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Antares AVOX 2 user manual

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Chapter 2: Introducing AVOX 2
The heart of any great song is a great vocal sound. With the AVOX 2 Antares Vocal 
Toolkit, we’ve combined ten state- of-the-art vocal processing modules that open up 
an entirely new world of vocal processing capabilities. AVOX 2 gives you the power 
you need to create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style as well as design 
unique vocal effects for audio post-production applications.
In the following chapters we’ll deal with each AVOX tool in turn, but first let’s...

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DUO Vocal Modeling Auto-Doubler
DUO automatically generates a doubled vocal 
part from an existing vocal. In addition to 
allowing programmable variation in pitch, timing 
and vibrato depth, for even more realism, DUO 
also includes a simplified version of THROAT’s 
vocal modeling to provide timbral variation for 
the doubled part. DUO’s output section gives 
you independent control of the level and stereo 
position of the original and doubled voices.
CHOIR Vocal Multiplier
Neither a harmonizer nor a...

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AVOX 2 Processing Guidelines
While it might seem to be convenient to 
consolidate all of the AVOX 2 functions in one 
huge integrated plug-in, some of the AVOX 2 
functions use quite a bit of processing power. 
By organizing them as separate plug-ins, you 
can choose to instantiate only those you need 
for each particular vocal track, thereby using 
only as much of your computer’s DSP power 
as you absolutely need.
While it’s not likely that you’ll be using all ten 
plug-ins on every track, it is...

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Chapter 3: Harmony Engine
Vocal Modeling Harmony Generator 
If you’ve purchased a boxed copy of AVOX 2, you will have noticed that it includes 
a separate manual for Harmony Engine. And if you’ve downloaded AVOX 2, you’ll 
find the Harmony Engine PDF manual included with the plug-in. 
There are a couple of reasons for this. First, Harmony Engine is by far the deepest 
plug-in in the AVOX 2 bundle, so there is a lot to say about getting the most out of it. And, from 
a more practical perspective, since...

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THROAT’s controls allow you to 
modify the voice’s glottal waveform 
as well as globally stretch, shorten, 
widen or constrict the modeled 
vocal tract. 

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Chapter 4: T H R OAT
Physical Modeling Vocal Designer
THR OAT is a revolutionary new vocal tool that lets you process a vocal through 
a meticulously crafted physical model of the human vocal tract. THROAT begins 
by neutralizing the effect of the original singer’s vocal tract and then gives you the 
ability to specify the characteristics of the modeled vocal tract. 
THROAT’s controls allow you to modify the voice’s glottal waveform as well as globally stretch, 
shorten, widen or constrict the modeled...

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Source Glot tal Waveform
The glottal waveform is the waveform 
produced by the vibration of the vocal 
chords. The range of an individual’s possible 
waveforms is defined by their particular 
anatomy. Within that range, the waveform 
can change pretty dramatically depending 
on the performer’s singing style. Imagine, 
for example, the progression from a breathy 
whisper, to a straight-ahead pop vocal, 
to hard rock or full- on operatic aria. 
A lot of subtle factors influence the glottal 

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present). This frequency determines the audio 
range and character of the breathiness effect. 
At high settings, the effect will be rather 
whispery and ethereal (depending, of course, 
on the original vocal and the Mix amount). At 
lower settings, the effect is more of a raspiness 
(again, depending on the mix). Experimentation 
is the best way to become familiar with the 
Command (Mac)/Control (PC) click the control 
to reset it to its default value of 4000 Hz.
The remaining controls...

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You will find that the most dramatic timbral 
changes are usually found at the extreme ends 
of this control’s range. If you’re looking for 
realistic, stay in the middle 80% of the range.
ImpOrTa NT N OTE: Keep in mind 
that this control interacts with the 
Glottal Voice Type control below. Each 
Voice Type sets a default Pulse Width that is 
associated with it. So if you set this control and 
then select a new Voice Type below, the value 
of this control will change to the new voice 
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