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Asus Router RX3041 User Manual

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

ALG  (Application  Layer  Gateway): You  can  choose  to 
enable ALG, then the router will let that application correctly 
pass though the NAT gateway.
3.6.5 DMZ (Demilitarized Zone)
If  you  have  a  client  PC  that  cannot  run  Internet  application 
properly from behind the NAT firewall or after configuring the 
Special Applications  function,  then  you  can  open  the  client 
up to unrestricted two-way Internet access.
Enter  the  IP  address  of  a  DMZ  host...

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use this option as a last resort.
DMZ (Demilitarized Zone): Enable/disable DMZ.
Public IP Address: The  IP address  of the  WAN  port  or  any 
other Public IP addresses provided by your ISP.
IP  Address  of  Virtual  DMZ  Host:   Enter  the  DMZ  host  IP 
3.7 Firewall
3.7.1 Firewall Options
T h e   r o u t e r   p r o v i d e s   e x t e n s i v e   f i r e w a l l   p r o t e c t i o n   b y 
restricting  connections  to  reduce  the  risk  of  intrusion...

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defending  against  a  wide  array  of  common  hacker  attacks. 
However, for applications that require unrestricted access to 
the  Internet,  you  can  configure  a  specific  client/server  as  a 
demilitarized zone (DMZ).
Firewall Options: Select the functions that firewall supports. 
T h e   s e l e c t i o n s   i n c l u d e   E n a b l e   H a c k e r   A t t a c k   P r o t e c t , 
Discard  PING  from  WAN  side,  Deny  PING  to  the  Gateway, 
Drop  Port...

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RX3041 Router User's Manual

3.7.2 Access Control
You  can  filter  Internet  access  for  local  clients  based  on  IP 
addresses,  port,  application  types,  (i.e.,  HTTP  port),  and 
time of day.
For  example,  this  screen  shows  that  clients  in  the  address 
range  are  permanently  restricted  from 
using  FTP  (Port  21),  while  clients  in  the  address  range  are  blocked  from  browsing  the  Internet 
from Monday through Friday. 

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3.7.3 URL Filtering
To  configure  the  URL  Filtering  feature,  please  specify  the 
web sites (www.somesite.com) and/or web URLs containing 
the keyword you want to filter on your network. 

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3.7.4 MAC Control
The  MAC  Control  window  allows  user  to  block  certain  client 
PCs' access to the Internet based on MAC address.
M A C   A d d r e s s   C o n t r o l :  T h i s   f u n c t i o n   a l l o w s   u s e r   t o 
determine  whether  to  filter  out  or  accept  the  following  MAC 
address that attampts to connect to the internet.
Configure  MAC  Filter
:  Enter  the  MAC  address  to  filter  out 
or to accept.
3.8 Routing
3.8.1 Routing Table...

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3.8.2 Static Routing
A  static  route  is  a  pre-determined  pathway  that  network 
information must travel to reach a specific host or network.
Destination  LAN  IP: The  network  address  of  destination 
Subnet Mask: The subnet mask of destination network.
Gateway: The  next  stop  gateway  of  the  path  toward  the 
destination  network.  This  is  the  IP  of  the  neighbor  router 
that  this  router  should  communicate  with  on  the  path  to  the...

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routing  maintenance.  The  router,  using  the  RIP  (Routing 
Information Protocol) , determines the network packet’s route 
based  on  the  fewest  number  of  hops  between  the  source 
and  the  destination.  In  this  case,  you  can  automatically 
adjust to physical changes in the network layout.
Working Mode: Select the router acts as router or gateway.
L i s t e n   M o d e :   E n a b l e   t h i s   m o d e   t o   a l l o w   R I P  s e r v e r 
t o   r...

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UPnP  Settings:  You  can  Enable  or  Disable  UPnP  feature 
3.9 UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)
3.9.1 UPnP Settings
UPnP  (Universal  Plug  and  Play)  allows  automatic  discovery 
and configuration of equipment attached to your LAN.
UPnP is supported by Windows ME, XP, or later. It provides 
compatibility  with  networking  equipment,  software  and 
peripherals  of  over  400  vendors  that  cooperate  in  the  Plug 
and Play forum. 

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3.10 DDNS
3.10.1 DDNS (Dynamic DNS)
DDNS  (Dynamic  DNS)  provides  you  on  the  Internet  with  a 
method  to  tie  their  domain  name  to  a  computer  or  server. 
DDNS  allows  your  domain  name  to  follow  your  IP  address 
automatically  by  changing  your  DNS  records  when  your  IP 
address changes.
3.9.2 Port Mapping
The Port Mappings window displays all UPnP ports mapping 
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