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Antares AVOX 4 user manual

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Page 21

changes are self-evident. For width changes, 
any part of the model plot that lies above 
the original plot indicates a widening of the 
throat while any part of the model plot below 
the original plot indicates a narrowing of the 
Here are some things to consider when 
working with the Throat Shaping display:
• Point (1), which represents the vocal chords, 
serves as the anchor of the vocal tract. It can 
be adjusted for width but not length. 
• When you move points (2), (3), or (4)...

Page 22

Clicking the Reset button cancels any custom 
contour you have programmed, but retains 
any global Stretch and Width settings set by 
the Model Throat Length and Width controls. 
To reset those controls,Command (Mac)/
Control (PC)/Option (Pro Tools) click them to 
set them to their default values. 
This control lets you adjust the output level 
of the modeled vocal over a range of +/- 24 
dB. As you will discover, some models result in 
substantial level changes. This control is used 

Page 23

 The actual range of variation in human 
anatomy is quite small relative to the overall 
range offered by THROAT Evo. When you’re 
first getting started, try limiting control 
changes to around +/- 15%. As you get a 
feeling for the effect of various settings, 
slowly increase the ranges until things start 
sounding weird (not that that’s necessarily a 
bad thing).
• If you just want to start playing, try the 
following brief tutorial.
  Start by assigning THROAT Evo to a vocal 
part and set the above...

Page 24

A few words about the THrOAT 
Evo  factory presets
Unlike synth presets, which will always sound 
the same for all users, the THROAT Evo presets 
are heavily dependent on the vocal tracks that 
you use them on. Consequently, they serve 
primarily as starting points for various general 
effects, with the expectation that you will 
tweak them to work best with your particular 
Specifically, they all contain the default 
settings for Vocal Range and Source Glottal 
Waveform controls. After...

Page 25

6: DUO Evo  
The DUO Evo Vocal Modeling Auto-Doubler 
automatically generates a doubled vocal part 
from any existing monophonic vocal. Unlike 
conventional doublers that simply apply 
pitch and delay variation to the original part, 
DUO Evo makes use of Antares’ unique vocal 
modeling and vibrato processing technologies 
to create a doubled part that actually sounds 
like another singer. There is no easier or quicker 
way to create a realistic doubled vocal...

Page 26

Vocal Timbre
Behind this unassuming knob lies a compact 
version of the THROAT Evo vocal modeler. 
When this control is set to 0, the doubled 
voice will have exactly the same character 
as the original voice. As you adjust the 
control in either direction, DUO Evo sends 
the doubled voice through a progressively 
more extreme vocal model. I.e., near 0, the 
timbre is very close to the original voice. As 
the control approaches .40 or -.40, the vocal 
timbre undergoes a fairly radical...

Page 27

Timing Variation
The Timing Variation control lets you select 
the amount of random variation in timing 
applied to the doubled voice. The higher the 
value, the larger the maximum amount of 
allowable variation.
DUO Evo’s timing variation is completely 
independent of pitch variation. To get a good 
idea of the effect of timing variation, use the level controls to listen only to the doubled 
voice. set Vibrato to 0 and Pitch Variation to 
10. Set Timing Variation to maximum and 
process a rhythmic...

Page 28

Usage Tips
• DUO Evo is available in mono and stereo 
versions and, depending on the capabilities 
of your host program, a mono -> stereo 
version (which in most cases is the 
preferred routing). In the case of the stereo 
version, DUO Evo processes only the left 
channel. DUO Evo is dramatically more 
effective with the original and doubled 
parts panned apart, so if at all possible, 
try always to use it with stereo output.
• For best performance, DUO Evo requires a 
clean, pitched monophonic...

Page 29

7: CHOIR Evo  
CHOIR Evo is a unique processor that turns 
a single monophonic voice into 4, 8, 16, or 32 
distinct individual unison voices, each with its 
own pitch, timing and vibrato variations. The 
voices can, if desired, be spread across the 
stereo spectrum. When multiple instances of 
CHOIR Evo are assigned to individual harmony 
parts, the result is an amazingly realistic large 
vocal ensemble.
Ch OIR  SIze
This control allows you to select the number of...

Page 30

Timing Variation
The Timing Variation control lets you select 
the range of the random variation in timing 
applied to each generated voice. Each voice is 
individually assigned a timing variation relative 
to the original voice. The higher the value of 
this control, the larger the maximum amount 
of allowable variation.
This control selects the extent to which the 
generated voices are spread across the stereo 
spectrum. At a setting of 0, all of the voices 
appear in the center of...
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