiece zero or absolute zero, and is a point of 
    reference that the MILLPWR
    G2 bases all of the parts coordinates 
    A datum must be established for every job. Datums location may be 
    indicated on the print; or the operator may establish a datum that 
    allows most of the parts dimensions be entered directly using the 
    least amount of calculations. 
    When establishing datum, it may be easiest to locate a known point 
    on each axis, such as the corner of the part, or a location on a vise or 
    Datum can be set at a point on the top surface, a position beneath the 
    surface, or at a point where theres no material present (such as in the 
    center of a circular part). The following example will illustrate touching 
    off the edge of a work piece using a tool, but an edge finder can also 
    be used in place of the tool. Either item will accomplish the same 
    							1066 Programming
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Steps to establish the datum
    Where and how you establish the datum will vary from job to job. The 
    following step, by step process is a common method of establishing a 
    datum. Being familiar with the basics, the same principles will apply 
    for other parts, making adjustments to the procedure as needed when 
    setting the datum. 
    From the DRO mode, press the Datum soft key.
    In the datum number field, enter a number for the datum to be 
    defined.  Since this will be the first datum being defined, use the 
    number 1.
    Insert a tool into the spindle (e.g. such as the tool for the first cut).
    This example will establish the datum on the corner where the left, 
    front and top surfaces of the part intersect. This will be accomplished 
    by “touching” each face with the tool that will make the first cut to the 
    In the SET DATUM dialogue the X, Y and Z fields are always active, 
    displaying the machine position relative to the selected datum. 
    Open the SET DATUM dialogue to view the machines position 
    relative to any defined datum number by entering the number in the 
    Datum Number field. Then press ENTER, or ARROW DOWN. This provides 
    the operator with a constant quick reference for the datum selected.
    Viewing other datum numbers does not change the selected datum 
    displayed in the Status Bar. To change to another defined datum, 
    press the USE key.
    When a new datum number is defined, or another number is 
    selected, and the USE key is not pressed, all information entered is 
    discarded, and the current active datum number is retained.
    When Tool information is listed in the Status Bar at the top 
    of the screen, it is ignored by the MILLPWRG2 when 
    establishing a datum. The information for the tool that is 
    actually being used to establish the datum must be used.
    Using the calculator in an entry field in a dialogue requires 
    the operator to press the ENTER key to perform the 
    calculation.  To move to the next field using the ENTER key 
    requires the operator to press ENTER a second time. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 107
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    X axis datum
    Lower the tip of the tool so that it falls below the top surface of the 
    Move the table along the X axis, slowly spinning the tool by hand as 
    you go. When the tool contacts the part, stop the table. 
    Using the numerical keypad, enter the radius of the tool (the 
    distance from the center of the tool to the edge of your part) into the 
    X: field. Be sure to specify if it’s a negative value. 
    Press the +/- key.
    Enter the radius value.
    Press the ENTER key to enter the data and move to the next field.
    Y axis datum
    Lower the tip of the tool so that it falls below the top surface of the 
    part as done with the X axis. 
    Move the table along the Y axis, slowly spinning the tool by hand as 
    you go. When the tool contacts the part, stop the table.
    Using the numerical keypad, enter the radius of the tool (the 
    distance from the center of the tool to the edge of your part) into the 
    Y: field. 
    Press the +/- key to change the data to a negative value.
    Enter the radius value.
    Press the ENTER key to enter the data and move to the next field.
    Z axis datum
    Position the tool so that its tip touches the top surface of the part. 
    Press the Z = 0 soft key.
    Press the ENTER key. With the data entered, the cursor will highlight 
    the next field. 
    In this example, the value will be specified as a negative 
    value, because the tools center is on the negative side of 
    our datum (refer to Axis Conventions). 
    When changing the state of W axis coupling (knee coupled 
    to quill) to enable or disable it, this can result in invalid Z 
    axis datum points.  After changing the coupling state, 
    always re-establish any Z axis datum points to ensure 
    correct positioning. 
    							1086 Programming
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Retract Z
    Now either enter the Z axis retract position (the position that the quill 
    should return to between steps) which is the location above the top 
    surface of your part. 
    Or press the CLEAR key to clear the value. If no value is set, the quill 
    will retract to the upper travel limit between steps.
    Or press the Teach Position soft key to use the current quill 
    position as the retract location.  Be aware that the quill will retract to 
    this location regardless of the tools length or the Z datum location.
    Press the ENTER or USE Key to save the datum location and return to 
    DRO mode.
    Datum and the Z axis retract position have now been established.
    Using an electronic edge finder
    When the Set Datum dialogue is first opened, the Datum Number 
    field is highlighted. Enter a new datum number, or select a number 
    that is to be modified.
    When a Datum field is selected (X, Y or Z), the Probe softkey is 
    enabled. This allows the operator to set the datum using an 
    electronic edge finder.
    Each datum has its own retract position.  When a new 
    datum is selected, that datum’s retract position will be 
    Setting the datum on any axis will zero that axis’s INC 
    When the probe key is selected, the electronic edge 
    finder is automatically selected. The radius of the tip must 
    first be entered into the Job Setup dialogue. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 109
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Select the datum field that is to be set (X, Y or Z axes),  then press 
    the Probe soft key.
    The datum is set for the axis that was last used when the edge 
    finder was triggered.  If moving the X axis when the edge finder is 
    triggered, the X datum will be set and the X datum field will be set 
    to 0.0000.
    With the Probe soft key activated, select the type of probing to be 
    performed by pressing the appropriate softkey: Edge, Centerline, or 
    Circle Center.
    Setting the datum on an edge
    The coordinates of the datum can be set by probing edges or surfaces 
    and capturing them as datum, either in the X or Y direction.
    Press the Probe soft key.
    Press the Edge soft key.  The message Move to edge appears in the 
    message bar.
    Move the edge finder until it makes contact with the work piece 
    edge, and the Move to edge message disappears.
    Retract the edge finder from the work piece.
    The diameter of the edge finder and direction of motion will set the 
    location of the datum to the work piece edge.
    To set the edge to a specific value, add or subtract an offset to the 
    datum coordinate. For example, to have X = 3.0; press the +(PLUS), 
    3, and ENTER hard keys.
    Edge sets the datum with a single trigger of the edge 
    finder.  The system will prompt to Move to edge.  
    Using any axis, start movement until the edge finder 
    is triggered.  Once triggered, the system will exit the 
    probing mode and set the moving axis datum.
    Centerline sets the datum with 2 triggers of the 
    edge finder and will use the center point as the axis 
    datum.  The axis that is used for the first trigger must 
    be used for the second.  For example, if the first 
    trigger occurred using the X axis, the X axis must be 
    used for the second trigger.
    Circle Center sets the datum using 3 points of a 
    circle.  This operation will only work with the X and 
    Y axis and any of the triggers can be accomplished 
    by moving either of these axes.  This function will 
    set the datum for both X and Y. 
    							1106 Programming
    6.1 Conversational Programming
    Setting the datum at the centerline
    The position of the centerline is determined by probing two edges, 
    either in the X or Y direction.
    Press the Probe soft key.
    Press the Centerline soft key.  The message Move to first edge 
    appears in the message bar.
    Move the edge finder until it makes contact with the work piece 
    edge, and the message changes to Move to second edge.
    Move the edge finder towards the second edge of the work piece 
    until it makes contact, and the Move to second edge message 
    Retract the edge finder from the work piece
    The diameter of the edge finder and direction of motion are used to 
    set the datum at the midpoint between the two edges.
    To set the midpoint to a specific value, add or subtract an offset to 
    the datum coordinate. For example, to have X = 1.5; press 
    the +(PLUS), 1, 
    •, 5, and ENTER hard keys.
    Setting the datum at the center of a circle
    The center of a circular feature is determined by probing 3 edges 
    around the circle in the X and Y direction.
    Press the Probe soft key.
    Press the Circle Center soft key.  The message Move to first edge 
    appears in the message bar.
    Move the edge finder towards a point on the circumference until it 
    makes contact.  The message changes to Move to second edge.
    Probe two additional points on the circumference in the same 
    The datum is now located at the center of the circle.
    To set the center to a specific value, add or subtract an offset to the 
    datum coordinate. For example, to have X = 1.5; press 
    the +(PLUS), 1,
    ,5, and ENTER hard keys. 
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