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Asus Router RX3041 User Manual

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

Password  Settings:  Allows  you  to  select  a  password  in 
order to access the web-based management website.
3.3.4 Firmware Upgrade
User  uses  the  Firmware  Upgrade  window  to  locate  the  new 
firmware  then  upgrade  the  system  firmware.  Click  Browse 
to  search  for  the  new  firmware  location,  then  click  OK  to 
proceed the upgrade.
Firmware  Upgrade:  This  tool  allows  you  to  upgrade  the  
router’s  system  firmware.  To  upgrade  the...

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

3.3.5 Configuration Tools
U s e   t h i s   w i n d o w   t o   r e s t o r e   o r   b a c k u p   R X 3 0 4 1   r o u t e r 
settings,  such  as  Restart  System,  Restore  Factory  Default, 
Backup Settings and Restore Settings.
Restart System: Reboot this device.
Restore  Factory  Default:  Reset  the  settings  of  this  device 
to the factory default values.
Backup Settings: Save the settings of this device to a file.
Restore Settings: Restore the settings of this...

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

3.3.6 System Log
T h e   S y s t e m   L o g   w i n d o w   d i s p l a y s   t h e   r o u t e r ’s   s y s t e m 
activities, such as System Log and Security Log.
System Log: The router’s system activity.
Security  Log:  Displays  any  illegal  attempts  to  access  your 
3.4 WAN
3.4.1 Connected Type
Specify  the  WAN  connection  type  required  by  your  Internet 
Service Provider, then click "OK " button to provide detailed  

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

Dynamic  IP  address: You  will  obtain  an    IP  address  from 
your ISP automaically.
S t a t i c   I P  a d d r e s s :   y o u   c a n   u s e   t h e   f i x e d   I P  a d d r e s s 
assigned by your ISP to access the internet service.
PPPoE: Your ISP requires PPPoE connection.
P P T P :   Yo u r   I S P  r e q u i r e s   y o u   t o   u s e   a   P o i n t - t o - P o i n t 
Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) connection.
L2TP: Your ISP requires L2TP connection.

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Internet  service,  and  do  not  change  it  unless  it  is  required 
by  your  ISP,  You  can  use  the  "Clone  MAC Address"  button 
to  copy  the  MAC  address  of  the  Ethernet  Card  installed  by 
your ISP and replace the WAN MAC address with this MAC 
Request  IP  address: Enter  the  IP  address  of  the  device 
which you will clone.
MTU: This is optional. You can specify the maximum size of 
the packets transmitted to the Internet. Leave...

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

3.4.3 Static IP
If  your  Internet  Service  Provider  has  assigned  a  fixed 
address,  enter  the  assigned  address  and  subnet  mask  for 
the router, then enter the gateway address of your ISP.
IP  address  assigned  by  your  ISP:  The  IP  address  is 
provided by your ISP.
Subnet Mask: Enter the subnet mask of the router.
ISP  Gateway  Address:   Enter  the  gateway  address  at  ISP 
MTU: This is optional. You can specify the maximum size of 

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

3.4.4 PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet)
Enter the PPPoE user name and password assigned by your 
Service  Provider.  The  Service  Name  is  normally  optional, 
and  may  be  required  by  some  service  providers.  Enter  a 
Maximum Idle Time (in minutes) to define a maximum period 
of time for which the Internet connection is maintained when 
it  is  inactive.  If  the  connection  is  inactive  for  longer  than  the 
defined  Maximum  Idle  Time,  then  it  will  be...

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

User Name: Enter the username provided by the ISP.
Password: Enter the password provided by the ISP.
Please  retype  your  Password:   Retype  the  password  for 
confirmation purposes.
Service  Name:   This  is  optional.  Enter  the  Service  name 
provided that your ISP requires it, otherwise leave it blank.
MTU:  This is optional. You can specify the maximum size of 
the packets transmitted to the Internet. Leave it as it is if you 
do not wish to set a maximum...

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

PPTP  Account:  Enter  the  PPTP Account  provided  by  the 
PPTP Password: Enter the password provided by the ISP.
Please  retype  your  Password:   Retype  the  password  for 
confirmation purposes.
PPTP  Gateway:   If  your  LAN  has  a  PPTP  gateway,  then 
enter  that  PPTP  gateway  IP  address  here.  If  you  do  not 
have  a  PPTP  gateway,  then  enter  the  ISP’s  Gateway  IP 
address above.
IP Address:  This  is  the  IP  address  provided  by  your...

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establish a PPTP connection.
Connection  ID:  This  is  an  optional    ID  given  by  the  ISP. 
MTU: This is optional. You can specify the maximum size of 
the packets transmitted to the Internet. Leave it as it is if you 
do not wish to set a maximum packet size.
Maximum Idle Time: You can specify an idle time threshold 
(minutes)  for  the  WAN  port.  This  means  if  no  packet  has 
been  sent  (no  one  using  the  Internet)  during  this  specified 
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