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Canon network camera VBC50Fi User Manual

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    Using the Picture Recording Function
    Using VBCollector
    Downloaded data displays
    Pictures and audio
    recorded with the
    ’s recording
    function Data periodically and
    automatically collected
    for each task
    VBCollector is a tool for collecting still images and audio recorded usi\
    ng the VB-C50FSi/VB-C50Fi
    recording function. The images and audio are recorded in response to inp\
    ut from external devices,
    timer settings or detected motion. VBCollector accesses the server at sp\
    ecific times on a daily,
    weekly or monthly basis, and then downloads the recorded pictures and au\
    dio. The recorded pictures
    and audio are in turn saved on the PC on which VBCollector is installed,\
     making it easy to view and
    play back the downloaded pictures and audio in VBCollector. This also me\
    ans that data can still be
    saved when the allowable limit on the number of pictures and the duratio\
    n of audio that the VB-
    C50FSi/VB-C50Fi can record and save has been exceeded. VBCollector also \
    allows you to export
    logs containing information relating to task execution.
    All audio-related features available using the VBCollector can only be u\
    sed with a
    particular model of the VB-C50FSi (
    → P.iii).
    Using VBCollector
    Installing VBCollector
    As described in “Install the Software” in Chapter 2 “Setting up\
    ” (→ P.2-13), select Custom Installation
    to  install VBCollector.
    Select “Programs” from the Start menu, then “WebView Livescope”\
     and a shortcut will be created.
    When Using Older Versions of VBCollector
    ● Images downloaded using VBCollector version 2.1 or earlier cannot be vie\
    wed in
    VBCollector 3.0. If you have VBCollector version 2.1 or earlier already \
    installed, a
    dialog box appears giving you the option of choosing whether you want to\
    the old version. If you wish to view images saved in the old version, se\
    lect “Yes”.
    If you select “No” to uninstall the old version, the old version i\
    s uninstalled and
    VBCollector 3.0 is then installed.
    [Before uninstalling the old version]
    Uninstalling the old version of VBCollector does not delete images recor\
    ded using
    that version and the images cannot be deleted from VBCollector 3.0. Use \
    the old
    version to delete the images before installing VBCollector 3.0.
    [Retaining your settings]
    Regardless of whether you uninstall the old version of VBCollector, the \
    are retained and applied in VBCollector 3.0, with the following exceptio\
    ns. Specify
    these settings after VBCollector 3.0 is installed.
    • “What to do when the free space falls below the specified value” (\
     → P.6-36)
    • “Set max. number of data per download” ( → P.6-36)
    After specifying the settings, conduct thorough testing beforehand to en\
    sure that
    tasks run normally before commencing operation.
    [If you retain an old version]
    • You can launch the old version from “VBCollector Task View” in the\
     Start menu.
    • Launching the old version will not make tasks for that old version run.
    • To uninstall an old version, relaunch the VBCollector 3.0 Installer and \
    use the
    Installer for the uninstallation. You cannot uninstall old versions of V\
    properly using the Windows “Add or Remove Programs” feature.
    Using the Picture Recording Function
    Using VBCollector
    ●To uninstall VBCollector 3.0, use the VBCollector 3.0 Installer to unins\
    tall the
    currently installed copy of VBCollector 3.0 and then cancel the subseque\
    installation process. If you use the Windows “Add or Remove Programs”\
     feature to
    uninstall VBCollector 3.0, you will no longer be able to install VBColle\
    ctor version
    2.1 or earlier.
    ● VBCollector cannot be installed on a PC where MV Ver. 2.0 or a later ver\
    sion is
    already installed.
    Starting Up VBCollector
    VBCollector is started up by choosing it from Start menu.
    ○○○○○○To Start Up VBCollector...
    Choose [Program]-[WebView Livescope]-
    [VBCollector  Task View Ver. 3.0] from the Start menu
    to start up VBCollector.
    Registering a Server
    To use VBCollector to download pictures and audio recorded on the networ\
    k camera server
    (hereafter referred to as the “server”), the server must first b\
    e registered.
    Adding a Server
    Add a new server for downloading data in VBCollector.
    ○○○○○○To Add a New Server...
    1. To add a server, choose “Add” from the
    Server menu bar, or click the “Add” button
    on the Server List dialog box that appeared
    when Edit from the Server menu bar was
    Using VBCollector
    ●Operate VBCollector with an authority greater than PowerUsers.
    ● NTFS is recommended for such file systems containing the installation fo\
    lder and
    Data Directory.
    ● When NTFS is used as the file system, set the permissions to allow readi\
    ng and
    writing to the installation folder and Data Directory. Functionality is \
    limited if you do
    not have access privileges.
    2. Enter each item in the various fields and click
    the “OK” button.
    qServer Name
    Assign a name for recognizing the Server (optional).
    w Data Directory
    Enter the name of the folder in which downloaded
    data is to be saved, or click the “Browse” button to
    select a folder. Refer to the following Tip for
    information on downloading data to a shared folder
    on the network.
    “Delete data on the server”
    Ticking this checkbox deletes the downloaded data from the server.
    e Server Information
    “Host Name” ( → P.3-6)
    Specify an IP address or a host name.
    “HTTP Port” ( → P.3-16)
    Enter the HTTP port number set in the server.
    “Administrator Account”
    Enter an administrator account registered in the server (root).
    “Administrator Password” ( → P.3-5)
    Enter the administrator password registered in the server (The default \
    setting is VB-C50i).
    “Settings Page URL”
    Enter the “Path” to the setting title page set in the server (adm\
    r Proxy
    “Use Proxy Server”
    Select this if the connection is to be made via a proxy server.
    “Host Name”
    Specify the proxy server host name or IP address.
    Enter the proxy server port number. (The default value is 8080.)
    Downloading data to a shared folder on the network
    ●You cannot specify a path name that uses a network drive in the “Data\
    setting. Use UNC notation to specify the path name.
    \\PC name\shared directory name[\path]
    E.G.) \\Server\Share\path
    Using the Picture Recording Function
    Using VBCollector
    Downloaded data is not deleted when a server is deleted. To delete downl\
    data, first use the “Deleting Files” procedure in the VBCollector \
    Image Viewer ( →
    P.6-31) and then delete the server.
    Editing Server Information
    Content of the registered server information can be edited.
    ○○○○○○To Edit Server Information...
    1. Choose “Edit” from the “Server” menu bar, and when the Server List dialog box appears,
    select the server name to be edited and click
    the “Edit” button.
    To delete a registered server, click the “Delete” button.
    2. As with the procedure for adding servers,change all desired items and click the “OK”
    ●Set the folder access privileges for the “Data Directory” folder s\
    o that read/write
    operations can be performed from PC with VBCollector installed.
    ● Make the logon account setting for VBCollector task scheduler service in\
    following procedure ( → P.6-36). Administrator privileges are required to perform
    these settings.
    1. Choose “Options” from the “Tools” menu bar.
    2. Select [Specify an account for downloading] under [Details] in the optio\
    n dialog.
    3. Enter your user name and password.
    4. Click the “OK” button. *Specify an account from which you can log on to the download destination\
    * Set the folder access privileges so that read and write operations can b\
    e performed
    from the download execution account to the folder in which VBCollector i\
    s installed
    (the default setting is  C:\Program Files\Canon\WebView\VB\VBCollector\3.0).
    * Only users who have Administrator privileges can be registered.
    5. Restart the service ( → P.6-20).
    Using VBCollector
    2.Enter each item in the various items and click
    the “OK” button.
    qTask Name
    Assign a name to the task.
    “Enable this setting”
    Select “Enable this setting” if the task is to be
    performed according to the schedule. If not
    selected, the added task will not be executed.
    w Server Name
    Select the server from which the VBCollector downloads recorded pictures\
    . If there are no
    servers registered in the list, you can register servers by selecting a \
    blank column and
    clicking the “Server Settings” button.
    “Server Settings”
    Any download server name can be registered ( → P.6-13). After registration, it can be selected
    from the “Server Name” column.
    e Schedule
    “Start Date”
    Set the date which is to be the starting point of the schedule. The task\
     will be executed after
    the specified start date according to the criteria specified below.
    “Start Time”
    Set the time when the task is to start up (in 24-hour format).
    Select if the task is to be executed only once. The task will be execute\
    d only once at the
    start time on the start date.
    Select if the task is to be executed once every certain number of days. \
    This number of days
    can be specified between 1 and 31.
    Select if the task is to be executed every certain number of weeks on a \
    certain day of the
    week. Set the number of weeks between 1 and 53, and specify the day of t\
    he week.
    Registering Tasks
    Adding a Task
    Add a new task for downloading images and audio.
    ○○○○○○To Add a New Task...
    1. To add a task, choose “New Task” from the
    “Task” menu bar.
    Using the Picture Recording Function
    Using VBCollector
    ●Up to 16 tasks can be executed by VBCollector simultaneously. Please be \
    not to load a schedule with 17 or more tasks to be executed. VBCollector\
     is also
    not able to execute multiple tasks simultaneously to the same server. Pl\
    ease take
    care to ensure that multiple tasks are not executed to the same server b\
    y taking
    such measures as leaving a sufficient time space between the “Start T\
    ime” of each
    ● If you execute a maximum of 16 tasks simultaneously, please confirm perf\
    of the PC on which VBCollector is installed ( → P.1-5).
    ● When Log S015 “The task was running longer than the execution interva\
    l.” is
    reported, review the settings for the schedules such as reducing the num\
    ber of
    tasks to be performed at the same time. If you use Windows 2000 SP4, try\
    performing a Windows Update as it may improve the performance.
    Select if the task is to be executed every month on a certain day of the\
     month. Set this day
    between 1 and 31. Or a day of the week for a certain week of the month c\
    an also be
    r Details
    “Repeat task”
    Select if task is to be executed in repetition in time units. Downloads \
    occur in repetition only
    for the specified number of times at specified intervals starting from t\
    he start time specified
    in the schedule. If not selected, download occurs once at the start time\
     specified in the
    schedule. Once the End Time is reached, the task is not performed. Data \
    can be downloaded
    at intervals of some minutes or by specifying a number. Enter a value be\
    tween 5 and 1439
    as the number of minutes. Times up to the Start Time plus 23:59 can be s\
    pecified as the
    End Time.
    “Retry when an error occurs”
    Select this item if a task is to be executed again in the event a downlo\
    ad does not end
    normally after a task is executed. The task will be executed again a spe\
    cified number of
    times at specified time intervals. During this time, if the download is \
    completed normally,
    further tasks will not be repeated. Specify the number of times and the \
    time interval at
    which a task is to be re-executed. For the number of times, enter a valu\
    e between 1 and 10;
    for the interval, enter a value between 1 and 10.
    Using VBCollector
    Editing Tasks
    The details of a registered task can be edited.
    ○○○○○○To Edit a Task...
    1. In the Task View, select the task to be editedby clicking on its name, then choose “Edit
    Task” from the “Task” menu bar.
    Or, double-click on the task to be edited.
    To delete a registered task, choose “Delete Task” from
    the “Task” menu bar.
    Executing and Canceling Tasks
    Executing a Task
    To execute registered tasks, select “Enable this setting”
    in the Task Settings dialog box.
    Registered tasks are executed automatically according to
    pre-determined schedule.
    If you want a task to be executed immediately, select the
    desired task on the Task View and choose “Execute now”
    from the “Task” menu bar.
    Canceling a Task
    To disable a registered task, clear “Enable this setting” at
    Task Settings. To abort the execution of a task, in the
    Task View, click on the task to be aborted, and choose
    “Abort” in the “Task” menu bar.
    2. As with procedure to add a new task, changeall desired items and click the “OK” button.
    Using the Picture Recording Function
    Using VBCollector
    2.Check the download status and click the
    “Close” button to close the dialog box.
    If you want to cancel downloading, click the “Abort”
    Shows the progress of download.
    w Host Name
    Shows the host name of download server set in the server information ( → P.6-14).
    Data Directory
    Shows the name of Data Directory to save downloaded data, as set in the \
    server information
    ( →  P.6-14).
    “Delete data on the server”
    Ticking this option deletes the downloaded data from the server. In orde\
    r to change the
    checking status, change the setting in the server information ( → P.6-14).
    Check Task Status
    During the execution of any task, the download status can be checked.
    ○○○○○○To Check Task Status...
    1. During the execution of a task, choose
    “Status” from the “Task” menu bar.
    Alternatively, select and right-click the task
    for which you want to display the status and
    select “Status” in the pop-up menu.
    Using VBCollector
    Starting/Stopping the Service
    The task scheduler service can be started and stopped.
    ○○○○○○To Make Settings...
    Choose “Start Service” or “Stop Service” from the
    “Tools” menu bar. If the service has started, Stop
    Service is enabled in the menu; if the service is
    stopped, Start Service is enabled.
    When the Confirmation dialog box appears, click OK.
    Details Displayed on the Task View
    The execution status can be checked on the Task View.
    ● Task Name
    The names that were specified at Task Settings are
    displayed here. The status of each task is displayed as
    an icon at the left of the name.
    Running This task is currently being executed.
    Waiting This task is currently standing by to be executed at the next scheduled
    execution time.
    Disabled “Enable this setting” for this task is not selected at Task Settin\
    gs and
    this task is currently not being executed.
    Not scheduled This task is not currently scheduled for execution.
    Settings damaged Inconsistencies have occurred in this task’s settings and the taskmay not be executed.
    ● Server Name
    The server names that were specified at Task Settings are displayed here\
    ● Next Run Time
    The date and time when the task is to be executed next is displayed here\
    ● Last Result
    The last results achieved by the task and the task end time are displaye\
    d here.
    ● Latest error
    If errors occurred while the task was running, the date and time of the \
    most recent error is
    displayed here.
    ● Schedule
    The start date, start time and execution interval for each task are disp\
    layed here.
    Refresh Task View Display Content
    To refresh the Task View content to reflect the most recent
    information, choose “Refresh” from the “View” menu bar.
    An automatic download ( → P.6-21) is displayed as with the task name “Task by
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