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Acu-Rite Control System MILLPWRG2 User Manual

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    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 211
    9.1 Geometry Calculator
    Geometry calculator layout
    The geometry calculator’s layout is similar to the part program in PGM 
    mode. To differentiate it from the part program, the geometry step 
    listing is on the right third of the screen and the graphic window is on 
    the left two-thirds of the screen.
    Geometry listing
    The geometry calculator listing contains all steps:
    Limited to geometry steps: point, line, and arc.
    No continuity indicator. Margin is used to display step number for 
    reference only, and has no incremental references. Use the ARROW 
    keys for step selection.
    To create a new Geo step, press the POINT, LINE, or ARC key.
    To edit an existing Geo step, cursor to the step and press ENTER or 
    To delete an existing Geo step, cursor to the step and press CLEAR.
    Goto step number is supported.
    Geometry graphic
    The graphics window provides visual feedback:
    Limited to 2D Line view.
    Extents determined by the size of the entered steps and calculated 
    The block size matches the extents plus the normal margin. The 
    datum symbol is displayed at (0,0). A ruler is also shown.
    Highlight features:
    Focus feature – Blue
    Selected features – White
    New features – Green
    Normal features – Yellow
    A GeoPoint is displayed as a crosshair (×). 
    							2129 Geometry/RPM Calculator
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    9.2  Geometry User Interface
    Adding geometry features to listing
    Geometry steps are limited to GeoPoints, GeoLines, and GeoArcs. A 
    new step is added by pressing the POINT, LINE, or ARC key. As with a 
    part program, the new step is added before the currently highlighted 
    geo step
    Defined by single coordinate
    Defined by combinations of From point, To point, and Angle.
    Defined by combinations of From point, To point, Center point, 3rd 
    point, Radius, Direction, and Sweep Angle. From and To points are 
    optional (calculated at 12:00 position), otherwise, combinations 
    follow programmed arcs.
    Finding geometry solutions
    Geo steps may also be created by finding points, lines, or arcs related 
    to other Geo steps. These steps are created by selecting one or two  
    steps and pressing the Find Point, Find Line, or Find Arc soft key.
    To select or deselect a step:
    Cursor to the step in the listing and press the Select Feature soft 
    key to select it (soft key will display as being pressed).
    To deselect a step, highlight the selected step, and press the Select 
    Feature soft key again to release unselect the step.
    No more than two features may be selected at a time. Selecting a 
    third feature will deselect the oldest selection. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 213
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    The following table lists the features that are found based on the 
    selected features:
    ItemsFind PointFind lineFind Arc
    1 Line End points of the given line Given a distance, lines parallel to 
    the given line; lines perpendicular 
    to the given line through its end 
    1 Arc Center point, end points. Given an angle, all lines tangent to 
    and through the center point of the 
    If angle is not specified, gives lines 
    from the end points to the center 
    point.Complimentary arc.
    2 Points Midpoint between the given 
    points.Line  between  the  given  points Given a radius, all arcs through the 
    given points.
    If radius is not specified, gives you 
    two arcs, each tangent to both 
    points with the midpoint as its 
    center point.
    1 Point
    1 LinePoint on the given line which, with 
    the given point, would form a line 
    perpendicular to the given line.Line through the given point, one 
    parallel and one perpendicular to 
    the given line.Given a radius, all arcs through the 
    given point and tangent to a given 
    If radius is not specified, gives you 
    two arcs, each tangent to the 
    given line with the given point as 
    its center point.
    1 Point
    1 ArcPoints which, with the given point, 
    would form lines tangent to the 
    given arc and the shortest line 
    from the given point to the given 
    arc.Lines through the given point 
    tangent to the given arc, and the 
    shortest line through the given 
    point to the given arc.Given a radius, all arcs through the 
    given point and tangent to the 
    given arc.
    If radius is not specified, gives you 
    all arcs tangent to the given arc 
    with the given point as its center 
    2 Lines Intersection point of the given 
    lines.Line that bisects the angle formed 
    where the given lines intersect; 
    line perpendicular to the bisector.Given a radius, all arcs tangent to 
    both given lines
    1 Line
    1 ArcPoint where given line intersects 
    given arc.Lines perpendicular to the given 
    line and tangent to the given arc; 
    shortest line to the given arc 
    which is perpendicular to the given 
    line.Given a radius, all arcs tangent to 
    the given line and the given arc.
    2  Arcs Intersection  points. Lines tangent to arcs; shortest line 
    between arcs.Given a radius, all arcs tangent to 
    both arcs. 
    							2149 Geometry/RPM Calculator
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Some operations require entry of additional information (distance, 
    angle, or radius). If needed, the user is prompted to enter a value by 
    displaying a dialogue with fields that require additional data.
    Managing geometry results
    Since there are generally more solutions possible than desired, all 
    possible solutions are presented (without a step number). To keep the 
    result required, use the UP or DOWN ARROW keys to move the cursor to 
    that feature and press the Keep One soft key. 
    When the cursor is on an existing feature the following soft keys are 
    When the cursor is on a feature that is not saved, the following soft 
    keys are available:
    After selecting the features to be retained, press the Clear Results 
    soft key to remove the remaining unselected results from the listing.
    Existing or new features can be viewed (or edited) by moving the 
    cursor to the step and pressing the ENTER key.
    The results are cleared automatically when the Find Function soft key 
    is pressed again.
    If the field is left blank, the data is calculated 
    Soft KeyFunction
    Pressing the Keep All Results soft key will save all 
    results found
    Pressing the Clear Results soft key will clear all 
    results not saved
    Soft KeyFunction
    Pressing the Keep One Result soft key will save the 
    highlighted result found
    Pressing the Clear Results soft key will clear all 
    results not saved 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 215
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Returning features to the part program
    Press the Return Feature to transfer the current geo step to the part 
    program. The soft key is disabled when it is not possible to transfer 
    the current step to the program.
    If no program step is open, Return Feature adds an equivalent 
    program step at current location. The system returns to PGM view 
    with the new step open.
    If a program step is open, Return Feature (GeoPoint) returns the 
    GeoPoint’s coordinate to the current field (x and y).
    If a program step is open, Return Feature return of line or arc is only 
    possible if feature matches the step type.
    If the return type does not match the destination step/field, nothing 
    is returned.
    Geometry calculator functions
    Pressing the Calc Function soft key opens a pop-up menu for 
    selecting a function.
    Clear calculator 
    Removes all Geo steps from the calculator.
    Loading and saving calculator contents
    Press Save Calculator to save the current GeoCalc session to 
    internal memory.
    Press Load Calculator to load the previously saved GeoCalc 
    session into the calculator.
    Loading the part program into the geometry calculator
    The Load Program function adds the equivalent geometry steps 
    (GeoPoint, GeoLine, and GeoArc) from the program to the calculator 
    listing at the current cursor location.
    Hole patterns are converted to a series of GeoPoints.
    Rectangle and circle steps are converted to profile GeoLines and 
    All other steps (tool, replication, engrave, etc.) are not supported 
    							2169 Geometry/RPM Calculator
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Program example
    In some  cases, a part drawing may not provide all of the dimensions 
    needed to program the part. In the following illustration the 
    coordinates of points B and C, where the arc is tangent to the sides, 
    are unknown. 
    The coordinates will have to be identified before lines A-B and A-C and 
    the arc that extends from point B to point C can be programmed.
    Locating points B and C
    First program an extended line from A to B, then program an extended 
    line from A to C. Now use GeoCalc to calculate the rest.
    Enter the extended line from A to B
    Enter the extended line from A to C at 45°
    Select lines A-B and A-C, and then use the Find Arc soft key
    Recalculate point B, then return its coordinate and the arc into the 
    This example is explained fully in the following step by step 
    Creating the program
    Step 1
    Point A is shown as the datum. Its absolute coordinates are 0, 0. In the 
    part program. The first step will be to draw the line by entering the 
    absolute coordinates for point A (0, 0) in the “From” field and point B 
    (2, 0) in the “To” field.
    Press the LINE key and enter the data in the GeoLine 
    dialogue. Enter 0 in the From X1 field, and 0 in the 
    From Y1 field.
    Enter 2 in the To X2 field, and 0 in the Y2 field.
    Press the USE key to enter the data into the program. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 217
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Step 2
    The second step will be to draw a line by entering the absolute 
    coordinates for point C (2, 2) in the “From” field and point A (0, 0) in 
    the “To” field.
    Press the LINE key and enter the data in the GeoLine 
    dialogue. Enter 2 in the From X1 field, and 2 in the 
    From Y1 field.
    Enter 0 in the To X2 field, and 0 in the Y2 field.
    Press the USE key to enter the data into the program.
    The Geometry Calculator screen should now have these two lines 
    							2189 Geometry/RPM Calculator
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Step 3
    Finding the arc that’s tangent to the two lines.
    Highlight 001 GeoLine and press the Select Feature 
    soft key. The ARROW indicates that the feature has 
    been selected.
    Next, highlight 002 GeoLine and press the Select 
    Feature soft key.
    Press the Find Arc soft key. A pop up dialogue will 
    display a field to define the arc radius.
    Enter the radius of 1.
    Press the USE key. 
    GeoCalc will display all the arcs that have a radius of 1 that are tangent 
    with the two lines.
    Using the ARROW keys, scroll through the list of found GeoArcs until 
    the arc desired is highlighted.
    Press the Keep One soft key, and GeoCalc will save the arc as item 
    Then press the Clear Results soft key to erase the remaining arcs. 
    							ACU-RITE MILLPWRG2 219
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Finding the points of tangency
    The points of tangency between the lines and the arc need to be 
    determined. Now that the arc is in place, the coordinates of its end 
    points are needed. Use GeoCalc’s find point feature to find the end 
    points of the arc.
    Highlight 001 GeoLine and press the Select Feature 
    soft key. This will de-select the line and cause the 
    arrow to disappear.
    Highlight 002 GeoLine and de-select it.
    Highlight 003 GeoArc and press the Select Feature 
    soft key to select it.
    Press the Find Point soft key. Three points will 
    appear: one is the center of the arc and the others are 
    the ends of the arc. The point on the bottom is the 
    one needed; it’s point B on the drawing. 
    Using the ARROW key, scroll down through the list of 
    GeoPoints until the point on the bottom is 
    highlighted. Press the Keep One Result soft key.
    Press the CANCEL key to return to the program.
    Returning the line coordinate
    Bring the GeoCalc results back into the program. When you press the 
    Return Feature soft key, GeoCalc will transfer the feature you’ve 
    identified into your part program.
    Press the LINE key to begin a new Mill Line dialogue. 
    Enter coordinates for the From point (point A). ARROW 
    down to the X2 field. This is point B, one of the points 
    found in GeoCalc.
    Press the  CALC key. 
    Press the Geometry soft key.
    Highlight the GeoPoint representing point B 
    (step 004). Press the Return Feature soft key. The 
    program screen will return, and point B’s coordinates 
    will appear in the To field. 
    Press the USE key to accept the line into the part  
    Program the tool step prior to proceeding. 
    							2209 Geometry/RPM Calculator
    9.2 Geometry User Interface
    Returning the arc feature
    Press the  CALC key. 
    Press the Geometry soft key.
    Highlight the GeoArc (step 003). Press the Return 
    Feature soft key. The program screen will return and 
    automatically add an arc step to your program and 
    place the arcs information into the dialogue. 
    Press the USE key to accept the arc into the part  
    Finishing the program
    Press the LINE key to begin a new Mill Line dialogue. 
    Enter coordinates for the To point (point A).
    Press the USE key to accept the line into the part  
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